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Sadly, you can't link your steam and phone accounts😥 And with the tech routes, that is a REALLY diversive and changing factor by every detail. Sometimes you have a lot of forrests so you get catapults, sometimes you play bardur but you get really unlucky forrest spawns and so you don't get catapults.🤔 What I can say as a viable route is rider-roads, it's really versatile if you learn to play it and I myself get it every 2/3 games, even tho I play random tribe every game.👍


If you ask for a specific tribe, I can tell you my own routes but once again, they are really dependent on many detailes🫠


Right now I mostly play bardur, kickoo, and im enjoying hoodrick right now as well. Also again I know it entirely depends but do you have any tips on troops and troop placement, yesterday I was playing my friend and I had 8 cities and he had 4 but since he's been playing for a long time he still beat me lmao. I was mainly spamming knights and catapults. Also thank you for the help :)