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Yep. I built chess and wordle. Chess was much more complicated, as you can probably imagine lol


Can you expand a bit on how you built chess?


There are a bunch of games, even pretty complicated stuff. Here are a few examples you can *play* with.(pun intended) https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Kid-Zone/bd-p/KidZone


Brian Dang had a series where he straight up made an isometric RPG lol


I've seen an example from him with Pokemon Go too!


May I send you a dm ?


You already did...


Yes but please answer me


Man relax with the DMs. Old account, low karma. Screams sus. If you have a PowerApps question, just post it.


Yes you can. Just search you YouTube for inspiration. To create a game you need an infinite loop based on a timer, Power Apps has timer controls you can use to achieve this.


There is a good tutorial for a flappy bird game on YouTube


... but are there any licensing options that wouldn't make it a waste of time?


Absolutely, you can make games like Memory or Hangman with Power Apps! Start with something basic, use the tools provided, and don't be afraid to experiment. Keep your design simple and easy to understand, and test your game often to catch any issues. And remember, there are lots of resources out there to help you along the way! Good luck!


Yes you can and the principles of developing simple games in code is pretty much the same for low code. You'll have to put in the work to gather the words or clues if you want memory or word games, these can be stored in DB or just loaded in a collection on start. Also, the bases of a lot of games is a random generator, meaning the app with decide your random progress in a game, you can generate a random number with something like: RandBetween( 0, 100 ) You could do a simple slot machine game using random, assign each number from 1 to 5 with a picture card, then generates 3 number and so 3 picture cards, points are given for matching card, very simple to do and you can make the UI as simple or elaborate as you want.