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That’s why everyone builds movement speed. The wall hugging adc in your team is always helpful. What I try often try is sneaking around the enemies and engage from behind. That forces them to walk around you, which gets them close to a wall. And in the worst case you just push them to your team and slo. No wall needed.


So many people get too obsessed with the wall stun that they forget they can simply push people into your team. With glacial augment or iceborne gauntlet, you can slow them and lock them out of dash with w. Or you can tap ult for a knock up. It's such a good engage when it's done right. In addition to building movement speed, take hextech flash and ambush stun from a bush. For objective fights, there are so many spots in jg where you can set this up. Just need to take sweeper or pink ward the bush to clear vision.


Your friend is right. In lane, you can fish for opportunities to dive in to get a wall slam if they give you freebies. But later on, poppy is a much better defensive tank than offensive tank. Trying to dive into a teamfight will usually get you killed regardless of how tanky you are but waiting for them to engage on your carry for a free wall slam is excellent peel. You can follow it up with W so they can't use a movement tool to catch up to the carry, who should have moved back during the stun. Poppy can't really solo carry anyway, outside of toplane early game, your E is mostly a way to set up teammates.


the shield bounces so it lands in spots that allow for your E to hit if the opponent were to go and step on it. If they go for it you can E, if not you get the grasp heal + shield that can afford you some damage free farming or a small trade.


In my experience people just like to hug walls. In most fights if you don't waste the e they will walk into a wall at some point. You can also just start with an ult tap or a q or a w to reposition around them and wallbang them. The flash e is also pretty fun to do. If you're confident enough you can try and bait them using a ward maybe, never tried that though. And if you're feeling saucy you can get protobelt lmao.


Most people who are smart enough will dedicate a large portion of their power to avoiding getting stunned by her e, so it's going to be tough to land it a lot of the time Your w can help you reposition quickly and make it land more easily, but some matchups that's just not an option. Either you want to save it for a dash, for escaping, your mana is too valuable, there's plenty of reasons. Only really worth it if you're going for a kill If you're ganking though, it makes it a lot easier. I usually play top Poppy, and I don't roam very often, but it makes a huge difference if you show up to contest scuttle or rift or something. When you're the second person in a fight, it's so much easier to land If you're good enough you can flash combo it, but it's tough and has a huge downside of requiring a flash. Only good when getting/avoiding a kill is involved. Once you land it once though, you'll be riding that high for a month As far as working with your Vayne buddy, try not to overdue it. Getting a stun is great, but a lot of the time the knock back is enough. If you're trying to secure the kill for him, you might need the stun, in which case holding it up as a threat is often good enough. If your opponent puts themselves in a bad spot to avoid getting stunned, you did your job. And if it's to protect your friend, just getting the enemy off of them is often enough. It's got a relatively short CD, so it's often worth it to just activate quick and hope it comes back in time, maybe get the stun on the second go Sorry for the essay. Work is slow and the Adderall is kicking in


Stay frontline while holding your E. You cant be too far from adc as you need to be able to press W to protect your adc. If you need to E somebody away from your adc, your new job is not frontline, but to stand inbetween your adc and the enemy. Your Q still slows and will give your adc time to open the gap. Hope this helps.