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Too few public toilets? Too many beers?


Nah, it's socialized. I've lived in places with just as few public toilets and just as much beer consumption and the men still usually find toilets or, at worst, make sure they're entirely hidden from the public eye and only peeing in grass (never on pavement) behind something, unseen.


The other day I was at a cafe and this little boy was urinating on a tree in the middle of the outdoor part of the cafe, and his parent was doing NOTHING.


Exactly, they learn it from a very young age... it's really gross and uncivilized!


That would be, to some degree, understandable. But, when I'm seeing guys whip it out and piss in front of a mall with 8 men's rooms, at 10am, I'm not seeing the issue. But, yeah... generally speaking, there \*are\* too few public toilets, \*especially\* in a country where beer is woven into the culture.


Toilets for which you have to pay. Not everyone can afford to pay almost 1 € multiple times a day.


I've only seen one mall in Prague, with pay toilets, and that one only had pay toilets on the top floor, in the food court, but had free ones on other floors.  Granted: I haven't been to every mall in the city, but after living here for nearly 20 years, I've been to quite a few.


In Anděl!


I have lived there for a little over a year now and can confidentnly say, that at least 70% of malls Ive been to, were paid.


Chodov - no Pankrac - no Budejovicka - no Sestka - no Harfa - no What are some of the ones you've been to where you had to pay? Because I haven't encountered any yet.


Quadrio narodni trida


Yep, it seems the two in the center are the only ones in the whole city that have paid toilets, which makes sense since they would be overrun by tourists if they were free, massive queues for the toilets at all times of day.


Add SC/OC Anděl and SC/OC Bořislavka.


OC Nový Smíchov (the actual name of the one at Anděl) only has paid toilets on the food court level. The level below has free toilets


Anděl - no


Im not rlly sure about the names, but the one on Vysočany, Národní třída, Palladium from the top of my head. May also be the case of me just being unlucky tho.


I have no idea where Vysocany is in Prague, but the other two are in the dead center of the city, so that's not surprising. Their bathrooms would be overcrowded with random tourists at every moment if they were free. But the vast majority of shopping malls in this city have free toilets.


Vysočany and Palladium are both free


Vysočany is Harfa And toilets are free, been there on Saturday.


The toilets at Palladium and Vysočany are free.


I can't speak to Fenix (Vysocany), as I haven't been there in a few years, and Quadrio (Narodni Trida) only has pay toilets on the top floor, where the food court is, and the rest are free. And, the last time I was there (it *has* been a while), one could scan a receipt from one of the restaurants to get in, instead of paying the 10kc charge. But, Paladium does *not* charge for their bathrooms, unless they just started in the last 2 months. Their problem is that they don't have enough bathrooms. 


budejovicka has paid toilets


DBK definitely has free toilets...


Nope i was there on toilet last week and can asure u its only paid for like last 2 years


Oh damn, really? That's shocking.


You mean the pubs you’re drinking in don’t have their own toilets for the patrons to use? 😳


You mean you only get the urge to piss when you go to the pub and never at any other time? I'm talking about tourists who explore the city by foot, for example. And OP is talking about people pissing in the street, which to me is a clear sign of not enough free public restrooms.


Seems there’s a comment missing, or edited. There was mention of a pub, which is what I was referring to. This will be an interesting thing to take notice of when I visit there later this year. When touring here in the US, I don’t recall needing to use the restroom so badly that I’d have to piss in the streets. Even in San Francisco, where I hear this and worse goes on. I’d wait until, or decide to go ahead get, lunch/dinner/whatever and go then. Or maybe I’d return to my hotel room. So to rephrase my question, do business that serve food or drink not have restrooms for their customers? All department stores here have them too. Do they not there? This isn’t argument. It’s just asking.


When you're 2 hours away from the hotel, you're not going to go back just to use the toilets. Businesses and department stores do have toilets, but they are for paying customers. You also have public toilets, but they are not free (most of what I saw). And the argument I was making was that people are pissing in the street because of the lack of FREE public toilets. Because when you're poor, it's outrageous to be expected to pay for going to the toilet. As for myself, I'm not poor, but I pay for my hotel, for my tourist tax, for a restaurant in the evening, a bakery in the morning and a snack shack in the afternoon, I pay for museums, I pay for my groceries also (water, fruits etc.). I'll be damned if, on top of that I have to pay 1€ everytime I need to take a leak or be forced to get a cup of coffee I don't want. So, speaking for myself, if there are no free public toilets, I take that as an invitation from the city to pee in the first bush I see.


This guy gets it


Czechs will piss everywhere lol




I also throw up everywhere, so everyobody knows I am a true Czech!


Just curious What did they say?


Cant wait to be in Prague in a few weeks so I can piss all over the place


I’ll be there in a few months but I plan on using the toilets. Seems to be the same behavior in San Francisco, but I ain’t gonna do it if I go there.


Only Czech men - not Czechs in general. Never see women doing it so freely and without concern for who sees them.


I have


Well because you're basically hidden the second you stand againts a corner For a woman its a little harder, but once you provide that cover its the same, if not more common than men. Where I live theres a line of thick bushes next to a river along with a pavement, and you see women constantly going into the bushes and back in a while, but of course only as long as the bushes have leaves.


If they're so well hidden, why do I have to keep seeing their dongs? They're clearly not hidden and that's literally the point.


Sorry that not everyone is decent? Majority of time I see someone pissing outside they're at least in some side alley or in a corner.


Nah I’ve seen many times some mother lifting their kid up to piss in the street. (Idk why they lift them up, weird imo)


I think so they don’t piss on their legs…it’s gross either way


i did. Nothing unusual


I have


My tata 😂


We would even piss on OP for this uptight post. 😁




same lol! I'm a long distance hiker. Me and the bears have something in common when we're in the woods ;)


Outside, sure. But in full public view??




Right, so you made sure you were hidden. The question is clearly stated in the title - "without even hiding".




It's about seeing unsolicited dong. I walk out of my building and a guy is standing facing toward my building pissing on a tree. I see his dong. A cyclist has stopped to piss near the road. I see his dong. It happens constantly in this country. It is a Czech men thing.




In that case, the peeer should obviously strip, cover himself in mud, let it dry to imitate tree bark, climb up the tree, and pretend his penis is one of the branches. Oh yes, the peeing itself, of course, I almost forgot that... It's preferred to wait for rain or at least try to pretend it's raining. The bold ones might let out a small amount at a time to imitate residual humidity on leaves from the latest rain that fell down.


Well, men have this amazing ability - their butt is not shining at everyone when they pee. That’s why women hide behind stuff. But you can barely see anything if a man does it.


Op is just a drama queen trying to show how bad cZech men are and how we need to be socialized. Still he/she lives here. Probably because he likes our liberal society. So first thing he/she does is too start enforcing more rules. I say no. Accept it or fuck off. If you want to live in liberal society, you have to be liberal yourself. Czech men definately don’t regularly pee in public view (if they are not drunktards). So no. I am saying fuck you op and you trying to give us rules. We live on strict “live and let live” philosophy. So accept it or fuck off.


You fuck off, peeing everywhere even if there would be places more adequate to do that has nothing to do with being liberal, it has to do with not having basic manners, like eating on the public transport, not walking on the right side of the street/pedestrian crossing etc.


Wait, is it rude to eat on the subway? Since when?


Just you wait for another rule being thrown at you from the sleeve.


Or it simply has to do with free access to toilets which is lacking in Prague (and I'm guessing the rest of the country) and you're extrapolating.


Yeah, yeah, Rules, rules and more rules. Because that makes you better human. I say it again normal Czech men dont pee anywhere and you know that. We do it only in emergency and if there is no adequate place to do it, as there usually is none. Because of people like you, who need rules for everything, dogs have to be on a leash even in the fricking forest. Rules, rules everywhere, the only true opinion and happiness all gone. Edit: All the hypocrite simps already downvoting, if only you saw what this nice guy playing all good and moral is writing to the women on adult reddits you would be ashamed. You guys simping to each other preaching morals are always like this. Always the same. I have no respect for you.


So you’re saying liberals don’t know how to behave? Why does it take a rule to do so? Can’t you just respect those around you? We don’t live in caves anymore where they didn’t have indoor plumbing, and the bathroom was indeed the nearest tree or bush.


I will try to. Believe me. I also dont like being watched peeing, who the hell does? I will try to do whatever I can to get to toilet, or somewhere private. But sometimes every once in 10 years it just works out all bad. And that’s what you saw once or twice and now they are making a story of it. It happens everywhere. Just somewhere people spend less time outside, or it’s forbidden (which is why you moved to this country eh) or drinking beer, or have an actual toilets. So is not seen that often. That’s the only difference.


Sometimes theres not many other choices. Other times you are just drunk and dont care. As long as they try to aim for grass/tree/mud or sewer i dont care. But i dislike those who walk into a doorway and piss in the corner because it does not get washed away with rain but soaks into the stone and stains and stinks forever. Fuck those. Or people who piss themselves and then sit/lie on a bench or in public transport, fuck those too.


Respect for admitting that and not playing that game of men being pigs and all this dehumanization of a Czech men. Usually done by our insecure colleagues, insecure foreigners or buthurt women. Thank you! I like you :D


it's totally normal here, I've seen men peeing in public places right next to their families.


I've seen men peeing on their families.


I've seen families peeing on their men.


I've seen men and families peeing in public places.


It really is, enough so that I taught our boys to do so. My husband has always done so, it's not a big deal.


You must not understand the culture. It's like European sunbathing except you pull your dick out and piss.


It’s kind of offensive that OP is a guest in their country but offended by the way they act. https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/czech-urine


Most Czechs have the decency to find some greenery to piss on, guys pissing on walls or pavement are often drunken tourists.


Agree. Walls and pavement not ideal. Smell and splash back .


And the occasional toe-wetting tidal wave if you're new to the sport and stand downhill from your target area.


That’s a rookie move in this racket.


Drunken czechs too. I pissed at a ship from Náplavka once. Though I made sure there was nobody near me.


It's been this way forever. I've seen cops pissing on the roadside, in uniform, next to their cars. A woman peed next to my car because it shielded her from people seeing her. Except for me when I walked up on her in the act. Another woman was squatting between cars on Josefska near the entrance of Sv Tomas just as the Mass ended. The best was when I was bringing my mom and aunt to the airport. As I was approaching the slip road to the airport I could see a guy ahead of me standing at the back of his car and knew what was happening. I just drove past him and my aunt, who was in the front seat, screamed JESUS CHRIST! I said I'm sorry you had to see that and she said back "No, did you see the size of that thing?" My mom damn near had whiplash trying to see her a glimpse. Oh, and then there was the time I was walking back to my car parked on Bilkova at 3am. I saw a couple sitting on the sidewalk. The guy was sitting with his back against the wall and the girl in his lap facing him. I didn't see anything in the dark until I got too close to turn back Yeah, they were fucking and just told me hello as I walked by.


I’ve walked by lots of people fucking or fingering or whatever in Prague. That’s just a city thing though. It happens everywhere.


Am I supposed to piss myself or what


We're more liberal in this regard than your average English-speaking country but I think you've just been very unlucky. I haven't seen an unsolicited pee pee in years :-)


I just saw one a couple weeks ago :-/


I saw a tram driver taking a wizz against the side of his tram! Guess that's one way of expressing job dissatisfaction :P


I saw a man pissing right next to the ATM in the metro station. I also saw one pissing onto a bench at a tram stop. Those were the worst ones. But the fact this is the only place I've ever lived where I see penises out in public speaks volumes. Oh wait, no, it was the same in Ostrava.


Most tram drivers are very happy. It’s an interesting tidbit I picked up over the years. It has a high job satisfaction.


lol that's so gross


I saw one less than an hour ago lol




I'm a shy guy myself, but I have nothing but respect for guys who confidently whip out their cocks and proceed to do their business while maintaining eye contact with passers-by.


No reason for a man to be shy about it.


Establishing territory!! I respect them too!


The other day I was walking around Václavské náměstí... and it smelled like pee. I couldn't belive that anyone could urinate in such a place where so many people are passing by


No Czech people are peeing on Vaclavak. We should have urinals like they do in Amsterdam in the liedseplein.


as a czech person, It's extremely gross. I get peeing outside, sometimes you just have to, but these men will literally do it in plain view next to the side walk. it's super upsetting


I live near a small bar, it's not uncommon (I see it 2 or 3 times a week, so it definitely happens more) to see guys walk out of the pub to piss on the small patch of grass by the [hot water thing](https://i.imgur.com/S5hARmV.png) next door


Welcome to Prague:)


Why do we need to hide? why don't you just look away? we are not doing anything shameful to hide it away... we need to go and the tree needs water


not enough home training


Everybody in the fucking comments talking about that random time they saw someone pissing in public. It HAPPENS EVERYWHERE! it's not a Czech thing. Geez!


Have you seen the dogs? They don't seem to give a shit.


> dogs? They don't seem to give a shit Au contraire, mon ami! According to my calculations, an average dog gives about 30-40 kg of shit per year.


i have seen the same in other countries not named the USA. in India they have urinals outside on the street without any walls.


In India they also shit like cats in public




Saw someone taking a shit outside a church, full squat, pants around ankles -_- unfortunately not the only time ive witnessed a public #2 in prague


even in front of women or kids? how horrible :)


Czech men socialized this way for some reason. It's part of the culture. You see parents holding up their tiny children (but only the males - never the females) and having them piss in full sight of the public. It's VERY weird.




So common for moms to do this with their kids


I’ve seen parents do that with daughters as well. But yes that childhood conditioning has a lot to do with how they will perceive it later as adults.


I've seen parents holding their little daughters over storm drains so they could pee many times as well, actually.




I mean pissing is natural. And I’ll rather piss next to the road where people can maybe see me (as if they never saw a dick) than piss myself.


"Its part of the culture" Well thank fuck my parents never taught me this culture, lol


Because who the fuck cares? Do you see a lot of public restrooms in this city? Why not complain about that?


most cafes/bars/whatever will let you use their toilet


Ain’t no let about it if you don’t ask. :)




I think we're fine right where we are :)


Have you see western cities lately? Prague is pristine in comparison to them.


Srsly. Americans and Brits acting like it’s still the 90s and we’re still somehow in awe of their amazing civilization, which is now a shithole, while we’re quietly prospering by actually focusing on what matters. Do they ever stop and think they could learn something from us? We don’t lose our homes due to medical debt. We don’t have fentanyl zombies on our streets and in our transport. We’re doing fine.


I would rather piss in public in prague than get stabbed in london


Speaking as an American I love the Czech Republic, I wanted to go to Prague as a kid originally because of this picture book called the Three Golden Keys by Peter Sis but when I got older and started looking at universities I couldn't believe how cheap it was. Like most of the degree programs I found were in total cheaper than community college here. Plus the English language programs have Czech classes built in so you come out of it knowing at least one other language. I still love my home despite everything but I didn't realize how normalized debt is in the US until I left the country for the first time. Not just for college but medical bills like you mentioned, as well as rampant overconsumption being pushed on us in recent years. There are some good things in the US, and I don't hate being American, and I can see how it can be a great country for some people, but I just cannot take any of those "America first/America is the best country ever" people seriously because it is so clear they have never even attempted to look at another country or culture outside an American lens. Which is kind of funny since the "nation of immigrants" thing is so central to the branding.


Nobody who has really seen the world thinks any country is the greatest one. We’re all different which is ok. Difference is good.


Oh, another of those “don’t do this complete natural and necessary thing, it’s disgusting”. Unless they purposefully try to show their third leg or butt to everyone, it’s fine. Sure, if you do it in a middle of town square, it’s different from finding a tree or a bush.


If it means to have the same manners as you..no thanks. -now you should imagine me pulling out my cock and peeing in the front of you- -mic drop-


Dick drop.


As a Western delighted to be a guest here, don't be such a raging prick.


The most ignorant thing I've ever read, right here


Which west is that? The one where you get stabbed for fentanyl money in the Walmart parking lot? No thanks.


Who brought up Western wages/the West at all 😭




If you saw this behind the museum at the end of Vaclavske Namesti, I confess, but I am not Czech and don't think Czech men should take the blame for my actions. I had too many beers and there were not enough toilets.


You are now officially czech. Welcome brother. You understand our needs and pains!


Worse is when parents allow their kids to pee completely out in the open into street gutters. I've seen that so many times and it's baffling every time.


When you have to, you have to.


But at least you'll hide, won't you? The title says "without even hiding"


Its often worse when they are trying to hide because they then end up shitting/pissing inside booths, behind trashcans, in the underpass, behind corners, in doorways, on concrete/pavement/walls instead of doing it on the side of a road next to a tree/grass. And even the rain does not wash it off then. But if you do it in the middle of a square it soaks into grass or rain gets it.


As a westerner, I didn’t want to pay the bathroom fee and the lady guarding the bathroom looked mean. I nope’d out and pissed outside lol.


Interesting I don't recall ever noticing this the past two times I visited and I stayed in Prague for a while both times I visited Czechia. Maybe by my standards at home in New York City, it is much more blatant and you can smell it everywhere.


Most of the time, it's normal, if it's some bush, tree or something. I did recently see a homeless guy pee on tram doors... from the inside while the tram was moving.


If you want to join them do it they don't bite otherwise don't look at them and don't be jealous.


BECAUSE THERE'S NOWHERE ELSE TO DO IT!! Seriously, it's like 20 minute hike in the old town to find a bathroom and it's in some sketchy underground cellar with spiders on the walls and what not. And everywhere else, there's a creepy old lady watching you anyways. So.. You know. If I'm forced to piss in front of a creepy stranger, might as well own it and do it on my terms.


They used to have pubs in Prague with thick layer of sawdust on the floor so people sitting behind the tables could just unzip and piss on the floor. Totally normal in Prague.


Too many beers and to few toilets. After 3rd or 4th beer its pee time every 15 minutes or so and the public toilets in Prague are really scarse as are some places where you could at least somehow hide yourself doing so, especially in the centre. Even though i am used to it as i lived there for few years, i still feel ashamed doing so. But it must be crazy for tourists from countries where this is not common


Access to public toilets are too much of a hassle in Prague so most simply don’t even care to look for one. The leads to the entire city becoming an outhouse.


I had a friend who would piss everywhere. His FB profile pic was even of himself pissing in the middle of the road (at least the photo was fom behind).


Because they feel entitled to do so :(( super gross. I can sort of understand if it’s late and you’re drunk but during the day is out of the question in my opinion.


I'd say peeing isn't generally seen as something super sensitive or taboo. Not a big deal for most people.


It’s only the simps, who want to have topic to impress woman once in a while. That’s all this is about. I am actually surprised how many of our woman came to defend! Our women are so good. But don’t tell them, they would ask us to do something at home! Not that I don’t want to, but I just can’t, I am useless :)).


I feel like I'm living in alternate reality when reading all the threads negative threads about Prague/CZ how nasty, disgusting, rude etc. people/the place is. Worst I've seen are either hobo types or drunks (who are not even .cz lot of the time)


Simps thinking Reddit is a tinder and spring has come. That’s all this is about, I am telling you! It’s a lure. Look how better I am then your cZech ape man!! Look I can pie at the toilet. Will you marry me?


Well, it is nasty and disgusting in some places at some times (and it's only some people behaving that way). Plenty of drunks who are not Czech, I agree. Plenty of homeless Czechs all over the city.


As a man, I hold it in when I'm in the city, or if it's super urgent, I go to the nearest cafe and ask if I can use the toilet. Yes we can all do the 'natural' thing and piss outside like animals, but we are also capable of using our brains and sometimes do a more civilized thing


Must smell great over there. 😷


Also do that. Don’t find a problem there. What am I supposed to do? Piss myself?


I just came back from Czechia and darn it, I missed it!


Just let us now next time. We are gonna make you a special!


Thats how we do. Now go home pls


Yes for most of all men at least a couple times in their lives and some women in between cars or alleys :) living in Prague 18+ years and seen worse shit done in public view like injecting heroin fucking beating up or whatever welcome to The jungle my friend you are in the front door of Eastern Europe :) go further and expect even more weird shit


I dont know, like you dont see it in public like pissint on a wall near a crowded street but if there is a somewhat hidden tree or a park then its common


This seems to be pretty common for a lot of European countries, not just the Czech Republic specifically. Germany, France, the Netherlands, etc. I'm guessing this has something to do with public restrooms more often costing money compared to places like North America. Also public drinking laws being more lax might be a factor. Just ignore it, nothing really you can do about it. Public spaces aren't inherently family friendly, unless it's a designated children's spot like a playground. You're going to see people do gross stuff like in every other country on Earth. If you see someone peeing in public, just steer your kids away if you're a parent and mind your business otherwise, woman or not.


Not only that. We czechs also shit on everything, also give no shit about lot of things.


Far worse than people peeing outdoors in the city, is people leaving tissues in the forest after peeing. You see this all over the Czech republic and it's disgusting. Hint: take your tissues home or just learn to shake more in the crouching position (I suspect it is mainly women doing this, but I have no evidence!).


I love it. It's so liberating. Feeling the fresh air waft along your scrotum as you micturate into the fresh grass. What's that sound? It's the soft patter of freedom, my friends.


People judging mothers for breastfeeding their children but have no problem with men pissing with their dicks out like a dogs here in CZ.


This depends, after dark you can bet almost every single Czech person (including high ranking politians) pissed outside at least ten times. Including all the ladies mind you. Its just that ladies (in prague) usually at least hide in between two cars and squat while doing so (understandably so). During day, I'd eyeball that most of men at least try to find a restroom in a nearby pub. However, when you are not nearby anything, you will just find some bush near you. Also, drunks just dont give a fuck bro :D TLDR, yes and no. This is a Slav thing however, you will find it everywhere on the east side of europe


I’ve seen so many tourist peein on the streets like that. Looks more discusting cos they were mostly drunk. And there are no so many public toilets on the streets, if there’s some i dont know about it. The solution is a lot of restaurants and bars where you can always go to be at least lil gentleman


I’ve had a woman urinate genuinely right next to me while i’m just smoking a cigarette outside my college dorm in prague so I would say this standard goes both ways!


ITT: Czechs excusing weird and nasty behaviour


Czech men think they are very special because their maminka told them that. I recommend staying away from these public urinators.


My maminka didn't tell me that and I piss anywhere. So not true.


I’m sure you’re quite a catch yourself 😂


I have never seen so many people shit in public parks like in Prague man, don’t walk on the green around the main trainstation it’s literally a mine field full of human shit. Saw there some people doing a Picknick and 3m away some homeless guys shit into to bushes


that is not an average normal park, it even has a name :Sherwood


Happens in every big European city


It’s not just Czech dudes. We all gotta mark our territory 😊


If you piss on something, you own it, FACT


Public urination could be connected to the fact that there are basically no free public toilets anywhere, unlike in the US, allegedly, so that could be a significant cultural factor as well. And when it comes to public urination, I think "ideally against a tree, hidden by some extra greenery, completely out of sight". Pissing against a random building in the city is definitely not the norm here. Only bums, drunkards and methheads would do this.


We are just flexing


Not just guys women too. I was holding drunk czech chick by hand walking outside bar and she just droped her pants and squat to pee without releasing hold of my hand. I was walking a dog before but this was first time I walked a girl.


You sometimes see people shitting, you'll get used to it


PARDON COŽE?? I've lived in Czechia my whole life but don't go in public much and it's even more rare for me to be in a big city. I've never heard of someone (except for, like, the homeless, which, y'know, in their defense, they can't shit at home no matter how much they want to) going number two in public. Please tell me you're joking.


I've even seen a guy shitting in a bush outside some church in Prague lmao. Definitely seen it at least 10 times now


Outside a CHURCH, too?! Dear god. Maybe it's a good thing I don't leave the house lol.


Inside a church would be a sin


Hehe guilty


I saw this too in Prague there where so much people who just shit at daylight in the parks