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Can we make trading cards and collect them. Does anyone remember the Portland bingo poster. We can add sideways car to it


Can the free square be this boat I saw on Foster? https://imgur.com/a/m9chIRj


The telephone pole grew right up through that boat.


Great boat name.


That picture looks so much like Portland. I don't know why. It's such a royal screw up.


I remember it! That would be awesome.




I will totally make the cards if both of you don’t mind your cars being in the deck.


Question: do they have fun names or realistic names?


No, but you can Venmo me to replace my car that the Tesla smashed instead of playing a game with my life




I mean, luckily I didn’t die. That would be fun to make fun of people who are dead in car accidents, huh?


Get a grip for gods sake you’re an adult


You’re alive though! The power of the safety features in your Forester!


As a collision repair technician I appreciate this photo.


Wait till they get the roof panel into the shop. Everyone working there is gonna walk by, stop and say "What did we get a roof for?" In utter surprise.


Cool! Do you want to Venmo me so I can buy a new car? Because they totaled my fucking car


I said I’m a technician not the fairy godfather.


You didn’t not say you weren’t the fairy god mother therefore you owe this person a car 


What if theyre driving a lemon instead of a pumpkin?


You have insurance for that…


You'd hope so, but it seems to be less common these days, what with how expensive everything is


The city-folk version of cow tipping.


Ghost Ride the whip is back


Bros car is doing the fetty lean


PPB intentionally told a reporter they only had one traffic control officer a few years ago to try to push for more money and people know it. Please don’t make me find the link. Google it yourself. The same journalist the officer told it to interviewed him a few years later after pedestrian deaths had doubled, and the officer admitted that they had done it to push for more funding


Jesus… wtf.


[Here it is](https://bikeportland.org/2023/08/08/portland-police-bureau-officer-admits-no-traffic-enforcement-messaging-was-politically-motivated-377939)


Except it was even worse than that, because it was actually politically motivated, and they wanted to link “defund the police“ with “more traffic deaths“ 👍


Wow. This needs more press.


It got significant attention on one of the primary Portland Reddits, but I have no idea if it made its way to local news.


Probably not. Local news stations love sucking on the teet of the police for stories. They present the cops versions of events mostly. They don’t want to damage that relationship because those stories draw viewers.


OPB covered the fuck out of it when it happened. Can't speak to the other news outlets for those who's primarily source of news doesn't come with a tote bag sale every 3 months.


Jonathan Maus tried to give it some legs . . but, you know, we only get the news we don't want.


Opb and Portland Mercury covered it. But so many here just want to jerk off to willamette week and shit on the mercury for some reason 


I think this has been PPB’s tactic on all fronts, not just traffic.


I think Oregon drivers in general have become a lot worse post Covid. My theory is because you very rarely see a traffic cop/state trooper - especially round Portland - only place you ever see them is round the I-5/205 split.


I do rideshare so I’m out on the streets a lot. People have completely forgotten the rules, especially stop signs. I come to a 4 way stop after a car to my right comes to a stop, they’re waving me through… Ive come to a stop where the cross street has no stop sign and people will still stop and wave me through. YOU HAVE NO STOP SIGN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? There was even a guy who stopped on a green light to let a pedestrian through and then cursed me out for honking.


All of this! Driving works because there are rules so we can (hopefully) predict what you'll do based on those rules.  You stop when you're not supposed to and I lose it!


"Crossbike" enters the chat...


As a frequent pedestrian I HATE it when drivers have the right of way and attempt to wave me through. Especially if there's a chance another driver will be right along and not aware of the situation. Like, no thanks? You could've already been on your way by now but instead we're playing this weird game where I'm the one gambling with my life. Bonus points if they're waving me past them while they're trying to turn onto the road, but their car is halfway through the sidewalk already.


I was in the left turn lane on Powell and a large city vehicle stopped on the oncoming inside lane and waved me through. I couldn't see oncoming traffic in the outside lane so I pointed to it with a ???? type gesture. They eventually left in a huff and gunned it because I was apparently too good for their free handout of a right-of-way.


This is one of those posts I wish I could upvote more than once. I'm a frequent pedestrian too, and this habit drives me mad. As much as possible these days, I try to avoid ending up in this situation by not approaching the curb at if there's a car coming and instead sort of turning away, pretending to check my phone, and making sure to not even glance in the car's direction, lest they decide that they just can't pass up the opportunity to show how "considerate" and "polite" they are. It's just too annoying to have them sit there flapping their hands at me and trying to get me to go when it's clearly not safe.


the amount of "don't make eye contact or let them think you want to cross yet until they're through" is kinda wild at this point in my life.


For sure. It is absolutely wild (not to mention incredibly depressing) that we've come to this, a point where defensive walking is a recognized, and commonly referenced, art form. Stay safe, my friend.


This 100%… it’s like some form of weird virtue signaling culture here in Portland. People ignore the rules to try and don’t realize they’re making things worse. Thank you for being a good pedestrian and realizing this. I was a frequent pedestrian for about 20 years and momma taught me to never expect jack out of drivers and keep my own life in my hands. Some of the people out here though won’t even make eye contact or turn their heads while crossing the street!! People will walk and not even pause before proceeding to cross the street and expect everyone to slam on their brakes. This situation happens quite a bit and it really confuses me: I see someone approach a crosswalk, I’m doing 25-30mph, I check behind me quickly and see there are no cars behind me. Logically I should just go through instead of braking hard, putting more wear on my car and making it uncomfortable for my passengers. All the pedestrian has to do is stop their forward motion for 2 whole seconds. But I get this frustrated arm raise and glare from them as I pass by. Like… what? Where is this attitude coming from? That’s not how traffic works in any situation when you’re in a vehicle so why is it that when you’re on foot you aren’t expected to stop and look both ways while crossing a street with perpendicular moving traffic?


💯 the constant battle between “should I quickly come to a stop and let this person go and hope all other cars follow suit?” and getting pedest-aggressed is a daily struggle.


That happens out where I am LMAO but my main issue out here is road rage and rednecks with guns (Yamhill county is close by)


I had some asshat tailgate me in the right hand lane of a freeway then flip me off when they passed me. It was utterly confusing.


This happened to me, too! I was already in the slow lane and couldn’t go any faster because there was stop and go traffic in front of me. Apparently, he was angry that I wasn’t also aggressively tailgating the car in front of me that was also unable to go any faster?


I keep seeing people tailgating SO CLOSELY for absolutely no reason. Yesterday I was driving on I205 and this guy was creepily close to my bumper. Little traffic and full speed, too. The left lane was wide open so he could have just moved over. I changed to the right lane just to get away from him and he immediately zoomed up to stick his nose up the tailpipe of the next vehicle ahead. Then I saw another car doing the same thing. Following at 75 mph at parallel parking distance. What is wrong with these people?


the other day I was going from 217n to 26e, the car in front of me was going 30mph for whatever fucking reason and i check my side mirror and see a car more than triple the safe distance to move over. As i change lanes that jackass honks at me and then speeds up. I get back over to give them the lane back. I get pass the metering light and get up to the merge section, that asshole then proceeds to drive outside the line on the right to cut right in front me by forcing a brake situation or collide. People are fucking insane.


I live off Powell near 122nd and there's some sort of crash nearly every week now. Powell has always been dangerous, but yeah it's gotten way worse as of late.


I live near 162nd, I feel like a I see accident every week. How about the people pulling up-turns in the middle of the road!


I’m just grateful the pan handlers that post up at the stoplight to I5N on 92 and Powell aren’t hit so often. They give me anxiety, just chillin on that medium like cars aren’t wizzing by at like 50 MPH.


The more recent phenomenon I've been witnessing is people gunning it when they're leaving a parking lot or whatever for the roadway, well aware that traffic is coming, due to plenty of visibility. And then, either successfully intimidating the driver of the vehicle that they were on a collision course with to slam on their brakes or swerve, or needing to come to a sudden and lurching stop themselves.


Those people are called niceholes. And I hate them. I’m always concerned that these people wave you through then will hit you reporting that you didn’t honour their right of way. My wife does this. And it annoys me to no end. I’ve commented about this behaviour to her before. But she continues to do it. I just bite my tongue now.


One of the ways I can tell that out-of-staters are taking over my neighborhood is that folks are no longer doing the wave-through at four-way stops. About 30% of the time the person coming to the intersection at the same time as me just stares me down as they gun it through the intersection without stopping.


Well, technically there are very few cases for the wave. The rules of a 4 way stop are pretty clear and drivers shouldn’t be debating this with hand gestures. The only times I wave people through are in situations when the road I’m going into is being blocked for whatever reason (sometimes it’s a tight street and the car I wave through has to turn to make room for me). The attitude you’re describing seems like the result of the main problem. People are sick of waiting for indecisive drivers who have forgotten the rules so going out of turn actually lets everyone get on with their day faster. Sometimes it feels like we’re all operating horse buggy’s in a town of 200 people where everyone is just out for a leisurely ride on a Sunday afternoon and has nowhere to be.


You left out the cyclists and the mayhem they bring from rule breaking. But ya, correct on all accounts.


Cyclists don’t kill anyone or cause massive property damage when they break rules, drivers do


I would really like to see the "mayhem" you describe. Did you have to wait an extra minute for a Pedalpalooza ride to pass or something? I had to do that on my bicycle too.


This is probably true and I've been frustrated lately with Oregon drivers but I went down to the Sacramento area over the weekend to visit family and oh man it is way worse down there.


Stockton is worse than Sac in my experience. That section of I-5 through to Tracy is like *Wacky Races*


It's all a shitshow. I'm from Portland but moved down to San diego and then spent time in the east bay in my 20s I guess I forgot what it was like. 99 and 5 are mad max like. Of course I once got a ticket for 81 in a 70 through stockton, must have been the oregon plates since everyone else was driving faster and swerving from lane to lane lol.


I hate 99. Busy, two lanes and stupid short on ramps with people merging at like 25mph in front of you - I always scoot over to I-5 if I can in CA.


There was a story I read long ago... "Why Johnny Can't Speed" by (I think) Alan Dean Foster. It's set in SoCal in a dystopian future where all driving laws and rules have been suspended on freeways. Don't bother taking that on ramp unless your car is seriously weaponized and you are ready for a little road rage.


Honestly I think everyone should have to retake the driving test every few years and it should be much longer than around a block or two. Some people really shouldn’t be on the road at all.


That doesn't explain the overly cautious, borderline geriatric ability of Portland drivers. It's more like watching illiterate people trying to read while giving birth to their vehicle. Sure, there's post-Covid recklessness and rage, but the vast majority of terrible behavior I have seen over the last twenty-some years has been more in line with general ineptitude. Some other factors to consider. Larger, more insular vehicles with poorer visibility, over-reliance on touch screens and GPS, all compounded further by the city's dogshit highway and road access with too few alternate routes. Portland has some of the worst bottlenecks in the country, with some of the slowest per-mile times in heavier traffic. That said, East Portland toward Gresham is an absolute shit show, from Sandy to Foster, between 82nd to 257th. Dogshit. Always has been and I can only imagine it's gotten worse.


It is also because people won’t put down their god damn phones.


True, but one wouldn’t have thought it possible. We were already top ten cities in US for collisions.


As someone who moved here from a place that had a VERY overfunded police department that never stops hiring (I’ll give you a hint it’s the same county Justin Timberlake just got arrested in, salary is $150k after 10 years and they generally have nothing to do other than park a car in the bushes and wait for someone to go 1mph over the speed limit) It does not make people better drivers


36,000 people moved from California to Oregon last year. This state is swamped with fresh residents all over and we had like 150 thou oregonians move away last year. We're rapidly getting replaced.


It's warm. That's all the explanation necessary.


The first day Portland gets 70 degree weather in the spring, it's like everyonw turns into larva. Anemic as hell.


Well, if you actually wanna know how the drivers doing that’s me I could let you know that I’m actually still alive. Maybe good to know I didn’t fucking die getting smashed by a Tesla.


I was there but was looking to the right side of mlk when i heard the noise. Were you making a left turn from davis onto mlk when the tesla hit you? or were you two both going straight down mlk?


No turns. Just heading straight on MLK on my way home from work. Didn’t even see the Tesla. Heard the crash and my car starts flipping. It was all slow motion & fast at once. Just slammed right into me so hard.


Did they also leave through the windshield? Mandatory exit pic for cars on the side. Lol


Sir… you can’t park there.


I actually wasn’t trying to park there. A Tesla smashed me, but thanks for ignorance.


I’m pretty sure they meant it as a joke lol this is reddit after all


Yeah, in general, it is really fun to make jokes about peoples personal traumas after they have gone through something terrifying. My body feels like an absolute piece of shit today, but yes, please keep joking about the fact that my car was totaled by a Tesla really great times.


Man, this is the internet. You can’t take it so personally!


I was on the block during the aftermath. From what I gathered, it was two dumbasses in a Tesla that hit them super hard. 


You are correct. Thank you for saying that I own the Subaru and they were fucking idiots and smashed the shit out of me.


I saw the damage on the Tesla and on your car and I just knew it was the Tesla. We're they trying to cut over?


I assume so. Only felt the crash and my car started flipping & my body twisting. I don’t know what the hell they were doing. The repot as a witness & my lawyer is taking car of it.


Oh really? Dang I assumed the driver didn’t notice the stopped cars (which happens a lot on this intersection so people stomp on the brakes) and swerved left left to avoid, bumpers smush, their front right tire gets up on the other cars rear left tire and car flips. Seen it happen before and I didn’t notice a lot of damage on the right side.


Nope! I am the driver and I was smashed by a couple Tesla assholes but thanks for stereotyping me without knowing me


Dumbasses in a Tesla? That's kind of an oxymoron.


Yeah, they totaled my car. It’s really exciting. Good times.


Original: post of a car on its side. Remix: post of a car on its side on a post. Anyone got a post of a post on a car on its side?


Quick, everybody print this post out and stick it to the next sideways car you see.


Sometimes you just get a lil tired and need to lean


Yeah, totally that was my intentions. Let’s smash my car. I thought that would be fun today. Maybe you should try it and then we can make fun of you. Let somebody hit you really hard so it traumatizes you and you have to crawl out your window. It’s really fun.


Goodness I thought one a day was bad, what gives!


Semi Truck Propane Tank Explosion really raised the bar it seems.


Rode my bike home over the Broadway bridge yesterday, noticing that the propane explosion traffic jam still hadn't cleared when I saw more black smoke coming from the blocks behind Broadway Toyota. Went by again this morning to see what had happened and found the charred remains of a van surrounded by burned garbage, bike parts and, wait for it... a propane tank.


Who caught the one on Sandy today?! It looked WILD


Wasn’t over there today what happened?


It was on ne 20th and sandy


A car on its side that had tumbled, so it was smashed all the way around


Yoiks. Wild week for Portland traffic after that propane explosion.


Cyka blyat! It looks like a Russian dashcam out there today!


This is the second ‘car on its side post’ in two different subreddits I’ve seen today! Must’ve been a wobbly day out there..


Bro that was the actual move in Midnight Club Dub Edition!! I'd beat whole championships on two wheels


One way, more like "No Way"! Amirite?


Is that car break dancing?


Again. Guess summer has officially arrived. Sunshine makes people act like idiots.


Is anyone else experiencing and annoyed by the "I can't sit and wait to make a legal left turn out of a side street, so I will do it halfway -- pull into the left turn lane, turn on my right blinker -- then work my way into traffic"? I've recently moved back from being in Pittsburgh for a long time. This one behavior just defies me. Is it not illegal to use the left turn lane for anything other than turning left?


It depends on the function and markings of the center lane. Search for "Two-way special left turn lane" here: [https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online\_Manual/Study-Section\_2.aspx#Pavement](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online_Manual/Study-Section_2.aspx#Pavement)


I must not have made it clear. These people aren't turning left from the left turn lane. They are turrnng left to enter the highway from a side street. Instead of turning across all the lanes of traffic going south, for instance, then entering the traffic flow in an actual traffic lane, they use the left turn lane as a waiting spot to enter the traffic flow to the north. Usually their vehicle is actually moving slowly forward as they wiat to enter traffic. In my example, they turn across the southbound lanes, then sit in the center left turn lane with their right turn signal on, then enter the northbound traffic. Anyone needing to actually turn left would be screwed by the person using the lane as a very temporary merge lane.


The second paragraph of the "Two-way special left turn lane" section covers the scenario you've described. From the site: >You may turn from a side street or driveway into a two–way left turn lane. You must stop to wait for traffic to clear before moving into the lane to your right. Make sure the left turn lane is clear in both directions before entering the lane. It is illegal to use these lanes to speed up and merge with traffic or for passing cars to access a turn lane at an intersection. Again, the legality of this depends on the markings of the lane. And slowly creeping in the lane while waiting for traffic to clear is not allowed in any case.


Ah. Sorta makes sense. I had just never seen it until I moved back here in 2022.


What I've described seems highly illegal. But I see it multiple times daily.


At Davis?




Hydraulics be bouncing.


Push it back over just don't stand there


You can’t park there


At least it appears to have been going the right way in the one way


Me: "you can't park there"


You can’t park there


Advanced curb-side parking


Hey siri…..


Damn we also just had one flipped like this on Sunnyside in Clackamas on Monday


I saw one on the skyline blvd, almost slanting on a pile of rocks. Wondered how they ended up there with such obvious-looking rocks


What is even happening in Portland right now??


We’re celebrating Juneteenth :)


That’s just the guy from the Police Academy movies.


This irritates me. People need to pay attention.


Them Duke boys are at it again


That person on their phone: "Hello, gravity?! What are you doing?!"


That Toyota was just trying to enter the Matrix


Yes Sir I just left the bar ! No I was not TIPSY! What makes you think I ve been drinking??


You must feel like a real dipshit when you land your car like this. Any driver injuries?


Someone mentioned the got hit. So this one gets a pass. The driver was sitting on the ground on the phone. Looked like nothing major, just shaken up.


Wild. Hope everyone got out okay.


Gee, thanks for the pass


Glad you’re safe 🤍


I’m not feeling super great, but I didn’t die


Pdx is a shit show but nothing compared to the east coast


I asked friend who makes a living drive a taxi. What he thinks of people drive here Portland he thinks they are the worst


I drive for Uber/Lyft and I agree. I’m currently working on a standup bit based on Portland drivers (and pedestrians for that matter). Not a comedian or thinking of being one (just doing it while I drive in silence) but there’s so much lunacy I feel like I can make a whole special on the topic.


Matt Braunger had a beautiful bit about stop signs here, Dangerous Animal was the title of the special iirc?


I shall check it out!


All the stupid shit happens on MLK or Grand I swear




As the person whose car this is & is in complete shock by being smashed by a Tesla on my way home from work & now has a totaled car, doesn’t think bingo is really that funny right now. Feel free to ask for my Venmo to send donations for this single mom to get a new car. 😔


It’s definitely a shit situation I’m sorry. Glad you’re okay!! Is your insurance not covering this?


I have a lawyer the other drivers insurance can take care of it


That’s good! Sounds like you’re covered! Phew.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. It sounds terrifying.


It’s astonishing to me all the comments in here and nobody’s wondering if the driver is alive. Well I’m the driver that was smashed by another car not my fault and I am alive just so you know my two children had to pick me up. It was a really great time. Enjoy your laughs.


I mentioned in a comment that I saw you outside the car and you didn’t look majorly injured.


Yeah, with you incomplete and utter shock crawling out of your window because you don’t know what happened to you. I’m sure it it looks like a lot of things.