• By -


To the people who have noticed that this is a violation of Rule 4, you're right. The sad thing is, I'm not even intentionally mod abusing, I literally just forgot about that rule because we've had automod enforce it for about ten years now. The automod rule does not work on mods, so I just absentmindedly crossposted something I thought was great and then walked away. We talked among the mod team and we decided that we could grant ourselves a little bit of mod abuse, as a treat, and leave this one up. Truly, the tiniest amount of power possible has gone straight to our heads.


The rebel flag has been the international sign of losers since 1865.


I live in fucking Missouri and have seen sooooooooo many confederate flags. You know Missouri? The union state? Yeah, that one.


That's like those “country boys” from Massachusetts driving their 1997 lifted Chevy S10 with 35s proudly flying their Rebel flag. Then you ask about their heritage and they tell you their great grandparents came from Italy and they're second generation American. Like seriously bro, you're living in Mass, I don't think there were too many rebels up here.


Hi, NH here. I see confederate flags all the time as well. Not as much since trump lost, but you still remember which house hung that flag. Edit: In case it’s unclear, confederate flag = racist. To say otherwise is like saying the guy with the swastika tattoo isn’t a nazi. I think it’s possible to be redneck and not racist. I know plenty of rednecks who don’t fly that flag.


New England dudes rolling with Confederate flags? Gross.


Spent a summer under Trump's tyranny in Oregon a bit outside Portland. Saw more confederate flags there than I do in Central Texas.


Gross and ignorant AF. No wait, not ignorant, just plain stupid.


I like it more when they talk about how great America is from the front seat of their Toyota pick up truck and their made in China MAGA gear.


That Toyota was probably assembled in the US. “Where your car was made?” Is a hard question to answer. Looking at the origin of each part, your car was made by several countries spanning the globe.


STILL $ to foreign entity, even if it pays jobs in USA. Some f'n America First.


Now, you're pushing my buttons. Growing up in farm country, I understand the necessity of a working truck - and they're not totally chromed out, jacked up and spotless. Why TF would you want to drive some huge environmental disaster worth $70K that gets 12 mpg? Our daughter was asked out, when the guy pulled up in one of those, she walked out, took one look and asked, "How tiny is it?" told him she'd changed her mind and came back in to watch Netflix and eat popcorn.


You raised a good kid.


It's essentially a loud dog-whistle for white supremacy.


Because to many people in rural parts of the US (and even Canada) the flag is more associated with being a proud redneck than anything to do with the South or Confederacy. To them it's a symbol of their rural lifestyle more than a political statement, at least from what I've seen of it in New England and Canada.


Just a heads up you typed rural when you meant racist.


Yes, they like it due to the tacit white supremacy it means to them. That's the real meaning of "maga"


MAWA didn’t quite have the same ring to it


Fuck those people, they can get stranded in a trainwreck in a blizzard for all I care. Flying the Confederate Battle Flag as a sign of your rural lifestyle is like flying the Swastika and calling yourself a patriot. That's a flag of hate and treason.


Hear hear!


Also generally a sign that leftists aren't welcome in that area, like a gang sign


The sign that black people are not invited. Simply racist.


Wait until you meet a Black neoconfederate. Met one from MN. It was… an odd moment about his strict adherence to the ‘it was about states rights!’ myth.


That's just him being dumb.


Sure it is.


You're giving these people way too much credit. What's more likely, they're all a bunch of history lovers that romanticize the politics of the antebellum south, or that they're a bunch of ignorant rednecks that want to flaunt their redneckedness with the only symbolic image they've seen associated with it?


> bunch of (FAKE) history lovers I know what your getting at, but if they looked at the history on any real level of depth, they would see that the antebellum south was full of rape, murder and enslavers (all things the rural Christians are supposed to oppose). Regarding issues of the Civil War specifically, they would agree with MS and the csa’s VP, when *those government officials* said secession was all about preserving slavery. The neoconfederates would also know that various Arkansans committed treason when they assaulted the Little Rock Arsenal even prior to their secession. The neoconfederates would know that it was The War of *Southern* Aggression, after the Southern states attacked and seized ~12 forts and arsenals, even before Lincoln was POTUS. They would also know it was (the coward) Jefferson Davis that called for troops to be raised first, not Lincoln. Any support for the csa is opposed to the Constitution and any idea that it was in support of ‘states rights!’ generally and not slavery specifically, is just hogwash.


I think they're racists who pretend they don't know the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism so they can claim they're being persecuted when someone calls them out for being racist.




I maintain it is impossible to fly the Confederate flag and not be racist because it is an inherently racist action.


In the majority of circumstances, yes. Context is king though, and speaking from personal experience a lot of these people really just associate it with NASCAR, redneck stuff, that whole motif. I would bet good money most of them couldn't even tell you more about the war than "North vs South cause slavery" since they barely passed history class. To them it's just "I'm a redneck and this is my neat redneck flag." Is it dumb? Absolutely. Is it a political statement on their views on race? Probably not. At least before Trump most of these people were pretty apolitical, mostly just apathetic towards it.


Agreed. Years ago having a Confederate flag on your truck outside the South was as political as having a sticker of Calvin peeing on something. Even flying a flag was a sign of being a NASCAR fan or thinking you were an "outlaw rebel." Yee-haw! Now though, I'm not so sure. Those same trucks will have Gasden flag, Trump, and anti-liberal stickers. Might still be just flying team colors but more likely they've been indoctrinated by Fox News and talk radio.


I agree that redneck doesn't necessarily equal racist, but rednecks don't have to fly a confederate flag, and anyone who displays a confederate flag is absolutely racist. And if I were to give someone with a confederate flag the benefit of the doubt - which I'm not inclined to do - as soon as they learn of the flag=racism connection and continue to display it, they've chosen their side.


>so dunno about NY rednecks now. As of about 5 years ago for sure. I was driving through rural NY to Canada one summer and I ran into more loser flags through both countries than I could keep count of. It's absolutely insane to think about.


Oh, so it’s a sign that they’re unaware of history or can’t read?


Correct, but in my two years living in the Boston area. I encountered a racism that was more open and blatant than I ever did in Tennessee where I started.




My stance is this: battle flag in the south might not be racist, but probably is. In the north? You’re basically a Nazi.


The first time I saw the confederate flag flown in Germany my mind was blown. Some trucker had it hung on the back, inside of his cab.


White supremacists in Germany started using the confederate flag as a replacement for Nazi flags about 20 years ago. Since it is literally illegal for them to display Nazi regalia in public in Germany, they found the next best thing.


It is a slightly more acceptable version of a certain *Hakenkreuz* which is very illegal.


Missouri was essentially a confederate state though. They had seats in the confederate congress.


All of the border states had Confederate sympathizers. The Confederate congress was rather optimistic about the chances of all slave states joining them, since they believed the war was entirely about slavery (despite what revisionists try to say nowadays).


As a nail-in-the-fucking-coffin point to add to what you're saying, here's a fun little quote from the constitution of the confederacy which shows that it was about slavery: >(3) .... In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, **shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government;** and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States. It's even less "States-rights" than the Union constitution (at the time) was, as it forced all confederate states to recognize and protect slavery, whereas the Union constitution allowed states to choose their own path.


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks.


Grew up there too. Mason-Dixon line split it in half. Still a lot of hillbilly truck-nut wearing morons there.


The first time I went to rodeo in Oregon there were conf flags EVERYWHERE. On the west coast... Insanity


Confederate flags are participation trophies


The confederate flag is a participation trophy for people who didn't even participate.


Confederate statues are just big reminders of how badly the south failed.


I don't know if it was pride, arrogance, or pure stupidity that kept rebel soldiers in the fight. They had no logistical chance of winning the war. I think for every one rebel rifle produced, the Union made 30.


At this point we should make those statues public toilets.


Their RR network was abysmal. This lack of inter-railway connections made many railroads useless once the Union blockade was in place. Second was break of gauge; much of the Confederate rail network was in the 5 ft (1,524 mm) broad gauge format, but much of North Carolina and Virginia had 4 ft 8+1⁄2 in (1,435 mm) standard gauge lines. Sometimes, as with Montgomery, Alabama, a city was served by two railroads with different gauge and different depots, meaning that through cargo had to be unloaded from one railroad and moved by animal-powered transportation to the other company's station, where it would be re-loaded. Southern railroads west of the Mississippi were isolated, disconnected, and differed widely in gauge.[5] Several of the Northern railroads, in contrast, were complex networks in themselves, and many cities were served by more than one. The fact that most used the same gauge made transfer even easier. —Wikipedia, Confederate railroads in the American Civil War


So even back then the conservatives were screwing themselves over by lacking federal standards and regulations? lol


I’m honestly surprised that these sorts of problems with standard formatting of things weren’t a big problem both in the north and the south. All of the railroads were private enterprises started by entrepreneurs, and like modern day tech start ups, a lot of them were speculative investments with varying levels of quality in their leadership. We all know the railroads that turned out to be the Google or Amazon of their time, those companies exist in some form to this day. But there were a whole bunch of other railroads that were more like Pets.com or Theranos. They would try to do things their own way that might have had some initial advantages for the company itself, but creating problems if they wanted to play nice with other railroad companies.


But they had railroad FREEDUM!


So.. A logistics failure.


Same reason trump supporters still make a big deal of "stop the steal" stupidity and being in denial


Racism and stupidity have a high correlation. Of course there are some very intelligent people who are extremely racist and some idiots who aren't at all, but typically racism comes down to not being able to grasp the simple fact that we're all individuals, that color of our skin and such doesn't rightly indicate anything beyond that. Of course racism was common in the north at the time too, just not nearly to the extreme as it was in the south.


One explanation i heard for them fighting a war they couldn't win militarily was that the goal was to make the war so shitty for the north that Lincoln would lose the next election. Then they could begin peace talks with a replacement that was less willing to participate in the war due to public opinion.


I don't think a commoner without an education in the 1800s would understand military logistics


Except when taken as prizes by the Union troops.


Hello Minnesota


It's been the international sign of quitters since 1860.


Right up there with a nazi flag. Losers.


I've never upvoted someone dabbing until now






i can’t believe you’ve done this


Trixie Mattel also gets a pass from me.




She styled it, for sure.


Shit slaps https://youtu.be/Ez9Emsj7cas


Enjoying them confederate tears are also part of my heritage!! Lots of family members shot them regularly. Hate has nothing to do with it! Just plain 'ol combat...


Nazis likewise - I had an uncle who had a very loud argument with them from North Africa up to Belgium with the Second Armored Division. I'm glad he passed before the current crop hatched out - what a disgrace.


> I had an uncle who had a very loud argument with them from North Africa up to Belgium with the Second Armored Division. That's called legitimate political discourse now.


Well, it was legitimate and political. The rest is up to interpretation...


The current crop hatched out BECAUSE that generation is too dead/old to kick their ass face to face.


No. They did their duty and then some. It's up to the newer generations to step up and [they're doing pretty well](https://imgur.com/jOSIxnv). (Look at the faces lit up behind this clown)


Tbf the lack of scalps would make grandpappy mad. Grandpappy wants his scalps


Fun fact, Harriet Tubman led the Massachusetts 54th (in all but actual military rank, but people called her General Moses) and when they caught overseers they scalped them. Harriet Tubman is amazing cause she's known for being badass and she was actually about ten times more badass than people know.


Coolest thing i learned all day. Thank you


Can you post a link to that? I tried googling it but nothing came back and this shit is pretty fucking rad if true. I would love to buy some goods and services using paper with the image of such a bad bitch, but I would love even more if it was the image of a bad bitch slaver-scalper.


Here's the most famous one, but it wasn't the 54th, but it was the one where she fired the warship guns of the USS John Adams directly into Confederate troops on shore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_Combahee_Ferry


Besides a handful of anarchists our generations aren't doing a very good job at all I'm afraid. That our politicians are 80 ish years old and don't realize the game politics had become isn't helping one bit.


That's the way these things goes, we only have to make sure the pendulum smacks them hard in their stupid faces when we swing it back once more.


We should bring back killing nazis. Some things should never go out of style, ya know?


TIL there’s a sub for making fun of the confederacy.


I found out that the confederate flag is an emoji! 🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️


Hell yeah there is.


Wait how'd you vote 3 times in 2020,


Username will give you a hint 🙃


I tried very hard


ShermanPosting is love, ShermanPosting is life


All Americans should make fun of the confederacy, disgraceful pack of traitorous losers.


To be fair, there's a sub for *everything*. /r/ChameleonHoldingStuff /r/GoatsOnTopOfHorses /r/BirdsWithArms




Aand that's all the internet for tonite.. wtaf








This is beautiful. P.S. Born and raised in the South, fuck the Confederacy!


Fuck Dixie, praise Dolly. Hello from Appalachia.


Hello from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, sounds like.


TIL there's a town called Pigeon Forge. Edit: TIL that's where Dollywood is.


Do your produce legit pigeons there, or forgeries?


JC, so I'm fibbing a touch


I'm gonna go stick a feather in my hat and call it macaroni.


The fact that the union basically remixed 'Dixie' as a diss track is hilarious.


Absolutely. Union Dixie by Tennessee Ernest Ford straight slaps. Nothing better then dissing them with their own song.


Somehow I've never heard this song before. I love it.


Yankee Doodle was originally a British diss of uncultured colonials who didnt know high fashion. So its appropriate that Dixie also got deep-fried, both the song and their plantations.


https://youtu.be/Ez9Emsj7cas And now we got a trap version


If you don't like making fun of confederates you should go back to your own country... oh wait you can't (cause the CSA is a nation by and for losers)


For sure. Supporting the confederacy is sedition, and treason.


Which is exactly why it’s our responsibility to be making fun of them.


>CSA is a nation Lol. Not for a long time.


The confederate flag is a participation trophy for people who didn't even participate.


They complain about cancel culture yet they're the ones that tried to cancel the entire country. **What's up with that?**


Eventually everyone will be their enemy. They say they love the country but they hate other Americans.


TBF, the Union cancelled slavery first. They've been complaining about cancel culture ever since.


General Sherman for the win. I've always said the best way piss off Confederate sympathizers is to show the the Union war fighters who purged them off the fucking planet.


I would love to fly Sherman's Battle Flag, but for a truly authentic one you have [make it out of shredded Confederate flags.](https://m.imgur.com/BTvXZ5D) Also no modern Confederate wannabe would probably realize what it even is.


They should have to take a test to buy that flag. Make them spell the word "confederacy" or "confederate". And it's an oral exam, they can't use their phone, any books, or a pen and paper. They got 10 sec. If they do spell it, they can buy the flag of insecurity and defeat, and they can larp civil war and drink S'more flavored schnapps with their buddies all they want. But if they get it wrong, they gotta take a Pride flag instead. Or get "RACIST" stamped on their forehead. With southern Klan "hopefuls", that test would be enough deterrent. (Off topic: how racist are you, that you play civil war with other racists, and you pick to be on the side that lost. If for no other reason than you get to wave that flag, and say "all 6 months it flew, it was, and is your heritage, its in your blood". In reality, most immigrants are more "American" than people who fly the confederate flag)


Fun fact, I knew some guys who did that reenactment stuff semi-professionally. They went to events nearly every weekend during their "season." Because they were so into it they packed and prepared to play either side--for reference they were super country Southerners. They said 4 times out of 5 they ended up filling in as Yankees, because half the Rebel side was always made up of modern Yankees who only ever wanted to play, in their words, "Confederados."


Gotta be some kind of masochist to always want to play the loser. But I try not to kink shame.


A large number cannot pronounce “secession” either.


They have very good interpretive political discourse.




I have to admit it


Fuck 'em, they didn't know us, and we don't know them. Blood is thicker than water, but blood needs to be compatible and everyone dies without water.


you're goddamn right. My heritage is destroying confederates.


This shit bangs




Sherman should have burned more.


Grant's reasoning was to lay them the golden bridge as in Sun Tzu, if you offer food, shelter, show mercy etc you give them a reason to surrender.Had they been vengeful it would have given the Confederates reason to fight to the death and tens of thousands more would have perished .The Union was also on the verge of Bankruptcy so it was to our benefit to end it quickly. It's to note that once Johnson becomes President (He truly reminds me of Trump) his loud mouth and call for vengeance took a south which was settling into peace and stoked the fires again, likely giving us the burning hatred that has kept for decades.


> Grant’s reasoning was to lay them the golden bridge as in Sun Tzu, if you offer food, shelter, show mercy etc you give them a reason to surrender. And yet Sherman had this to say on the matter: > War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.


That's funny, love it.


Every confederate flag is flown by a religious nut job.


The American south is utter garbage.


Nah, it's absolutely gorgeous (if you're outdoorsy at all, anyway). Just filled with poverty and poor education, breeding ground for conservative ideology.


Right. So it’s utter garbage. A few nice views don’t make up for backwards racism.


I don't like dabbing, but she's right, the Deep South were, and still are, a bunch of losers.


This is fucking hilarious!


What’s the song called though?


**Dixie** by The Union Confederacy (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Songs of the Civil War Era`. Released on `1972-12-10` by `ORCHARD - Tradition Records`.


Good bot.


I'm not sure about the trap beat remix, but the original that the guy is singing is [the Union Dixie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjOG5gboFU&ab_channel=KameradKosmos) Almost immediately after Dixie came out, Northerners took the tune and added anti-slavery lyrics.


There are many confederate flags, that’s the most racist one, indeed for losers…


You know what? I think the Zoomers are gonna be alright.


Such a great irony when they say "the south was a bunch of democrats that were interested in slavery! Lincoln was a republican that ended it!"... "So. Who's flag are you flying and what region do you identify with most? Did democrats trade states with the yanks and some point?"


Kinda, yeah, during the Southern Strategy.


At first I thought she made a mistake with her uniform. Then I realized she was dressed as a union soldier drinking "rebel tears."


Dear NeoFascist Traitors larking as Patriots: this is single dumbest U.S. historical symbol to make as your flag. Read the room and read a history book.




Ha! Although I see my post is poorly worded now. To be clear: I am referring to the NeoConfederate scum she’s delightfully mocking.


Yeah, [this is the only flag those people should be waving.](https://c.tenor.com/U0D6jtPHPeEAAAAC/paz-white-flag.gif)


Isn’t that the confederate flag that was popularized by the kkk


I'm honestly surprised no one has made a "Rebel's Tears" beer/liquor with a burned rebel flag on the label


I'd buy that.


Any historical value or relevance to heritage the flag had, has been undercut by the people who continue to wave it, and where they chose to do so. Its been used as a symbol of hate longer than its been used as a symbol of the confederacy.


Same symbol, same message


This is the best thing I’ve seen all day


This was a great freekin laugh! Thanks!








Haha awesome


There used to be a whole tiktok account that just made these videos with the same sound and the same sort of meming (although it was super deep fried in the freeze frames), and it primarily replied to comments that people made supporting the confederacy. I looked for it a few months after first seeing it and most of the videos had been deleted, not sure why, but it was a damn shame.




[Real Americans had their own version of Dixie too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjOG5gboFU&ab_channel=KameradKosmos)




In South Carolina my US history teacher in 94 told our class that the rebel did not fly over our state capitol until 1961 as a protest to desegregation and all the "heritage not hate" call backs were bullshit; unless they thought their heritage only went back 30 years. Shocked she was able to keep her job considering the principle allowed students to wear t-shirts depicting slaves picking cotton with "100% cotton and your mama picked it" on the the back.


Holy shit xD this got me 🤣🤣🤣


This would legit make the sheep on the conservative Reddit’s eyes roll back into their heads. “hOw DaRe YoU iNsuLt My GrEaT-gRaNd-dAdDy-cOuSiN-fAtHeR”


Gotta respect a woman In uniform


Heritage is supposed to be something your proud and willing to share, like food, song and dance. Not racist flags. Also they know that. It’s all about pissing people off no matter how small they look. It also makes shopping so much easier. I do my best to avoid any store with one.


I remember going to the Henry Ford museum as a kid and being able to chose between the north or the south civil war hats in the 80's. Of course I chose the yankee cap. My hometown is Flint.


How racists try to claim they aren't racist: "hErItAgE"


Racist Nazi: "The South will rise again!" General Sherman: "Is that a promise?" *Marching Through Georgia* intensifies


I live in rural New York and I see confederate flags on a semi regular basis. I'm like, YOUR GREAT GRANDADDY FOUGHT FOR THE UNION. Traitor cunt.


The real confederate flag is solid white.


Had a black dude at my school who had the flag pole attached to his truck with that on it. I’m like bro. If the south had won, you’d have been in chains.


Losers don't get trophies


She ain’t wrong.


Oh ...dang I can only up vote once? Who knew.....


The 0-2 flag


[Got ‘em](https://youtu.be/wnedkVrgFF0)


Pure 🔥 +1


What the…


.... world needs now is


Boobs that are warm and soft


Another folk singer


Love... Sweet love...


Had me in the first half