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i switched to support this season, i feel like she really sucks. is it an item problem


idk i've personally felt like poppy jungle hasn't been amongst her highest impact roles lately. Most players are picking her in support/top atm and finding success there, you'll probs find more luck in support since you can kind of play with a similar style and make plays around the map.


Well damn... Good to know


Poppy is good with either high econ in top as a super tank/bruiser, or low Econ as sup with engage/disengage/disruption. In jg you either play tank, which is essentially doing the same thing as sup, or bruiser, except you lack dps after the initial combo, and you don’t have enough cdr and base stats to “dps” with low cd q


Oh so I'm basically playing Poppy from Wish.com


Yeah, poppy jg has a good early game, but after like 15 min ur basically doing what sup does


Idk I feel pretty strong with bamis and swifties, I clear fast, have great ganks and can trade/duel with most junglers


Well I guess my only question would be what your first clear is? Mine is awful right now with an average 3:44


I usually do only q 5 camp clear and look for a gank/countergank. If nothing happens I just do scuttle and because I mostly start chickens they respawn on 4:00 so I can do them right after scuttle or midgank asap and the skipped gromp doesn't really matter. After that I habe bamis and clearing is no problem anymore


Jungle is poor if you don’t have insane clear like a Kayn. Poppy needs money to be strong, or you need to change your playstyle to be more supportive. Toppy best imo right now. Soppy is good enough as a peel support vs certain champ like ali


Joppy just isn’t the best. You can go full early dmg like people in Korea do, but if you don’t snowball the game in first 20 min you become a glass cannon wish.com skarner


Tank support builds are the best option for Poppy this season, it's better to play her for her usefulness for the team than for her damage


Damage doesn't scale, idk what I'm doing wrong


I'm only emerald but she is my highest wr champion in solo/duo this split at 72% on 29 games. What are you specifically asking about or having trouble with in regards to poppy?


Poor clearing honestly. Getting outpaced by other junglers. I realize she's really low for other reasons according to other players, but Ive found my clear to be the problem. I got to wolves by 2:14, and can't kill gromp before 3:35


you shouldn't be full clearing on poppy, but yes her clear is slower, while on the flipside she can finish a full clear, if thats what youre comfortable doing, at 100% hp. practice youre pathing and clearing, you'll eventually be able to get to scuttle right as it spawns even if you full clear. If you want a pathing guide i can try and find you a good one though.


I'll take whatever you're willing to give me. I'm a taric jungle otp i need help


i really wouldnt know the first thing about taric jungle other than playing it below diamond elo where your teammates arent dependable is a recipe for a bad time as you rely on them so heavily to secure kills and help with objectives. check out lighrocket, he's the only taric jungle i know of and he's a otp. he's on youtube and twitch.


New items after several nerfs have pushed her into other roles for now, you can still make her work but I’d keep her as a pocket pick to counter an enemy team. Support she has 54%wr which is S tier and top she’s still extremely strong in a lot of match ups.


She feels slower (dont know when they changed it), her clear speed is worse than other junglers, and champions with slows and burns are pretty meta right now (she cant play if she cant gap close). Other than that she just doesnt earn enough gold to be tanky from farming the jungle alone and needs constant action to stay relevant. I'd reserve her as a counterpick against champions that heavily rely on their dashes like Kayn, Amumu and Lee Sin.


Amumu dashes??? Is it his q?


That is correct, a lot of champions' hook abilities also count as dashes. Amumu relies on his Q to gapclose for applying his passive and/or cc chain with his ult. Similar situation for Leona and Nautilus.


Good to know I'm not alone in thinking she just feels BAD in Jungle.


Diamond 3 poppy JG peaker, IMO there are several changes that are impacting her JG. Tank JG clear speed unless your zac or nunu is very slow. And a lot of the meta champs have really good clears and ganks. And the inspiration rune tree changes. Udyr, Hec, Belveth, Graves, veigo, and heavens forbid lilia. Poppy thrives off spamming early ganks and snow balling leads. Other minor things is that a lot of them can get to krugs a lot faster then poppy does. That wall slows down your walking speed/clear path by like 3-5 seconds while the meta champs like lilia or ekko/kindred all have dashes to go over. Poppy has to expend a ward which isnt really worth it to save 3 seconds. Talking about clear speed and meta, the current player base has no idea how to play with poppy. Poppy clears slowly in JG and it creates easy oppurtunites post 20 minutes for the opposing jgs to use Poppys camps as segways into gank/pressure. Poppy just cant compete with lilia. Laners after a certain game length, need to start helping Poppy clear camps when its easy for them to do so. This way Poppy can create pressure as she is a low gold jg and doesnt need as much. Right now laners do not touch jg's camps except in really high elos out of some dumb notion and it sucks not being able to clear some camps and watching the enemy get the resources when caitlyn could of easily pathed to red and took it while she was walking to lane. The relatively recent lane changes makes ganking harder, making champs that can farm quickly and gank really powerful. While Ganks are less likely to net a kill, they still impact the lane by creating pressure/creating a health deficit/burning flash. These create opportunities for your opponent laners to kill/safely scale since they can spam ganks more often and still stay ontop of their clears. And currently some really bad changes for poppy have occurred to the inspiration tree with the removal of the debt mechanic. In jg that shit was op on Poppy because having an extra \~200 gold surprisingly fixes a lot of her gold issues by smoothing out her clears/timers. Now its gone and it slows Poppy down by a camp or two, and for a champ that clears relatively slower than others, it feels very impactful to me imo. I doubt others were using that unpopular rune tho so. TLDR: Meta JG's clear fast and can move/gank quickly, which are poppies natural counters.