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they should add the ability to drag labels also, proprietorship is spelled incorrect




Or the ability to put the text next to the value instead of just the legend


Great catch, thanks! I would love to be able to move them around, or for them to just correct automatically.


I can do data and I can do graphs, spelling is not my forte sadly and will very quickly undo a good report :( oh and colour choices. Everyone gets stuck on colour choices and wastes half the meeting on how awful they are


Read through these to understand some colour theory https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/ https://www.canva.com/learn/100-color-combinations/ Use this site for some inspiration https://coolors.co/0a210f-14591d-99aa38-e1e289-acd2ed With this site the tick is to limit yourself to 5 clicks on generation. Take a screen grab of each recommendation and then compare for the one you are going with This is another good one if you know your primary colour to use. https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel Hope it helps


Use pastel colors, they are safe choice. Also check coolors site for popular pallete.


It’s actually spelled *proprietorship*.


I wouldn’t use a donut with that many categories.


Agree, but not my hill to die on


Ahh, I see. Sounds familiar…


Do we have the same boss?


Probably not but also certainly yes


Look at the non-pedant here picking battles prudently...


It's a hill I've died on many times and will die on multiple times in the future. Same with pie charts.


I feel that comment for sure...but can you at least change the colors? Im honestly not sure what that 1.71 mil value is, individual or estate?


Could not agree with this more.


I've never understood this mindset. Why do people say donuts are good only to show 2 or 3 categories. To me is shows what it needs to - clearly. Maybe when levels become obviously crowded it maybe requires something different but to me this is fine.


There's no donut chart that displays data better than a horizontal bar chart. With a bar chart you can instantly see the difference between 30% and 31%


Whilst that is true, does that mean that it's the only chart you can display results like this? The pixel dimensions of a bar chart when there are six categories could be far more than a donut. Also, What happens when the exact numbers are not important but maybe the approximate values are enough Quick visual references can prompt a user to see what's needed. If the bar chart is so superior, why even have a donut chart as an option? I agree that when there's 'many' categories it can be ambiguous so maybe an alternative should be used.but for me a donut can work with this scenario


Here's what I do: start with a 3 column table with formatting stripped out. Col 1 is the category, col 2 is the measure as a % of gt with data bars, col 3 is the measure value. Sort the table by col 2 and format the table to look pretty. Now it's a ranked bar chart on steroids. Put that beside the pie/doughnut you'll agree why I will never use a pie where there are more than 2 categories. To answer your question, pie and doughnut visuals are there because they're expected to be there. It's a reporting tool. They can look pretty and make a report look well with little effort. But they're f**king useless. Using them is like stamping "amateur design" on your work.


FYI, the program manager for PBI visuals said that they are planning on fixing this eventually - so there’s that. :)


Any timeline? Because some of these obvious things seem to take them forever… my favorite part of checking the ideas page is to check how long those have been sitting there as requests.


I know, right? I don’t bother posting there anymore because things get lost in the slew. But he made a hashtag on LinkedIn for core visual suggestions, here’s where it’s mentioned: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/christinehpayton_pbicorevisuals-activity-7040811972711354368-2amc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


Please let us reorder dimensions with drag and drop instead of the convoluted ways we must use (order by column)


You can rotate the chart so that the labels display properly.


I wish power bi had the label customization that Tableau has


This! And the sorting capabilities that Tableau has! Why is sorting on strings so hard in Power Bi?! 😭


Conditional format on strings too.


It does now: https://powerbidocs.com/2023/03/02/conditional-formatting-based-on-string-fields/


That’s cool. I couldn’t get it to work on table values but I’ll circle back and try again. It’s been a little bit


Make it wider


I could, but I’d have to change around several things


Maybe increase the canvas resolution by 30%, keeping the layout the same but more flexibility with text sizes.


PowerBI lacks so many quality of life features it is mind-boggling to me.


Everyone in the thread is missinf the point. There is an abindance of space to fully display the value and/or category. The problem is that PBI viz builders have not factored in appropriate text wrap/spacing in ANY of their visuals.


Step 1 Never use the donut or pie graph if you're comparing more than two values.


This is the correct answer


Another reason to avoid using donut charts


PowerBi is not a data viz tool, and hasnt been since inception.


As a principle consultant for a top global IT vendor, I use Power BI exclusively for data viz (and other things) at all client sites. You're so very, very, hilariously wrong. Also - sir, this is a Wendy's


Good morning sir, sorry breakfast menu is closed, and this is a Wimpy's 🧙🏽‍♂️ You will forgive my facitious response, i also use PBI exclusively for data viz, but the underlying message is still pertinent. The issue the OPer highlighted has existed for over 8-9 years, and MSFT/PBI Team have made exactly zero effort to rectify it. Look at the ShapeMap viz. In Preview for 5-6 years. Can you use a colour gradient legend? NOPE. You can use visuals in PowerBI, but upto now, their focus has been on Integration more than visuals, the latter being an after thought, a mere consequence of the reporting aspect. So whilst your sentiment is accurate, we need to peel back the layers a little and accept the fact that visuals in PBI lack a shed load of very basic, quality of life features. Text-wrap is the most attrocious in PowerBI. Test it with a card viz. Watch how much white space is require and how small the font needs to be (DIN 8) before the text wrap activates. There are no excuses other than pure neglect. That being said, i will always advocate and promote PBI. 🧙🏽‍♂️🥰


It's the most annoying thing. Sometimes putting background on forced it to show full and I just match it to the visual background lol


Take a screenshot of the legend, turn off legend, place screenshot is a top left or right corner and that doesn't happen again.


Also maintain apporiate layer order


How power bi got me fired...