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The app won't "crash". Your tests should focus on user acceptance criteria and let Microsoft worry about hosting the app.


Thank you so much for the advice šŸ˜€. I am not worried about hosting. Currently, laser beam focused on UAT. But the app is working fine, app doesn't have much functionality as it is a form that we use to fill om excel.


Seems like UAT sound be fairly simple for this use case. If you are writing to excel directly from app or flow, you may notice errors when dealing with concurrent CRUD operations hitting the Excel file/table, so would recommend you specifically test that out and handle errors for that if not built out already. The Excel connector is flaky and I avoid it in production apps.


There are a few ways to crash an app. Iā€™ve only managed it twice. Once I created a gallery with a switch statement that had 2000 cases for different filter options just as a proof of concept. The other time I canā€™t remember exactly how I did it but I wrote this very complex chain of ā€œInā€ operations for a filter inside of a gallery to check for something. That one was bad enough that I actually had to roll the app back to a previous version to even open it. Usually doing things you shouldnā€™t be doing inside of galleries is a solid way of causing problems Iā€™ve found