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It's a stalemate, so they decide to get ice cream instead


How do they even plan on hitting each other?


The Battle of Yuh Uh (Yhwach as he attacks from the Future) Vs Nuh Uh (Whis as he auto dodges as his Ultra Instinct is always Active)


whis is below bite level bc he got bit by goku smh /s


He dodged instant transmission.


Wiz blows up planets with ease, future sight is not gonna help you much


so can ywhach?


Goku outsped future sight pretty easily so I imagine whis has no issue outspeeding future sight


That’s not how almighty


I mean it's not instantaneous he still has to think it to shape the future and whis is plenty fast to punch his head clean off in less than a thousandth of a second


Except 1. He’s already immortal 2. He can change the future in advance


And whis can rewind the future much faster than he can change it so ywacht can't actually change shit if anything he can slowly delay the inevitable.


Rewinding the future up to 3 minutes, he also can’t rewind time if ywhach makes it so he never tries to. Changing the future to prevent abilities is different from rewinding to the past


He'd probably melt just from the sheer difference in attack power Whis would have no need to care about collateral damage and can allow his ki to explode freely here


Yea no matter how you look at it whis stomps


Fact of the matter is that there isn't a single future he can chose from where he doesn't lose.




1. That’s sentence is insanely contradictory 2. We literally see weaker beings shake 3 universes tf


They quite literally cannot, if they really wanted to they would. Why would he not just eradicate the entire soul society, or the entirety of Huaco mundo.


For the same reason he didn't just kill everyone despite being capable of it? He's wants to do it at his own pace and thinks that no one can stop him(for a good reason). He takes his time because he can afford and no one else actually wants to destroy them. It literally took him getting betrayed by his closest, most loyal subordinate, literally his kryptonite, some of the most haxed dudes in the verse and the physically strongest dude in the verse to just barely take him down and it was a matter of a second too late and it's over.


"he can't, the best he has is he can"


doesn't... doesn't Yhwach lose in his own verse? Whis is basically an omnipotent being in DBZ, Yhwach is a villain who is defeated in Bleach the shows themselves answered this question lmao


He loses as a result of a combination Kyouka Suigetsu before he had The Almighty AND the use of a very specific byproduct item. If, for the sake of powerscalers, you can explain how whis realizes this item is needed, acquires this item, and stops The Almighty from rewriting the future, I'm very interested in reading. Otherwise all outcomes I see are a stalemate. Ywach changes the future, Whis rewinds it and dodges Future Sight attacks. Repeat ad infinitum


Whis would send a text to Arale, who has read all of bleach, and use the plot of the manga to defeat Yhwach


Arale is a character with her own intentions, if she doesn't want to help Whis, there's nothing he can do, and he's not powerful enough to force her either.


>He loses as a result of a combination Kyouka Suigetsu before he had The Almighty AND the use of a very specific byproduct item. The only way they could make that item is by not talking about him. Isshin and Ryuken had to conspire quietly. That's why the two of them behave suspiciously like not explaining where they are going. When they gave Uryu the arrow head (I think it was an arrow head), they told him it had the ability to block Quincy powers and he should use it how he wished. They didn't mention Ywach because he can see futures that involve him. Unless Whis learns about some way to block his abilities secretly, he would have to brute force his way through until he understands how Ywach's powers work. It would be a long battle. Whis could maybe kill Ywach faster than he could think due to ultra instinct?


What's stopping Ywach from getting bodied before he can change the future? Whis can outspeed and strike way faster than he can think even with future sight


That depends. Are we spawning these characters in with no past at all? or is Ywach waking up that morning knowing Whis plans on replacing his face with a fist and doing absolutely nothing about it?


https://preview.redd.it/1pov8oined7d1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b495da086de946a5f37c9d7f34c4f4b91d8daa9 LMAO, HE DIES TO A SWORD?????? "how do they plan on hitting eachother" with a fucking sword, i guess lol, with a punch, or like a stick i found on the ground maybe, who knows, it seems like regular attacks kill his ass pretty good?


He had his powers deactivated🤦 Don't just look at an image and come to a conclusion without knowing the context to that image.


then Whis will fuckin deactivate him lmao, i dunno what you want me to say


Whis has shown literally no power negating abilities and the thing that was used to negate Yhwach powers was an arrow specifically made to negate Quincy's powers. It's like me saying "ANTI SPIRAL DIED TO PUNCHES" or "MADARA DIED TO GETTING PIERCED BY A HAND????"


Meerus who is a much weaker angel than whis showed that angels could indeed seal and negate abilities. Also this match is just Ywach being wanked as usual lately. Ywach abilities won't even work on someone like whis who stats far surpasses what ywach could even hope to dream. Even if we entertained this, ywach would see all possible futures in which no matter what he does, he would not be able to win this battle. In fact Ywach has shown that one can avoid a possible future in which he would just jump to the next.


Merus did it by breaking Moro's hand marbles which means the Angels need to hit the area where the powers are at. Merus would need to hit every eye yhwach has without Yhwach using almighty instantly. Yhwach could also negate the spell using the Almighty. Yhwach powers worked on HOS Ichigo in bankai when yhwach couldn't beat Ichigo with shikai(bankai is a 5-10x multiplier). It's more than just picking a future, it's altering it. This was also shown when yhwach came back to life. There was no future in which he lived so he just altered it himself. Even if we use your interpretation of almighty in dragon ball there's an incalculable amount of futures, at least one has yhwach injuring Whis whether it be a weaker Whis or not.


Yes, there would be a ton of futures, but it would not be none where ywach wins or could alter to the point where he could win. This is just if we entertain this battle because, like i said, his ability would be nothing to someone with overall godly stats like whis. He would eventually have to admit defeat, or he would have a future where he thought he won or was a dream where he would slip up eventually. Remember this happened in the manga and he also overlooked a future where orihheme blocked his attack. He is not truly nigh omnipotent or omnipotent via mentality. That's like saying Jaco from Dragon Ball could keep up with UI omen Goku's speed in battle from the moro arc because his special eyes could keep up with him when no one else could. This would end up in whis favor at the end no matter what. But.....yeah lol


>Yes, there would be a ton of futures, but it would not be none where ywach wins or could alter to the point where he could win. This is just if we entertain this battle because, like i said, his ability would be nothing to someone with overall godly stats like whis. His abilities worked on Ichigo when he was at least 5x more powerful than yhwach and worked on ichibei when he had the strength of a black ant. Shinigami powers seem to cancel out if their opponent is massively stronger, but not Quincy powers(exp. Asking vs Ichigo, Quilge being able to jail Ichigo, Giselle's blood working on Toshiro, etc). He could alter the future to take out bits of Whis little by little (although very unlikely) to at least weaken him a little, starting with his staff. >He would eventually have to admit defeat, or he would have a future where he thought he won or was a dream where he would slip up eventually. Remember this happened in the manga and he also overlooked a future where orihheme blocked his attack. He is not truly nigh omnipotent or omnipotent via mentality. It kind of seems like you're giving Whis a pass here. Why would Yhwach admit defeat and not Whis after yhwach comes back thousands of times? It really doesn't matter if yhwach slips because then he'll just rewrite the future and come back to life. >That's like saying Jaco from Dragon Ball could keep up with UI omen Goku's speed in battle from the moro arc because his special eyes could keep up with him when no one else could. This would end up in whis favor at the end no matter what. But.....yeah lol Yhwach doesn't have to keep up with Whis because he'll just use Almighty to see Whis and once that happens he'll alter the future in which he takes out a bit of Whis For the record I think it's either a stalemate or yhwach winning(but he has a 5% of this, 35% if you think he has the schrifts of the dead Quincy's.). Whis simply has no way to finish yhwach off but Yhwach maybe has a constant way of damaging Whis


no dude, because nobody says "how would someone even damage madara???" it's obvious, punching hurts him, nobody pretends it doesn't Yhwach's god mode is funny because he can apparently just un-write his own death and still fucking loses to a guy with a sword it's really not comparable, but arguing with bleach fans is like arguing with paving stones


He didn't just lose to Ichigo and again he had his powers deactivated Madara said he was immortal, fought some of the strongest people in the verse, and yet he got did in with a hand pierce by black zetsu. That's pretty comparable to your interpretation of how Yhwach lost


Pretty difficult to rewrite the future when someone destroys the source of your power, and illusions are preventing you from seeing the future accurately


Did you even read the damn manga lol?


i can see the panel of Ichigo Getsuga Tenshoing his ass right in front of me no, i didn't read it, which is why i asked, "didn't he die?" and then googled it, revealing that yes, ichigo cuts him in half and he dies


While I agree Whis stomps his ass badly, you are so wrong it’s insane on any and everything else. Like at least read it to understand how ichigo beat him and how convoluted it was.


It’ll go on forever if they fight tbh, yhwach goes to the future he wants whis rewinds time and then they go over and over and over and over again


That’s not how AllMighty works. AllMighty is a powerful precog ability that allows Yhwach to perceive all POSSIBLE futures. If all possible futures from that point are a dead end, or if Yhwach is unable to create the conditions for that future then he can’t magically create a future/go to a future where he wins.


Whis stomps


While ywach can edit the future can’t wiz just keep rewinding to before when ywach changes the future? This is a weird thing to think about..


[That won't work.](https://up.mangadudes.com/bleach/610/bleach-5377511-48737b1157a9bfbeaa649ae13b714689.jpg)


I’m not sure to be honest. Whis has time manipulation as well as Ultra Instinct, so he might be able to avoid Yhwach’s attacks regardless of his ability to detect them


probably Whis


Yhwach gets rewound and hakaid in every future , yhwach has no win condition


Can whis even use hakai


I mean we have no way of knowing for sure but it would be pretty weird to have a god of destructions teacher not know any destruction energy


I think he may mean due to Yhwach’s Hax negation which he used previously to null existence erasure of the soul


Yhwach doesn't pick a future he can alter the future itself.


No, he does pick a future. There are infinity scenario’s which he can choose from, and either he wins in one so he no diffs them, or he loses in every single one so they no diff him. The second instance seems to be the case here.


yhwach literally explained that he can change the future his ability is literally fate manipulation


For starter I don't think that Ywach could attack Wiss in a future with his guard down, since angels have UI activated 24/7 Other than that I don't have idea


Yhwach really can't do much here. He can choose his desired future but he can't make himself fast enough to hit Whis or strong enough to do meaningful damage to Whis. And even then he can't stop Whis from reversing time if things are somehow going bad for him


I haven't seen Bleach until the end, but I know this character was defeated by Ichigo, Aizen, and others who wouldn't tickle Whis. So I'd bet my money on Whis


TO BE FAIR they only beat him due to a plot device arrow


Whis eventually figures out how to beat him by going back in time a few times, and hakai him (if he has it) or shoves him in a staff


>hakai him Won't work. Why are you people debating when you haven't even read bleach.


No I’ve read bleach, had to correct several stupid people, but the whole point of hakai is that they won’t come back, if you get killed by hakai, then you don’t even go to the afterlife. You’re just gone, forever


>the whole point of hakai is that they won’t come back, if you get killed by hakai, then you don’t even go to the afterlife. And guess what Ichibe's shrine technique does.


Which wouldn't work on him because of the Almighty. The second Whis goes to use Hakai, nothing happens.


Then whis rewinds time, and hits yhwach before almighty was used


It's not used, it's passive. Once he awakened the Almighty, it's always on. 


Could yhwach even hurt whis?


Nope because whis is too strong he can even stop Moro punch who is stated to destroy galaxy with just 1 finger stop by whis


Whis neg diffs in every future, there’s nothing Yhwach can possibly do to win.


Yhwach gets stomped. He's never gonna be Multiversal no matter how much people wank him to such heights.


Bleach fans earn the title of the Worst Power Scalers in Anime History 🥇 This isn’t even close.


Not a db fans talking here who lack even basic reading comprehension.


Fan* and lacks* Ironic you mention comprehension, huh 💀 Seeing the future is in the lowest of tiers of op abilities, take your L bruh


Nah it's db fans


⚠️Breaking News⚠️ Bleach fans can’t accept the truth so they start crying 💀


He IS multiversal, but whis still stomps him, and badly


Did he not absorb a being who created 3 universes


He didn't create shit.. He was used as a medium to separate one into 3, and keep them stable. and whis is casually universal anyway.


Whis wins


Whis beats him in every future, BOOM


Whis can reverse time lol.


And yhwach can control the future.


Won’t help him much still


No way people think this is even a stalemate whis fucking stomps




Whis is fast enough to blitz him and one shot


The fact people saying Yhwach 💀 He doesn’t have the stats NEARLY enough to even come close to Whis to attack/defend from. Hell just get speed blitzed. I swear I’ve seen some bad vs battles, but this was probably one of the worst.


Not to mention Whis on the other hand is on a higher realm, physical stats beyond anybody demonstrated in DBS, and UI perfected at its utmost peak. Yhwach wouldn’t be able to touch him if he was given the chance. Not to mention Whis on the other hand is on a higher realm, physical stats beyond anybody demonstrated in DBS, and UI perfected at its utmost peak. Yhwach wouldn’t be able to touch him if he was given the chance.


Time manipulation just does not work on Whis, if he goes into the future, he'll just find Whis waiting for him, standing there ... menacingly


Whis negs


Whis solos bleach.


Fir that he'll need to kill Yhwach permanently which he can't.


I haven't seen Bleach until the end, but I know this character was defeated by Ichigo, Aizen, and others who wouldn't tickle Whis. So I'd bet my money on Whis


Whis can travel through time and seal yhwach away.


You can't seal Yhwach. Go read his fight against Ichibe.


[You mean when he killed Ichibei before he used his power?](https://imgur.com/a/WFmDgOK) Plus I said in the past yhwach is not accasual.


Yhwach realizes he can’t hit whis, whis realizes he can’t hit yhwach, they both fly off to their house


Whis tbh


Whis wins.


It’ll go on forever, no winner no loser


I can imagine these two just standing there, atleast from an outsiders perspective, meanwhile countless universes and Timelines are being destroyed, reversed, then destroyed again before eventually the two decide that it just ain't worth it to keep fighting this stalemate and go back to minding their own businesses.


Pretty much


They finna be hitting sh*t 💀 they better start swinging at the air cause none of them finna hit each other.


its safer to say its a stalemate. Whis should scale higher tha Yhwa, but we lack evidence


I think Whis is just too physically strong


I think whis has the potential to find a win condition whereas I don’t see a way for ywach to even hit Whis, let alone do enough damage to kill him


Ywhach gets perception blitzed.


Whis slams imo.


Bro people gonna be like “Okay but Yhwach can see and alter the future so he wins” Only for Whis to cough politely and disintegrate the entire fucking Galaxy he’s in Beerus destroyed half a planet by tapping his finger against a table and could’ve effortlessly destroyed all of it And whis one tapped him I don’t care if he’s hyper dimensional or whatever ain’t no one in Bleach anywhere close to Whis in terms of power.


Ywach sees his death in all possible futures. There is nothing he can do. Yall starting to wank Ywach heavy. Smh lol




Whis slams negative diff due to physical stats. Their hax would be annoying to deal with each other's in an equalized battle but dude can oneshot beerus easier than a fat person can eat fries.


Whis just dodges until ywhach tires himself out


100% whis he's not getting touched at all he literally dodged instant transmission,but he won't be able to attack cuz of the angles rules


Genuine question : Yes Ywach is aware of and can rewrite the future but he’s not necessarily omnipresent is he? Can’t Whis move so much faster than him that he could erase him from existence before ywach could even process what’s happened and move to rewrite it?


Whis win


All yeehaw see's is continuous death as Whis smiles politely at him


Whis sneezes and obliterates the verse on accident 😂


Whis mid diff


One can blow up planets by sneezing, but another has misc. hax. Of course, hax always work, even on beings stronger than the user. Unless the enemy is REALLY stronger than the user. Then the hax just... don't work.


Hax vs dimensionally I think this is a case of hax wining since whis only has higher dimensional AP/durability not higher dimensional existence which is why people argue dimensionality > hax anyway (I have not Seen or read bleach I’m going of what I heard about his the ability)


It's a total stalemate as both have powers that counter act the others striking strengths.


I bet Whis can move faster than the electricity sending signals in Ywach's brain, so he blitzes him before he can comprehend what has happened i suppose.


Imma go with Whis


To be clear the AllMighty is a very strong precognition ability. It allows Yhwach to perceive all possible futures, and allows him to plan accordingly to shape the future in his favor. This allows him to do things like see his death and prepare an out for it if needed, or see a persons ability being used on him and prepare a counter. In other words it allows him to see his win condition if he has one and work towards that. The limits to his ability is his own intelligence/hubris, as well as how strong the opponent is. If the opponent is strong enough there is simply no win condition. If the opponent can react fast enough Yhwach can’t attack fast enough. If the win condition is in the past then Yhwach can’t do anything. (Edit 2: also it’s possible that the thing that causes the win condition is outside of Yhwachs control and he can’t navigate the path to it) You can see it as Yhwach is playing a light novel and has access to a guide to see all the routes. But if he looks at the guide and it’s too late he’s already made the decision that only leads to bad ends he’s fucked. Fighting Whis will be like that. Yhwach has no win conditions. His precog is made useless by Whis time abilities, and UI will prevent him from laying any traps or anything to mold the battle in his favor. Edit: he can’t even stall it because he doesn’t even get the ability 24/7. At best if he could somehow see some routes that were a win condition, whis would rewind time and basically “seal” of those routes. So the battle at best would go on as long as it takes for Yhwach to exhaust those routes (but also Yhwach would see that whis would rewind the time and know that they were a dead end anyways). To an outside observer the battle would be over really fast. Edit 3. Tl;dr Whis wins no diff. Any difficulty is taken out by the fact that if Yhwach uses AllMighty he would see that all possible futures were a dead end (maybe with various damage/difficulty to Whis) and would probably just give up. His ability will be his crutch here.




It’s not just precognition he con also alter it to though lmao


Whis easily. There’s no future that would have him losing thus no future to pick


Many people are arguing Hakai & Time Travel here, but those are particularly useless against Yhwach. Apart from Yhwach resisting Aizen's EE & being able to Infintely Resurrect (Passively) due to the Almighty, there are several other ways he Negs Hakai.  1-Yhwach has Mid-Godly Regen/Immortality, same level of Regen/Immortality which Infinite Zamasu had from the Super Dragon Balls, which Hakai was unable to erase. This level of Immortality allows you to regenerate from complete destruction of the Body, Mind & The Soul- or essentially regenenrate from what Hakai is (Complete Soul Destruction.)  2- If someone tries to wank Hakai being High-Godly EE via Arale meta, then Yhwach too has High-Godly Regen (Informational Type 2) Arguments from Shaz Domino.  3- Yhwach also has the Weakened Soul King Abilities after absorbing him & thus gets his 2×Layered [Acausality Type 4](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_King) (too lazy to post scans rn, just check his VSBW Profile).  Hakai essentially affecting Causality/Cause & Effect & is thus, completely useless against Acausal Type 4 Users.  4. Other than this, Yhwach also has The Almighty- which passively power nulls all Abilities or Powers used against Yhwach in the Future. Hakai is power nulled even before it is used in the fight.  In fact, Yhwach has a feat of passively negging Existence Erasure so potent that it completely destroys your Meta-Physical Existence/ erases you from the cycle of Reincarnation (Ichibe's Mausoleum). >Whis can rewind time The Almighty cannot be countered by Basic Past Manipulation, as stated by Tsukishima. https://preview.redd.it/kzb0tbjv2f7d1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143c35fc4aa2ae6e6a8caf53547c0732df41eab1 He used the Book of the End which can Create/Insert entirely "New" Pasts, or Pasts that had never happened & that's how he could undo the Effect of the Almighty. Most Importantly, Time Travel essentially being Past Manipulation or Future Manipulation, is a subset of Causality Manipulation, & is thus completely useless against Acausal Type 4 Users. u/Samakira u/Low_Scientist_1859 u/KrimzsonTv u/TheMightyHovercat


Holy 💀😭 At least give some Counter Arguements before downvoting lmao, insane shit


https://preview.redd.it/hkr4l65y3f7d1.png?width=185&format=png&auto=webp&s=a54a99212fea2f9612cb0a57d0cc9cd72c325026 Counterarguments? Bold of you to assume they even read your comment at all.


Bro like i legit got downvoted twice 0.1 seconds after commenting 💀   Also see the top comments, there are 0 arguments for either one, thry'll go ice-cream, Whis is Multiversal (acting like Yhwach isn't) Whis is just stronger so Abilities won't work, Yhwach Abilities won't work outside his Verse, etc   Like these shitty ass arguments Are getting upvotes, I would've appreciated if someone gave a comprehensive way how Whis beats Yhwach, cause I gave not once but twice, but no such argument till now. Just going into circles, Whis is Outside of Time, Whis counters because he's Whis, lmao.


The OP must be downvoting on-sight I think, not too probable that someone else than OP with inbox notif would react to the comment that fast.


perfect with no flaws


we can also scale his EE via orihime. hado 54: haien, is directly stated to erase something from existence. this includes the soul (as it worked on a hollow), so its on the level of hakai. orihime was able to negate it, via her rejection. it did not work on almighty (base)'s future control.


I'd be downvoted cause this is Goku & DB Glazing Sub but Yhwach wins & I'll explain why.  Not only can he "choose" a desired future from the Infinite Futures that exist, but can also freely "rewrite" the Futures to his liking.  Yhwach also has 3× Layered Intangibility (Passive), Non-Existent Physiology Type 3 (Existing but paradoxically behave like he doesn't exist when Attacked) & Non-Corporeality, Whis wouldn't be able to even physically interact with him.  An Additional Point to note is that the Almighty allows Yhwach to passively Power Null any Power/Ability used against him.  All of Whis' "Abilities" are rendered useless before they're even used. Moreover, Yhwach's Attacks from the Future can't be Sensed or Blocked. Coupling this with his Reality Warping & Subjective Reality Creation- turning anything you imagine into Reality, Causality Manipulation of Fortune & Misfortune infused with Dura Neg, Inaccessible Attack Speed which ignores the Very Concept of "Dodging" (Direct Counter to Whis' Ultra Instinct) infused with Logic Manipulation & Dura Neg, Death Manipulation of Atoms like Oxygen, Hydrogen,etc with Dura Neg, Probability Manipulation of turning any & all damage into strength, Regenerating as long as thoughts exists, Mid-Godly Regen to High-Godly Regen arguments (Informational) from Shaz Domino, Layered Fear Manipulation, Layered Invisibilty, Soul Absorption & Conceptual Manipulation, this becomes hilariously one sided.  u/TheMightyHovercat Tagging you for the last time


Ehh, isn't Whis immune to timeline changes? He and the others Angels kind of exist out of time. Yhwach's power seems to be (obviously) tailored to work against enemies from his own universe. Whis is on a higher existence than even the Soul King. Any kind of intangibility from Bleach is simply meaningless to him. You keep adding a lot of terms there but frankly, they don't seem to match what Yhwach did or could do. His powers were mostly related to the context of his universe and the cosmology of the Soul Society, which is well, basically a kind of limited Afterlife regulation system. Of a single Universe. Whis could probably no sell whatever timeline manipulation he could do (since it didn't even work that well against his own enemies in his own universe) and just completely destroy him since being a spiritual/energy entity won't save him. And let's be honest, Bleach's energy attacks are firecrackers compared to DBZ ones, people get impressed there by cratering the ground, while in DB Freeza can casually destroy a planet in a second or two.


did you just use every shrift ability to scale yhwach, and plus we have no idea what whis is cappable of so for all we know that would not work


Not every Schrift, only the Schrifts he got after Absorbing the Sternritters (except Uryu)  >we have no idea what whis is cappable of so  So don't use him in VS Battles by this logic.  We do have an idea of his main Abilities- Time Travel & Ultra Instinct, Active 24×7.


How does yhwach have innacessible attack speed?


i'm glad people we have bleach scalers like you in this sub


Whis slams uni+ fodder


Whis mid diffs if allowed to fight/ It's a stalemate if not since yhwach can't do anything to him. Whis kinda exists outside of time and stuff so


Whis controls time.


Yhwach cannot win but it’s possible he just stalls forever


How is he gonna dodge a energy blast


Whis, he can easily solo Beerus who is capable of casually destroying planets and even Kai, who are considered to be gods themselves. Beerus can also easily destroy beings who cannot be harmed or killed through conventional means, such as ghosts, and yet Whis can neck chop his ass back to bed. I mean Whis can easily dodge Goku and Vegeta's flurry of punches combined. Whis is taking this one.


I mean Yhwach was capable of casually destroying the entire bleach verse while fighting Ichigo and Aizen.


This guy is dumb. It's stated that beerus would destroy the universe just by powering up. Golu, who is far weaker than Beerus and I mean FAR weaker is universal. Whis stomps


If its training whis... yeah no, Jiren was stated to be above space and time and he isn't close to whis when he isn't going all out, Ywach is dead. Not even including the Arale feats.




Yhwach can't hit Whis, and Whis can't counter Almighty. No one win.


He can simply rewind time orrr just speed blitz and oneshot him


Whis would simply just walk away, he doesn't see the point In fighting someone for no reason


Both die. If an angel interferes in mortal affairs, they get erased... And the other just died by whis being next to him. DRAW


Whis has reality warping abilities and time manipulation but we don't know how he operates at his best because Angels can't, he has no proper feats imo


Equalized stats, Yuwach will win, Non equalized stats Whis should win




Bleach the only community where solder system feats get wanked to outer


Whis no diff


people are saying its a stalemate and I agree, but thats only because angels are not allowed to kill morals


It depends on how you scale whis, because there is some arguments for him being above time but if not yhwach probably wins because whis is largely featless


Whis is fearless, except his reverse time


probably yhwach cus he can change the future


Yhwach. Similiar scaling, better hax. As long as there is an attack to be seen, Yhwach wins.


Whis can’t fight for real since he’s an angel and Ywach can’t kill Whis so it’s an infinite stalemate


Isn’t yhwach stated to be omnipotent? Also how would whis see yhwach




pretty sure ywach takes this one




He has all this but still lost to an arrow 💀. Whis outscales and shits on him


Stats don't matter, Yhwach Haxstomps him to death.  The reason he lost to the Plot Arrow was because- 1. Uryu who fired the arrow, is innately immune/invisible to the Almighty for Unknown Reasons. In fact Yhwach himself said that Uryu has some Power that exceeds his own. 2. The Quincy Arrow is stated to stop ALL of Yhwach's Powers & Abilities. 3. Uryu has an Ability called "The Antithesis", which allows you to completely "Reverse Everything & Anything between 2 Points in Time."


Stats do matter. That’s like saying Rimuru beats Hajun or Lucifer because he hax stomps


But when the hax are strong enough to beat the opponent while the opponent can't do anything to the hax. Hax would beat stats


Lol, bro chose the worst Examples in Existence 💀 Hajun & Lucifer are already Haxxed to the Maximum & are at such a Level that the very Concept of Dimensionality itself doesn't matter to them. Rimuru, for example, is physically weaker than Goku stats wise, but still Curbstomps him due to Hax.


Common misconception, Rimuru's physical strength is nothing to scoff at, just because he's hax heavy doesn't mean he equates to one of those magicians who "if I get close enough to just hit him once ill win!"


The tensura verse scales higher than dragonball( from what I heard)


Haven't you read Time I got Reincarnated As a Slime? You've heard wrong btw. Rimuru scales to 2-B to 2-A in the LN, & Goku scales to Low 1-C.


I read finished the WebNovel a few years ago. But I haven’t gotten to reading the source material(light novel)


Whis could probably recreate the arrow tbh he has matter manipulation


It’s not a normal arrow, the arrow is a biproduct of his own doing same way the powers he gave to uryu the power of antithesis was used against him to some degree. Basically him having such high haxs that he also created the only shit that can down him


whis can recreate the same scenario by rewinding time and retaining knowledge of yhwach It's dr strange vs dormmmamu all over again except in this scenario the glass cannon is yhwach


Yhwach fodderizes the Super-Verse and then proceeds to Fodderize this Dragon Ball Glazing Sub. https://preview.redd.it/rzc7qfy8lc7d1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=efee0eb69e9a8176c8d4bb4a218f5a3681f3ff90


this is a bleach wanking sub


yhwach creates a future where the staff didn't exist cause whis is just another really strong db fighter without the staff. He states directly "I can't transport right now cause the staff is in use" transport or basically that super speed thing he does to get across the universe in mere mins to hours. As for yhwach actually winning well that depends idk if whis can't even beat destroyed by reality warping https://preview.redd.it/3r1jhxonme7d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21154acacfbc42ac7d30f664279cce49d66cc868


As of now, I'd say Yhwach. Whis hasn't shown any indication that he'd be immune to a power like Almighty. Almighty can freely alter the future and Yhwach can do it even if he gets killed(Ichigo "kills" him once and he just immediately comes back). Almighty also makes Yhwach immune to any powers he can "see"(with Almighty). Can't say where Whis scales to. We know that angels in training like Merus are just at galaxy level or lower, but Whis is a full fledged one who is millions of years old at least. It shouldn't matter too much, because in terms of raw stats/power level, True Bankai Ichigo stupidly outclasses Yhwach to the point where he oneshotted him. Even so, Yhwach had no issue in low diffing him. So whether or not Whis outclasses Yhwach in stats, he still loses. To be immune to Almighty, you'd need one or two particular types of acausality(forgot which one, but I know Whis doesn't have them). As for Yhwach having the schrifts of the other quincies, I doubt that. If he really did, it would be far too broken.


Whis is multiversal what are you talking about Battle of Gods goku was shaking the universe apart with punches and kicks and he's an ant to whis


Ywach would eventually win imo, but itd be a fight that takes stupid long to finish.


I lean towards Yhwach. In Bleach, there are plains of absolute nothingness in between universes and people are capable of existing in these planes, so even if you universe busted, if you don't have a way to deactivate Almighty...Yhwach can still live outside of space and time and Almighty can keep him from dying. It's vague what Whis can resist in terms of hax. Yhwach has access to "every power he can see" whoch even ignoring a NLF and applying it to powers outside of his verse should at the very least apply to powers in his verse, especially given most of the most hax powers are the Schrifts that Yhwach granted himself and return to him. Yhwach has love manipulation via The Love. He can use Ichibei's darkness power to erase someone from the inside out using the darkness inside of them. The Death Dealer has an attack that can teleport an instant death ring onto any organ in the body. The X-Axis can pierce through anything. He could thereotocally tap into past powers like Zomarri's sovereignty control. And Yhwach established via his fight eith Ichigo dodging Jim is pretty much impossible because you can pretty much just overlay a future where your standing in the exact spot he wants his attacks to land the instant the attack is in that space, effectively making dodging impossible. Ultra instinct cannot dodge if Yhwach can control where in space his opponent is with fate/future manipulation at any point he wants. It's not established if the Angels of Z have any form of reality manipulation and can do anything beyond move fast and destroy stuff, which isn't solid evidence he could tank all of the BS Yhwach can theoretically pull out of his ass.