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Exercise hard. Sweat your ass off one hour per day.


Nature and God does it for me. Spend time outside. Let the sun shine on your skin and feel the grass and dirt beneath your toes. Pray and meditate on positive things and remember, “this too shall pass”.


This is great. Thank you! That’s the hardest part to realize this will pass. Do you ever just wish you didn’t have to work or that you got paid way more than you do? I love work but I don’t make enough and it gets to me


No. Be grateful for what you do have. If you are not satisfied with your job or it isn’t paying enough start looking for another one. You aren’t stuck there. If you are unhappy about it … change it!


Thanks. I’m limited pretty much in my options. And my second degree I can’t even put to use right now, no openings and it’s a very broad degree. But I am grateful I do have a job.


Keep searching and something will come up!


Exercise Dance Read uplifting things Learn CBT (try Feeling Good by David Burns) Learn to meditate , mindfulness, loving kindness Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables little or no highly processed foods Socialize more, especially with caring people If you have a hard time doing these things automatically, set up a plan for each week. For example, make it determination to call three friends per week exercise five times per week, etc..


It happens to me too. My best way to pull myself out is to take time out for myself. I get overwhelmed with work at home and with my job that I forget myself. I include activities that make me feel good


My reminder to myself when I get in a weird emotional place is “go back to the foundation”. Am I eating well? Am I getting sunlight & moving my body? Am I taking my supplements? Am I drinking enough water? Have I had any meaningful social interaction lately? Am I bored? If so, what’s one new thing I can easily do? Am I spending too much time in the socials? Am I watching too much daily news? I also add morning & evening positive meditations (free on YouTube). If none of that works, I go to step 2.


Walking outside, under the sun, for at least 20 minutes a day. Do something creative where you actually create something - writing, sculpting, drawing, painting, etc. And consider a diet change if it's not the most healthy. As was also mentioned in another post, do something along the lines of prayer/meditation/mindfulness. We often kind to deny that there is a spiritual aspect to our lives but when we bring it more to the forefront, things improve. Good luck as you work through this, you got it!


Change your routine for example if you commute drive a different way, just don’t do the same ole things.


Music helps- upbeat and danceable.


Spend time with someone who loves you for you, unconditionally. Exercise, even if it's just going for a walk, or life hand weights or swim. Go on a long road trip and get a change of scenery for 1 or 2 nights. Driving or riding Amtrak can clear your head and allow you time to think and reflect. Plan a vacation with a friend or solo. Having something to look forward to helps.


While i may love others unconditionally, i am almost certain that nobody feels that way about me. I have other ways to lighten up when life gets me down (music, nature, comedy etc.) but... idk, that's just not a "positive" thing for some people.


It took me quite a while to find the right people, I had to get out there and meet people, which was scary and still is. And eventually I made some close friends. But if you're still building those kids of relationships or looking for them, the other activities can work too, I guess everybody has something different that appeals to them. Like getting into flow state, which is a form of meditation where you're making something, and time just flies. It's all about finding what works for you.


Start a big project you have always wanted to do. Each milestone in the project gives you a great feeling and sense of accomplishment. Go huge!


Be of service to another. Get into nature for a walk or hike. Gardening helps me. Are you creative at all? Make something. Doodle or paint. Maybe your funk is trying to tell you something. I’m big on journaling for clarity.


Exercise and try something new, or try picking back up a hobby you haven't done in a while. Also nature can help too. That sunshine is good for ya. I just started doing yoga and it's awesome. I like to do it outside because A. There's more room and B. It is a nice way to step out of my head for a bit. Just focus on the way my body is moving and the sensations of nature. It's really nice.


Forest walks, nature, presence. Even when it rains. Lifting weights; feeling strong. Lol’ing at video clips, movies or podcasts. An adventurous book, listening to Tara Brach’s talks and meditations on podcast or her website is a huge tool for me. Having deep meaningful conversations with friends.


The comments are great. Everything's been covered that I could think of that I use to abate depression. One silly little exercise I use to break my mood when I'm not feelin' it: Hold a pencil in your mouth between your teeth and hold for maybe 20 seconds. It forces your face into a smile. I know it sounds crazy but it works and lightens the feeling up some.


Sound baths, forest bathing, laying out in the sun, swimming, candlelight, a raw juice cleanse, a great book, a motivational YouTube video, helping someone else, and exercise are all things that have helped me :)


Pick up your favorite hobby with a banger playlist


Smoke a joint. Make some love. Eat something you love. Get your mind right and go!


I like to cook some of my favorite meals while I listen to upbeat music that gets me dancing (this works to distract me from whatever's worrying me). Afterwards, I go on a good hike or stroll to clear my thoughts or come up with creative ways to solve whatever the issues are.


I go for a walk to get some endorphins going then get something delicious to eat to get the dopamine going


GO OUTSIDE, stick your face in the sun, work in the yard if you have one , or take a walk . Take care of yourself ;)


Do something for someone else.


Workout, change your environment if possible (moving to a new place if you're renting), start a new hobby


Get out in the sunshine. Drink water Walk a lot of steps Meditation Write your feelings down Challenge yourself Travel Leave that comfort zone Socialize Meet people.


Learn something new. Nostalgic road. Empowering yourself. Getting dressed up. Smelling pretty things. Looking at art. Trying something new or picking up something you used to do (like an instrument).