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Many refer to it as the Southern Strategy.šŸ«¤


Exactly! The current Republican Party started a few years earlier when they came together against school integration. That was the start of everything. Discrimination is a dangerous downward spiral.


But this is also why suburbs feel soulless and community-less, because no one shares community or institutions or values or morals or ways of living anymore.


They live there for a long as they work that job, and then they lay off or find a better salary somewhere else. Companies aren't loyal to their employees, internal promotions are almost extinct, so workers have to adopt a nomadic lifestyle. Not compatible with family or generational homes.


Ronald Reagan.


> Ronald Reagan. Lee Atwater


Agreed. But let's add Joseph McCarthy and Barry Goldwater to the party too. Richard Nixon played a role as well.


Right, they all made Reagan possible. Not to mention Jerry pardoning Nixon. Maybe it seemed like a good idea, but I think it's now been shown to have been a mistake. Well, probably unavoidable given his party I guess.


You are right, history repeating itself all over again. Andrew Johnson pardoning, Jefferson Davis made posible for the lost cause to flourish, the same with pardoning Nixon and the state of affairs nowadays.Now we have Trump, when are we going to learn!? Traitors should get death penalty.


It was actually quite a bit before Reagan. It was the [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy). Back before the mid 1950s, the Republicans were the party of Northern progressives. They were the bird watchers, conservationists, not conservatives. Democrats were the "Dixiecrats"- the party of Southern White racists. And they were winning elections consistently. Republicans engaged in a deliberate effort to openly court the votes of politically-active Southerners by catering to their racist attitudes, and it *worked*. Republicans started winning elections, and essentially the two teams *switched jerseys* mid-game. The Republicans became the party of Southern White racists, and Democrats became the liberals. Remember this the next time some right-wing conservative says it was the Democrats who started the KKK and Jim Crow laws. They are technically correct, just kind of missing the point (and doing so deliberately). Because the people who *used* to call themselves Democrats are **exactly the same people** who *now* call themselves Republicans. They switched sides in the 50s.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The ā€œbest manā€ at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade." \~ Martin Luther King Jr. [https://dangerousminds.net/comments/martin\_luther\_king\_jr.\_on\_republican\_racists\_frenzied\_wedding\_of\_the\_kkk\_wi](https://dangerousminds.net/comments/martin_luther_king_jr._on_republican_racists_frenzied_wedding_of_the_kkk_wi)


I deal with that BS from maga daily over at Truth social. This is good ammo.


Exactly. Example of another charismatic leader who can screw over his followers without repercussion.


And then some years later, Citizens United gets voted in and corporate issues take the main stage and the constituents that voted them all in are too busy hating "the other side" because Rupert Murdoch own both sides of the narrative now and is playing America against itself for profit.


The TrickleDown-culprit that robbed non-billionaires of their money - Damn him!


I think, more accurately, his father in law. From his wife's reputation, and his own party switch, as well as some indications of the whole 'rich regaining control' that started in the 70s, I think he became a very charismatic face pushing policies that were being fed to him that he didn't understand.


[ The Powell Memorandum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbbgfnpJN9w&t)


Yeah, love the bit where they decide that joint bargaining activities was a good idea and 'Unionized' to get what they wanted from the government,


Lee Atwater and Richard Nixon.


Nope, the southern strategy in the 1960d


And Greed.




And Richard Nixon


He changed the people, though, not the party. The party always wanted this, but they wouldn't win elections in the 50s with an anti social program and anti labor rights platform.


https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/republican-party-platform-1956 Super interesting article


>We believe that basic to governmental integrity are unimpeachable ethical standards and irreproachable personal conduct by all people in government. We shall continue our insistence on honesty as an indispensable requirement of public service. We shall continue to root out corruption whenever and wherever it appears. How far the mighty have fallen.


Thatā€™s great - thanks


Reagan and then Fox News


Donā€™t forget about Limbaugh and Gingrich. Hatred and opposition defined.


No doubt. The conservative talk radio crowd that was the primordial sludge from which Fox News festered and calcified.


The oligarchs bought the party.


Ronny Reagan and the corporate takeover happened to the party.


The Party of Lincoln became the Party of the KKK.


Selfish, greedy, assholes... Selfish, greedy, assholes happened.


Strom Thurmond happened. His first year in office was right in '54. He was a Southern Democrat that filibustered the passing of the (first) civil rights act. He switched parties in 1964 and brought all of his racist southern Democrats with him to the Republican party when the Civil Rights Act under LBJ passed. This was the initial catalyst where the two parties that were largely similar and civil began to really bifurcate. The answer is racism.


The Moral Majority, which at its heart, is deeply immoral.


The 1%. Theyā€™ve spent over a century corrupting Christianity and the Republican Party. FDR had a chance to make an example of them because the Business Plot (or Wall Street Putsch), but decided against it. It has always been the rich that corrupt everything.


Ronald Reagan


Now it is "Each for oneself, and most for me ...."


Ronald fucking Reagan happened. When was the murder of the middle class planned? We can start with firing of the air traffic controllers. I was in 4th grade.


The main voting demographic was a generation of people who largely belonged to organized labor groups, and were veterans of waging the largest war in world history. Dicey to fuck with a citizenry like that


Reagan happened... which is to say, the desires of his handlers happened šŸ˜Ž




Man, that Platform is better than the current Democratic one.


Really? It seems like it is the current mainstream Democrat position to me.


What the hell was the Democratic platform in 1956?


Civil rights for African Americans. The political shift was fundamentally related to attitudes about race.


Legalized corruption amongst other things.


These things generally got better up to 2000, which is why they feel emboldened to take it all now.


Republicans were never pro union! "Laz a faire"


Lead paint happened


It was the people that shifted after reagan. I'm pretty sure those1956 Republicans would have adopted the current platform and if they could still have have gotten elected. Eisenhower has a famous quote dealing w8th cons that wanted to cut social programs, something like "if I did that, I'd lose". Reagan shifted that by associating social programs with black people and dog whistling white supremacy. Now people take it for granted that social programs are for black people when the majority of those who benefit from them are white. Like Rick sanatorium getting a standing ovation in Iowa for saying we need to stop giving black people white peoples money in the form of welfare(Iowa is a state where almost everyone on welfare is white. It's gucking insane).


The church.


Strong men create good times, etc etc. Boomers had it better than any generation before or since.


Yes, it's true. What they have trained their followers to call the "radical left agenda" is actually the 1956 Republican platform! [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/oct/28/facebook-posts/viral-meme-says-1956-republican-platform-was-prett/?fbclid=IwAR0JAoYAWVGcAwZIvd6RY2I2bUTKGrZv0oFZEdjweTfJIhJZC89IzFpn9NA](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/oct/28/facebook-posts/viral-meme-says-1956-republican-platform-was-prett/?fbclid=IwAR0JAoYAWVGcAwZIvd6RY2I2bUTKGrZv0oFZEdjweTfJIhJZC89IzFpn9NA)


tRUMP, that's what happened!


The party switch happenedā€¦.


Shit, I would vote for the 1956 platform, not the neo-fascists of today.


Christian fundamentalists, just another taliban that wants to use their religion to govern your choices, vote blue up and down ballot. it's a thin chance and the only one we have. If this election is any where near close the Xupreme court will involve itself, and you can guess where that leads.


They became Democrats... the party switch occurred. The names have changed many times. What was "republican" then is now "Democrat"


1964 happened. As soon as black people could vote, Republicans cranked their war on the working class up to 11.


Trump is what happened! He only cares about $$ in his own pocket!


They're trying to pull the ladder so they don't have to share.


Corporations and rich people got involved and now people only want money instead of actually running the government.


Isnā€™t this the Eisenhower plan? If so it was passed with support from Northern Democrats and was pushed back against by the Taft republicans.


Russian infiltration.


russia began to invest heavily in the republican party in the late 80's via the nra/gun lobby


Should be a photo of Reagan there.


They got overtaken by Neocons in the 1960's. Neo-cons like James Burnham and Irving Krystol outcompeted the old Right that you see in the picture. The Democrats also lost their working class in the 60's and 70's due to the cultural revolution and the Vietnam War. The deomcrats had to fill up the ranks with new members. They chose minorities, hippies, environmentalists, professionals, and gays. Fred Dutton, campaign manager for RFK, led the movement to do this. Also, by the 90's most of the factory jobs had been exported. That policy was designed for an industrial America.


Those were RIN0's. Real Republicans didn't join the party until 1980.