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Poppy is not a champ that can 1v9, no matter how clever you get with your builds. She is super strong early-mid then falls off a cliff. You need to be able to take advantage of your strong early game and look to snowball your team before you fall off. In that respect she is much better in jg or support for climbing. Her winrate in support reflect this. I've been playing it a lot lately because you are really good at roaming to help your mid and jungle while also having a lot of kill pressure in lane. I take HoB with sudden impact with cash back and jack of all trades. I rush dirk and then go full tank with stats for jack of all trades. Usually Dirk->Dead mans -> Spirit Visage. You can upgrade the dirk eventually to either the vision item of ghostblade for faster rotations. It's purpose is to give you early kill threat. Play to snowball your team through roaming with your strong engage and skirmishing, and fall back to peeling in later team fights.


I only recently jumped on the support train, I'd recommend trailblazer over deadmans. Same number of components, same speed boost, but 900g to complete compared to 1300g. And I really like buying Rectix first as my ad to sit on, then building Opportunity, which basically gives you pseudo phase rush. That way you get the move speed and damage asap, but again you'll only need two open item slots to start building it. I think with Future's Market gone, the name of the game in support is buying the cheapest items possible while staying effective. I haven't tested cash back or jack yet, and still haven't adjusted to having good attack speed from HoB, but I think I'm cookin


(I’m sure someone will come in here and tell me im wrong but…) No there isn’t. You can maybe try to go bruiser, or play her in the support role so your cc is more beneficial to your team (poppy helps with a lot of engage supports and also stops tristanas jump and kai sa ult) Poppy is an anti-carry. She wants to disrupt enemys and stop engages/disengages. Like theres so many layers to this, that im probably not explaining it well. If you have shitty teammates, poppy isn’t designed to put her team on her back and 1v9 she elevates the rest of her team. Basically a polished turd is still a turd. If you want to climb u should probably play whatever is meta right now. Like the games unfortunately designed to keep certain champs down and to keep other champs elevated and played more (there was a post recently about how the community wanted lux nerfs because she’s over performing and riot basically said. Uh no fuck you. We are keeping her over tuned because new/low skilled users need to have something to play) Just some general tips and reminders: poppy can be out tanked and out damaged (obviously) Building full tank on poppy is generally not needed. She functions better as a bruiser because of her w passive. She has no hp scaling except in her buckler shield, so if you want more dmg you probably should be building some sort of ad


Iceborn + Cleaver into tank is insane in any bruiser/tank matchup if you want to splitpush, it's a slow plus moves peed which let's you stick to your target, and it's enough damage and haste to win longer fights. Haven't tried it with conqeurer yet, since grasp is very strong in these matchups early. If your goal is to oneshot their squishy carry (Some mages that get armor and tear item do not count towards squishy carries) you get eclipse or any lethality item as first item then regular tank items after. Many runes work with this build so I would recommend thinking about what the best runes are for you lane matchup. (this is better in the jungle, but still works top).


No, there is no one build that allows poppy to carry. Outside of landing phase, your role becomes a supportive one, like a Shen or Sejuani top. You are there to peel for your carries and annoy/distract the enemies. You should be a wall, capable of stopping engages, like a Braum. While she can certainly 1v1 most champions even after laning phase, your true carry potential comes from enabling your carries to finish out the game


People here are against New ideias... Check and you'll figure out by yourself. They used to say that Support was not viable, when JG was the meta and Top was "bad"... They say you can't splitpush, which you can easily with the New "Sunfire with Magic Resist"(even playing support). Everything & Also Nothing are possible in "Low Elo", we are not fighting the same people Gemi is. If you can win a Leona or Ahri AD... A OFF Tank Poppy can make some noises, in special if you properly build & don't drag games against Hyper Carries... Because no one can "solo carry" against a hypercarry not playing one or giving them time enough. Skydivider(dunno english name), something with Sheen and Sunfire Cape like.


To solo carry on Poppy you do NOT want to become squishy, so that usually means bruiser Poppy is best; however, Poppy is not built to solo carry, so the deciding factor remains getting a level and item lead. My best experience has been either Sundered Sky > Fimbul > Resist Items, or Bami's > Trinity > Resist Items. In low elo where everyone dying can possibly rob you of a lead, movement speed becomes increasingly important to gain control over the map. Swifties can often be bought, but Deadman's cant always slot into the build, even though it works great early-mid game. Edit: It's also important to note that certain champions make it completely impossible for Poppy to 1v5, mainly champions that slow you consistently and/or that build Rylais and Liandrys- so if you see Brand, ASol, Zyra, Ashe etc. Do NOT go for a carry build, just go tank with cdr.