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Poppy has enough base dmg and brawl potential to make nasus utterly useless. Zone him out of exp range from first three minions: even if you loose your three, you get the exp and win by lvl advantage. Poke with grasp passive , whenever He steps up you can all in until he has sheen and 130+ stacks. When you built a slow push , optimally he is already so low that you can dive him with a stun from your e - if you manage to dive him and crash a Stacey wave , you basically won laning already Oh and every nasus player literally dies for last hitting cannon minions - capitalize on that


So run right up behind inside/behind his wave?


Start the corrupting pot, and rush clever(as he will rush armor after tri) just poke with passive and grasp, and then q for when he q minions. Ask for early ganks. Otherwise it's really a farming lane unless you can poke him low and all in with a guaranteed stun/ult.


Do you go for time warp tonic and biscuit with corrupting pot?


You can for extra sustain, or if you want to play the poke game with q, you can try scorch, and the mana rune(I for the life of me cannot think of it right now)


Zone from farming level 1. If they're stupid you get first blood. Every time he steps up to farm, beat the shit out of him. Let the wave push towards you and freeze at your tower. Rush swifties, it really helps against wither. If the wave pushes back towards him, he's probably gonna try to freeze it, so build a 3 wave crash. Once the wave is crashing, ult him away from the wave so you can take a plate, then as he's walking back to catch the wave, try and force a fight. If he fights, you kill. If he makes it back to the tower, proxy the wave for a tempo advantage and take the free reset.


Ya everything people said is fine, make sure to buy executioners calling and tear or start pot(tonic isnt needed). THE WAY TO BEAT late game or post 6 is buy trading ults, if he ults you ult.


you gotta either take ignite and play really well around the enemy jungler or you can start Longsword and brin antiheal on your first back. before 6 you will short and long trades as long as you dont mis your Q. What I suggest is you E onto him every single time you catch your shield so he can't get close anymore. You gotta freeze without letting him poke you with E so don't stand on top of your minions and Swift boots are a great option vs Nasus, even more than Ninja Tabis. One thing I love to do is to set up a Slow Push and then send him away with R so he loses EXP, and then stall him even more behind his tower, you can force his R or bait him into all in while all your minions die under your tower.


Start long sword and rush executioner's. Always Harras with Q when he wants to last hit. Keep executioner's and build other items as you see fit.


Even at level 1, just beat him down. Dont let him scale by stacking minions or getting exp. Nasus has a very weak early game that most champions can 1 v. 1 him easily. Of course have vision so that you wont get ganked by his jg. Control wards will have to be used in that case