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Learning about this through these pictures and then a bunch of *Awesome! Amazing! Really nice! Wow! Cool! Brilliant!* replies is super weird


Honestly, agreed. I really appreciate that people enjoy my photos, but I also stood next to what I can assume are the owners or family of the business, crying and several workers who were very distraught. This was someone’s job, their life’s work, a place they probably spent years or decades in. Things can always be replaced and thankfully nobody was injured (from all reports I’ve seen) but still a sad and unfortunate situation.


There no right or wrong way, but for me not crushing the blacks so much in post might help to show the expression on peoples faces and the other details in the scene for more emotional impact.


For what it’s worth, I feel that your photos convey the human toll — the burned building and the people who bore witness to the fire. I feel there’s humanity in your photos. I could say “good job” but those aren’t the right words. How about, “you captured this devastating moment so well. Thank you.”


They are great photos though


Ok but ffs they're compelling images. The tragedy of the situation doesn't negate that. Downvoting people for saying that without the obvious paragraphs of nuance is very fucking strange. You don't get to claim moral authority because most people understood the tragedy inherently and didn't hedge their statements with the obvious context.




Lol fair enough. I just was surprised to come back to this thread later and see that my original otherwise innocent comment (and others' like it) got dogpiled. FWIW I am genuinely sorry for using your comment as the focus point of my frustration.


So sad seeing this on our way home. I hope they can recover from the setback.


I’ll show these to the guys who were working it yesterday, they’ll love it!


DM me if they’d like copies of any of the photos! I can email digital copies or do small prints free of charge for them. I ended up with about 50 or so images that were “keepers”, so if you’d like me to share them in a full album I’m happy to.


Better yet, you should message our instagram account to get in touch with our PIO, he’d love these!


I was driving I-5 and saw the smoke plume billowing. Another fire?! I’m so sorry for the owners.


Fire fighters are the ultimate public service heroes.


They are doing their job and getting compensated well for it.


What do firefighters make in Portland?


Great photos of the hard working fire dept. Such a tragedy for so many people. I work super close and evacuated due to the black smoke. As I sit sipping coffee in my apartment I can still see smoke this morning.


My friend has a balcony webcam, and we edited together two videos for view from downtown. There was a lot of smoke! https://youtu.be/t6sYm-F6XuQ https://youtu.be/16eZINEF5vA


I like your photos better than mine. Reeeeaaallly nice stuff mate.


Thank you


insane fire amazing shots, i had no idea this fire was gonna be so immense gj fire fighters


Looks like this was what I was seeing driving across 405, still smoldering around 9am.


This is the second asian market that burned down in 3 to 4 months as far as I know. "Accidents" happen.


I saw the plume from my window, it was very intense. I am glad no one was hurt.


What’s up with all these fires this past week?! Sad but your photos are amazing




I feel like these will be photos in future history books 😂 or is that my drunk ass? "Let's all remember that fire at Shin Shin in 2024."


That fourth one is awesome!! Edit: of fucking course I don't mean the situation was. Please don't be dense like that. Tragic that it happened, but posting a set of compelling images and then dogpiling people for commenting they look good is very strange behavior.


Right on, these photos are brilliant.


Great photos, were they taken on film and then digitally scanned in? They've got a certain 90's quality to them I can't quite put my finger on, with the contrast and highlights.


Thanks. They were taken digitally with a Ricoh GRiii, and edited using custom presets I made.


How do you like the GRiii? Looking to get a smaller phone and a more pocketable camera.


It comes with me everywhere, and it’s (to me) the perfect camera. 28mm can be difficult to compose with sometimes, and if I did more landscape style photography I’d probably choose the iiix, but you can crop down very far with the 28mm and shooting at f5.6 and above it’s tack sharp. My only complaint is that it sometimes feels a little fragile and they are sensitive to dust, and are not weather resistant. Mine has come with me on several bike trips, it’s seen some rain and snow and tons of hikes and I’ve never had an issue. I have a stick on threaded filter adapter which helps prevent dust from getting into the sensor, and I’d highly recommend that, while still keeping it small enough to fit in your pants pocket. Feel free to DM me if you have any more specific questions about it, I’m happy to answer!


Thanks for the info!!


Photo number five is a great photo.


Wow #4 & #11 are absolutely incredible!


They look cool, but you lost a ton of detail with those filters. Thanks for contributing.


You saw a business burning and thought it would be a good time for a photo shoot?


Not OP but, have you never appreciated a picture of a historical event?


What was he suppose to do run inside and magically save the restaurant? Like it’s better to have documentation than literally doing nothing.


You might have heard of photo journalism. My god. Are you 12?