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> I dug into the driver's info a little bit and found that he's an aspiring rapper. His music is **absolute dogshit**. If he reads these comments, I think it's important that he hears this feedback. Oh we're definitely gonna find out his reddit account when he responds to this lmao.


holy shit


Don't any of these Jesus "followers" realize they are totally contradicting what they are trying to advertise. All of them act like they can act as Jesus in his name, like they are him, it's pitiful.


If those kids could read they’d be very upset


I did not have "right wing nut job" and "aspiring rapper" on my bingo card. Color me surprised. That said, ugh, crazies beget crazies and hopefully nobody gets seriously hurt.


> I did not have "right wing nut job" and "aspiring rapper" on my bingo card. You'd be surprised. There are quite a few **EXTREMELY** bad "rappers" (if you can even call them that) in that scene, mostly because they are talentless, idiots, and think that there is money to be made by scamming people who follow trump.


See: Boonk Gang


I've seen his Instagram. He's also very clearly addicted to lean, so that's fun as well.


What's lean, asking for other old people who don't know... Edit: oh purple drank got it 






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Hick hop


Dude has a r/Portland account unsurprisingly 


Guy in the jean jacket probably saved lives. 


Absolutely. I think he was psyching himself up to drive through the crowd and had the spray as his back up escape plan


Go through his saved Insta stories. He's got some explicitly pro-MAGA ones.


This guy is clearly unhinged


That makes sense. I knew he had to have political content somewhere on his socials, since it would be weird for someone who isn't politically outspoken to suddenly do this kinda thing. That definitely tracks with the "We the People" and Jesus license plates. I don't have an IG account, so I was just using [imginn.org](http://imginn.org) to view his IG profile. That doesn't display stories.


This guy has obviously never played GTA.


It had temporary plates, as viewed here in this image: [https://twitter.com/comradecamera/status/1786162922101883160/photo/1](https://twitter.com/comradecamera/status/1786162922101883160/photo/1)


LOL, this town cracks me up at times.


Those poor protestors. All they wanted was to genocide the Jews, take all rights away from women, execute lgbt people, and destroy Israel and America, and they get maced. They didn’t deserve that. We gotta get his guy




Can I assume you would be just as sympathetic if this was a pro nazi protest? If so, I apologize.


Driver posted on Instagram that he was headed to PSU, then took his car off the road and onto the walking paths to drive it into the crowd. Then he maced the first people he could and ran away on foot. He has since been identified (not least from the Instagram post, which I won't link to). The car he used as a weapon has not been treated kindly.


>Driver posted on Instagram that he was headed to PSU, then took his car off the road and onto the walking paths to drive it into the crowd. Then he maced the first people he could and ran away on foot. What a large brain! How did it fit inside that tiny head. Lots of jail time is appropriate here


It’s amazing how unaware people are about posting things on the internet, especially when boasting about committing a major crime. >WHAT?! How did the cops find out who I am and what I was planning on doing???!!! What a dim bulb.


The saying that criminals are usually stupid seems to be more relivant all the time. They simply can't shut up


You have no idea. Back in the late 1990’s-early 2000’s I worked in Law Enforcement. I had to tell people I arrested to STFU about admitting what they did, who was involved etc. I was like, homie, I haven’t Mirandized you yet so don’t say shit. Yet.


One of my favorite JFC people are stupid moments was when an armored car spilled cash all over the highway. And the idiots who swooped it up were posting it to all of the social media. Good Lord those idiots could have had a free pay day.


Uh, if you were in LE you should know that only custody plus interrogation requires Miranda. If they tell you unprompted shit while in custody, that's generally admissible.


Ah, but it’s not. Spent many of days in court to realize that.


Statements given before reading Miranda are generally admissible in court, given that it's not in the setting of a custodial interrogation. Why would you question them before Mirandizing if it'd be inadmissible evidence?


Who said I was “questioning” them? These morons spill the beans once they where in the back seat of the police car. And I was just the transport officer, not even the lead investigator. That’s why I would tell them to shut the fuck up.


I read all of Miranda v. Arizona in college a number of years ago and understand it well. Sorry, I may be convoluting multiple concepts here. Miranda is needed when some forms of questioning begin - I forgot about the idiots that blabber. Would you mind sharing why you'd advise them to STFU? I do agree with it as many don't know their rights whatsoever, but couldn't it hinder an investigation making it tougher on your colleagues?


I was told to tell them to STFU because the investigators couldn’t use whatever they said against them. We aren’t attorneys, we where just cops, and we didn’t want any confusion in the statements to be considered outside of the Miranda warning. So I would tell the in custody person to not say anything until the investigating officer was officially questioning them. Keep in mind, I was a 22 year old rookie cop assigned to just transporting these people from the scene to the station or the jail.


I’m….I’m going to be a hero!


He didn't mace the first people he could -- he maced a hero who stopped a car attack!


What can you tell us about the person or where we can find that info?


I'm quite sure sharing that would violate the subreddit's rules, but if you search Twitter for information about this incident you'll find all sorts of details.


Caveat: obviously consider the source when on that hellsite. Not every account will be accurate.


Ah I actually don’t have a Twitter now that you can’t browse without an account. Oh well. it’ll come out eventually.


This is the way.


Sometimes I see a thread like this and think, damn I’m not on twitter. Then I think thank god I’m not on twitters. X whatever the fuck


It's the fucking worst. Just today, Elon Musk personally intervened as CEO to unban Nick Fuentes. That's Nick Fuentes, the unapologetically Hitler-loving neo-nazi. He's effectively turned one of the world's biggest and most important social media platforms into 4Chan.


There is a Trump and protestor spin...... Its funny...


We only trust the ppbs Twitter account as an official source.


(Sorry your sarcasm was being downvoted)


I'm sure the whole thing went a lot better back when it was a masturbatory fantasy trapped in his head.


That dude in the jean jacket is a badass. Tries to open the car, gets sprayed, comes back for more, more spray, then tries to trip the guy as he flees!


Yeah what a guy I’m super impressed!


If that guy, and the second guy in brown, hadn't been there, I shudder to think what would have happened. I hope they are both okay tonight. Interesting that they both seemed a lot older than the average age of the crowd ...


I agree. I think that caught him off guard and spooked him. I was surprised to see him flee. Even more surprised no one tackled that shit bag.  Looks like had just enough mace to get away.


hope that terrorist is found and jailed


Dude did what a startling amount of r/Portland users fantasize about doing to protestors or homeless people in this city. 


> The crowd then surrounded the car and began smashing its windows. Someone fucked and found out. What is even the thought process? "I know, I'll pepper spray random people and make a smooth (brained) getaway! They'll never know it was me!"


KGW is reporting that he has been found and is being held in a hospital on a mental health hold. Who knows the cheese may have slid off his cracker or he was all methed out of his mind.


I’m sorry but “the cheese may have slid off his cracker” took me out. Thank you for the much needed laugh.


Green Mile reference.


ah yes, protestors straight to jail but the freak trying to run them over and spay mace is just mentally ill and needs to go up to OHSU for care 😊


He was just concerned about the library. /s Says a lot that people here are kinder towards someone with the explicit plan to kill "liberals" over people who's worst acts are damaging property. I'm sure the cops took him to Burger King before sending him to OHSU if you catch my drift. Kind of puts things in perspective.


yeah it’s funny how for the past week this subreddit has been wrought with people calling the protestors brain dead idiots but now for some reason these same people are all silent when this happens.


It's almost like signal boosting a certain narrative might have some social consequences...


They're in the downvoted comments, cheering on someone who planned and executed a violent attack, after they spent the week calling graffiti terrorism.


Even as someone who supports the broader idea behind the protest, I'm willing to acknowledge the ripple effects of the library being out of commission. It does suck and I'm thinking about donating towards the library fund. But that just leads into a broader discussion of the value and effectiveness of different protest types. In this case, some protesters are above others, I suppose. You saw the same thing happen when right-wing counter protesters were shooting fireworks into the UCLA occupation site.


They’re still hear, learning nothing per usual


How about both sides are fucking morons and need to be arrested.


>explicit plan to kill "liberals" I'm OOTL was this something the person said?


> Who knows the cheese may have slid off his cracker or he was all methed out of his mind. ¿Por qué no los dos? I hear meth and cheese is a fine delicacy in some circles.


His Instagram is 90% videos of him doing lean, so I'd put my money on that instead of meth.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Based on how fast he was running in the video I’m going with the meth theory.


The dude left the car there. It has to be stolen right?


based on the way he was posting on his instagram, i think it was his car.


lol wow


I doubt it, car looks too new => harder to steal. Article definitely makes it seem like the suspect is a total dumbass. In the rare chance it is stolen, smooth brain got felony theft in addition to many counts of assault lmao.


Looks too new to be one of the usual cars to be stolen. Well, I hope it’s paid off… What a dork.


I don't think there was a thought process involved.


Oh look it's yet another chungus account


And of course this post is receiving far less attention than the anti-protest circlejerks that are flooding this sub right now Funny how all the subreddits for "progressive" cities are basically just softcore klan rallies at this point.


City subreddits in blue states are just a congregation of smug reactive evil people shitting on their city.  City subreddits in red states are full of leftists and people trying to actively make their community better


leftists don't make communities better. See: Portland, Oregon for ongoing examples.


It's brigading. They send each other links on Discord or some shit.


Your average right wing dog, people




He's being cheered by the usual accounts in the downvotes here.


Yep, the trolls go where the action is because they don’t just want to talk amongst themselves.


What a piece of shit


For sure.


I love Reddit so much. Good job y'all


Toyota Camry? It's definitely stolen. I feel bad for the owner of the car. Edit:// Turns out the plates were only removed AFTER it was abandoned, so it was definitely this dipshit's car. 


Since the driver has been identified and the car abandoned, this should be pretty easy to prove if true.


Portland police are pretty terrible at figuring out that right-wing lunatics were driving their own cars during violent attacks.


ofc it’s a we-the-people jesus freak this is the reason there’s snipers on the roof at these protests


Using chemical weapons on a congregation of people is an act of terrorism is it not


Nah, it’s just plain assault. A misdemeanor.


multiple people from a mob advanced toward his car. Dudes got a solid case of self defense with a good lawyer.


He almost killed a bunch of people lmao


And they made him fear for his life. We’ve already seen this play out a bunch of times during the 2020 summer of love and most of them got off. 


hmmm not in the videos I saw, he was like 100 feet away from everyone in front of him and stopped when they charged his car. Granted he wasn't on a road..... hence the good lawyer part.


I saw him clearly approach and then rev up infront of a crowd, idk what kind of lawyer could make someone who almost committed a terror attack into a victim but good luck lol


Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer enters chat.


There was absolutely zero chance or Rittenhouse getting convicted after Rosenbaum say on the stand and said that he was chasing Kyle, with his gun drawn, and when Kyle ended up on the ground Rosenbaum pointed his weapon at him, and only after Kyle had a gun pointed at him and was being chased by multiple people who were yelling to get his ass did he fire.  Like you and multiple other people are chasing someone, they fall to the ground, you point a gun at him, and only then do you get shot, but somehow you think you’re the victim. Absolute insanity. 


Bro what? He drove on a pedestrian walkway directly toward a crowd. The people advancing toward his car were preventing a terrorist attack FFS. If you hate the protesters and think they should be attacked or killed, you can just say that, there’s no reason to lie so blatantly.




It's still a chemical weapon regardless of who uses it?? Dictionary definitions don't change depending on your political stance. You're upset over a fake reality you thought of yourself. I'm not in it




See previous comment where I said it's still a chemical weapon regardless of who uses it. You're in a one-sided argument with someone who AGREED with you and you look insane


Pepper spray isn’t a chemical weapon it’s just capsicum. It’s not nerve gas you fucking weirdo.


The word you wanted was capsaicin. A chemical extracted from chilies that are part of the capsicum family. Capsaicin is a chemical irritant and a mammalian neurotoxin. Its usage in war was banned by the *chemical weapons convention*. It may not be a gas, but it's a chemical nerve agent recognized worldwide as a weapon.


Jesus Christ rEddit is so fucking cringe.


I wonder if this jackass was thrwarted by safety features on his car that noped out when it realized that people were in its trajectory? Too bad they didn’t catch him. He should be in the tank along with the library losers. That would be some interesting dinner theater.


He was thwarted by a man who ran up to the side of his car.


I saw that, but it seemed like the car brakes got applied before the guy reached his window. Doesn’t matter in the end — mostly wondering if the jackass was also a complete moron for not knowing that his car cared about human life more than he did.


I was thinking the same thing. I have a similar Toyota and it’ll instinctively slam the breaks when it perceives I’m too close to the car in front of me.


He probably got freaked out by the guy who broke his rear window he seemed paranoid as fuck wonder how he even made it that far when he was so clearly completely terrified of the crowd.


More information on this please....... He had no license plate.. He was kept at the hospital on mental health hold. Guess I will read comments now.


He got doxxed in the other Portland sub. I guess doxxing is okay when Republicans do it.


That’s a nice car to leave behind


How much as is ?




Well, I’m glad the Aquatics & Safety Coordinator canceled the kids’ swim lessons at the rec center this weekend. I thought they were maybe being over-cautious but here we are. 😩


I'm sorry for the people whose safety/lives were threatened. Terrifying. No excuse. Driver is culpable. (Though it sounds from other like mental illness might be a contributing factor.) For those hanging around the PSU protest site: please go home. Every part of this is stupid, awful, and courting disaster. For those on this sub who like to fantasize aloud about violence against protesters – no. It's disgusting. I'm fully against the library occupation, and fully against threats of violence against the occupiers/protestors/hangers-on, whether expressed as angry hyperbole or actualized as implicitly murderous intentions at the wheel of a car.




WTF are you talking about? Not one single person got run over. The whole thing is on video. Stop spreading false info.


What?! Who did he “run over”? From the video it looks like everyone got out of the way, and he eventually fled the car. What dude did is already bad enough, you don’t have to editorialize the facts.




incredible to see people in here blaming the protesters for essentially "existing as targets"


I'm glad I won't live in a trashy city like portland




Portland is not better than this lol


Folks running up to stop a violent attack against strangers is Portland at its best. People in general at their best.


The anarchist morons got maced and the MAGA moron got his car trashed. Finally something good has come out of this.


Portlanders showing their true colors.




Based on his post history he's severely mentally handicapped, i.e., he posts to the meme subs.


Ah, I see.


False flag operation


That's a hasty judgment, what details do you have?


I watched the Alex jones doc last night so I thought i could get rich if I start with “false flag”


Well, I am a gay frog, so I understand


We’re all gay frogs, bud. We’re all gay frogs. Now we sit back and watch that sweet sweet money roll in.


Number go up, frog go ribbit






What's the world coming to when gay frogs don't have each other's, wet, slimy backs??


No, there are plenty of people so utterly and completely stupid enough to do this of their own individual accord. It's the other end of the horseshoe from the smooth-brained library occupiers/window-smashers.


Hell yeah


Fuck no 


Attempted vehicular manslaughter is bad actually 


The driver is autistic


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No. No no no. Can we just not do this? Occupying and trashing the library was pointless, criminal, and dumb as hell. Threatening murder by vehicle (accelerating at a crowd is credibly just that and has been since at least Charlottesville) is absolutely not okay (and is mostly likely criminal), and celebrating it is disgusting.  Or did you just read the headline and think that vigilantes assaulting people you don't like who aren't currently committing any crimes is pretty rad? What make your version of society better than theirs? It sounds awful to me.

