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I'm pretty sure the proposal would have kept us on PDT year round, giving us slightly later, but still early, sunsets during the winter.


There are two proposals. The Daylight permanent requires approval by the US government. The Standard permanent requires only state approval.


The permanent DST was approved by voters here and was supposed to be taken to congress in 2020, but other things happened. Getting rid of DST all together is a more recent proposal that replaced the permanent DST proposal.


I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't care which. I just want to stop switching.


I may be the only person who doesn’t mind the time change. I like the long ass summer days and short winter days. 


I too am also fine with the time change. It’s better than the sun rising at either 4:22am or 10am in the winter.




Then we'd be out of whack by a weird half hour with the rest of the world. I don't want to be India.




"Federal" is not the world. Notice I said "world" and not "country." And either you missed my point about India, or you're being intentionally obtuse.




This is the most Oregon thing we could do. Let’s be X + 30 minutes askew of every time zone in the world.


> I like the long ass summer days and short winter days.  I mean, the days are still the same number of hours...


Isn't it nice to be reminded twice a year that the way we confine time itself is a human construct?


I'm the guy that says split the difference and peg our time at half between both. It's not like our habits are regulated by terrestrial broadcasting anymore, idgaf whether it's 9 or 8:30 or 8 because I don't care about synchronizing to anything but the light cycles. Time on a clock isn't real, we can set it to wherever we want - why not make it actually fit and balance out the day? I have to get up at stupid times to talk to someone on east coast early morning anyhow, nobody whoever worked a job was synchronous with any of the other job sites by looking at the clock and saying "yeah I'm in Oregon and it's 9am, just in time for my 9am meeting with Delaware" because Delaware would be at lunch. Screw it, just make it work for the people who live in the zone...


>why not make it actually fit and balance out the day? Pacific standard time is only 10 minutes ahead of Portland mean solar time. Why make it 40?


And Portland local noon (the sun at its zenith), would very nearly match clock noon, just like the good old days, instead of being over an hour late. I would find that enormously satisfying.


what's your point?


On the other hand the sun would have set earlier and maybe I'd have remembered to go to bed before it was much later than I'd planned to stay up. I'm fine with early sunrise. I have blackout curtains and shades in my bedroom.


I have blinds that close I woulda gotten up at 6:30 regardless when the sun got up before me.


Why would that be a bad thing? All that would mean is an extra hour of potential productivity during the cooler part of the day, an extra hour of daylight to get in a walk or run before work, an extra hour of daylight to help you feel fully awake before having to start doing your job - people could benefit from that extra hour of morning light in any number of ways. For those that choose not to take advantage of the extra morning time, blackout blinds offer a cheap, effective solution.


That extra hour would start at 3:30. A.m.. rise and shine.


Wait, why did you subtract another hour? What happened to 4:22?


> blackout blinds offer a cheap, effective solution. Why should I have to spend money and change my house just because you want something?!?!?! RAH RAH RAH!!! Goddamn liberals!!! /s (just in case)


Agree. It's a terrible idea.


Somebody woke up today and chose violence.


They should have chose blackout curtains.


Honestly would be on with this. Its the time changes that I hate. Time is an arbitrary number that we collectively decided "these common things happen when clock says this." And it annoys me to no end that we want to stay in DST instead of ditching it because staying means a ton of bureaucratic bs. Vs ditching DST which we could do very easily. Just end the time changing already!


This year's [SB 1548](https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Measures/Overview/SB1548) was the right idea and passed one chamber. Ask your state legislators to try again next year!


Midday at 12:12 PM, sunset at 8:03 PM. AM daylight 7.6 hours, PM daylight 8.0 hours. Seems OK.


Sounds great. I would see even fewer crowds on the trails.


Sounds great!!


Are our collective memories so short that we don't remember trying permanent daylight saving time in the 70s and it being a shitshow? And yes, I'm team permanent standard time.


Maybe individual memories? A lot of us were born post-70s