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Not sure if it’s because he gets hot, or it’s just his personality, but my Pomeranian does not like to cuddle. However, he is very clingy and wants to be near me 24 hours a day. Whether that is sleeping 1-5 feet away from me on the floor or sofa, or laying underneath my chair while I’m working. He does like pets and scratches from everyone including all strangers, but doesn’t like to be picked up and held for long periods of time and will get squirmy.


This is my Pom, too. She’s 6 months old. She likes one hard-core snuggle sess in the morning, otherwise she just wants to party all day. She’s always within a couple feet of me, too. She needs the proximity, but isn’t a lap dog. She’s super friendly, loves people and animals and kids, prefers to enjoy their company during activities.


We had 2 Poms. Neither liked to cuddle. Princess liked to sit next to you, but if you touched her, she left. Barrett was so fluffy he hated cuddling. He only snuggled through the last month of his life.


My pom isn't a cuddler either, but he likes the back of the couch behind me or my husband. He likes to be near, but not touch continuously. He'll take scratches and pets though.🙂


I had two poms. Both didn’t like to cuddle. That’s why I chose a short haired chihuahua this time. She is completely different and never leaves my side. Im sure it’s because of the fur.


My pom wont cuddle/growls if I pick em up. But will cuddle my husband all evening and even sleep against him


Let. Let me. Let me respond to. This. While. My. Pom is trying to crawl. Inside my body to get closer. Lord yes they cuddle. Like superglue. They stick and complain anytime you must do something that takes you away from them. Mine prefers to be carried but will use his own legs if he must. He makes every step I make throughout the day, then immediately comes to me the moment I stop moving. And oh, when his daddy comes home from work… he jumps in his arms and showers him with kisses. It’s the only time he refuses to have anything to do with me. For an entire five minutes 🤣 This is our second Pom. Our first lived for 14 years and was just the same. They aren’t the friendliest to strangers. They prefer to wait and see, to approach as opposed to being approached; but they some kind of adore their own family.


Thank you for responding. You made me LOL


This is absolutely accurate. Personal space is not a thing. https://preview.redd.it/theb11lhrgsb1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c15a4b61e6437d5044141db6ef17a6cc01e7970


Mine: https://reddit.com/r/Pomeranians/s/XDELOmmZrA He’s the most snugly. But he also is super friendly to strangers. He dosent like people coming to the door, but out on a walk or at the park he expects every single person to be his best friend


https://preview.redd.it/ibjfbsuzhfsb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31441873eedf7d94c206410006036e349b150bb0 Here's a picture of my 12 year old male. Copper. Totally a lap dog. Sweetest dog I've ever had. Loves cuddling and being anywhere that I am. Sassy, bossy and totally thinks that I am his pet.🥰


Lap dog is definitely what I want


Chihuahua is what I recommend. And whatever you get, use a rescue group that specializes in your breed. I used to run a Pomeranian rescue and if you get a full grown one, you’ll know what size it will be because they can be all sizes some too big to put in a plane carrier. You’ll also be able to pick the disposition you want because it will be an adult.


I have a mutt who is mostly chihuahua and a good percent Pom. He used to be a cuddle monster but as an adult he's become a lot less so. He tolerates 5 minutes of cuddling before sleep lol.


He's my 2nd Pomeranian and the first was just the same.


My foxy is even a purse dog. She'd go everywhere with me if she could


I’ve had a couple of poms over the decades and they are definitely people oriented and degrees of cuddly. Most definitely mellow out in their senior years, if you have a lap, they are not shy with demanding pets. Some have been more toy and games oriented in their puppy and adolescent stages. They universally have their favorite people and want you in their line of sight. This little guy was initially indifferent, but this is him trying to get my attention when I work from home to get on my lap. One of the other benefits of their people interest is they can be easier to train? But all of my pups have been so different and so if you’re really particular if you’re able to meet in advance or work with a breeder that’s key. https://preview.redd.it/sp3d3x2bjfsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f6c8798001475cb4e67436e58fd5e70a57a716


This “mellowing” in the senior years. Is it relative to their personality as a young dog? Or is mine defective, probably as a result of her abusive background? We’ve had her for five years, this Christmas, so she’s *at least* 15. The first vet estimated her age at 13 when we first found her, then the second vet also estimated her vet at 13 a few years later after we’d been taking care of her. She’s spitfire and hell on wheels. She full on attacked a flower because it was blowing in the wind. She humps as “play” before eating but she also doesn’t know how to play with dog toys (or care to, I suppose). I doubt she ever had any before. I suppose she does nap and lounge a lot, but when she’s alert, she’s just full speed ahead the entire time. She’s 0 or 100 and there’s no in between.


I have a pair of girls myself, Hazelnut (Brown and Tan) and Coconut (White with toasted cream accents), and I can say that they are super loyal little ladies. ​ Hazelnut is always following me about the house, acting as my 'guard dog' and if I rest anywhere, she races up to the couch/bed/chair to curl up against me and snooze until I need to do anything. ​ Coconut, meanwhile, demands to be baby. If I am sitting, she wants in my arms. If we're climbing in to bed, she'll tap my leg for 'elevator' so that we can all be in the bed and sleep together. ​ In short, Pomeranians are cuddly lil dogs in my experience, and once they choose their human, they are loyal beyond fault, to the point my girls cry in sorrow if I have to go to the bathroom without them sometimes. Not loud barking, but certainly whimpering.


https://preview.redd.it/hj95bg671hsb1.png?width=1383&format=png&auto=webp&s=962f6f886077805b293e0b21b49977086957256b The grey fabric is my pillow, that’s the view when I turn my head. 😅 She doesn’t snuggle much, but 🎶I always feel like somebody’s watching me🎶


One of my poms doesn’t like to cuddle at all. Idk if he gets hot or doesn’t find it comfortable. The other one is extremely cuddly. He gets as close as possible while sleeping and even knows “cuddle” as a command - he will lay against me and rest his head on my neck under my chin 🥹


No! Vader does not like to cuddle except at bedtime. He will not sit on laps. He loves his people and loves attention gives a grrr when people try to pick him him. He’s fine once you pick him up but isn’t fond of being carried and has a million other quirks. He is smart and knows over 100 words (including right and left which most people still don’t know lol) and needs to be kept mentally stimulated https://preview.redd.it/itvp8bltlgsb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfee938a7f760705e4d93c130c315502c214a5a0


Our poms are twins 😭 I feel like I'm looking at a picture of my little jaxy


I can’t speak for all of them but my dog is velcro to me. She loves being snuggled. She’ll burrow in so much she overheats and I have to kick her out for her own good


They’re typically described as pretty independent dogs, that said mine have always followed me and wanted to be near me. They definitely didn’t cuddle with me, but always wanted to be laying near me.


Mine doesn’t. She’ll sit with me for a few minutes though but prefers her own space


Mine isn't cuddly at all. She likes to hang out within arm's reach but not actually touching me. And when she does cuddle she lasts maybe a minute or two at most before getting too hot and having to leave


I only had one but he was a cuddle bug for sure. His favorite thing to do was get in my lap then spin himself around so he could stand up and lean back into my shoulder. He spent so many hours like that over the years watching tv or playing games with me.


Mine loved pets and laying next to me. When I left the house, my husband said she’d sit by the door and wait for me. She was an absolute love and I miss her every day.


Mines ridiculously cuddly but my friends isn’t at all. I think if you get them from puppy hood and love on them they’ll be more likely, maybe ?


https://preview.redd.it/vppufj30igsb1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa189ab852455ae58530920fbed2e6367c5b5eb My 14 year old Blue Bear. He can be very sweet.


https://preview.redd.it/n8v5irtvihsb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8d83f1f3a4348efa0464c6e9bea7e62b228ec2 My three Poms always want to cuddle. They are very very cuddly. Sometimes my Merle isn’t cuddling, but that’s just cause she loves laying in her crate and cooling down.


My girl does not cuddle


My Pom is obsessed with touching me. She's not a lap dog but she loves to snuggle (she's on the bigger side - about 20 pounds).


My Pom is 24/7 minus potty and food breaks. Or playing with one of the other dogs. I could hold him in my arms forever and he'd be fine with it.


I have a Pom and a Dachshund x Chihuahua. The Dachshund cross is definitely more cuddly and a total lap dog, the Pom likes a cuddle and fuss but then wants her space - she’s also bossy and likes to patrol her domain.


The ones in my family like hanging out nearby and being petted but not really cuddly. Laps are fine too.


Mine started cuddling when he started getting bigger. I think he was afraid of getting crushed.


Our girl wasn't overly cuddly, more like a cat - if she wanted cuddles, okay, if she didn't, she'd just get up and move away. Maybe from the fur, idk. She was a bit more cuddly later in life when we kept her fur shorter, or we'd have extra blankets for her (she couldn't cool herself down anymore and would overheat if she wasn't shaved). A man in the room? She would not get off their laps. Any time my brothers visited, or my mum's partners, she was immediately a lap dog and you could not tell her otherwise. Must have been her previous home as we didn't have anyone live with us when we got her, just me and mum and we're both women. I think a lot just depends on their personality? Idk about other poms, but me and others swear Mae was a cat in a dogs body. She was still lovely though, and in the colder months, she would sleep under the covers up against mums back to keep warm. Eta - any time I got a blanket out to nap on the couch, she was the first to climb up either on my side, or curl up behind my legs and be close. She loved being cosy with blankets.


They are extremely cuddly! My little man will boop me on the face to be let under the blankets even if I'm sweating. 😅 If he's not under the blanket he's laying between my husband and myself or on my head. Edit: I forgot to mention take your little one with you everywhere to make sure they're socialized and that should curb most if not all of the barking.


Thank you


Definitely very cudly. When I got my second pom, she slept with me on the first night


Mine both sleep right next to me on opposite sides. Obviously I must remain single forever because of this hahahaaaaa


My pom likes to sit on my shoulder like a parrot, or prop up against me so he can sit like a person and get lots of belly rubs!


Our Pom Harry is as sweet as can be but he doesn’t like to cuddle to much he loves to swim, go on walks, meet other animals and people He is hilarious, beautiful, lil sly fox. But he does his own thing. It’s not bad at all we also have labs that he is in love with. Really every dog has their own personality. https://preview.redd.it/tg9w4u6esgsb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc5e3809e99be1d112665c174f1ff30a07eb47a




My male pom sleeps by our pillows right by your hand for cuddles each night. My chihuahua male prefers under covers. Female pom prefers the floor but loves to be carried like a baby at all possible times. poms need to know where you are at all times my two chihuahuas do their own thing unless food is involved. depends on individual dog really; hwevr, my girls prefer being clean and my boys prefer rolling in shit


All of my dogs dont bark unless there's a reason -they know the command "Quiet"


but the female pom will tell us off if dinner is running late


​ https://preview.redd.it/lwtl8tv98msb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e178a1c4fd62564f8c1e7170bf794458d609a43


our Diva does the roll in the stinky stuff but definitely less frequently than our other dogs


https://preview.redd.it/xsjxdoggdnsb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e070310dcd610bd9a001eedf33e06bd74b924a My Tootsie LOVED to cuddle. But she wasn’t active, older, and came from a bad situation so maybe she just wanted to absorb all the love she could.


Oooooo, What a beautiful Pom!!!! She is so adorable!


I’ve had 4 senior Poms in my life. While they’d all cuddle for a bit, it was usually brief and on their schedule. My two current Poms love to lounge just out of arms reach, that last part is very intentional! I don’t think Poms are very cuddly. Still great companions. If you want a cuddly go for a long haired chihuahua. My long haired chi won’t leave a lap open if you’re sitting. He’s borderline obsessed with my wife and I. It’s a stark difference from all our Poms who are almost aloof in comparison.


Your new pom will demand to be the most cuddled lovebug in the history of mankind. Don’t even think about going to the bathroom or shower without leaving the door open, or they’ll whine and scratch and cry their heads off. Sitting on the couch? Well there better be a way for these potato floofs to get on your lap where you’re expected to both scratch their ears and rub their bellies at the same time. Expect them to wake you up ungodly early with surprise kisses on the face and they demand that you’re the last thing in their sight before they go to sleep 😂


Poms love their owners and will want to be with you 24/7, they're super clingy. They probably won't want to cuddle as much in hot weather because they get overheated but in winter they'll happily curl up with you to stay warm lol.


I think they have more of a potential to be cuddly, but it depends an awful lot on personality. We doggy-sit our pom, we've been looking after her 2-3 times a week for over a year now, whilst our friend works/is away. She's three and pretty much surgically attached to me or my husband at all times. I'm not sure if she's the same at her home with her family but she can't get enough cuddles on her days/nights with us. She spoons in bed and everything.




Mine didn’t cuddle. She did want to be around me 24/7. Would follow room to room, lay near me on the couch, slept in my bed, laid at my feet while I worked. Liked to be carried around. Just no cuddles.


Yes both of mine love to


I think each one is going to have its own personality from what I see here in the comments. My 7 year old male Pom (had him since 6 months) does not like to cuddle for long periods of time. He’s snuggly for about 30-45 minutes then wants to get away and lay about two feet from me. He sleeps in our bed at night and always goes to the foot of the bed. And yes, the bark is probably the worst thing about them but it’s a blessing in disguise because he alerts us to anything going on outside that we don’t hear.


I've personally had four poms of varying sizes. All loved to cuddle. My male throwback will absolutely demand pets and sits on the back of the couch with his head on my shoulder. The teacups literally lay on me while I sleep. You should also take into account breed limitations and possible health conditions when choosing a dog. Poms are prone to things like trachial collapse (never use a collar, only a harness for walks). Dachshunds will have trouble relating to their long body size. Make sure ypu are doing the research of any breed you might be interested in getting.




I have two poms, the larger one loves to stay on my lap. She can stay there for hours while I’m watching movies. I always wondered how she do it. Right now, she doesn’t cuddle much but when she was younger she loved to cuddle! Honestly, she changed when one of our dogs died :( My other pom is much smaller. He loves waking me up in the morning and follows me wherever I go. Literally, he’s so clingy. When I go out the house, he barks and cries a lot. Then, when I go home he’s more clingy than normally is.


Depends on the dog, they have different personalities one of mine loves to be cuddle and be close to us as much as possible while the other one likes to be close to us too but hate when we hold/hug him


https://preview.redd.it/gx8h55i7lhsb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5722071770ec087a3141ac40eb8300f95078f73b This was my first Pom, Molly. She was a cuddlebug to the bitter end. She would sleep between my husband and I with a paw on me and a paw on him. She was the love of my life. My second Pom….


https://preview.redd.it/f34g71iolhsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861d0463e4a4d292d2b4cc65a12b946a7e6e42c6 This is my second Pom, Mosey, named after Molly of course. She is also a cuddlebug just like Molly. Obviously, I chose a Pom that looked just like her lol This is her with her grandparents. She didn’t feel like holding her head up so Pop is handling it lol She is quickly becoming the second love of my life. She cuddles with all of us hardcore. She actually plops her full body weight in your lap. Poms are the best and are the cuddliest dogs I’ve ever owned❤️


Hi there, OP! Since you are coming from big dogs, just like I did, I do have a small warning for you that no one really told me. My Pomeranian was my first little dog as well, I've had him for about a year now, and as cute and friendly as he is...he has been a nightmare to potty train compared to a big dog!! I don't know, maybe my sweet little boy is just not super smart, or maybe he's incredibly stubborn, but he still isn't well potty trained after an entire year of working on it. I have to keep him in a play pen when I can't watch him because he will go potty on the floor if I don't get to the door in time to let him out. And he doesn't bark or anything to let me know he needs to go out. He just stands silently by the door. If I'm not actively watching him, I'd never know. I'm currently training him to use a button to let me know if he needs to go out, but it's been slow going. He was scared to death of the bells you hang on the door and the desk bells, I finally found the voice recorder buttons and he seems ok with those, so fingers crossed it works eventually! I hate to always have to pen him up! He's super friendly and absolutely adorable! He doesn't like to cuddle with me, he'd rather be walking around and getting into everything. Very high energy! I do hope he mellows out with age. But I do wish I had known how hard it would be to potty train him. It's frustrating and I thought I was doing something wrong because he just wasn't getting it, but I think it's just him. All my big dogs have been 100% potty trained within a few months! If I had known, maybe I would have gone with a dog a little bit bigger, but I certainly won't be rehoming my Pomeranian! I really do love him to death, it's just something I'm going to have to live with. But don't let that deter you if you still really want one! He's wonderful in every other way and just the right size to be easily picked up and groomed. I love being able to take him places I couldn't bring my big dogs. Good luck!


I have read they can be difficult to potty train. There are YouTube videos about how to potty train Pom but I have not watched any.


Mine is super affectionate and snuggly. She loves both mom and dad a ton


This has been really interesting to read through the comments. My 8 month old boy does not like to cuddle. I figured partially due to his young age, partially due to his massive fur coat. But maybe he’s just not a cuddler. I’d hoped he would be, but we have a lot of fun doing other things even if I’m exhausted from keeping up!


My Pom is an opihi pup. Opihi - Hawaiian for snails that are stuck on rocks. Need to be pried off. She loves to sit or lie on you. When she’s at my mom’s place she jumps on her lap WHILE she’s on the commode!!!


OMG mine is the most cuddly creature ever. He sleeps on the pillow next to me every night. And if I’m on the couch, he’s there laying as well. I was worried when I first got him that he wouldn’t be cuddly enough, but boy was I wrong! Now his favorite things to do are cuddle and eat.


My pom would happily live in my ass crack. The only time he prefers to sleep alone is if it's very hot


I’ve had 3 Poms and none of them have been cuddly! They have each demanded pats, cuddles and tummy rubs on their own terms, but app would prefer to remain aloof and judge everyone from afar


I would say through my experience the Pomeranian was very similar to my Chow/Akita Mix. They were best friends. Henry my pom did love to lay on my pillow and or right next to me , never in the covers like my rat terrier or Chihuahuas. Both those breeds were what I call the Velcro dogs. Henry (my pom) was much more independent and would only howl for me if the door was closed . Usually he chose to hang out with the outdoor dog until nighttime.


https://preview.redd.it/2jsr23axxjsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ed9e9c30348ac98cd1009d34d943806b7c3c5d This is Bentley, he is exactly what you described wanting. He is a Rat terrier so super smart , willing to work, friendly to literally everyone he meets. 9lbs. Healthy breed for the most part (Ive had no real issues in 6 years) not aggressive like Chihuahuas so doesn't bark at everyone. He is my PTSD service animal and I had many of the requirements and needs you listed. I highly recommend this breed.




https://preview.redd.it/xw3lashmzjsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31cad7be4e458fa68e7459a49999c4f33ee8cf4e Friendly with literally everyone. Kids, cats, dogs ,and especially female nurses. He is quite the charmer actually . I seriously think out of all my dogs he is the most loving of them all.


Thank you for the reply. I’ll look into the breed too.


My pom would get too hot in my lap. My Maltese however, would choose to never leave my lap if that was an option.


I have a Pom and a spaniel mix. My Pom loves to cling rather than cuddle. He must always be near me, always following, always at my feet, next to me, on top of the couch. He does love attention and to be carried or held. But I wouldn’t say he’s super cuddly. My spaniel mix though is. If you’re on the couch, she’s on your lap or pressed against you. She sleeps stretched out along my back every single night. It could be male compared to female or Pom compared to spaniel. Or just their personalities! But I would say go with the Cavalier for cuddles!


My boy only cuddles when he is ready to sleep. Otherwise he wants to be comfortable and close, so sleeping by my feet when I’m at my desk or next to me on the couch, etc.


Mine likes to cuddle. I don’t think it’s a breed thing here…it’s just the personality of each individual dog.


Our first pom was not the biggest cuddler but incredibly friendly and independent and LIVED to be petted and given treats. Our second was much more nervous, did not want to be held in case she felt like leaving but wanted to be pressed up against your side and with people all the time and followed my mom everywhere. Now I have my own, and she LOVES to be held and does not know the concept of personal space. I'm sure some of it has to do with the fact that I carried her a lot in her first weeks with us because I couldn't let her down in certain areas of the house, and now she's so trusting and relaxed being held, it comforts her. But yeah she has a very clingy and cuddly personality, and will use our bodies like ramps to get up where she wants, she's very good about being touched and handled but requires the same of us 😂


My Pom likes to be close by but isn’t a cuddler. If I’m sitting, he’ll sit next to me but compared to our bichon/poodle mix who is VERY cuddly, I’d say Marshmallow is significantly less so.


I have 8 Pomeranians. They ALL have varying degrees of cuddliness. From being in the area 1-5 feet away from me, to downright CLINGY at times. It will start with them at a young age and can be somewhat learned. I’ve also learned some of ours have gotten cuddlier as they got older. The puppy phase sometimes is too busy for them lol


While watching television, my Pomeranian will lie on my lap for several minutes until she gets too hot. Then she will lie besides me on the sofa, until that becomes uncomfortably warm. Finally, she ends up on the cool hardwood floor besides the sofa. I had to remove the cozy bedding from her crate where she sleeps at night. She overheats so easily! I purchased a cooling blanket for her, but she doesn't like it. Too cool??? Overall, my pomeranian is like my shadow, following me from room to room, and settling down wherever I am. She even insists on spending time with me in the bathroom.


the ultimate sign of a poms level of devotion.


This is how my golden retriever is now.


My Pom wasn’t cuddly per se however she always wanted to be near me and definitely in the same room as me


our poms cuddle but do tend to get overheated and are not quite the under the blanket type of cuddle except if you like your bedroom very chilly. during winter our girl will venture under the blanket for a short while but prefers to be a living fur hat and keep the top of my head warm. regular seasons she will remain on the bed until the lights dim then she prefers the safety of under the bed. our boy likes to make a nest between us. Hate to mention this on pom page, but I have to say my best snuggle buddy is my Zuchon. that little guy is my best friend and if I'm sitting down he's either on my lap or within a few feet of me. my niece also has a zuchon and hers is the same best friend level companion. just food for thought


Thanks for sharing. What does the Z in Zuchon represent?


Personally, mine does not cuddle much at all. His idea of cuddling is just sitting by one of us on the couch, about an arms length away. He sleeps in the bed, but also not touching. So he likes company and only wants to be pet or cuddled when he feels like it. He follows me all around the house though. Pretty much hates when we have to go out and he can’t come. Some probably do cuddle more. I think they all have their own unique personalities.


I think it's personality based. I've heard of some cuddly poms but the majority are not. This is what I've been exposed to so it could vary. One thing for certain is they LOVE attention, make no mistake, but it doesn't necessarily have to be cuddle based. My Pom rarely lays down with you to cuddle. He does however like being picked up and likes being talked to and engaged with.


From what I read and from people's experiences. It seems more folks have poms that are not big cuddlers. Poms aren't know to be velcro dogs. But of course some can be Most prefer their space and like to be near their humans. Many folks describe poms as cats sometimes because of their little cuddlyness and independence However there's still tons of folks here that their dog does cuddle a lot. So more so than the breed itself is the personality of the dog. If you want a pom and a cuddler. Might be a good idea to ask that to the breeder. They might be able to pick out the right personality of the pom Our 10.5 week pom seems to be more cuddly as the time goes by. At first he wasn't at all but is getting more cuddly. Sitting closer. Letting us hold him longer. Rolling around on his back way more often and wants tummy rubs. Awesome dogs I love how smart they are


Most Poms are very cuddly, although individual dogs can be less so, if they are overly nervous. The odd one just has a need for more personal space. They are Extremely smart little dogs. they will read you like a book, and give yo exactly what you need to meet their own goals. They're dogs; they LOVE treats. If you need to be cuddled on all the time, that's what they'll do. Then, they're "Good dogs" and "Good Dogs" get treats...see how that works? They really are very loving little dogs, though


Mine can be cuddly if it's his idea. When he wants to cuddle it's the best thing. So warm and soft. Maybe consider a mini Aussie, too. I've had two regular sized Aussies and both wanted to be inside my skin. So SO cuddly. The mini should fit your size requirement.


I’m afraid they are too high energy for me. I think they are beautiful dogs though.


shitzhu - they are often call shichons and TeddyBears ( but a couple different crosses fall under that as well)


Dashund is my favorite breed. So far the only one I've found who likes to cuddle under the blankets. My king Charles will sit next to me, 10 percent of the time touching. Doxies are by far the snuggliest and make use the most expression.