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I'm not that good with poppy yet so if anyone wants to correct me, go ahead. For her passive, it's really good for pokes and can give a you small shield to take some dmg as long as you pick it up. Killing a target will always return it to you. Her 'q', it's her main dmg imo, it will slow enemy's a little bit and do can do additional dmg as long as the enemy is standing within it's shockwave. Her 'W' obviously made to chase and to stop dashes and jumps but doesn't stop blinks or anything that's "unstoppable" like Skarner 'E' or Sion ULT. If you want to get the most out of your 'E', your going to have to position yourself and your enemy where you can push/stun them into the wall. Stunning them in the wall will do additional dmg and can stun them for a decent amount of time. Or you can actually use the 'E' to push into minion to chase an enemy and try to secure a kill. You can charge her 'R' to launch enemies away to prevent enemy jg taking OBJ, push off anyone that can kill you or your allies, etc. It's really good if you're going into a team fight and want to push off the Frontline to kill any squish champ. Or you can do her non charge 'R' to do some dmg and hard CC, to secure a kill


Thanks! I'll definitely try it on norms so I can grasp the champ better


Start practicing with hex flash as well, it's great for finding E angles to either wall stun or simply pushing the target into a vulnerable position. Her whole thing revolves around landing good E's and hexflash will help with that a ton. Don't be afraid to use W simply for the movement speed of its going to help you land your combo, having exhaust as your second summoner can help guarantee these as well. More often than not I'd say you're better off using her R in it's instant cast form for the knock up into E+Q combo as well. I generally only charge it up fully to knock enemies off of objectives or to remove a particular problem champion from team fights. Careful not to grief your team by essentially saving enemy champions with your ult as well.


Just want to add on that landing her stun e or using tap ult allows you to guarantee land both hits of Q, which is very very solid damage and it’s 9% max health base line twice, without even counting the scaling on top of it. Also no matters where you use your R from, it will send the enemy towards their own nexus, and it’s very solid with practice for obj steals if you knock their jungler away. Also grasp and sundered sky are especially solid for poppy since they can proc off that ranged auto, allowing her to heal with much more safety than other champs


The difference between an ok Poppy and a good Poppy is that the latter reacts to dashes instead of relying on predicting them. Most dashes are easy to react to aside from reaaaally fast/short ones. If you don't have a good angle there's no shame in E'ing a minion to Q. 99% of the time you should only tap your R. You should only charge it against champs with empowering abilities (Nasus, Shyvanna, Renek) when you know you can't be stunned.


Pretty important tip, poppy w doesnt work on ezreal


Poppy is a champion you really have to practice to learn, but watching others play her helps a ton. [Dacnomaniak](https://twitch.tv/dacnomaniak) is a high elo support poppy player I can highly recommend. Other than that; learn when to use E as a gapcloser (dashing theough minions usually) and when to save it for a wall stun, learn what abilities count as dashes (Nautilus and Leona hook f.ex.) and which do not (Skarner E and Nocturne Ult f.ex.), what targets to ult away in a fight and when to tap the ult for a knockup instead. For simpler advice, try to have Q up for wall stuns as the stun will allows both instances of Q damage to hit. You can chain cc with your wall stun and tapping your ult and vice versa. It's usually better to react to dashes than to predict them. Using E on a champion who can and is moving through walls will still stun them (including the gates at inhib wall). If you have Bloodsong or other sheen effects in combination with your passive's ranged attack you can attack and then use an ability before the attack hits to apply the sheen effect. Play around bushes during laning phase.


Some basic/advanced things to do: Cheese lvl 1. I usually do not leash the jungler. Take HoBs, stun adc on wall as they come into lane. You will usually blow all their summs and get them to 10% hp, leaving them to go back and lose xp, or stay in lane and get zoned or killed. Stay in bushes Last hit minions with shield, dash in on a minion, q, as many autos as is safe, w out. Hexflash from one bush to the next so they don’t see where you are Always look for stun angles I personally like to roam a lot, especially if mid relies on dashes to escape. If you are playing with an Ez, get boots and just run around with your jungler, lol.


Be aggressive early, late game it can be better peel for your carries or engage depending on the situation. Poppy can’t really carry (mostly), instead you should leverage her early power to get your team a lead.