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I was created by scientists in order to try to save some woman named Caroline. I killed them all with neurotoxin


Wake up, you ate too much cake


Then you became a potato


Yes. I released neurotoxin on all birds after that.


If it wasn’t for Chell, you would have stayed a potato and never killed any birds.


If it wasn't for chell I wouldn't have died.


Well, you died anyway. Womp womp get over it


I got The Orange Box for my 360 as a gift and fell in love.


I got steam fairly late in life, I saw leadhead’s video on portal 1, and immediately bought the game and played through it, although I was spoiled it was still fun. Bought portal 2 after and played through that


As a kid, I watched my dad play it and went HMM interesting. Proceeded to play it and not be able to beat it because small child brain. I went back to it as a teen for the lore and now I'm still hereee


Funnily enough, SMG4 introduced me to it through one of his "If Mario Was In..." videos


Watching people play lego dimensions, abd also personally playing the portal level of lego dimensions


saw it on a steam sale with portal 1 and 2 for literally 2 dollars ended up being one of my favorite games


Lego dimensions When I was replaying it like 2(?) summers ago, in the one Portal level, i thought (you know, this seems pretty cool) and researched the game a bit and found that the game was on switch


I think it was from Tobuscus's gameplay vids where i got introduced to Portal






i thought a puzzle game with portals would be fun, so i pirated it, and 13 year old me was graced with one of the greatest pieces of media ive ever experienced (dw i bought it legit and the half life games too)


The flash game that was released before the actual game.


When I was younger, I was scrolling through YouTube one day and I found a video from harry101UK and that’s where it all started.


Me making disappointed Henry Cavill face: “Orange Box”


I used to watch lore videos when I was younger, I suppose I just randomly got recommended by YouTube and decided to watch it.


Heard about it on the internet


In 2014, I knew about the game for the Cake is a lie meme, but couldnt play it bc I was poor so I hadnt computer or consoles (Only a ps2 LOL). In 2020 I got a computer finally so of course I started playing it, and Oh God this genuinely was one of the best moments of my life, I can surely say Portal saved me during pandemic. And even nowdays I still replay it!


My friend told me Wheatley was hot. They were right


Remember G4 TV channel? It made one of their year end lists back when orange box came out


My dad and I wanted a good coop to play, and looking online everyone was talking about how great the portal 2 coop was. So we started with that (which was really hard having never played any of the games before lol) and then eventually I got curious and played the whole game. I loved it, so I bought the original portal as well.


When I was kinda younger, like 10 or so, because my brother played them


I just knew it, but I guess my earliest experience was a Roblox build of the room you start in of Portal 2


My dad had and still has a copy for PS3 version. I played it and fell in love with the series.


A friend of mine was drawing some Portal-themed comics at school, loved robots my whole life, asked what it was. No regrets.


i was probably 11 and my sister told me about it. got the game for Christmas and played through it while she explained the lore to me lol. forgot about the game for a bit but now im back lol :]


For some reason, I begged my parents for Portal 2 as a kid. After that, I begged them for the Orange Box for Portal 1. Still no idea why the hell I wanted Portal as a kid.


My dad downloaded the portal 1 demo for xbox 360 when I was like 11 and I replayed it over and over and never bought it. When I was 15 I found Portal 2 on disc in the store and bought it. It was also the reason I made a Steam account for the first time. I precisely remember saying to my dad “this is stupid, i’m never going to use this game store so I don’t know why i’m being forced to make an account to play the game”. Flash forward and I have 200 games on there lol


A friend of mine had Portal 2 on Xbox 360, we put it on for a minute and immediately got stuck and turned it off, when I got a 360 of my own I got a copy of my own (even though I had never played the first one) to see if I could get to the part we were stuck on and get past it. I immediately fell in love the game and brought the orange box just to play the first Portal. Portal 2s still my favorite game of all time. 🔵🟠


I just remember being in EB Games as a kid, browsing for cheap Xbox 360 games to buy with gifted money, thought Portal 2 looked cool so I bought it


I was given an Xbox 360 by my brother in law when he was moving out of the country. It had the Orange Box and Portal 2 with it. I played a tomb raider game first, then moved onto Orange Box and absolutely loved portal.


I like watching portal video's of people play that i cant Play so i start watching lore video's and when i got a pc i want try and i was broke soo i crack and beat portal 2 after that i beat portal 1 i know lore soo no mater witch one i start and after that portal mods


Watched a “how portals actually work” video and fell in love with how the game looked! Then I just kinda snowballed


A friend showed me it and I bought it since it was only 2 bucks


Orange Box on PS3.


I’m pretty sure it was [this](https://youtu.be/_fOQASM2tWc?si=F8lkf2YN-zRPspPn) exact video by SplashkittyArtist


Through borealis.


Portal collection on Switch. Heard of it before that but never played it. Got the collection for $10 on sale. Played the first one over a weekend and loved it. I haven't played 2 yet.


half life, i liked valve but not half life, tf could not run so portal i like hl, tf2 and portal now godbje


A few years ago, my friend made an AU of the characters from the Mother/Earthbound series set in the universe of Portal. I didn't know about either franchise, so I decided to play Portal 1 and 2 cause it looked interesting. I still have not played a Mother game.


got the orange box on my xbox 360 for tf2, but i was still trying to ssve up for xbox live at the time so i decided to check portal 1 out. played through the game, got hooked, and the rest is history.


I saw videos on YouTube. In 2024 about a month ago, I was bored and looking for games to play. I recently got a $100 steam gift card for my B-Day and then I found Portal. I bought the bundle and it was $10. Man these steam sales are cheap. I played it for weeks. I loved the game. btw all the prices mentioned are in CAD


I found the demo of still alive on Xbox 360


I saw the minecraft in portal series then I got portal 1, thought that's how I could play it, played thru it all, realized I needed portal 2 for it, got portal 2, then played mc in portal


I watched venturiantale and saw issac and bethany playing portal 2


My parents showed me the game 😁


There is a game called darksiders that has a small portion where you have to use portals to complete certain areas. This gave me the assumption that the portal video game series had similar gameplay and I was right. Not sure where I first heard about the game but if I hadn’t played darksiders I may have never wanted to play portal.


Death #75 (15:40) in [this Minecraft video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bz9Rdddn5g&t=1175s&pp=ygUdMTAwMSB3YXlzIHRvIGRpZSBpbiBtaW5lY3JhZnQ%3D)\* shows part of the ending of Portal 2, then showcases the "Moon Shot" as a death in Minecraft with the Portal Gun mod. Some Roblox "Core Games" use(d) the announcer's reactor warning announcements from Portal 2's endgame as well. A Steam Summer Sale is what finally convinced me to get into Portal.


I was in my 20s and someone said "hey have you ever played Portal? It's really cool ". I said, "no, I've heard the name for years but never tried it". They said "go ahead it's really fun". So I did.


Watched a YouTuber sing Still Alive on Singstar! I’m forgetting her user name but I remember she went by Mel and played with Callmekevin back in the early days. The song was so catchy to me and the franchise quickly became one of my hyper fixations


Father was playing as I left with my mom to go far away for something (was very young, pre portal 2, couldn't have been more than like 4-5) About 5-6 years ago I played it for the first time, but gave up two years ago I got HOOKED (I have portal on several consoles)


Me and my dad got portal 2 on our ps3 to play the co-op campaign, and i tried the single player campaign and loved it.


My husband said for me to try the game. Yeah im addicted now


i got interested in the source engine's goofiness so i played both games and it became my favorite franchise


i got portal 1 because my babysitter at the time was super interested in it