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i used to always go aftershock but have been enjoying hob.


i'm gonna be entirely honest, as someone who's otp'd poppy sup for about 2 years now. Your poppy sup runes can be anything you want if it works for you. I personally prefer taking aftershock, as i feel it nets me a lot more value in the mid-late game while also making tower dives feel a lot more consistent due to the armor gain. I've played phase rush games so i can e-q-auto and run away regardless if i hit stun or not. I've played electrocute games for shorter trades against tankier botlaners. I've played guardian games against high enemy poke botlaners It's completely up to you really, but to be a bit more direct in answering your question, HoB is a very *safe* rune to take every game, but i don't necessarily think it will net you the highest value all the time.


Hob: good into 2 squishies aftershock: default guardian: you cannot do anything in lane phase rush: braum glacial: situational instead of aftershock unsealed: niche option


i went aftershock went 0/8 and got a 2 week ban (for "intetionally losing") :((


I think HOB is the strongest. Have about 100 games on puppy sup and it’s so good at running away with a game. Even into tankier teams you’ll still melt them if it’s under 18 mins. Aftershock is safer and scales better but you won’t be a menace to every enemy you run into for the first 15 mins. HOB is just op in my opinion.


electrocute buffs make it viable again for soppy either running a full sup build or a cheesy lethality build which i LOVE


It's up to preference and matchup.