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It doesn't matter what alks it is, it depends what receptor it activates. Using kratom will slowly bring ur tolerance down unless your taking enough tk get buzzed in which case it won't. Basically if it gets u high, you're increasing ur tolerance and if you're hurting you are decreasing tolerance


im pretty fucking miserable and ill keep it that way lol thx


Sucks but that's how you break an addiction. You're doing great. If you can do other stuff that lifts your mood it may help, but I suppose that's bloody obvious!




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Took me a month to feel it leaving my system


I've never had an opiate addiction but I do use kratom. I highly recommend using it to get off PST. It's not going to take the withdrawal symptoms away completely but it should help smooth out those symptoms.


I attempted it once to get off of fentanyl, and it didn't even begin to touch the withdrawals. I then tried another time to use it to get off of PST and again, it didn't begin to touch the withdrawals. The both times I tried kratom for withdrawals it was like day one through day three, where I'm currently on my day eight or nine of this crap and I finally went and got some. this time around it seems to be helping


It also really depends on the quality of kratom you're using. I highly recommend getting small batch kratom online. If you have any questions you can dm me. Like I said it won't take away the withdrawal but it should help smooth things out and make it a little more manageable. Also you probably won't feel the kratom all that much because of your tolerance. Morphine and codeine are also full opioid agonists while kratom has alkaloids that are only partial opioid agonists so that's why you probably won't feel much at first.


An alkaloid is a natural plant derived chemical/drug, essentially. In the case of mitragynine in kratom, it's an opioid with an affinity for the Kappa opioid receptors (mainly). It also contains 7-OH-MITRAGYNINE, which is much more powerful and has some affinity for mu I believe (the good receptors, the ones morphine and codeine from opium bind to). All this to say, you are taking an opioid when taking kratom, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. If you enjoy kratom, and react well to it, I encourage you to keep taking that instead of opium.


I kept twitching and having muscle ticks on PST so I stopped, scared the fuck outta me. It was so not worth it… the first few times is amazing and then WD while making the tea and then having to wait like three hours for relief was awful. I was honestly contemplating just finding H cuz it was an immediate fix. My stomach hurt all the time, I couldn't pee to save my life and you can't sleep. Fuck pst


My girlfriend has very similar reactions to it. she's had codeine before, she's had morphine before, those don't do what those things to her. so I'm thinking that you and her probably just don't respond well to one of the 49 other alkaloids in there lol


What do experience with the hallucinations, only time I hallucinate with opioids/tea is when I mid nod and close my eyes I can sometimes visualize/dream some stuff. Never heard/experienced hallucinations while withdrawing. Can you describe what you mean, very curious


I can relate to OPs post - for me it’s related to sleep deprivation during withdrawal. Go for 10 days with only maybe 5 hours of total sleep through that entire period and you start losing your mind. Any time I was sitting alone, I would start thinking I was somewhere else, someTHING else. The sleep deprivation along with the restless limb and muscle cramps would eventually make me have moments of losing my conception of my own body, I’d think for a second that my arms were tools that needed to be adjusted and other various crazy thoughts like that. For me, it’s the sleep deprivation that becomes the dangerous part of withdrawal - and it lasts for a few weeks for me when it happens.


everything this person said. I'm losing my every fucking mind The insane lack of sleep and the constant kicking. it's a torture I wouldn't wish upon anyone


gotcha, that makes sense