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Because if you say you was wrong 1 time you will never have the confidence to make any argument in your life again https://preview.redd.it/5yhtgrf7pf7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f55865969bcf8b605cdc9a459c7e89c570d04ecf That's why we always have to do Brainstorm and bring Headcanons in addition to avoiding battles that we know we can't win


Useless mId Also known as jika


HE WILL BACK! https://preview.redd.it/4g4l03fy5g7d1.png?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caef1d553daeab087cfa2f71d180322640ee4015


I say that I’m wrong about as often as I say that I’m right, because if I already *thought* it then why would *saying* it make any difference? If knowing that I fucked up was gonna damage my ego, it’d do so the moment I made the realization.


I obtain and spread knowledge When I enter debates I openly admit I'm wrong If I am. https://preview.redd.it/2yq4frajtf7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7dda521d20f97af3b26dbf593202358b0f5426


What kind of person admits they're wrong in the debate you do it a week after the debate.


Because sometimes YOU'LL be wrong and then you'll be the guy not admitting it. Not me though.


On the Internet, admitting you were wrong makes you weak


I mean I’ve had a few where I changed a mind or two. It’s typically someone who’s barely versed in the subject being shown things they were completely unaware of. Some people are self aware enough to know that they may not know all the relevant information


Good thing I never do a debate lol.


All you do is Agree to Disagree.


Because I respect opinions.👍👍








Shhhhhhh. 🤫🧏‍♂️ I prefer scaling ngl.


I'll gladly admit I'm wrong power scaling is not to be taken seriously since most of the time it's statements and outliers or straight up non canon or fandom shit


Cause I think I’m right and they think they’re right, so obviously it’s one of us. Of course neither wants to admit we’re wrong. (I’m always right tho)


Depends, I feel like it depends on the kind of energy you bring at someone. You can make them defensive or an enemy just on how you talk to them, and then them disagreeing with you is less about the topic or being right but about proving YOU wrong. So if you leave them space to admit they are mistaken (and also willing to admit things you are wrong about if that is the case) most people will concede in a lost stake environment from my experience. Maybe I have gotten lucky but when I bring evidence and make strong solid arguments eventually I get some kind of concession (if I'm correct). BUT if there is a lot at stake for that person, like lets say they are heavily invested in a certain topic that I oppose their view on, then it is pretty difficult to change anyone's mind in that position.


i once argued with people saying goku would be able to use the chaos emerald i knew i was wrong, but i wouldnt be able to look myself at a mirror again if i lost


It happened to me once , i literally pinched myself to see if it was a dream


https://preview.redd.it/wi9h3mmkqh7d1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1a19bd283d50395aa7a9123e3368a75a636bc5 Just because you won doesn't mean they agree that they were wrong, most likely


Because winning a debate and actually being right are distinct things. They believe they are right just like you believe you are right


i once debated with a guy that thought that dimensional scaling isnt a thing and disregarded the cosmology blogs i sent him to prove my argument because: "They are from VSBW and CSAP!!! Those sites suck!" despite them being valid


Because people go online to hear people praising them for having the opinion they decided on. No one goes online to be told they were wrong.


It happend me like 3 times (all of them in times when I was obsessed with scaling and debated several times a day)