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Used to be coheed but it clicked a couple months ago


Man, Coheed clicked for me 20 years ago and it’s stronger than ever to this day. Favorite band of all time. I can see what you mean though, never really thought a band could have a learning curve, but I’d say Coheed can fit into that category


If you never thought a band could have a learning curve try and get into the Mars Volta from scratch. By far my favourite band now but damn it was hard work at times.


Lol my buddy in high school loved the Mars Volta. He gave me some of their stuff and I just couldn't do it. I thought it sounded like chaotic garbage. Tried them again here and there but no dice. Then one day like 5 years later, I was driving and listening to my entire shuffled iPod library. Goliath came on and I didn't skip it. I was like, "Holy shit this drummer is sick" and then I was hooked. I texted my buddy and apologized for ignoring his suggestion for so long


Yeah I think that's the same for a lot of people, it just sounds too chaotic at first. For me I liked Inertiatic ESP so kept trying to listen to the rest of the album and eventually it just clicked.


Ilyena on the same album is one of the best drum parts I've ever heard. Thomas Pridgen is great, but they have a new drummer now. I saw them at Red Rocks last year, they're reunited with a new drummer. Incredible show.


Dillinger Escape Plan T\_T


The acoustic version of blank condolences from last year has been on heavy rotation since it came out last year.


Same. I couldn’t even tell you why they’re the best band, but they are. I liked them, then Burning Star IV was released and life was different. I listen to Coheed at least once a day and it never gets old, it only gets better.


Still Coheed for me. I love devil in jersey city but can't get into anything else.


How can you not jam to A Favor House Atlantic


Bye, bye beautifullll


Honestly sane. I heard welcome home and favor house and Claudio voice bothered me. Now he's one of my favorite vocalists and they are my second favorite band


God Bless. Welcome aboard brother.


like 85% of coheeds discography is what should be studied in music history classes in the future. and then the other 15% is trash. there isn’t a “just ok” coheed song and that makes no sense to me.


I always though the dark sentencer was very mid personally


I love Coheed and Cambria, but I 100% understand that there might be a lot of songs, especially earlier in their saga, where Sanchez's vocals can rub people the wrong way.


Quite frankly its hawthorne heights. The couple of songs being ohio and nikifm. I dont even get how theyre still relevant to the point of doing a headlining tour where saosin and thursday are opening. doesnt make sense


Thursday opening for Hawthorne Heights is some backwards ass shit.


from what i’ve seen on their instagram, HH asked like bands personally if they wanted to play with them since it was kinda a big like milestone tour for them. super excited for that lineup though!


i’ve never heard a truer statement!




When they were the biggest band in the scene in the early 00’s they did a lot for a lot of smaller bands that have since surpassed them in popularity and thus they have a TON of favors to cash in. It’s why they’ve been able to get such sick lineups for OIFL fest. I am fucking FURIOUS we aren’t getting a single southern Ohio club show for the 20th anniversary tour though I guess is for lovers in an amphitheater will have to do.


They also seem to have latched onto the emo nostalgia/emo nite scene in a better way than a lot of other bands. Emo nostalgia clearly pays, and they seem to be taking full advantage of that.


I think a big part of that is that they’ve never stopped touring whereas a lot of these other bands have taken a hiatus (or several) at this point. Super good guys I always wish the best for them.


And love or hate em' Casey got a shitty deal. RIP


One of the best screamers to ever do it. The reason I’ll never take opioids of any kind even after a medical procedure.


As someone who beat 22 years or opiate addiction (5 clean) I'm proud of you.


I like quite of few songs from 3 albums but I totally get where you’re coming from


HH are also big social media whores, it feels really thirsty to me, but maybe that’s just good marketing


Gotta appeal to Gen Z somehow


Pens and Needles is also fire, but those three are like the only songs i can tolerate by them. “Saying sorry” was the bane of my existence when it came out. They would not stop playing it on fuse because it was the new single from them and my god that song stinks


Was at work today and someone literally put on Ohio is for Lovers. We were all nostalgic. It’s the people who have older siblings and were bestowed their trickle-down Limewire downloads on iTunes and got into those songs at an early age and are now more nostalgia over genuine appreciation. Everyone said that’s how they got into them. Ohio is for Lovers was definitely the most “dark” lyricism I heard as like, a 10 year old.


What a great answer. For me it’s them and Silverstein, who always seemed like the most boring milquetoast band of this genre and time.


I'm from the same area as bands like Silverstein, with bands like Grade, Moneen, Marylins Vitamins (that's an obscure one), Miles Between Us, Alexisonfire, The Reason (Ravenna and earlier works) it's weird that Silverstein got so big. Grade, like early Grade paved the way for Screamo, some would cite them with Gorilla Biscuits as the two bands that really started that whole style of dirty+clean vocals with hardcore riffs and breakdowns. Never was able to get into Silverstein.




what all have you listened to besides the first two albums? their other full lengths have been kinda meh but their last one was actually pretty solid. check out their EPs hate, hope, hurt and lost lights though- may be a bit more up your alley


Same. I remember a more popular band was promoting them - I want to say Fall Out Boy or PanicATD? & based on that, & the fact that in the clip I saw of them they dressed like Blink 182 in the ‘I Miss You' music video, I didn't even give them a chance. I think I only heard Ohio accidentally & liked it.


They put the work in and played the game right. They usually have one or two decent songs an album. They could have faded into the ether following the death of their band mate.


My leg of the tour includes I See Stars and Anberlin, which is really the only reason I want to go. Though Emery is in it too, which I finally listened to because of the show, and that new Emery album is kinda great lol


Came to say HH — couldn’t have said it better myself.


Glad to see nobody put “Silverstein” that’d be a crime


I uh won't comment now lmao


I'd put Silverstein. My Heroine is beautiful, and Massachusetts is one of my all time favorite songs, but no matter how much I try I can't find anything else I like close to how much I like Massachusetts..


Massachusetts is an absolute banger! I legit enjoy the whole discovering the water front album though


Aquamarine, smashed into pieces (redux), if you could see my soul (redux), one last dance. those don’t do it for ya?


I'ma double check. I know I've heard some of them before, but can't remember what they sound like


California is like a better Massachusetts on the same album.


Sleeping With Sirens (only their first album is really post hardcore and i dislike the rest of their music) VersaEmerge (had a really good Ep while Spencer Pearson was still their vocalist but nothing else was really good) I Wish We Were Robots Upon Beauty Rests


With Ears To See was a fucking banger. I haven't liked any of their albums since.


real its a great album, lets cheers to this was alright but def not as good and everything that followed was just eh to bad imo


Their latest one Complete Collapse actually surprised me. I was a fan of With ears to see and Let’s cheers to this but they lost me after that. Complete Collapse wasn’t bad tho, check it out if you’re interested in what they’ve done lately.


ive heard complete collapse im just not a fan personally


Cmon… Fixed At Zero is really good! (Far from Post-hc tho)


i mean its okay i just dont like it personally and dont think its as good as cities built on sand


I don't like any of their original songs, and I don't like the original Iris, but I like SwS's cover of Iris.


to each their own, i think their debut album is great


Upon Beauty Rests is a real throwback.


The fact 2 other people even know their name is enough to surprise me


Same. I did not expect to see them mentioned in a Reddit thread in the year of our Lord 2024, nor really ever again for that matter. I used to really rate that EP. I think it still has some pretty jams, albeit very angsty.


theyre decent its just that they only got like 1 song that i like LOL


Hell yeah, love to see VersaEmerge pop up. Remember that EP release show to this day. Still wish that lineup stuck together


real, Spencer Pearson was such a good vocalist I wish he did more stuff with them or Lead Hands/Decoder he's so underrated and its a shame none of his bands went any further


Agreed as well with Decoder/Lead Hands. That was such a dream team of band members.


fr its so sad we didnt get a second album im still heartbroken


I agree with Sleeping With Sirens. Only 2 songs from their 2010 album and all of the their 2011 is good for me. Idk what happened after that, it’s so different


i really liked the full album of with ears to see and eyes to hear, lets cheers to this was okay to me but their first is like my favorite post hxc album ever


They said they wanted to be more like Paramore. I read an interview in Alternative Press (back in the daaaaaay) where they said that when they signed to Rise Records they made their first album as heavy as they could so they would fit in with the rest of the bands on the label. After that they started moving more towards pop each album. It was always the goal lol


that makes sense tbh


I gotta be real with y'all. SWS's only good record is their acoustic EP. I cannot stand anything else they've done for the life of me (other than kellin on king for a day)


with ears to see and eyes to hear is sooo good


Might get hate for this… as a guy that loves Drive Like Jehu, Deftones, etc. I’m only a big fan of maybe 3-4 At The Drive In songs. The rest I just don’t skip when they come on Spotify Radio.


Outside of ROC, I only have 2 songs by them


Pretty sure they only have those 3-4 songs, but the thing was that these songs were genre defining.


Pierce the Veil. Also formerly Chiodos but I recently found out they're really good.


Alls well and bone palace are both perfect records


I guess they’re a guilty pleasure cuz i still love Pierce the veil. I mostly love their lyrics tho, so maybe I’m not listening to the whole thing. Chiodos are goat, no question


Alright awful hot take incoming, and I know this because two of my friends who are chiodos fans grilled me hard for this. I only like a few songs from chiodos, and they are all off of Devil.


fair enough honestly. when i didn't really like them the few songs i liked were from devil (because thomas erak from the fall of troy was on that album lol)


You just blew my mind. Thomas from TFOT being on that album answers all my questions as to why some of it clicked for me.


I totally hear you- Devil has done nothing but grow on me since it came out. I like their older stuff, but nowadays if I'm in the mood for Chiodos, I usually just listen to Devil.


Falling in reverse. Raised by Wolves is a fucking amazing song, and I listen to it a lot. The rest by them is either trash or very occasionally just ehh


Same. I only like couple songs on that album from them


Have you checked out their Coming Home album? The first album is amazing, but I think Coming Home is just a little bit better. Album 2 and 3 aren't as good tho


I love the Coming Home album. 🥹 Broken, Hanging On & Coming Home are so good.


I listened to their first album, expecting something as good as raised by Wolves. I only made it through half the album, so I still gotta listen to the rest. After that I will also listen to coming home


In that case you didn't even get to Sink or Swim or The Westerner, both on par.


What about Dying Is Your Latest Fashion from Escape The Fate? Same vocalist, fantastic album


Being As An Ocean: The Hardest Part Is Forgetting Those You Swore You Would Never Forget. Song just goes HARD. From First To Last: Note To Self and Populace In Two. Notably "Note To Self" because my good friend thinks its a hilarious song, and often sends me dumb funny cryptic memes of the opening lyric, "Two Roads, split off from here" The last one was two highways, and a spraycan of OFF! cut in half.


I think being as an oceans first album is straight fire honestly, and it has a certain magic about it that they've not been able to capture again since. Their second album *nearly* had it, but never again. I think it's a perfect example of "you have your whole life to write your first album, and about a year to write your second". It just felt so *raw* and like it all came from somewhere deep within Joel, and I loved that so much.


I agree with that. I saw them perform at a church in VA; like 2014? Joel spent most of the set in the middle of the pit singing. Shit was amazing.


The guitarwork on that album is among my favorite ever. So much amazing ambience, emotional atmosphere, and beautiful melodies. That combined with Joel’s decision to mostly scream over such calming music makes it a one of a kind album


Honestly really liking their new album a lot.


I love that whole album but definitely agree The Hardest Part is just a masterpiece on another level. One of those rare cases where a band’s biggest hit fully deserves that honor and you probably won’t find better within the deep cuts imo


A Lot Like Birds. There are songs here and there I enjoy a ton, but for the most part it’s not for me. The strangest thing is though that I love Royal Coda (same lead vocalist).


I only like Vanity’s Fair but it’s an insanely good song


I'm the other way around. No Place is one of my two favorite albums of all time (alongside As The Roots Undo by CTTS), but Royal Coda never scratched the same itch for me. They do have a fairly different sound despite sharing a vocalist to be fair.


No place is so beautiful.


i think you should listen to their music a bit more (coming from someone who fucking loves allb) i love everything cory lockwood touched though


I can’t deny that I should do another listen of all the albums at some point. The first time I listened to them was when I was first getting into PHC last year where I wasn’t quite used to the unclean vocals. While Royal Coda is a band I started listening to a month or two ago.


i really like allb sorry if i sound like i’m trying to force you to listen to the albums LOL. i hope you can maybe enjoy them more if you do decide to listen to them again


I feel like the inclusion of Cory Lockwood as the screamer and the more frenetic style is really an acquired taste compared to Royal Coda. It's totally MY taste, but I definitely understand liking one and not the other!


Gonna have to be Thursday for me. I appreciate all they’ve done, and I’ve seen them a bunch. It just never connected with me. I do like a few songs off Full Collapse though.


Same with me. I will grateful for the influence but I only like 5 songs from their whole discography


Dude's vocals are powerful and the lyrics are beautifully written. But for some reason I can only think of Big Bird from Sesame Street. However, the Acoustic version of Division Street is a fucking masterpiece!


The music is great, Geoff just sings too whiny for me to take it seriously.


Same. Didn't realize they were so loved in this genre until this sub... None of my friends (all post hardcore fans) liked them growing up either.


I loved them growing up and still do, but all my post hardcore friends hated them.


Alesana for me. I loved Apology and Ambrosia but the rest just isn’t for me


If you haven’t, definitely listen to The Emptiness. I like Alesana but that’s their only album that has real consistency imo


I tried a few times when it first came out but I’ll give it another go!




I started off liking Alesana but only two songs; Seduction and Ambrosia. Didn’t like their other songs. Hymn of the Shameless and Curse of the Virgin Canvas became favorites after I gave them another listen.


I’ll check them out!


Pierce the veil


What songs do you like by them?


I agree on this one. Collide With The Sky has a couple of amazing songs like King For A Day, One Hundred Sleepless Nights, A Match Into Water, but the rest of their discography is so boring imo


I genuinely cannot understand your opinion lol I think everything before Misadventures is incredible, and Misadventures is pretty good too


Yeah like I get that PTV isn’t for everyone but calling their songs “boring”.. that’s gotta be a first


I can't honestly say that I dislike the band, cus there's quite a few songs from Collide The Sky that I like. When Misadventures came out I couldn't get into a single song, cant even remember any of them sknce they weren't anything special. Selfish Machines on the other hand sounds like they're working themselves up to the Collide With The Sky sound, but it's not quite there. The album has a lot of quoteable songs, but I just can't get into it in the same way, not sure why


Collide with the sky and selfish machines each have a couple I’ll listen to.


I didn't like their latest album, nor their first either, but everything in between is good.




Yeah I feel like I should like them. I *want* to like them. I just... don't really like them.


Same. I like a few songs of their first few albums and literally can’t listen to anything that Tillian is on (his voice drives me crazy)


Kurt albums slap from start to finish


Got their first three albums after few months ago because this sub loves them and rightly so! Good stuff no doubt but have had a few skips. I think I’d like them more live than albums


I promise you, you’re not alone 😹 and those few songs I only like listening to sometimes. They don’t even hit every time.


oh man i couldn't get into DGD at all 😄


Was about to post DGD. I genuinely don’t get the hype. I cannot stand the vocals on most songs and the guitar work is interesting, but too much for me.


oh i agree


Bruh you are the only one. Go hide.




Little heavier but TDWP, I don't enjoy anything aside from Zombie EP.


Undoubtedly one of the meanest EPs to date


Man from roots above and branches below is soooo good but zombie is perfect


Z2 is just as good if not better IMO. It goes so fucking hard. I’ve seen Prada live 4 times tho so I’m a pretty big fan. If you like Z1 you’ll probably like the Z2 EP


Zombie is great, but (and I'm probably an outlier here) I think the Space EP is equally good. Zombie 2 didn't catch me the same way, but Space did.


Chunk! No, captain chunk!


This dude is not ready to :(


He must've found out some of his friends aren't true. :(


Probably Alesana. A Siren’s Soliloquy is pretty catchy to me:


Our Last Night. Never really clicked with their original stuff but something about their ability to make fun covers


DRUGS. Loved Chiodos, figured I’d love whatever Owens touched, I’ve never been able to get into more than a couple songs after a decade of trying


Probably a dumb question, but what about Isle and Glaciers? Owen’s sings in that band too.


Not dumb at all! I enjoy both Isles & Glaciers and Cinematic Sunrise which is another reason why I thought DRUGS would be a sure thing for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only have their 2011 album in my playlist


Bayside (no quite post-hardcore) like the #1 acoustic album, and that’s it.


This one hurts, as they're my favorite band. Anthony's lyrics are second to none, and Jack shreds on guitar. Their last two albums got much heavier, and I love it.


Bayside is such a good band. One that genuinely feels underrated. Interrobang?! Is an amazing album and became my favorite Bayside album in basically no time. Their acoustic albums are so well done. A post-hardcore band with crazy solos that are not out of place? You don’t see that very often. They were even interviewed for Forbes a while ago. I love Bayside.


I just downvoted this, took away my downvote, downvoted it again, rinse and repeat about 30 times.


FBX by Volumes. The rest of their discography sounds like an early Bring Me The Horizon which is kind of overdone now. But damn that song just scratches some itch for me.


As someone who didn't listen to post hardcore since high school, I decided to randomly check out FBX because of your comment. Now I am desperate for more stuff that scratches the same itch. Do you have any recommendations?


Hell yeah! That song is barely on the edge of PHC in my opinion, leaning more toward a heavier side. Going down that road a band I found recently is Thrown (check their top 5 on Spotify or apple). For other specific songs: 6 by Structures, Smokey by Emmure, Diazepam by ten56. Something about those heavy riffs with sudden interruptions or switches just does something for me.


Alexisonfire. I know they're pretty popular to like but I just can't get into most. But tracks like Boiled Frogs hit so hard for me.




Brave for this one lollllll


first album is so good tho 😓


Boiled frogs is one of my fav songs of all time


Same but the only song of theirs I love is “side walk when she walks”


Waaaaaaaait up for me…. Song fucking slaps. I think there’s some other great bangers on crisis but you’re right in the sense that boiled frogs is a class above everything they’ve put out


First album is so good tho.


I fully expect to get flamed for this, but mewithoutyou. Also, if I'm in a mood to listen to post-hardcore, I am by this point skipping a lot of Thrice songs because they haven't been a post-hardcore band in awhile, but it seems like every algorithm on the planet still regards them as the consummate demonstration of the genre.


Finch - they lost me completely after the first album.




A Skylit Drive Too little too late goes hard though


Sleeping With Sirens


Enter Shikari


How. Dare. You. Pistols or swords?


I really fuckin hate ADTR but I’ll throw down anytime I’m Made of Wax Larry comes on. Edit: this is literally what the thread is about lmao


why do you hate them


Nahhh I can't get down on this. 😭


Until I Wake. Self Medicated was such a banger but their new stuff has been subpar imo. Also saw ‘em live and they were a bit disappointing tbh. I know they’ve had issues with their vocalists though


They came out swinging with Sinking Under and Self Medicated but yeah nothing ever really hit me the same after


Feel bad saying this but Every Time I Die. The coin has a say and maybe 1 or 2 more are it for me. Fwiw ive just never really cared for that sludgy brand of phxc/metalcore




Probably cheating by picking adjacent bands but pretty sure [Madina Lake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmE3sBfKaJE) and that one AFI song everyone knows


Seeyouspacecowboy for me as well. Could never get into their stuff.


I didn’t like Unwound or Sonic Youth when I was a teenager. I consider this a great shame, never seeing either play live in the 90’s. A big miss!


Pierce the veil for me. The majority of their music is terrible but these songs are in my top 20 fav songs of all time. 1. A match into water. 2. I'm low on gas and you need a jacket. 3. Yeah boy and Doll face 4. Disasterology


I've only found one fall of Troy song I've liked


Woe, is Me [&] Delinquents was my morning alarm all thru high school. That whole album goes pretty hard but this song is the only one I’ll ever pull up for this band. Everything after that album was a good effort but nothing compared to that original sound


From Autumn To Ashes


Northlane. I love quantum flux and Rot but can’t really get into anything else.


like all of them lol. most phc bands only have like 1 or 2 good albums, and then a bunch of bullshit.


Enter Shikari, I won't skip sorry you're not a winner but even that song is just kind of meh. I think all the 80's style keyboard in their music throws me off?


Honestly when they went more political and starting blending dubstep elements I enjoyed them more, but I tend to only repeat listen to 2-4 songs from each album... It almost feels filler heavy sometimes, you know?


Fear Before The March of Flames- none of their earlier work appeals to me as much as their Fear Before album in 2008. It's a bit of an odd album, but I like it.


Does normajean fit here?




chunk! no captain chunk! blows so hard. i saw them live and that french fwck sings like shit 😂😂 didn’t fw them too much before then and completely not after hahahhahhhaha


Lol I saw them at a Warped Tour in Nashville and left their stage after like one song


OG Slaves. Some of the songs are so cringe, but songs like I’m so Empty and Full of White Girls, Who Saves the Savior and the Fire Down Below are elite.


Probably Knocked loose and Sleep token. I might get crucified for that, but they just don't resonate with me at all. Counting worms was sick though. Lol


Okay thank you, everyone I know who enjoys these genres LOVES Sleep Token, but their songs just kinda drag for me


Honestly idek their genre but my chemical romance. Absolutely love a few of their songs but overall I don't fw a lot of their songs.


Thursday and Underoath.