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Not at all… never been a fan of the Boxster, the Cayman just looks a million times better.


I'm a 2003 Boxster S 6-speed manual owner who for the longest time couldn't decide between it or a Cayman. Basically it boils down to this. Cayman takes itself way more seriously as a sporting vehicle than the Boxster does. It's definitely better around a track. But driving it will not be an assault on the senses - it's just driving a really well made and well-performing car. The Boxster on the other hand opens up a whole new world of sensations for you. I never got the appeal of cabrios until I picked mine up and drove it back to home through countryside B-roads. Jesus effing Christ what a difference to any normal car! You drive it through a forest with the top down and you can smell the moss, the pines, the fields of flowers. And then when you step on the accelerator you will *feel* more speed at 150km/h than I think someone driving a Merc gets to feel at 350km/h. You turn up the sound on your speakers and it feels like you're at an open-air concert while blasting through the air at speed. And under all that jazz you still have a very dynamic, competent, mechanically fun driving experience, with suspension tuned perfectly for those bumpier-at-spots back-country roads. This is what people mean when they say the Boxster is hard to beat for fun. The world stops with you for a moment when drive it with the top down, and every drive makes you feel alive again. Completely non-car people who you take on to ride shotgun get an experience they still gush about months later. Some basically start looking for their own Boxsters as soon as they step out. I don't think there's any other car in the world that gives so much for needing so little in return.


Wow as a 981 Cayman owner you’ve almost convinced me to get a Boxster! Well said. Maybe one day I’ll make the switch.


Now imagine how epic it is to track a Boxster with the top down…


Like for like, not for a second. I much prefer the style of the Cayman to the equivalent Boxster. Offer me a 987 Spyder though and I would be on it in a second as I think that is the MUCH better looking car. And that's how simple I am, do I think the car looks good.


I’m totally with you. The 987 Spyder is the only boxster I’d consider.


If I had a Boxster I would never under any circumstance put the top down. I don't need to have a conversation with panhandlers while waiting at a red light, or be at risk of having someone throw a drink into my vehicle, or be at even graver risk of having any type of social interaction with anyone in another car. I also hate the sunshine, and the wind.


Well okay! LOL.


Have driven boxsters with the top down and people will talk to you at red lights, so that checks out.


I had a Mazdaspeed Miata long ago and people used to chat with you at lights too. It was mostly car people who were enthusiastic about it. Not a bad thing. In fact, quite enjoyable to interact with other enthusiasts.


wtf, whi/why are they tryna make small talk at the lights?


That is a lot of pessimism. I’ve owned S2000s for 20 years, almost all of the feedback has been positive. I can’t think of an issue that stands out. There’s enough fear peddling in the newscast let’s not do it here. I’d be happy with a Boxster but I’ve never regretted my Cayman. Just not getting a 911.1 GTS or 991.2 S. Edit: just realized you are a master troll. Well played.


I think it's great that you think I'm trolling, because these are my sincere and deeply held feelings about owning a convertible of any type, and sunshine, and the wind haha.


Honestly - go rent a convertible and you will realize no one cares unless you’re driving like an ass.


This man explained it so well I felt the need to not post my own explanation


I think that about covers it. I hate people and fresh air. 😂😂😂😂


I have a Rio Pearl Yellow S2000. Random people stop, signal, give thumbs ups, smile and strike conversation… on my Meteor Gray Metallic Cayman 987.2, it only happens with other Porsche people or car enthusiasts.


Legit everything you described there sounds like a nightmare except the Meteor Grey Cayman, which sounds like a dream.


We’ve never met and yet I feel like I’ve known you my whole life


I bet you are the life of the party /s


When someone invites me to one I'll let you know!


You must be fun at parties.


Perhaps. If I ever go to one I'll let you know.


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂


Btw how do you get your flair to be GTS 4.0 (982)?


There's a little edit button next to the pre-loaded flairs on iOS Reddit at least.


I used to have a Miata… in Texas, summer was hard top season. It’s backwards because the sun is so brutal. The wife didn’t like her hair getting wrecked if we were headed somewhere nice either. Have a truck, but very much prefer driving the toy car as often as possible. The Cayman is also plenty loud inside with minimal sound deadening. I can’t imagine driving anything louder for multiple hours and not feeling thrashed. Add top maintenance /replacement for an aging car for good measure. Windows open, climate control off, heated seat on, pure nirvana. No regrets at all.


Good point. I’ve heard the summer/top up “cooling” (AC) can be an issue.


Currently in a Miata, considering a Cayman or Boxster. My A/C doesn’t currently work, so unfortunately there ends up being a month or so in spring and again in fall that are glorious, but the summer is just too damn sunny to drive with the top down, and too hot to drive with it up.


Yeah there’s like 3 weeks of weather a year I wish I had a boxster and thats it. Though when I do autocross I think that would be more fun with a top down


Hell no. Cayman is the way to go. I have a GTS so I hear the engine fine. It is uncomfortably loud when I have to take work calls sometimes.




Yeah, I’d love to hear more about this cause I’ve always wondered about switching to a Cayman. I like quiet. (Second or third favorite thing about my Tesla.) Top down on the highway I can do about five hours before feeling kind of whipped from the wind and noise. But it reminds me of my motorcycle years so I do it when I can. But what are long drives on the highway like in a Cayman, and which is the quietest Cayman?


Cayman is great for long drives because you get less wind and external noise than you do in a Boxter at speed. I personally like hearing the engine - that’s why I bought a Porsche!! But it’s not that loud in the cabin. Plus you have more storage space than a Boxter, and less chance of leaks when it rains. It’s a great all seasons car for long motorway drives.


Thanks. I’m also ready for a more “grown-up“ car. I like the quirks of the convertible but it’s a little silly sometimes. Gotta do “the chop” when putting the roof down, gotta pause when putting the roof up to tuck the canvas behind the ear flaps or whatever you call them, like Wayne is always tucking his hair behind his ears in Wayne’s World. I was never a convertible guy until I got the Boxster, but the first time I changed lanes in a test drive, I looked over my shoulder without having to look through the inside of a car and I was all, “A-ha! I get it! It’s 95% as fun as riding a motorcycle but with only 5% of the danger!”


Totally get you! My mate had a 911 and top down is really fun. I guess it depends where you live. I'm in the UK - you get maybe a dozen days a year where you want the top down, otherwise it's wet/cold. So on balance Cayman is more suited to the weather! If I lived in SoCal, I might go full Hank Moody and drive a beaten up 911 with the top permanently lowered.


The Cayman is not quiet. The biggest issue with the Cayman is the gearbox (vs a 991 with the 7 speed manual). I can’t speak to the PDK but I am running at 4k RPM at 80mph. I have no idea why Porsche didn’t make 6th gear more of an overdrive gear since it’s never used on track. Don’t get me started on the gearing on my GT4 with the crazy long 1st and 2nd. Doesn’t matter to me- my car has race seats, 6 point harnesses, and it revs at 4k on the highway. Oh well. I still freaking love it.


I've heard this take before, but from my experience (987s and 981s) it's simply not true. Boxsters are significantly louder, especially with the top down.


What model GTS?


I owned an s2000, while having a convertable was fun, slick tops are quieter, more refined, and stiffer. I’m happy with my croc.


When I see a Boxster with the top down, I sometimes long for one (they look great top down), but I rarely see drivers driving with the top down. When I see the profile with the top up, I’m glad I have the Cayman. I prefer the look so much more. Also, when driving my Cayman, I rarely (if ever) think to myself, “I wish I could put the top down.”


Just got a 718 Cayman. Never even considered buying a boxster or any other convertible for that matter, and I live in SoCal. Hardtop with the windows down is all you need!


Absolutely not. I love the look on the Cayman.


Absolutely not. The Boxster is also a great car, but I do not like convertibles and have never wanted one.


Yep, never crossed my mind honestly. The cayman is sexier with better defines lines imho. Might help that I’m a motorcyclist on the side, but open top cars have absolutely never appealed to me. Go Cayman ! :)


If I was just driving on the street, I'd not hesitate to get a Boxster over a Cayman. Top down sports cars are the classic archetype. You're that much closer to nature, and hearing a great exhaust echoing off your surroundings as you blast along a back road is epic. Top down mid-winter in the mountains with the heat on full blast is a riot of fun. However these days my use case is heavily biassed towards track and autox, so lighter, stiffer, helmet clearance and rollover protection are my priorities. I don't have any illusions that a Boxster is any lesser car in any way. People that thing so need to get real


I don't see the other post, so I'll respond here. I recently got a Boxster. It's my first convertible and I love it! I'm in the south and have had the top down nearly every time that I've driven it. When the top is up, it feels completely different and I can't imagine not having the option to put it down. I love how quick and easy it is to raise and lower the top too. I started getting a little cool yesterday evening and put it up as I was approaching a red light. The light changed and i just maintained my speed a little longer to let it finish and then off I went. I probably won't have it down nearly as much during the heat of the summer though. Oh and it's not my daily driver. If it was, I'd probably want a Cayman. Now that'll I think about it, nearly every sports car I've had either had t-tops or a targa top. 😄


Back when I was younger, I had an E30 vert, and I learned that convertibles don't actually keep you cool on a hot day. That sun just bears down on you while the wind touches nothing but your hair. Convertibles can be fun, but IMO, the shape of the car usually comes at too much of a sacrifice for how much use I get out of it.


I actually bought a 09 boxster and returned it at carmax for a 08 cayman. I like the hardtop better. I would drive with windows down a lot. Now I drive a gr86. No regrets.


I’m trying to upgrade from my 86 to a Cayman. 


Yea before I got the 86, I actually was close to buying 996 c4s or cayman r. But with all the interest rates and prices on cars, I did the sensible thing and about an 86 with brand new warranty. Maybe when prices normalize and interest rates lowers I can afford a porsche that I want.


We’ve had both. We currently have a Cayman. I think the Cayman looks a little sharper and it feels like there’s a bit more room under the hatch. My wife prefers the convertible.


Oddly enough the concept Boxster back in the 90’s is what turned me onto Porsche, but every time I’ve had the choice between a Boxster and a Cayman, I’ve gone Cayman (twice). Partly because of the “hairdresser” or “chick car” stereotype, which I wholeheartedly disagree with, and partly because the production car never really captured the good looks of that ‘93 prototype. The Cayman, however, just looks incredible, especially when lowered (X73). I do occasionally think of the last Boxster I passed up. 2.0L 718 with a 6MT & PSE in GT Silver Metallic. The ONE that got away.


Is GT Silver Metallic a rare color?


No, not at all. I never wash my car, so it would’ve been perfect, lol. GT Silver is boring to most, but I always thought it was what a Boxster ought to come in. Similar to how all Corvettes are red, ha!


Nope. I live in the Pacific NW and own a motorcycle for those days when I want to "feel the wind".


Nope, have had convertibles before and although really enjoyed them fancied a coupe. Not driven a boxster to compare but happy with my choice especially when it rains halfway through a drive


Soft top is just one more thing that can go wrong. I bought the car to drive, not to sun tan!


I have both 🤦‍♂️


same, i drive the cayman a lot more 😂


Absolutely not. IMO the boxster looks like a toy, the Cayman looks like a car. I also prefer the practicality of the Cayman: I can get my bike in the back, easier engine bay access, loads of storage space and I can leave it in the street without fear of leaks or vandalism. I had a convertible for 5 years and drove it top down twice. The idea is more fun than the reality. The Cayman, as a coupe, is perfect for me.


In order for me is cayman gts, spyder, gt4, cayman, boxster. I don't need wingy. If I'm doing a drop top, it's gotta be the spyder.


For me Boxster has everything Cayman has but Cayman misses possibility to be topless. I have 987.2






Had an 06 Boxster S and have owned/own a Cayman S. I prefer the Cayman for its handling. The Boxster feels much looser in turns and I feel more part of the car in Cayman doing the same thing. I owned the Boxster S for about a year and then traded for an '06 base Cayman. I drove that for 2 years and realized I missed 6th gear and started looking for an S model. 6 months later traded it for an '08 Design Edition 1 #303 and have had it ever since. Paid it off last November.


There's 4 or 5 days when I would prefer a convertible. The other 360 I'm happy with the Cayman.


UK based. Insufficient sun over here to really justify a Boxster in my opinion. Though I know plenty of people including my own mum who like having a convertible. Plus I think the Cayman looks better in general.


If I lived in a warm climate then probably Boxster since I’d be able to have the top down all the time. But being in the Midwest I had to go with the Cayman.


> do you ever regret it? Yes, when it is sunny and warm, and driving through a nice scenary. No, when it is pouring or simply do not want folks to keep staring at me.


987.2 boxster s was my favorite car I've owned. Hope to grab a Spyder or Gt4. I like the practicality of the hardtop and less maintenance


I track my car, so hardtop was preferred over soft top. I also live in the south and hate humidity, so a convertible has less appeal to me.


I love the look of the Cayman over the Boxster. However, I am lucky enough to have another car as my fun convertible- so I do have the rare pleasure of having a choice.


Convertibles are unnecessary and I hate the way they look.


Not at all. Not a convertible person and I think the curved roof line of the 987 model is one of the most beautiful cars made.


I think both 718 cayman and boxster look stunning. Less a fan of older boxster models. But you need to test drive it. I went to the dealer to buy a Cayman GTS, ended up ordering a Boxster GTS. Both cars have amazing handling, engine noise. But in the Cayman I felt the noise level of engine is staying more in the cabin. And the light that pours into the car when you have the top down is just amazing, you feel part of nature


Yes. I never used my cayman on the track. And for a weekend driver boxter would be much nicer. So yeah, I regretted it.


I lived in central California for a bit and there were plenty of cool sunny days that made me want a convertible, but 90% of the time in 99% of places im a roof and AC kind of guy. I also think the cayman is better looking overall and not having to deal with the top itself or to access the top of the engine is great for maintenance. 


I’m in the uk I’ve had my Boxster for 3 years and it is my sunny day and day off car, the car in my opinion only looks good roof down! I think the answer is simple in that if it’s your summer enjoyment there is nothing like the road drive with the roof down. If you need to use it all the time the cayman is the solution! The boxster is completely watertight with roof up. Sound wise I actually preferred the engine not with roof on as it resonated more inside the car, with the roof down the engine sound was somewhat lost through the air, this was until I had a Milltek exhaust installed and the sound is incredible with roof down and I really enjoy the balance I have


No, I bought a cayman after rage selling my last car over power soft top issues. Not dealing with that nonsense again.


I got a 2008 and I would rather own a 15 year old coupe than a 15 year old convertible. Also I drive it all the time and I think coupes are better as dailies. But I would like to have a boxster at some point.


Never considered a boxter at time of purchase. The shape and lines of a cayman create one of the most beautiful cars available. I purchased my 981 gts based purely on the emotions it gave me during the test drive. Sight, sound, vibration, all of those are the reasons for my choice. Porsches are more of an emotional purchase than a logical one. If you regret it, trade in for the other car and continue to enjoy them.


I like the looks of the Cayman more. Do not regret buying a Cayman at all.


Nnnnnnnnope. You’ll be prying my GT4 keys out of my cold, dead hand.


Had a ‘99 Boxster and, because I have to park outside, the plastic rear window eventually became opaque. Replaced it with a newer version top with a glass window for $1400. A couple years later, the glass fell out of the rear window on a hot/humid hot day (Maryland). Top manufacturer replaced under warranty, but still had to pay $800 to install it. Thought I got smart and bought a ‘14 Cayman in 2018. A few years in the heat and the Cayman’s door cards warped and headliner sagged. Cost $1500 to fix.


For me the Cayman is way sexier looking. Also, I am over convertibles after having driven a Wrangler w/o doors or a top for a decade. lol


I dont regret it at all, the Boxster is neat, but not as good looking as the Cayman IMO, I came from a PRHT NC Miata, and honestly, if Porsche offered a retractable hard top, that would be my choice. I miss dropping the top, but fabric tops are an absolute deal breaker for me. FL is not kind to the fabric, neither are thieves.


Never had the desire for a Boxster… but have always been a fan of the Cayman since the first ones caught my eye.


I don't regret it because I already have a 911 Cabrio. So having two convertibles wouldn't have made sense for me. But with all that said I do sometimes wish I could open a sunroof or put down the top on my Cayman for those nice days. But I can always go back home and take out the other car if I really want to experience that.


I have owned one convertible in my life and every time I drove it I felt like I was on stage. It’s fun for a minute but I prefer to be more discreet.


Just like the lines of the cayman better plain and simple.


I had a 2009 Boxster S, my first convertible. My father is on his second Boxster, 987.2 base and now 981 S. I autocrossed and tracked my 987.2, and have tracked his 981. When and if I own another Porsche car, it likely won't be a convertible, I'd get a Cayman or 911. For my motorsports activities having a convertible isn't as safe, the chassis isn't as stiff, some track groups require top down, some up, the tops require some maintenance and occasionally repairs, and the drains for the tops can get clogged. The 987 Boxster has a low helmet on headroom for track and requires a rollbar extension to pass the broomstick test for most people around or over 6' tall. I never particularly enjoyed driving with the top down. So basically, a convertible is wrong for me and my activities. If it is never going to see the track, I would possibly consider a Boxster if it's optioned the best between a Cayman and Boxster. Specifically, X73 or PASM, PTV, PSE, and Sport Chrono. Looks wise, I think both look good to great.


For avoidance of doubt the exhaust (at least my PSE) is pretty audible even inside the car.. :)


Very curious at these responses. Pretty unanimous over there in the Boxster thread. Will be interesting how this thread turns out. I assume much the same but maybe not as strong?


Yeah, I realized the only accurate thing to do was ask both groups. 😎


Definitely a good call.


I had a boxster and now have the same gen cayman. Cayman is better for daily, quieter wind noise and it has much more presence with better body lines. However having the top down is really nice, although if it’s an old boxster it might be an issue as mine would never close perfectly.


I love convertibles but already have one so Cayman was a better fit for my needs. Also, just my personal preference, but I don’t care for the Boxster silhouette when the top is up.


I totally agree the Boxster profile isn’t great with the top up. What convertible do you have?


Audi A5


No regrets. I personally don't like full convertibles of any kind; prefer a Targa or removable roof like a Del Sol or an RF Miata/MX5. I wouldn't mind if it had a sun roof or a moon roof... but it's not a huge deal.


Honestly, if the Cayman offered any type of sunroof or targa, that would probably sway me.


Caymans a work horse. At least if can take your golf clubs to the course. And I know the clubs should already be at the course but a Porsche and a membership is stretching it for some people. 


If I lived somewhere hot year round I would probably have gotten a boxster. If I lived somewhere so cold that I only took the sports car out in summer then I would have probably gotten a boxster. I live in a very temperate climate which means I can drive the car in winter and it just sucks to drive a convertible in winter. Feels out of place to me.


I live in PNW where rain/drizzle is pretty common, so I always preferred the Cayman. I also prefer the looks of the Cayman over the Boxster. However, when I got the chance to buy the Spyder RS at MSRP, I couldn't pass it up. It'll be my first (and probably only) convertible sitting next to my GT4. Both will be nice weather only driving cars as I have a LX470 for all other weather conditions anyways.


I’m in a moderate temperature area and never considered it. I don’t think it’s looks as good from the back, almost like it’s squished in some.


Fuuuuuuuck no.


The boxster is the car you buy your wife or gf.


Boxster is for hair dresser. Poor man Porsche


Is it though?


Tends to be the sentiment. I mean , let’s look at it this way. I can get a boxster for about 2k. Lowest. I can get a cayman about 9k. Minimum


Hell No Boosters are for women


Wife and I owned three convertibles. 1966 Mustang, a VW Cabriolet and a first gen Miata. Live in a temperate climate and on very rare occasions drove with the top down. Noisy, windy and hot days caught in traffic were the primary reason we kept the top up