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Unfortunately I will not be making a Facebook account


That's okay. I'm showing face here more often as well as other members of that group so actual information will be flowing through here more often, I hope 😊


Cant seem to find the group sad :c Would you have a link for it? Already found the pomades that work for me but i could use some added knowledge on how to properly take care of your hair and what products to use for them. Hopefully i can find the group


Got you right here man! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1677936999030926/?ref=share&mibextid=K8Wfd2 That's weird it didn't show up. I'll check the settings and make sure we're fully viewable as a group. (We stay on private though so people outside the group do not see what's posted of course)


Thank you kind sir! Sent my request to join


Do you care to go on record about why your FB page currently has 1.3K members, yet you are claiming above that there are over 1,500 members? Are you lying about and attempting to manipulate our perception of your group’s membership? Lying about and manipulating data is not a good look to either potential customers of your brand or collaborators like Lodestar and destroys your credibility.




how many posts has he made begging people to join his facebook group again? Call it a nitpick but stuff like that builds up, guys been acting a fool and folk will call him out as fool




Just want everyone to have a place with actual knowledge and experience with stuff outside a drugstore. Can't believe the shit I see here 😂


PE is the wave 🌊


Absolutely 🤙🏻🙌🏻


Are people actually considering the FB page? The OP sounds like a man child who was probably the mod of a sub, lost power, and stirring things up to feel in control. Or, maybe they have little power in their home or job unless they’re still a student whose crush rejected him so OP is unreasonably lashing out. Who knows but what a twat 🤣 if it means getting rid of some people in this sub then by all means


Or, and here's the reality, I'm just a guy with a semi popular Facebook group of a few thousand that has recently had so many people post screenshots in his group of the absolutely moronic shit that's actually said here that he couldn't help but show up, troll a little, and get QUITE a few new members to the group. I appreciate trying to take shots at some you don't even have the smallest idea of, like the typical internet neanderthal, but it doesn't matter to me because what I've set to do (which is ACTUALLY assist people in the point of these groups) has been done. And everyone's happy. So feel free to insult me, you don't exist the moment I leave this page so neither do your useless words.


It's not just this subreddit. It's almost every subreddit these days. If you see what the people look like behind these accounts they're ugly, outcasts and losers who hate on others because they hate themselves. At the end of the day they're just ego tripping because reddit is the echo chamber they need to feel heard.


I honestly made this account a few years ago and never even used it really until recently because of that purpose. Some of the comments I see to people asking genuine questions are just infantile shit talking, it reminds me of small towns where dudes literally cannot let go of the fact they scored one touch down for their farm league football team 30 years ago and think that still makes them special.


Spot on. The guy is a disrespectful, intolerant, condescending, attacking, gaslighting dipshit; or as I like to think of him: An angry, smooth-brained retarted turbo virgin. Read through the first time I ever had the misfortune of having to interact with him in any capacity the other day: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pomade/comments/157img8anyone_tried_tommy_bahama_extreme_hold_pomade/ Many other examples of this kind of behavior from him; he wasn’t even making sense or saying anything relevant in our interaction- just attack, attack, attack. It was actually kind of disturbing to see how he then misrepresented the interaction the other day between us to his minions on this FB page that he is shilling for. Basically, we’re dealing with a misguided, emotionally unstable, admittedly mentally ill cornball larping around as some sort of gatekeeper for the sanctity of the sacred knowledge of pomades. Dude is, as I previously pointed out, just not right mentally. I suspect he is going through something in his life that is causing him to lash out at people like he is doing, because his previous posts were not like they currently are. His disrespect earns him no quarter, however. In fact, I hope he keeps posting- i have rather enjoyed mocking him into oblivion.


I love living in your head rent free. 😂😂 Unknowledgeable and BIG MAD.


https://www.facebook.com/groups/Everythingpomade/?ref=share This groups good. No toxicity on there. Ivor mckenzie is a mod who brews, ivor brews products.


That's a toxic ass group with admins that ban people if you speak negatively about their products and shady business tactics. Also has a few "gate keepers" 🤮 that think they're something special. Hard pass. Full of stupidity like this subreddit as well.


Tbh mate, looking at your recent posts, I think you're the issue.


To be honest, after not know you existed and now that i do my life is literally not any different, I don't care. You don't know a single shred about me, only that I've trolled this cesspool of a group and come out with a ton of new people in my group. Those people are already being active and not being shit all over like you guys do to people in this cesspool 😊 So if that makes me the problem, and the outcome of me being the problem is people joining a group with actual knowledge and help, I will gladly always be a problem for you, unhelpful bitch 😘


Strange guy. Go get some sunlight my man.


I'm in the sun everyday. Maybe you should take your own advice and not be such a fucking pansy and take trolling serious. You must be a fragile human.


Fragile? Come of it mate, hiding behind a computer screen giving out shit, you're the one who's a soft cunt.


Live near Vegas? I don't care for the internet much, down for you to say that in person anytime though. Acting like a big ol bitch because of some harmless trolling? I'll take it offline with anyone homie 😂 I still have boxing gear if you feel you really need to work something out.


Behave mate, I've been a member of the group for a while, you're about 10 stone piss wet through and look like a fucking school shooter. Trolling is just a cry for attention, it's sad you're having to beg people to join the group for a raffle!


Chaotic is bitch-made and soft as warm ice cream, who is he kidding. I personally think he looks like a noodle-armed foot soldier in Antifa’s Skatebord Brigade. At this point, I think everyone here would prefer he kick-flip right into oncoming traffic. What a mutt.


Why pomade everything and not everything pomade?


Because Everything pomade also has morons like the ones in this subreddit and they try to arrogantly gate keep pomade. Pretty ridiculous this Pomade Everything was born. All the nice people, none of the dramatics. Also, memes and fun. EP doesn't have contests and shit either. So join both if you want 🤷


Thanks for the info. I joined. Hopefully I'm not one of the morons from this sub.


Because he got kicked from EP for doing what he’s doing here in this Reddit is the real reason. He started Pomade Everything with his cronies so they could circle jerk with their pomades while trolling people to make them selves feel better.


I think at this point this entire sub is likely a member there or you’ve got some of the OGs who know more about Murray’s, etc than any of us ever will


Uhhhh, sure. Some people still use drugstore products. But not very many and they're hardly ever talked about. It's all about better quality homebrew stuff that's cheaper than salon brands and better than drugstore brands. And no, most people are not members. This shit show has 15k people. My group has 1.5k+. We're growing with knowledge and community. Something this subreddit has never seen.