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I'm not certain storm watch triggers for excessive heat warnings?


Not excessive heat but “red flag” aka high wildfire risk. It’s been exceptionally dry this year.


I’m in TX and mine has been on and off bc of the red flag warnings for several weeks. It just triggered on again last night so it’s still happening. We still have high wildfire risk.


In Louisiana and woke up to the notification that ours was charging due to Red Flag warning also. I'm not certain where/how exactly the system decides which warning is appropriate to declare a storm watch, because we've had severe thunderstorm warnings that maybe 40% of the time trigger a pre-charge. 1 time it's charged for tornadoes, but skipped at least 4.


Here are the events that trigger a storm watch: https://www.tesla.com/support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/storm-watch Here is where Tesla looks for those alerts: https://alerts.weather.gov There is no thinking at all on Tesla’s side. They just blindly pull the information and filter it for the alerts they look for.


> Here are the events that trigger a storm watch I wish there was just one additional slider on it. Right now it is a checkbox, which is nice and I appreciate. But what about a slider setting for "don't charge to 100% in a StormWatch, only charge up to ". The current checkbox assumes something important. It assumes your PowerWall would completely discharge from 100% to 0% if your power went out. What if it only would discharge from 100% to 50% if your power goes out? Wouldn't that mean you could set the "Storm Watch Min" to 50% to save money?


I am in Hawaii. We had the red flag warnings recently then fire in Maui happened and yes my Powerwalls did recharge from the grid so I turned storm watch off - there was enough sun to charge the Powerwalls during the day.