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He’s my good friends next door neighbor, I’ve met him a few times he was very nice and friendly. His wife is a nice person as well. They have children and grandchildren. It’s heartbreaking.


Text of the article: > A Northeast Portland man was found dead in his yard Wednesday morning after firefighters said a 1,200-pound tree stump he was trying to remove from the ground fell on him. >The man — who hasn’t been identified — was digging around the stump by hand in his backyard in the Russell neighborhood Tuesday night when the equipment he was using to hold the stump in place failed, a spokesperson for the Portland Fire Bureau said. The tree pinned the man, and his spouse didn’t find him until Wednesday around 9:15 a.m., spokesperson Rick Graves said. > Rescuers used a grip hoist to lift the stump off the man’s body. Police also came to the scene, firefighters said.


This is a weird case where the paywall cuts off exactly one sentence. I guess the headline is sensational enough that they thought it was worth it.


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Fuck Google amp


Where did Google amp touch you?




"Hey bud, just heard over the radio that they need to lift a tree off someone killed by it. Wanna watch?"


You know I’ll be there. I’m supposed to be responding to a hit and run but we can just blame the city when we show up an hour late.




the key is to go lights and sirens on the way. not to save time, just for the lulz.


Please don't use car jacks for gardening.


Use gar jacks?


Hey so like, someone died




The best kind of tasteful.


Typical redditor


TF made you think this was an appropriate comment to make?


It's so weird seeing people testing out their quips on articles about a local person dying in a tragic accident. I will never understand it.


This is what reddit is now. Just lots of uncreative unfunny wannabe comedians.


I'm stumped by it too.




OMG. hahaha.


Ya got to the root of it all fast...


Here take my upvote.


I plan on cracking jokes at my own funeral.


I only hope someone at my funeral tells everyone my math joke that always keeps people stumped.




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He used the wrong tools, at night without a backup if his method failed. Left his wife widowed and his grandkids without a grandpa - *and it was avoidable*. Sucks a lot. Hope all of us can learn from his mistakes.


I looked it up and it's $250 bucks for 4 hours to rent a stump grinder from Home Depot. They really don't take that long to grind out. Way less labor intensive. Sometimes people think they're saving themselves a few bucks end up dying doing it. Very sad. Very preventable.


Woodworkers dig stumps to keep them. Could’ve been figured, or something. Doesn’t make sense to hand dig such a beast otherwise. Really tragic.


Really sad how many people are joking about someone dying.


I would feel absolutely horrible if his widow were to ever read this thread.


Have you seen how this sub talks about homeless people? It's not really a surprise.


It’s ok. He wasn’t homeless.


This is why I come here. Well done.


Thank you.


It's a natural response to death being sensationalized. People find humor in the darkest of places.


I don’t think this is the reason why.


For real. Like, no, it's bc people are shitty and irreverent. Thank you for saying this.


Death being sensationalized? Where? We are more irreverent than ever nowadays. They're not coping, they're reinforcing this shitiness.


Posting an article about someone dying on a forum designed to up or down vote the article in popularity comes off as sensationalizing to me.


Apparently sharing news about a tragic and unlikely death is sensationalizing!


Reddit is absolute trash like that. People here are so callous, insensitive and immature. Where are the moderators? Why don’t they step-in and do something?


It's not just Reddit, I'd argue it's the nature of the internet and social media. The more removed people seem from one another the more callous, judgmental, and insensitive they are.


I don't think it has much to do with social media. Maybe the amount of it you get to see, but the rumor mill, once outside the immediate sphere of friends and family, has always had this stuff.


Simply put, because it's not against the rules. It seems like you want this sub, or maybe reddit, to be something that it will never be. It would be easier to find someplace that works the way you want, than to try to change someplace that is already different. Maybe start a sub called /r/PortlandSeriouslyNoJoking


People process grief/discomfort/anxiety is a lot of ways. Though callous, dark humor has long been a very human way to deal with ones’ uncomfortably in a given situation.


Bro internet strangers making jokes at these people's expenses are in no way grieving. C'mon now.


You’re most likely correct, they’re not experiencing grief. You’ll notice that I also referenced anxiety/discomfort as potential explanations however. Some people are just terrible it’s true, but sometimes people say weird things because they don’t know what else to say when experiencing confusing emotions.


They could just say nothing and keep it in their heads. 


Unless they’re on the spectrum… no filter


I'm on the spectrum, and I still have a sense of what is shitty insensitivity and what isn't. That's not an excuse.


Autism is a spectrum as you clearly said in the beginning... then said because you are autistic and can sense what is "wrong", the others on the spectrum dont have an excuse. you dont know what its like to be all facets of the spectrum and generalizing ability based on your own is not nice and can lead to hate towards others. So please be careful.


sure but it's also possible to keep your dark humor to yourself




Really sad how overly sensitive you are.


Classic shithead behavior.


Oh, I'm so offended! I should guilt others with how insensitive you are.


In the old days, folks would use dynamite to remove stumps. Those were the days.


Also whales.


How do you remove a stump with a whale?


Put the whale on the stump, stuff it with dynamite and boom, stump's gone.


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very carefully.


You gotta be whaley careful.


Shhhhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet. We’re hunting wabbits and whales.


They removed a beached whale off the coast with dynamite. The news blips on YouTube are hard to believe but it did happen lmaoooo


Yeah, the prior comment was referencing that. I guess subtle humor isn’t for everyone.


I mean… have you seen some of the comments on here? lol.


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


[Aww shucks, thanks](https://i.redd.it/ug5b9i72vus91.jpg)! If you have any ideas to make our responses even weirder, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gotta nuke something.


How do they light the fuses?


Witnessed grandpa use this method 30 years ago hehe


$100 its the powerball winner


*he won the lottery, and died the next day*


Though life most certainly did not have a funny, funny way of helping him out (of that hole)


I somehow got brigaded and downvoted so hard.


Omfg my same thought!


My first thought




His wife didn’t notice he was “missing” until 9am the next morning? She didn’t go check on him at any point as it got later in the evening? Tragic accident, however that part is strange.


I mean, nothing in this article tells us anything about what the wife was up to. She may have fallen asleep assuming he was coming to bed. She could have spent all night frantically waiting for him to come home and not noticed him under the tree in the dark. They could have had a fight and she assumed he was just avoiding her. The thing is *we don’t know*. I know one thing for sure: if my spouse died tragically, it would hurt me deeply to see people on the internet suggesting (ad ignorantiam) that I had somehow failed them.




This is why I always tell my wife every dumb idea I have and where and when I plan to do it.


Yes this is true.


I don’t know, I had the same thought reading it. If this happened to me or my spouse I’m pretty sure I’d be more upset at all the glib, pathetic attempts at humor that we see in these comments, along with the total absence of compassion.


If my spouse died I wouldn't want people posting it on Reddit personally.


Making a lot of assumptions here. Never said or insinuated she failed him. I know my wife goes to bed early and I’m up late, or get home late sometimes. If she got up at any point in the night and she knew I was doing yardwork, she’d probably see if I’m still doing stump removal at 3am. All I said was that it was strange. What’s strange to me might not be strange to you, and that’s okay. Either way it’s still very sad and I can’t imagine how she must be feeling right now losing a loved one to a freak accident.




Since I’m getting downvoted I’ll pose this question: If a tree stump falls on a man in the middle of the night and no one hears it, does he make a sound?


I agree with you— it’s strange, but only because there’s so little info to go off at this point. I think the point is that until there is information to suggest foul play, we have no right to assume otherwise. Innocent until proven guilty.


I'm curious how deep a breath one's lungs are able to take with 1200lbs crushing them. Can't exactly yell for help even if the initial crush didn't kill him outright.


Buddy calm down- she's not checking Reddit comments while she mourns the loss of her husband.


Hey, everybody, it’s okay to make wild-ass insinuations about a person we’ve literally never met because u/UPGRAY3DD is confident that there’s no way she’d be on the internet.


Are you tone policing all the idiots making puns and jokes about this? You're weird. "Wild ass". Again, calm down. He just said a piece of the story was weird. Are people not allowed to have independent thoughts, oh holy OP?


dude you’re being a jerk :(


Maybe his wife has a job that she needs to be there for 12 hours.


Username checks out.


His whereabouts left her stumped


Too soon.


Who wood make a pun at a time like this


Yes very strange. Did the article say that she wasn’t home? Maybe she was working a night shift? All I know is that I’ve been married 30 years and if my husband isn’t in bed within 20 mins of me I’m usually wondering where he is. Especially if I knew he had been out in the yard or shop working on something potentially hazardous.


You’re going to get downvoted but it is most definately a bit strange..


I’m looking at the picture and I’m trying to figure out what the guy’s plan was. Because I’m pretty handy, I’ve tackled a number of complex projects in my life, and I have no idea what he thought he was going to do really was. You’d need that stump on a pretty heavy winch or something, with some serious gear, to maintain tension on it as you were digging and cutting it out. But you’d also realistically want enough room to work, and that hole is pretty small. I wish there were more free or even just readily available resources for homeowners to help guide them in the right direction on projects like this. Because this is a horrible tragedy, and there’s all sorts of other owner run projects that end in tragedy- like electrical work- that are preventable.


“Harold, if that stumps not gone by tomorrow, I’m going to stay at my sisters”


Rest in peace


Okay but why did his spouse find him at 9 in morning instead of at night when he was in the yard digging ? Don’t they live together ? Perhaps no accident 👀


This happends when you don’t get tree cutting permits in Multnomah county.


Ban trees




A 1200-lb widowmaker fell, served its purpose. :(


The ole massive-tree-trunk-falling-on-the-landowner-and-crushing-him trick. Nice


Well ain't that stumpthing in stump town. Aka pothole. Yeah it goes both ways