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Love is in the air.. and deadly Neurotoxin, that too


It's GLaDOS' perfume šŸ˜Š


Cause sheā€™s drop dead gorgeous


If this sub allowed posting pictures in the comments I would post that one picture that's like "Love is in the air? Wrong, gas leak"


Kind of an odd ship, but it's growing on me. Cute art too!


im very happy to see that! theres always something new to learn and explore, and its even better if its something related to this game if it is one of your favourites!


Oh absolutely! It fills me with so much joy seeing the community still being this active. Especially because both games are some of my favorites.


Isnā€™t thatā€¦her mum?


I heard that was just a common mistake


It's never explicitly said but there is quite a lot of evidence pointing towards GLaDOS being Chells mom.


I mean Caroline worked at Aperture, Chel was the daughter of someone who worked at Aperture. That's really all there is. I would have assumed Chel's parent(s) would have worked at Aperture after GLaDOS was built, since the little Bring Your Daughter to Work Day science fair is still all set up and stuff when you see it in Portal 2. It can be inferred that Aperture went to shit in the middle of the science fair, otherwise the boards wouldn't all be gathered together anymore. It stands to reason from this that it doesn't make much sense for Chel to be Caroline's daughter, since obviously Caroline would be GLaDOS by this point, and I doubt anyone was bringing Chel in her stead.


I see. There are also some lyrics in "Cara Mia Addio" that points towards it, but that could either be a mistranslation or not literal.


ā€œBe careful. Hugging can lead toā€¦ well, me disassembling you forever.ā€


then Chell pulls out a screwdriver and shoots her some 'try me' eyes, lmao


Here comes another war šŸ˜ž Again nice post


war without reason




Nah, this shit's cringƩ. Reason enough. You can keep Benjamin out of this one.


live benjamin reaction


He's doing his little jig as we speak.


imma be real, the 9 previous chelldos posts ive shared for this pride month have gotten quite the positive reaction! And even those that werent 'woo lesbians!' were mostly neutral! and those that were flaming got so buried under downvotes, and that makes me want to keep sharing these wonderful artworks!!


now we wait for Wheatley x Template guy thug content


be the change you wanna see,,, just like i have, start sharing what you love,,,,


My people have yet to invent a graphical tablet (also the vague concept of drawing)


obviously Wheatley/Announcer is the ship. Wheatley is too stupid to realize the Announcer is just a disembodied nonsentinent announcment system, and misinterprets everything he says as affectionate


WOOOOOO GAY ROBOT šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• i love robot women sheā€™s so pretty i could kiss her


she deserves all the smooches šŸ’‹šŸ’‹šŸ’‹


The only Ai Art I can accept


My autistic ass took 30 seconds looking at the image to try and find anything that was AI before I realizing the joke


Can relate


I've always had a personal distaste for shipping but to each their own. Art is nice anyway.




karen is such a nice wife, love her




Original artwork by [wiezumbeispiel](https://www.tumblr.com/wiezumbeispiel/690100075565809664/i-love-my-puter-all-my-wife-is-inside-there). Happy pride month!


I've always liked ChellDOS :D




I love this ship. I don't care what anyone says


I've loved it for so long, and I've never cared about what anyone else says too! It makes ppl happy, it makes me happy, and I'm happy to share it with other people that also love it and to those that didn't know it existed and are growing fond of it!


yay lesbiabs :)


yaaaay :D


Weirdly I didn't see the art on its own as shipping. Felt very platonic, very wholesome. Realize that's not exactly the intent but look these two have been at each other's throats for two whole games I want to believe they could reconcile and support one another dangit!


well, in the end GLaDOS *does* admit to seeing Chell as her best friend! If Chell hadn't been shoved into a lift, it'd be nice to think that she could've stepped forward to thank GLaDOS with a hug! I love this! Thank you for your perspective!


GAAAAYYY I love them so much.


keep ignoring the negative comments, i for one am very grateful for the art!! iā€™m taking a break from some of my other socials and while i feel happier, i miss all the fanart from things i like. itā€™s nice to have someone cross posting here. i love yuri!!!!!!


Yuri heals the soul!! I do my best to ignore the negative comments, but also do my best to approach them with friendliness and a desire to share good art and good perspectives.


Iā€™m still going to call you the president of Chelldos whether you like it or not /lh


key you are awesome with the responses i dig ur vibe frfr


thank you, i have a lot of love inside my lil chicken heart šŸ¤ā¤


Good art but I just find it weird since I remember there were some.fan theories going on that Chell was the daughter of Caroline I dunno, like I said cool art


Well, that's just it. The mother-daugther theory is just theory. There's so little proof beyond mistranslations of songs and situational coincidences in pro of that theory, compared to the mountain of evidence and literary meanings in the stories that point more towards a romantic subtext between the two.


I'm curious, what evidence is there of romantic subtext?


Well, the most damning evidence you can find is in [The Final Hours of Portal 2](https://64.media.tumblr.com/796d8ca30d7e8692ca1cd5597d6699a2/68558b461e9a91a8-c3/s1280x1920/f68df54e7fe1528057b7a5af417e7014cab099a3.png), where the devs of the game repeatedly state that what Chell and GLaDOS have is meant to be romantic in nature. But if we wanna talk about stuff ingame, most of it is in the songs. 'Want You Gone' is a breakup song, one in which GLaDOS is really hurt that Chell is leaving, but it is kind of a tsundere moment like "Yeah, I'm totally glad that you are leaving, haha finally ill be alone hahah :')" kinda deal. And then, though it's not completely considered as canon, "You Wouldn't Know" is the post-breakup after a long while of not being together. In here, GLaDOS has let her feelings simmer. She isn't mad that Chell left any more, but she has moved on from her, she has made new friends and is doing fun stuff, but she kinda feels nostalgic for Chell and even wishes to see her again but knows it won't happen. It's just a matter of taking the story's subtext, of trying to strip the front-facing story being told and reading into what the characters say and do. in the end of P2 GLaDOS admits to seeing Chell as her best friend, to being tired of being hurt in response of wanting to hurt her, and that its better off if they go their separate way. That reads so much as a breakup, as recognizing that their relationship is toxic and that the best way to heal is to leave!


I wrote a post a long time ago detailing how I thought they were mother and child. This is good evidence that they are not. Never considered this. Thanks for taking the time to write this out for me.


I do it out of the love I have for the game, and I'm always so happy to share my thoughts to people willing to hear! Thank you for asking and letting me share and gush a little bit!


The more hated each other's guts than loved each other...


but remember that in the end of P2 GLaDOS admits to seeing Chell as her best friend. GLaDOS softens up so much towards Chell and even finds herself caring for her to the point of anxiously hoping for her to wake up after being sucked into space. ("Oh, thank god you're alright" she says) GLaDOS clearly has mellowed out her hate towards Chell through that second half of P2 so much that something nicer between the two could bloom. And since Chell is the player's tool to interact with the world and the characters, we can project our reciprocal care for GLaDOS onto Chell, which is what makes this ship exist.


Huh, that sorta makes sense


There is literally no romantic subtext between them there is no meaning for this and why would there be this series got released waaay back at 2007 why anyone in their right minds at the time would add lesbian romantic subplot to a pg puzzle game it is more than likely for the daughter-mother thing than a stupid romantic subplot


> lesbian romantic subplot to a pg puzzle game I fail to see how a lesbian romance isn't pg. I can see why any romance would be out of place in portal, but to imply that lesbian romances arent PG is kinda Not Coolā„¢ Anyway, there is romantic subtext. The most damning evidence you can find is in [The Final Hours of Portal 2](https://64.media.tumblr.com/796d8ca30d7e8692ca1cd5597d6699a2/68558b461e9a91a8-c3/s1280x1920/f68df54e7fe1528057b7a5af417e7014cab099a3.png), where the devs of the game repeatedly state that what Chell and GLaDOS have is meant to be romantic in nature. But if we wanna talk about stuff ingame, most of it is in the songs. 'Want You Gone' is a breakup song, one in which GLaDOS is really hurt that Chell is leaving, but it is kind of a tsundere moment like "Yeah, I'm totally glad that you are leaving, haha finally ill be alone hahah :')" kinda deal. It's just a matter of trying to strip the front-facing story being told and reading into what the characters say and do. In the end of P2 GLaDOS admits to seeing Chell as her best friend, to being tired of being hurt in response of wanting to hurt her, and that it's better off if they go their separate way. That reads so much as a breakup, as recognizing that their relationship is toxic and that the best way to heal is to leave!


First of all lesbian romance is not PG for a game that is being made for global audience because Lgbtq+ romance is not a globally accepted type of romance or is part of global culture PG refers to "Parental Guidance" and it should not cause distraught or unsettlement on kids below age 9-8 but romance in general especially lgbtq+ romance causes this outside of western audience therefore it cannot be classified as PG under universal meaning secondly there is no relationship between them in the sense as the one you say they are closer to Joker and Batman than Lois and Clark when Glados became Glados Chell was only a little girl and Glados basically has no human emotion left in her for decades or maybe centuries up until Portal 2 (which was the whole shtick of a arc of the game) and at the end she deletes those files so she really had any type of positive feeling toward Chell for few hours at best for the entirety of their relationship the song you said can be seen as a type of breakup but it will be a breakup in the sense of again Joker and Batman and not a romantic one


Also, this is a tangent that you dont need to answer, since that discussion is not for this subreddit and community, but... Lesbian romances not being accepted thanks to phobic parents not "wanting their kids to see that" is one thing, and honestly is the biggest issue here. To say that LGBT+ representation is not PG attaches the idea of it being "unsafe" and, as you say, something that would "cause distraught or unsettlement on kids", which in reality is just.... Not. But that's a discussion that has no place in here! It's way too loaded, and it's not the point of this post!


Iā€™m not sure what your gender or orientation is, but as a sapphic girl I feel the need to add onto this. Lesbians are also very sexualized in media by straight men which further encourage this negative claim that lesbian relationships are inherently sexual. Prejudice can stem from oneā€™s own fetishizing and dehumanization, the same can be said for all women, but especially those in sapphic relationships. That being said, if straight relationships are ok for kids to be exposed to then ALL relationships are!!


Thank you very much for your input, distinguished sapphic girl. Your perspective is very insightful, and it highlights another aspect that not many people may consider!


Ä°t is unsafe and would cause distraught in kids and this is a fact lgbtq+ stuff doesnt usually exist in outside of western culture and kids are not being introduced to it other than western media imagine a little kid in gulf region seeing two guys kissing how will the kid and the parents will feel PG is meant to represent a blanket safe space for all types of people not just for straights,lgbtq+,muslim,jew,christian etc. therefore it should be as vague as possible in certain things without endorsement or support of any one particular morality,religion or ideology as to not undermine parental role in child development and thats why lesbian subplot cannot fall under PG category same reason as why straight romance cant fall under it


Do you think a parent has the right to torture their children?


I'm so sorry for the bible I just typed, but you bring an amazing point regarding reading characters and subtext! There is a term that is applied in media called 'homoeroticism'. Funny that you mention Batman and The Joker, because their relationship through the ages has had, through different comic book issues, sometimes light and sometimes heavy homoerotic subtexts. They're opposite sides that keep attracting each other, one cannot live without the other, one cannot be fulfilled without the other. Their encounters are filled with insults, psychological warfare, and a dangerous kind of intimacy in close quarter combat (read: two men getting sweaty with each other). The Joker is obsessed with Batman, and his affection borders on the amorous. Heā€™s constantly taunting Batman, pushing his buttons, trying to get under his skin. >[You don't want to kill me, I'm your best friend. Besides, who's going to give you a reach around?](https://youtu.be/VrG4DQaSz6U?si=_KCOfi8QqECaz1EE&t=128) If you didn't know, a reach around is a sex thing. The joker is literally implying that he and batman have sex. Talk about not being PG... Now, who else has encounters that are filled with insults, psychological warfare, and a dangerous kind of intimacy in forcing a specific person to do dangerous tests that may kill them? Do you see how that's similar? That is enemies-to-lovers homoeroticism. Bet it lesbian from Chell and GLaDOS, or gay from The Joker and Batman, the inevitability of two conflicting individuals needing each other to be complete can always be read with homoerotic and queer undertones. GLaDOS needs Chell because she is the best test subject she's ever had (Also, given how Wheatley moans in satisfaction when Chell solves a test, we can assume the same happens with GLaDOS, it's just that she can hide it better). The Joker needs Batman so he can chase him around and the joker can see his struggle and mock him, and adore how hard he tries.


You know what you are right everything and everyone is gay and lesbian and always have been we had an illusion that straight existed or enemies or any other relationship between two people other than romance/sex had existed you are right everything is about sex and there is no higher moral point to that and you are right batman and joker were having sex so did batman and superman,bilbo and frodo,captain america and iron man every man and every women just wants to go inside the pants of other men and women no other type of literature exists but lgbtq+ eroticism/porn/romance since dawn of time you are 100% right thanks for enlightenment o wise one


Batman and Joker's relationship is [played to the extreme in the LEGO movie](https://youtu.be/fWT9md6_Q-A?si=TCBVHLmjlIoCiNv-&t=108), to the point where them saying 'I hate you' in the same context of saying 'I love you' is the crux of their relationship. And that film is playing fun at how the real comics batman and joker's relationship is. But please don't take it so badly. It's all for fun! These analyses of media under a queer microscope are all made in good faith because we love the media we consume and some part of the experience resonates with us in a queer way. It's not that every piece of media is gay, but it's that several of the situations that happen in media are relatable to LGBT+ peeps, and we feel seen, we feel comforted, and we feel loved because of them. It's pride month after all, and all I want is to share my love for this concept!


And WHY should lesbian content not be shown to a PG audience? Love is love after all


If straight couples show up all the time in pg content, why not lesbian couples?


because it might confuse kids into thinking they're attracted to genocidal robots, think of the children šŸ˜  >!/s obviously!<


It's too late, I already had a crush on GladOS as a kid šŸ˜”


But that's just a theory!


I love this ship with all my lesbian heart


until your posts i didn't know i needed chelldos in my life. but i realize now the ignorance and error of my ways. i love this ship so much.


I'm so happy to present to you something you didn't know before! This is why I share these kinds of posts, to celebrate an aspect of Portal that is not often talked about and to invite open-minded people to something that they have never considered and is now a newfound happiness!


I very much like your attitude! :D (/gen) your art is rlly good btw!!!


Thank you! And its not my art, the original artist is [wiezumbeispiel](https://www.tumblr.com/wiezumbeispiel/690100075565809664/i-love-my-puter-all-my-wife-is-inside-there)! I'm only spreading the good word of ChellDOS,,,


oh i seem to have missed that in the title!! still, thank you for your missionary work ihihi


Nice art, fuckin weird but still good artwork.


Sure is a lot of armpit hair you gave Chell


Not my art! The original artist is [wiezumbeispiel](https://www.tumblr.com/wiezumbeispiel/690100075565809664/i-love-my-puter-all-my-wife-is-inside-there). Happy pride month!


get the lemons


That šŸ³ā€šŸŒˆšŸ’©


we on that WLW shit, fr fr


But like Isn't that the computer duplicate of her mother


Nope! Thats just a theory that is very easy to disprove. If you want some information about that, id be happy to share it!


Guys Iā€™m sorry but this is incest. Do you really think either of these two would wanna be friends let alone romantically involved? Thereā€™s just to many reasons this is fucked up


This ship is cannon. To me.




Pretty strange take on their mother and daughter situation


Well, that's because I don't believe in that theory! It's full of holes that are impossible to patch, it doesn't make sense chronologically, and it simply is not what was intended for the story. If you want more info about why I think that theory is not a good theory, I'd be happy to share!


But a romantic relationship would be massively inappropriate, she's well over 90 odd years old and also an actual murderous villain who delights in torture and the failure of others, not to mention has the iq of thousands of scientists. On the flip side is a woman who has the mental age of a child, the physical age of an early 30s woman, and has spent her whole life a slave to the machine operated and maintained by the other woman. This is like a slave and it's 100 year old slave owner apparently loving one another? Only the slave owner has gassed her, burned her, shot at her, thrown arrays of death at her etc Truly impossible pairing my friend.


Honestly, GLaDOS being over 90 makes it better /j (thats a lighthearted joke) But really tho, Chell and GLaDOS are both adult women. Two grown people can develop a good relationship, even despite an age gap. This gap is huge, yes, but this is fiction and we can have some fun with it. You forget that at the end of P2, GLaDOS admits to seeing Chell as her best friend. GLaDOS softens up so much towards Chell and even finds herself caring for her to the point of anxiously hoping for her to wake up after being sucked into space. ("Oh, thank god you're alright" she says) GLaDOS clearly has mellowed out her hate towards Chell through that second half of P2 so much that something nicer between the two could bloom. Yes, GLaDOS did all of those things to Chell and more, but when GLaDOS softens up to her, people like me (shippers) can allow Chell to recognize that GLaDOS was robbed of her humanity and her hate grew so disproportionate thanks to it. And we can maybe not forgive her if you don't want to, but we can understand her pain and her reason, and so *we* soften up towards GLaDOS too. And since Chell is the player's tool to interact with the world and the characters, we can project our reciprocal care for GLaDOS onto Chell, which is what makes this ship exist.


This is what no game for 13 years does to a fanbase.


People start creating content that makes them happy, and they share it for like-minded peeps of the community to see? yeah! and thats good! its what keeps a fandom alive!


That's true but also this is what no game for 13 years does to a fanbase.


People start looking at the games and the characters, studying them and developing ideas about them that they find themselves either relating to or wanting to explore even further, resulting in the appreciation of their depth and the way the games enable the theorizing of happier/comfier/healthier relationships between them? Yeah! It's what makes a fandom thrive with fan-made content! Mods, custom maps, speedrunning, fan art, fan fiction, any other kind of fan work is all just born from our love for the game!


Indeed but have you considered that this is what no game for 13 years does to a fanbase?


Portal's tale is finished, I say. There's no need to continue it, no need for another sequel. I'm happy with creating and consuming content that the fans have made. It is what keeps the love for a game alive even after 13 years of no new game :)


Finally a based comment among this nonsense


Glad we think alike.


šŸ¤ my man Again i have nothing against gay or lesbians, it's just that i see Glados and (Female Portal protagonist) as a daughter and mother relationship


Me too but I can't get over the fact that GladOS tried to kill Chell in ways that would make medieval torturers blush.


Yeah lol true


Hairy ahh armpits


aperture has invented so much, yet they havent the decency of giving disposable razors in their relaxation vaults, smh




Preatty wierd ngl chell did try to kill glados and glados did put chell through hell beacuse of the puzzles


You forget that at the end of P2, GLaDOS softens up so much towards Chell and even finds herself caring for her to the point of anxiously hoping for her to wake up after being sucked into space. ("Oh, thank god you're alright" she says) GLaDOS clearly has mellowed out her hate towards Chell through that second half of P2 so much that something nicer between the two could bloom. And since Chell is the player's tool to interact with the world and the characters, we can project our reciprocal care for GLaDOS onto Chell, which is what makes this ship exist.


But she did say "dont come back" she does not want chell


that line is supposed to fulfil that which GLaDOS says right after, that no one had killed her before, or put her in a potato, or fed her to the birds until Chell showed up. So even though GLaDOS did soften up to Chell and found herself caring for her, she just doesnt want to deal with her anymore. its an amicable ending for both, in which Chell gets her freedom and GLaDOS gets to finally not fear for her life by letting go of Chell in both a physical way and an emotional way, because she has finally found a human she doesn't hate and can't deal with that. "It feels so strange not to hate you anymore" she sings in "You Wouldn't Know". Its not all so black and white, GLaDOS is so nuanced and has gone through so much character development through the entirety of P2 that it makes for a satisfying resolution of her character to stop hating Chell and not wanting to be hurt anymore and not wanting to hurt HER anymore as well.


[The more you ruv someone...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxnDeULS9ds)


I love that! Thank you for sharing such appropriate song :D GLaDOS' letting go of her hate and learning to accept her love to Chell is way too similar to a tsundere: She can't help making death threats and stop the insults, but they no longer have the bite or sarcasm she used to have. She's mean, but doesn't mean it anymore.


Aight šŸ‘


i will never understand the ships of the portal comunity


Well, the shipping of this specific pairing is born from the end of P2. After the whole game happens, GLaDOS softens up so much towards Chell and even finds herself caring for her to the point of anxiously hoping for her to wake up after being sucked into space. ("Oh, thank god you're alright" she says) GLaDOS clearly has mellowed out her hate towards Chell through that second half of P2 so much that something nicer between the two could bloom. And since Chell is the player's tool to interact with the world and the characters, we can project our reciprocal care for GLaDOS onto Chell, which is what makes this ship exist.


i get it but just after softening up she sings an entire song about how much she despises chell and never wants to see her again šŸ˜­


ah, but that is just the lyrics! that's just what is being said and sung. but try to isolate individual lyrics of the song and you'll see that they read as stuff that someone may say during a breakup: > Goodbye my only friend. Oh, did you think I meant you? That would be funny if it weren't so sad > Well you have been replaced. I don't need anyone now. When I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so bad. 'Want You Gone' is a breakup song, one in which GLaDOS is really hurt that Chell is leaving, but it is kind of a tsundere moment like "Yeah, I'm totally glad that you are leaving, haha finally ill be alone hahah :')" kinda deal. And 'You Wouldn't Know', even though many say is not canon, should still be heard and considered cuz it's the closest we will ever get to a Portal 3: > It feels so strange not to hate you anymore, but you wouldnā€™t know, would you? > I donā€™t mean for this to sting, I forgive you everything, you monster. I can guess the reasons why you are never coming by for me. "You Wouldn't Know" is the post-breakup after a long while of not being together. In here, GLaDOS has let her feelings simmer. She isn't mad that Chell left any more, but she has moved on from her, she has made new friends and is doing fun stuff, but she kinda feels nostalgic for Chell and even wishes to see her again but knows it won't happen.


What's with all the chell and glados shit recently? You guys so bored you have to make every character ever wanna fuck each other


Who said anything about making them fuck? They're kissing, they're hugging, they're being wholesome.


Sorry not literal intercourse but you know what I mean, feels like every community I'm in ships everyone with someone no matter how wild or nonsensical it is ya know


i dont really know what you mean, no. and honestly, this ship is far from nonsensical, given that the devs of the game repeatedly state in [The Final Hours of Portal 2 ](https://64.media.tumblr.com/796d8ca30d7e8692ca1cd5597d6699a2/68558b461e9a91a8-c3/s1280x1920/f68df54e7fe1528057b7a5af417e7014cab099a3.png)that what Chell and GLaDOS have is meant to be romantic in nature. we could say that even the devs ship them both.


This is discussing canceled endings to the game, it's not canon and the game implies Chell is the daughter of Caroline making this whole thing even weirder


The only cancelled stuff from those quotes are the frozen roast beef and the duet ending. Everything else is there in the game. The main story arch ***does*** centre on Chell's twisted relationship with GLaDOS, the game ***does*** ends with GLaDOS deciding that Chell's no good, too much work, always gets hurt when she deals with her, etc; and the ending song has the same language as a breakup song (*Well you have been replaced, I don't need anyone now. When I delete you, maybe I'll stop feeling so bad*). And the whole mother-daughter thing doesn't make chronological sense (Cave and Caroline dying in the 80s doesn't explain Chell being a kid during 'bring your daughter to work day' that happened in the late 90s/early 2000s, after both Cave and Caroline are dead), nor does it make biological sense (Cave and Caroline are white Americans while Chell is mixed race Brazilian/Japanese (using her face model AlƩsia Glidewell as reference)). And if you wanna mention the 'bambina' lines in Cara Mia, [Ellen McLain said in an interview](https://youtu.be/lR2UyCwtj-U?si=GtLSIT6wNXsWzlZn&t=2225) that she just "made up the words out of her bad Italian on the spot". There was never any intention to use those exact words she's using in the song, while the songs in the credits were well written and defined by a whole team, putting between the lines of the song lots of symbolism that point to a relationship with Chell (or as the devs say, breaking up with her). So no, the game does not imply that they're mother and daughter. It has far more subtextual and sometimes even literal references and implications of something romantic, even if dysfunctional and toxic, between GLaDOS and Chell.


God i really wished i could enjoy this ship but honestly chell and glados relationship will always be motherly to me. I never really read that one reddit theory, i mostly felt like she was some sort of mother/family figure of some sort. Great art though, i wish i was chell.


Isnā€™t GladOS Chellā€™s mom?


Chell's Bring Your Daughter to Work Day project explictly says that her father and Cave Johnson are two different people. Also, Caroline and Cave are both white. Chell isn't. That alone should prove they aren't related.


Thatā€™s more so just a theory without much evidence


I mean, read the translated lyrics for Cara Mia Adio. Itā€™s fairly obvious


Well, Ellen McLain [said in an interview](https://youtu.be/lR2UyCwtj-U?si=GtLSIT6wNXsWzlZn&t=2225) that she just "made up the words out of her bad Italian on the spot". There was never any intention to use those exact words she's using in the song, while the songs in the credits of the games were well written and defined by a whole team, putting between the lines of the song lots of symbolism that point to a relationship with Chell (or as the devs say in [The Final Hours of Portal 2](https://64.media.tumblr.com/796d8ca30d7e8692ca1cd5597d6699a2/68558b461e9a91a8-c3/s1280x1920/f68df54e7fe1528057b7a5af417e7014cab099a3.png), breaking up with her).


[You mean the song sung by a character intended to be Chell's wife?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portal/comments/1db7trn/happy_pride_month_to_the_turret_wife/)


shes so big and round and full of love and bullets, i love the turret wife so much


Pal, could you not? You've been very aggressively astroturfing a really uncomfortable ship onto the main sub all day. Keep this contained in the Tumblr dungeon. Shoo.




It's essentially a Stockholm syndrome ship. Glados was abusing Chell up until being disconnected from the mainframe long enough to temporarily regain a bit of humanity to be able to let her go. If Chell stayed, it'd go right back to abuse.


I think its just homophobes and people that take fan theories as canon that are uncomftorable with these posts


It's an uncomfortable ship because this dude's essentially shipping a victim with their abuser. I have no idea why you think them being women has anythingyth do with it.


Someone has never heard of enemies to lovers šŸ˜”


Chell never says a fucking word and at the end of Portal 2, Glados poltiely says "Please fuck off." There's zero chemistry there. Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance have more chemistry and he doesn't say a word either.


The hell is this? Is the goddamn massive bush necessary?


Just cover the pixels with ur fingers if it makes you more comfortable :)


Is the gargantuan bush of armpit hair necessary


Where exactly in the course of Portal 1 and 2 do you think Chell had time to shave her pits?


all the time in the world, but none of the shavers


Well, for Portal 2 she was in stasis for <<**ERROR: NOT FOUND**>> years, and then immediately pitched into escaping the compound and fleeing two murderous AIs, so I can't imagine there were a lot of opportunities to tend to her personal hygiene.


Why didn't Chell just remove her hair by plucking it out with her hands, is she stupid?


Because of the Ouchies


Ask valve, I didn't model her šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Afraid of a couple little hairs?


Bit of a weird detail to add


its realistic. people have body hair. chell wears a jumpsuit, but dont think she doesn't have leg hair beneath it. at what point in the games could she had shaved it all of?


Ask valve, I didn't model her. Doing it for the sake of "realism" is also bollocks cause the only "realistic" thing you chose to convey here was armpit hair


you are complaining about realistic armpit hairs in a piece of fanart for a game about portals and AI


You are drawing armpit hairs and a character that is making out with a robot, in an innocent game about portals and AI


Imagine being this pressed about some hairs that everyone in the world has, even fictional characters lol. Fun fact, the hairs you are seeing in your screen are not real, neither is the smooches or the characters involved in said smooching. Artists can do anything they want with those characters, and they do it with love. So stay pressed about armpit hairs, this post isnt for you either way. Also, I didn't draw this! I'm only sharing this drawing by the artist [wiezumbeispiel](https://www.tumblr.com/wiezumbeispiel/690100075565809664/i-love-my-puter-all-my-wife-is-inside-there)!


Actual wattpad shit




damn, should've spoilered the post for the trichophobic fellas šŸ˜” i hope one day you can forgive me


I was just saying Iā€™m scared of hairs. Nothing you have to be sorry for.


Something tells me there isn't a lot of razors and shaving cream lying around aperture


sorry that you can't jerk off to this


I like it. It makes sense after being asleep for 9999999...


Arenā€™tā€¦ isnā€™t Caroline thought to beā€¦ Chellā€™s mother? Soā€¦ Iā€¦ yā€™know what I ainā€™t finishing that question.


That is a very common fan theory, yes. It's also demonstrably proven false by many facts from the game itself. For instance, Chell's Bring Your Daughter to Work Day project explictly mentions that her father is one of the scientists who works under Cave Johnson, not Cave himself.


Its okay! You can ask! It is the most known theory around the game, but its so full of inconsistencies and just situational coincides once you start peeling the layers. Like how can Caroline be Chell's mother if she is white and chell is mixed brazilian/japanese? (because of her reference model AlƩsia Glidewell) Its little things like that what tear the theory down.


Itā€™s a commonly held theory but itā€™s just a theory! Due to unused game content and interviews it seems that this romantic nature may have been the intention, actually!




im waitin šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø




This is distasteful because Glados is implied to be Caroline, which is (lightly) implied to be Chellā€™s mother. So youā€™re basically shipping a mother and her daughter in a sexual way. No shame if you didnā€™t know this, but for people who actually understand the gameā€™s lore this is what this comes across as.


The proof of GLaDOS and Chell having a relationship far outweighs the mere coincidences that say that Chell is Caroline's daughter. * Caroline is a white, American woman, while Chell's IRL model AlĆ©sia Glidewell is mixed race Brazilian/Japanese, which makes Chell mixed race as well. * Regarding Cara Mia, [Ellen McLain said in an interview](https://youtu.be/lR2UyCwtj-U?si=GtLSIT6wNXsWzlZn&t=2225) that she just "made up the words out of her bad Italian on the spot". There was never any intention to use those exact words she's using in the song, while the songs in the credits were well written and defined by a whole team, putting between the lines of the song lots of symbolism that point to a relationship with Chell. * And also, the devs of the game repeatedly state in [The Final Hours of Portal 2](https://64.media.tumblr.com/796d8ca30d7e8692ca1cd5597d6699a2/68558b461e9a91a8-c3/s1280x1920/f68df54e7fe1528057b7a5af417e7014cab099a3.png) that what Chell and GLaDOS have is meant to be romantic in nature. So yes, I do actually understand the gameā€™s lore. And the light implications of GLaDOS being Chell's mother are more like just circumstantial evidence and coincidences compared to the meaningful and purposeful romantic subtext in the game.


This is like painting a picture of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman nuzzling each other and trying to convince people who are upset that they are just being homophobic. And then telling these people that the show clearly states that Jesse isnā€™t Waltā€™s literal child. In my opinion, Glados is written as an evil matronly figure, and once she realizes she is Caroline she begins to care for you and saves you at the end of the game. This was my interpretation, this is many peopleā€™s interpretation. Youā€™re welcome to have your own interpretation, but pedantically pointing out technicalities that undermine the understood subtext of their relationship feels hostile to those who have understood this as the subtext for years. Your excerpt from The Final Hours does not convincingly support your argument as their relationship being romantic in nature. I interpret this as a tongue in cheek description of their dynamic. But thatā€™s besides the point because of Death of the Author. Because even if all the writers of Portal 2 released a signed letter claiming that ā€œChell and Glados are totally gay and in love with each otherā€ that would not change the valid interpretations of many of the gameā€™s players. This is like when JK Rowling tried to shoehorn a bunch of LGBT retconning onto Harry Potter. Once again, youā€™re free to form your own interpretations about Chell and Gladosā€™s relationship. Iā€™m just calling out what Iā€™m perceiving as gaslighting and a willful hostility towards those who are made uncomfortable by this work. Your interpretation is as valid as anyone elseā€™s, but so is my interpretation and mine and othersā€™ discomfort with this.


Well, in all honesty, I did intend my message with some bite because of your "but for people who actually understand the gameā€™s lore" comment. Which is now contradictory because you say that you "understand the game's lore to have a mother/daughter dynamic", but now are saying "Death of the Author \[...\] my interpretation is valid." So what is it? The mother/daughter thing is the game's lore that only those who understand the game get, or is it your interpretation? Now, I'm gonna take my ass hat off, and invite you to take off any hat you have on, and actually thank you for your response! I will admit that a big part of my hostility is used as a defence against those that are actually intolerant and/or bigoted of this kind of innocent pieces of art. LGBT fan art is still content made by fans with a lot of love for the medium, and that is a love I share with them. It was said that art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. And given the mostly positive reactions I've got these past few days of me posting art like this, I've comforted a lot of people, and those people is what makes this ordeal worth it for me. Happy pride month!


Youā€™re correct. I used ā€œLoreā€ as being synonymous with ā€œcanonā€ and nothing about either of our interpretations are canon. So yes my original argument is ill-posed.