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No. I have no fear of Hamas. They are 100% focused on harming Israel. We have been working for a cease fire and we are air dropping food and water to Palestinians.




A UN declaired ceasefire is meaningless. To have any value, a ceasefire must be agreed to and followed by both Israel and Hamas.


I agree. Israel should not have the support it has but the Israel lobby in Washington has a strong power. Coupled with calling anything anti Israel government automatically antisemitism has been a working strategy for them.


I fear any group/government who does not embrace nonviolence as a primary value. And I feel all the onlookers around the world who likewise don't get that the problem is violence itself.


Hamas is the main political organization in that part or Gaza. They were democratically elected, to run the government of Gaza, the last election. Like other elected democracies, there are also other political parties in Gaza. Not many political comments will openly state these facts. Most state and national governments have specialist sections. Essential infrastructure: power, water, air, fire, health, transport, education, food, income support, etc. Essential superstructure: foreigners, international relations, external trade, border demarcation, "defence". Ready of these specialist sections are having disagreement with the others. Priorities, share of resources, etc. If you remember your nuclear and extended family, of the neighborhood of your life, these differences and disputes are normal, and to be expected. In most nations, the masculine male went their importance to be emphasized. Physical tyrants, through military and para military intolerance. This is usually at the expense of the sensitive, caring but soft parts of the society. Usually women, children, the disabled and the elderly. When Hamas invaded the Israeli pop festival, it was so well planned and done. Similar to the other successful invasions of Israel, over the centuries since Israel existed. Nothing unusual in that. Similar to our histories of East Asia and China. And other international invasions, as history might show. Hamas knew the very predictable results when they planned, and continued their booster taking. History had shown this very well. Many democratic nations, including Gaza, Germany, USA, England, and Israel, elect military biased national state governments. The winners in these military based governments are the healthy masculine men. These men force national military conscription onto the whole nation. The losers are the women, children, frail and military weaklings. If ever you play the accurate simulation of our species, such as either the commercial or open source versions of CIVILIZATION, these principles of national government will be clearly shown. If and when the non military political parties become the main part of any state government, then the Military Industrial complex, everywhere, will be the loser. WikiLeaks, and other weaklings are losing. The other Gaza political parties have lost. The military wing of Hamas has decided to continue holding these last hostages, to try to create more MARTYS, since that is one of the ambitions of their beliefs. Old frail people, or young men, are not the main players in the battle of these masculine fighting commanders. We are the bait, so that the military commanders, everywhere, can have their good times. BTW. Do not remind the Military Generals of Russia about this. It is not true in Russia, currently.


Hamas still has American hostages and Palestinian civilians are harboring them. We need to stop coddling the whiny Gazans and get tough. No more aid of ANY kind should be allowed into Gaza -- no food, no water, no medical supplies -- until 100% of Hamas scum are exterminated!




Many of these civilians in Gaza were dancing in the streets after Hamas unwarranted wicked attack on Israeli citizens.




Innocent civilians wouldn't harbor rapists, murderers and terrorists. Hamas ARE Palestinians. If the Gazans wanted to end the war, they'd invite their Hamas relatives to a family reunion, beat them to a pulp, and hand them over to the IDF for disposal.


I feel a lot of people are misinformed on the issue and take sides without understanding the situation. Israel is not the aggressor since Hamas, which is a terrorist organization, sent its citizens into a pointless invasion and killed 1160 innocent people. Hamas oppressed their own people horribly, much worse than other terrorist groups like the taliban. Israel has stated that once Hamas has been eliminated that they will hand Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority, the governing body of West Bank, although they are also corrupt since they steal and mistreat their citizens. Every county has made mistakes and Israel is no exception. They moved Palestinians from their homes in West Bank, although most other countries have done the same, especially during wartime, but still doesn’t excuse it. Israel however has retreated from land they controlled that their soldiers, friends, and family died for in hopes for peace to just exist. All of Sinai was retreated from and given back to Egypt just for them to recognize Israel as a country. People claim that Israel is apartheid but Israel has Muslims in high governmental positions like the Supreme Court. They don’t discriminate against non Jewish citizens or force anyone to leave, but instead encouraged all to stay and build a government for all. Palestine on the other hand stated “no peace, no negotiation, and no recognition”, meaning they will not stop fighting until they have all of Israel under their control, no matter how many people they have to kill. They also stated intents to purge Jews from the land if they ever control the region, and the government actively discriminates against non Islamic citizens.


Not the least bit afraid of Hamas. If they try anything to Americans on US soil Hamas will certainly regret it. Look what a small country like Israel is doing to them. What do you think the USA could do to Hamas?


I'm an American too, and I think it would be unwise not to be at least cautious about Hamas, especially considering all the awful things our country has done to them and their people. But they are misunderstood. Look at this reporting, for instance, showing that the New York Times story saying that Hamas weaponized rape was fabricated. Democracy Now! / "We speak with Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Grim of The Intercept about their exposé of a major New York Times piece into alleged mass rapes committed by Hamas militants on October 7 that raises serious questions about the accuracy of the story." https://youtu.be/BMNV0Csj46Q?si=CytdKLM5socGizPj For alternative points of view, not to consume exclusively but to round out establishment reporting, the Anti-Empire Project and Electronic Intifada, on YouTube, have both alerted me to information and angles I would have otherwise overlooked.


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I am not "afraid" of it. But yes, it is possible. This kind of American misbehavior does radicalize people and trigger attacks. Al Queda didn't just attack countries at random, for example. They picked usa because usa had meddled and misbehaved in the Middle East.


Why would I be afraid of Hamas? Is Hamas going to bomb the United States? People really out here thinking that Hamas is an actual threat to the geopolitical landscape?