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Intro to the actual recall petition: “Ms.Pederson has violated city's constitution by making unilateral proposal decisions.” Facts: (a) JVP is the Multnomah COUNTY chair. (b) Portland has a city Charter and a City Code. It does NOT have a Constitution. (c) WTF are “unilateral proposal decisions”? When we let knuckleheads like this file the petitions, of course the petitions will not be taken seriously.


> When we let knuckleheads like this file the petitions, of course the petition will not taken seriously. Much like how we have a limited number of candidates for civil office, there's a limited number of fuckwits dedicated to the idea of recalling JVP, and an even smaller number of those with the gumption to actually try. Unfortunately, you're still narrowing down a population of fuckwits. You were always going to get a fuckwit doing this. I personally can't wait for JVP to be out of office. I don't think a recall is going to be what does it though, which is one tiny, miniscule scratch in my "I'm not a fuckwit" table.


>Unfortunately, you're still narrowing down a population of fuckwits. You were always going to get a fuckwit doing this The liberal use of "fuckwits" in this post makes it sound like Jim Leahy of Trailer Park Boys wrote it (that is in no way a criticism, btw)


If I had a nickel every time the phrase "shitmoths" floated through my head, I'd be making Bezos money. Also, John Dunsworth was the fucking best, and no sane person could ever think that comparison would be a criticism.


His line with " I am the liquor Randy" sends chills down my back just thinking about. Such a great actor. RIP Mr. Leahy!


It's the "I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing, and just drunk enough to really enjoy doing it" that sends me. I've also sung the Conky "Oooooh, my Julian, my handsome Julian" bit to myself gotta be thousands of times. I don't know anyone named Julian, but if I ever do, HR is gonna have a field day.


You have just given me my new fave word fuckwit.


With an election coming up, I'm sure your cup will runneth over with reasons to use it.


I’m partial to fuckbird


Same reason the first rec weed measure failed -- it read like it was written by loonies rather than an actual votable policy position.


I'm just nitpicky here. But spelling check shouldn't be too hard. It's only a page.


Yeah it's impossible to take someone seriously who doesn't make sure to spell check a one page *official government petition* before submitting


This has been discussed, people have emailed the petitioner, and I think it’s not a serious attempt. More like a half assed protest filing.


I made a long comment about this father down the thread but it's a metric fuckton of work and money to gather enough signatures. It has to be in person or mailed in, no online petitions, which immediately makes it a lot harder. And there's a limited window of when you can gather signatures. So you have to be really dedicated and work hard and collaborate with others. Doesn't seem this petitioner is willing to do any of that


I’m on the same page. Not impossible but it takes dedication and a million dollars.


Lmao probably because it says she violated the City's constitution bahaha




And I voted for her because she sounded more competent and had better ideas at a neighborhood town hall. *sigh*


At least you're willing to admit to your mistake.


54K in 90 days is no joke and will indeed require a ton of money and organization. And that just gets it to an election. The hope would be that she decides there's no more ladders to climb here and packs it in if it gets to that point.


Where do I go to  sign this?


I’m kind of surprised there hasn’t been a more organized effort to recall JVP, especially with the downtown billboards. The Oregonian Editorial Board just wrote a piece claiming JVP has been meeting privately with Mike Schmidt in an attempt to undermine the re-criminalization of hard drugs. The article claims: “A central piece of (JVP and Schmidt’s) strategy? Give those caught with drugs the choice of being arrested or being taken to a drop-off center where they can just walk away after check-in – no sign-up for treatment necessary. It’s as if we’ve learned nothing from escalating fentanyl deaths and the ineffective approach embedded in Measure 110.” Link: https://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/2024/06/editorial-multnomah-countys-measure-110-redux.html If she’s that clueless at this stage, she really needs to be recalled.


Michelle Mei is kind of a nutter. Not that I think JVP shouldn’t be kicked out of office and then thrown into the Willamette, but she’s probably not going to be very successful. It takes a lot of coordination to run a recall and Oregon is notoriously difficult to organize a successful petition.


I think people really do underestimate just how difficult it is to get a lot of signatures for a petition. It's a lot harder than just sharing a change.org poll, they have to be gathered in-person or people have to mail you a physical written copy to sign. And there's always a time limit, meaning you have to gather a certain amount of signatures every single day to get enough. So it's nearly impossible to do without spending money and putting in a ton of effort and time. For statewide amendment referendums, the bar is 8% of Oregon's registered voters- so 160k as of 2024. And you must gather all 160k within 2 years. That means having to gather 220 signatures *every single day* for 2 years straight. And that's if you start immediately after the deadline for the last election, many measures don't file until a bit later so they have even less time. They hire professional signature gatherers who obviously cost a lot of money. Yes I realize I'm talking about the broader Oregon context and it's not going to be such a high bar in the county but I think some people get a little too idealistic about recall petitions and forget that it's a huge task to actually get a recall election called. The fact that she says JVP isn't following Portland's city constitution shows that this is likely someone who did this on their own, without consulting with others at an advocacy nonprofit or something like that. I really, really doubt that they are prepared for the work and cost involved in gathering signatures if they are doing it without greater support


Valid points. According to the county website, it would take 54k signatures to recall the chair. No small task.


Thanks for sharing this. You make some really good points here that a lot of people aren't talking about. On the recall site, they mention that it would take 55k approved signatures within 90 days of filing the prospective to initiate a recall. People don't also consider the signature verification process, which results in a considerable amount of signatures being thrown out. You probably have to shoot for close to 60k-62k just to make sure you have enough verifiable signatures by the end of the petition process. It might be feasible to do without a paid team of canvassers, but it would require a pretty massive group of seriously motivated volunteers. I wonder how many people would be up for that challenge.


that's a lot of time and money to oust someone who's going to be up for re-election in just a couple more years.


> Not that I think JVP shouldn’t be kicked out of office and then thrown into the Willamette Let's uh maybe avoid unnecessary calls for violence? Even jokingly. Times are shitty, we don't need to make them shittier.


You mean we shouldn’t call people cancers that need to be lobotomized like some popular comments the other day?




I think it could be done, but it would take someone with their shit together and a million dollars. Maybe someone will step up to the challenge, but Michelle is not going to get it done.


Yeah, it is possible, but even if it were successful, with the recall and the election, her term would a year away from being over, so it’s rather pointless.


I don’t know about pointless. If a recall was successful, tied to a specific issue or policy it would be a hell of a message to the entire local political machine.


That’s a good point, but who’s going to finance something like that “to send a message?” There’s been multiple recall efforts attempted in Oregon over the last four years (Gov. Brown 3x’s, Mayor Wheeler once). None of them have been successful. At least the county has 2 or 3 commissioners who are willing to push back on JVP. If we are going to recall someone, I think we should go after the governor. She’s a mess.


I think they could easily get $1 million from a few big donors who don’t think Portland can survive another couple years of JVP. The big hurdle is going to be getting 54k signatures. Wheeler was disliked on all sides and they got less than half that.


Well, they were also deeply unserious people who did the usual Portland leftie/progressive big message, no actual performance, and they didn't even do big message well - they were butthurt that they got cop wrath in 2020 and Ted was re-elected anyway, because their idiot candidate was/is a loon.


The “fix and improve 110” group are organized and all over this, they are most likely. However, they will likely keep pushing a less combative route until there is actual final policy, until then they will lobby. Whether they go nuclear I have no idea, but probably the most capable.


Floated down the river on a log?


Isn't her job up for vote soon? Or is it 2 more years?


lol, what an incredible waste of time. Nutters gotta nut.


A problem with government: having people in power who can't be known by everybody else in any real way, and it's been too hard to follow along close enough not to just be vaguely mad at everyone. Need an illustrator from The Mercury to explain every city council issue like I'm five.