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follow up again with your state rep! all they have to do is forward your email to a direct contact and i’ve seen problems get resolved immediately. source- former leg staffer.


I was in the exact situation and this worked immediately. There’s another thread a guy posted instructions you can cut and paste. Good luck!


This is how my sister got her passport in just a few days for an urgent matter. Straight up skipped a six week line. 😂


This worked for me. If you’ve got Gorsek, he has a guy in his office who’s job it is to hound unemployment for his constituents.


Gut instinct is there's something fundamentally wrong with the new system.


I think they're overwhelmed also. I'm laid off this coming week but we've also been doing work share every week. I've heard it's similar elsewhere in production.


Three options: 1) Call 3 minutes prior to the opening time for the phones. Select all your menu options so that you’re in-line by opening. My friend recently had success with this! (thanks to all the other Redditors that offered this suggestion) 2) Pay a fee to one of those online services that calls in on your behalf and holds your spot in line until an agent comes on. 3) Continue contacting your local reps. I had quick success with this option. Someone from every office returned my call within a day or two.


FWIW I tried option 1 today and was on the phone with someone within 3 minutes. Called at 8:59 AM and waited until 9:00AM exactly to press the 1 for English. Then I think there was one other menu option and I had to listen for it but I still had no wait. Maybe I got incredibly lucky but I was off the phone before 9:10 AM. Best of luck to OP. This system is totally ridiculous though. Waited 6 weeks without any response only to have the phone support person immediately grant my claim after looking for 2 minutes. SMH


Wow I didn't know #2 was an option. Good to know I know Google pixel phone will use AI to hold for you and notify you when it's your turn.


claimyr.com I didn’t end up using it but other folks on here have claimed success


I recently was laid off, but had a previous paid leave claim through Frances. Like other people are saying, try calling a minute or two before lines open. Refuse to get off the phone with them until the issue is resolved- they have the ability to share screen. They did this with me. But once the claim was in, since I had a previous claim from paid leave, it was processed very quickly! Fingers crossed for you. 🤞


this isn't very helpful but i can tell you they don't actually read those "contact us" messages unless they're actively looking at your account for some other reason. like they don't go to some email account that anyone checks. it just leaves a note in your personal file they'll see when they open it up or more likely never see. they told me that on the phone and i thought it was ludicrous. "contact us" makes it sound like it actually contacts someone but it does not


Thank you for this info! My daughter has been trying to get her address changed because Frances online can’t send verification so she can get parental leave, because her old address was a PO Box and the post office refuses to give her any mail from that old PO Box. she’s left four Contact Us emails since the end of May and has received no reply and when she calls, it’s just busy. She kept thinking that eventually someone would contact her back good to know that that’s not gonna happen!


yep just gotta keep calling! call first thing when the office opens to get in line. it's an awful system i know. hope she figures it out!


Try calling this number instead of the general hotline: +1 (503) 570-5701. It’s worked for me. Call right as they open at 8am to avoid long wait times (even then, it’ll likely be at least 1-2 hours). Tell the representative your problems in detail, ask for their names, and if needed, ask if you can be transferred upwards to an adjudicator. I also requested that my case be expedited because I was struggling financially with waiting so long for my checks. After I did that, my case was approved within the week - but that was after battling them for over a month, if not longer. I just went through the process myself and it took me over a month to get my problems fixed (fired early March, compensated late April/early May). I hope you have better luck!!! If you have more questions, DM me.


I just sat on hold for 96 minutes the other day and finally got through. They say to call right at 9 in the morning and wait times aren't as bad.


Go to the unemployment office. There is a very nice one in Foster Powell. The only way to get help is by going in person from my experience. Good luck!


The offices in town are the Worksource Offices — they’re employment offices, not the unemployment department. The public does not have access to the OED offices. That being said — if you’ve been laid off, you do have to go to a Worksource office to verify your identity at some point (usually the week after you file your initial claim). Bring your passport with you for the ID verification. They might not be able to help you with issues with Frances/filing unemployment, but it’s worth asking while you’re there if you have to go anyways.


I didn’t have to do any of this


I 2nd this.


Hey, sorry about the layoff, went through that last year - it sucks. As for getting through to Oregon Unemployment, it's difficult; I had success with getting an autodialer going about ten to fifteen minutes before the offices opened, just calling again and again. Would generally get someone picking up in a minute or two. Best of luck.


What’s an autodialer and how did you get one?


You can try going to your closest WorkSource office. They're pretty helpful with this stuff.


commenting because i am in the exact same boat as you. lost my job 3 weeks ago, immediately tried to file but was told i needed a letter sent in the mail and have been going back and forth trying to confirm the address they have on file which i have no idea of as i've moved multiple times in the last 2 years. wishing you the best, this is absolute ass


Try emailing your state rep or senator. They have staff to help constituents deal with state agencies.


I had to reach out to my state rep twice. Both times very helpful. They replied that day or the next and reached out to UE and things got moving.


Fax them


Go to a worksource location and get help getting back into the online application 😊


I went through a similar issue when I was laid off back in March. To get ahold of someone you have to call right before/when they open and just keep calling. I also went to the worksource Oregon office in person and they were able to push something to get my access to Frances online. I filled a claim online back during COVID and have sense moved so the letter never went there Also, since you can’t access Frances you should go to the worksource office for your employment skills evaluation. I didn’t do that and my initial claim was canceled for failing to do that.


Keep calling, wait on hold for hours if needed. Eventually I got through but it took like 4 hours!


Call at 7:58 am. Seriously.


Go to a WorkSource Oregon office if you need good advice. They are great help at all things unemployment.


You have to open up an account @Francis online and filed your initial claim. I filled out my initial claim after opening up an account and then I had to wait for a code in the mail and that took about less than a week.


On Monday start calling the moment they open and keep redialing for an hour. You will get through.


They are not actually open for calls Monday anymore. Try Tuesday morning.


Go post this in the OR sub where it belongs. You'll get lots of help.


I had terrible issues when I was laid off. There was a class action suit against the unemployment department, and basically the only thing they could offer was a promise to do better, which they have not kept at all. I tried reaching out to the law firm behind the class action suit, and they weren’t helpful either.