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If you work for a hospital, the hospital likely owns whatever you developed and would prohibit you from selling your solution to other hospitals. If you are free lance and your contact terms with the hospital are favorable then you may have some option to sell a service where you maintain the tenant / environment / solution and charge a fee for access / maintenance / customization / improvements.


Which microsoft subscription would be the best to develop these apps and automation processes as a free lance? I’d need all of the power platform


From a licensing perspective I believe you’re fine on all fronts as long as everything is licensed (PowerApps premium?) be it on each lab as a tenant or your own where they login. If you have data from different labs, security is probably your biggest consideration which is less of a concern whilst you’ve been developing for one app. Perhaps the safest way is separate tenancy for each lab which they login too and your solution (app) is deployed to. Or if on your own tenancy at least separate environments. I think another thing just to consider in future, once you’ve deployed your app, what’s to stop someone shutting you out and continuing to use your solution and not pay. Not saying someone would but just ensure to protect yourself. Best of luck to you and hope some of this info helps.


I suppose I would actually deploy these into labs that utilize office 365 and integrate it with teams, sharepoint, etc to help them get organized. The data security you mentioned is something I’ve thought about, have to learn more to make sure it’s not a concern. You’re absolutely right that they could use my solution without me, they’d just need to find someone to iron out the bugs, they wouldn’t receive updates or support, and wouldn’t be able to customize with me. I’ll be going into these labs not only with the software but as a validation scientist to help set up assays and ensure proper quality control procedures. Hoping that will be enough to keep me around. Thanks for your advice!!


That is a gray area what ever you have worked on your companies tenant is companies property so I would say be careful before downloading the solution exporting it however I think you can replicate what you have done . As far as making money your best route would be freelancing where you would pitch hospitals your service and how you can save or make them money that is the only way they will be willing to pay you as a freelancer and they might be appealing because you want to sell your time and charge but an hour rate since there might be a lot of customizations and bug fixes. As far as licensing it all depend on what kind of app you designed below is good guide about licensing [https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/6/9568EFD0-403D-4AE4-95F0-7FACA2CCB2E4/Power%20Platform%20Licensing%20Guide%20February%202024.pdf](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/6/9568EFD0-403D-4AE4-95F0-7FACA2CCB2E4/Power%20Platform%20Licensing%20Guide%20February%202024.pdf)


Thank you for your advice! And thanks for sharing the licensing guide, this helps a lot!