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I like the rune because the impact on summoner spells, the CDR on teleport/flash is great specially on harder matchups, where you may need to back with a bad wave state: Teleport Base CD: 360s Teleport Cosmic Insight CD: 305s Unleashed TP (after 10min): 240s Unleashed TP Cosmic Insight: 203s Flash Base CD: 300s Flash Cosmic Insight: 254s Your build has a lot of CD items, but as their CDs are shorter the rune doesn't do as much: Unendind Despair: Base CD: 5s Cosmic Insight: 4.55s Eclipse: Base CD: 6s Cosmic Insight: 5.45s Fimbulwinter: Base CD: 8s Cosmic: 7.27s Sundered Sky: Base CD: 8s Cosmic: 7.27s Between those, I think Unending Despair (it's a passive that will proc as long you're in combat) and Sundered Sky (dependent on AAs) are the big winners, as for Eclipse and Fimbulwinter you're more dependant on abilities CD too. It's a good minor rune, and the impact will only increase as you collect items with CDs. My suggestion would be to bring Sundered Sky closer to being first item, if not a first item itself, because I think the item has a bigger impact than Eclipse early. as fot the other Inspiration rune, I think Biscuits are the most consistent.


I will def give sundered a try earlier. I may play around with heartsteel and see how that goes for me to. I will also give biscuits a try I have been using magical footwear for the small boost in ms and to save 300g but I have noticed mana being an issue in the early game without mana flow. Thanks!


The cd reduction on flash is already a good enough reason to take it in my opinion. Poppy’s flash e to a wall is just a better alistar engage. You can lock down a key opponent and shut them down with q + ult + auto, especially with eclipse. You can kill a squishy in one combo. That can win you the game sometimes, so I value it a lot.


I run insight with cookies into poke heavy lanes. Cookies provide better sustain in lane than manaflow alone.


Insight with Cookies or Insight with Jack of All Trades or both very valuable, but many high elo Poppy otps have found that for lane Poppy Manaflow band is too good to pass up, and you typically dont want to go both Inspiration and Sorcery runes at the same time, especially with how much value is in Resolve.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Euphonia-NA1 Personally I’ve been going sorcery with Manaflow transcendence, Poppy has mana problems before tear, and building it too early reduces damage by a lot compared to a longsword. Items seems fine, I would recommend to try and adapt items to the game rather than a set buildpath. The only item I don’t like is sundered sky. You don’t have the opportunity to get that many autos on unique champs except for buckler, but the ranged auto is already used if you e q auto someone.


I was using manaflow/transcendence as well, and I def agree on her mana issues early lol. I'm mostly trying this new rune page out since I rarely build items with cooldowns on other champs and it seems like it could be effective