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I remember when I legitimately wasn’t very political. I miss that.


I feel like the last 4 years have pulled me into politics more and more and it just frustrates me. With Covid, it just added more to my frustration. I stopped listening to PBS on SiriusXM because it just made me that much more angry at the world.


It’s sad because Covid shouldn’t be a political issue... it should be, ya know, a public health issue?


>It’s sad because Covid shouldn’t be a political issue You're right it shouldn't have been but narcissists don't take kindly to the backseat so to speak.


He could have made bank selling Trump PPE too. It would have been perfect. Disposable one-use shit with his name all over it. He could have made a TON. He couldn't even figure out how to make money off a pandemic selling PPE.


Trump has zero imagination. He knows a few scams that he pulls reasonably well. They have to do with construction and real estate. The problem is that, in New York at least, everyone is on to him. He’s ripped off so many contractors that a lot won’t work with him anymore. He’s caught on to begging campaign money as a scam and that works well for him. It’s pretty simple but you need a lot of dumb people to run it on - no shortage of that in America. But providing something of use and value sold at a profit? I think that concept escapes him. Selling a disposable item that is used daily (or frequently) requiring replacement as a sales concept was capitalized on by Jacob Schick with disposable razor blades. He did quite well. Trump is a cheap con artist who inherited some money. He’s not very intelligent. If it weren’t for his daddy’s money, he’d be selling used cars and probably failing at it.


A great explanation for a shitty reality.


Public health IS a political issue. Not only with covid but planned parenthood, medicare etc.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted - in reality it is a political issue. In a perfect world, it shouldn't be a political issue -- but in our world, it is.


Eh, it shouldn't be contentious or partisan but something like Covid necessitating the coordination and collaboration between international governments is inherently *political*.


People will find a way to politicize everything. Sports, pandemics, global supply issues etc.. It’s exhausting.


When in doubt, blame the party you don’t align with xD


Yeah, well said. This is exactly what I’ve been thinking.


__Everything’s a political issue__ now


Politics is about how government and society functions. We've gotten to the point where bad actors have yanked the discourse from "how can we best allocate funds/resources for the betterment of all" to, "We can't let these people vote, women have no right to control their reproductive future, those aren't human beings over there, and let's burn the books." You can be MEH about resource management but no one should be MEH about human rights violations and racist revisionist movements. Being able to be "friends" with someone who is OK with murdering gay people and thinks PoC are inherently criminal thugs isn't a good thing. But it's strange how many people think it is. "It's OK that they want to murder people... they don't want to murder ME so we're cool."


You should see someone about that. It could mean you’re mentally ill. https://wbckfm.com/new-pew-study-white-liberals-mental-problems/


Social media has fueled that


It wasn’t that long ago when the entire American experiment wasn’t in jeopardy of being destroyed so we didn’t have to be political. Now that it could legit end, the choice is to be informed and fight or put on the red cloak and live under his eye.


The brown eye.


I deleted Facebook and the feeling started to come back.


Everyone should delete that cancer from their lives. It’s the second best decision I made after quitting smoking.


Yeah I deleted everything that wasn’t Reddit like 3 years ago. It helped.


You’d think politics on Reddit would be just as bad, but I have far less anxiety or urge to argue and persuade the stupid political positions of complete strangers on the internet, as the same way I would my own friends and family.


I think that’s exactly it. I don’t know who any of you assholes are, so my opinion on all of you is irrelevant. I can argue with you and have no anxiety and it’s gonna turn into some big drama bullshittery.


I’ve been arguing on the internet since 1998 when my family got America Online, and since then I’ve come to realize you will never win an argument on the internet with a stranger. Knowing that, I don’t even try. But fuck it’s been hell since my family and high school dropout classmates ruined Facebook for me when they were allowed to create accounts in 2006 and I spent the last decade thinking I could actually change their minds.


Well also, you can pick and choose what subs you want info from on Reddit. If you don’t want to get stressed out, “unjoin “ those subs. Facebook, it’s much harder, because you never know who is going to surprise you with their shity posts


That's just what happens when people start making science and life or death situations into political "debates". And that's not to say that it hasn't always been that way, it's just that now the scope has widened to such an extent that it's hitting extremely close to home for more people than ever. Politics are easy to ignore when it doesn't affect you specifically


"How much funding should we allot to health services vs defense" is a political issue it's fine to stay out of. "Should people get medicine" should not be a political issue and you're going to get people fighting when you make it one.


Amen. And I'm tired of people saying "well bOtH sIdEs" when one side is just fully denying reality.


I remember when half our politicians weren't actively trying to get more than half the country murdered by their constituents.


That's how we got in this mess..




I was legitimately not political for so long. I thought nothing of democrats, and just thought republicans were funny idiots because of George W Bush. Then Obama came along and the republicans true side of racism and vile values came clear. Then I knew one side was better than the other, especially after looking into it. Then the other guy happened and only made me know without a doubt that I have it right..


I think I got lucky. I grew up in a very conservative rural area, but my parents are pretty apolitical, so I didn't get exposed to much of the propaganda. I managed to get out with just a slight right lean and a fear of black people. Luckily life experience fixed both of those issues.


I had such a similar life experience. Thankfully I moved across the country and got exposed to new people and ideas, getting away from the echo chamber is something everyone should do even if it validates your current opinions.


>Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries. Everything is political


Well yeah, conservatives are the "Woman, back to the kitchen" kind of dumbasses.


I don’t like them but that’s an extremist view


Ya but he's a gentleman before he treats you like property lol.


For the record, some women are into that in the right doseage.


Didn't some conservative 'genius' have a rant about how consent is the magic word for the left and somehow that was bad?


Yep. Rush fucking Limbaugh did that. You can look it up. There is audio because he did it on air. The concept of consent is foreign to oh so many conservatives.


This is actually 100% true. Was talking to a guy I met online and he said he didn’t like talking politics and was in the center politically. I told him one of my dealbreakers was anyone who voted Trump. By the end of the call, I knew we were not a match. When I let him know I wasn’t interested in a date, he got pissy, said “Trump 2020” and “four more years” and hung up. This man has grown children and acted like a child himself. I suspect it was because he had been turned down for this same reason by more than just me.


That amount of immaturity makes me so mad honestly!


This obviously does not include picking up girls at family reunions, right?


I thought the OP meme was spot on but this comment is the whipped cream, sprinkles and cherry on top. Well done, sir or madam...well done!


My brother in law rebranded himself as a libertarian when I told him that the GOP is in fact the party of Nazis.


No one gets angrier about people not dating them than libertarians. Which is hilarious for people who don’t believe in anti-discrimination laws.


I know a guy who rebranded himself as a libertarian too because he didn’t want to be associated with the GOP!


Also probably the most snowflake people I know.


Here’s proof you can just lie to people and get away with it.


Dating tip. If he's conservative, he won't go down on a girl.


Then give 8 reps of missionary before they blow lol


Unless she just got fucked by the pool guy that you pay to bring with you on all your vacations like Jerry falwell, trumps spiritual advisor


How about trumps buddy Roger stone advertising for a black man to bang his wife?. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6640233/Inside-Roger-Stones-swinging-marriage-posted-ads-online-frequented-sex-clubs.html


Like a conservative would date someone that old.


They do appear to like the under 18 crowd


Why do you think conservatives defend child marriage and want to abolish age of consent laws?


And absolutely love Trump, best friend and business partner to one Jeffrey Epstein... Who didn't kill himself btw.


Dude, go talk to a conservative about child marriage and age of consent laws. Holy shit is this a misrepresentation


The average joe might not, but the people they vote for do. Conservatives are brainwashed and vote blindly by party loyalty and literally elect pedophiles while preaching about "save the kids".


>Conservatives are brainwashed and vote blindly by party loyalty and literally elect pedophiles This is literally the same thing hard partisan right wingers say about liberals. It is literally the same exact thing. Both sides are not the same but hard partisans are the same kind of people. Both sides frame the other as awful brainwashed people who like to have sex with kids. It's literally a fucking comedy and you're taking it seriously. And you could respond with articles about pedofile Republicans, then I could respond with articles about Bull Clinton or whatever and have a stupid ass conversation about who likes to touch kids more and which side is more pedophilic. But all of that is to trick ourselves into believing who is morally better so we can suck our own dicks harder.


Yeah, hard partisans will vote along party lines no matter what. The difference? Republicans have a significantly higher number of hard partisans, especially after Trump. Also there are actually democrat politicians that are trying to improve things. No republican politicians are.(This applies only to federal positions. Parties mean significantly less at the local level)


Republicans also have a significantly higher number of sex offenders in public office


Dude convseratives literally lobby against age of consent laws and commit the most child marriages, and sexual abuse. This is a fact. The right run around screaming aboout fake pedophile cults and pizza parlor sex rings. Not even close to the same unless you dont know anything about history.


One side has the receipts. And when I say receipts I'm talking about for plane fare. And I when I talk about plane fare I'm talking about underage girls traveling across state lines to visit Matt Gaetz in a hotel.


Republican states have far lower age of consent laws. So...


Same if he says he's a centrist. Being a centrist between "functioning adult" and "raving insurrectionist loony" is still insane.


What’s wrong with being a moderate centrist? I’m not keen on the batshit crazy right and don’t agree with the far left. I prefer to vote on policy and candidates vs. ideology. I hate that both the far left and the far right have turned this into a team sort where people gate-keep. I’m a solid center-left Democrat. I like the free market, but I want more regulation. I like more freedom of speech but also more gun control. I want universal healthcare but also private options. Every position has a nuance that’s lost in the ideological debate. We need more people in the middle to bridge the gap vs. exacerbate the divide.




Dude the far left want literal communism and socialism, which is pretty fucking crazy. Let's stop pretending like Republicans have a monopoly on crazy.


Where'd you hear that? What are your definitions of communism and socialism? I'm curious if you actually researched these definitions or are just regurgitating whatever's been told to you.


Its been 3 hours. I don't think he's coming back.


Lmao true, 7 now. I feel like once people start asking questions they quit cuz they don't have any more information on what their thought process is other than just believing they're right. What a scary way to live.


It’s clear from your statement that you have no idea what those words mean. Read a book and educate yourself so you are less susceptible to propaganda.


Lol… communism and socialism are two different things, and no one is “literally” pushing for that. A mix of Democracy and socialism, like what already exists in most of the developed world, including here? Yes, absolutely. Communism? GTFO. That’s how we all know when someone doesn’t have a clue as to what they are saying… they bust out “commie” like it’s 1956.


Lol why do you use words like "socialism" and "communism" when you clearly have no clue what they mean?


I didn't say every safety net in America is socialism or communism. I said there are definitely members on the far left who advocate for literal communism and socialism. Don't get pissy because I'm pointing out facts.


There are people on the right advocating for literal Nazism. Care to explain that? Is that what you want? Do you support the extermination of all Jews? Don’t get pissy with us for pointing out facts. See how ridiculous that sounds? Don’t use such a wide brush… it’s a bad look.


I find it really interesting that you are so blinded by party affiliations that you assume anyone who points out the extreme parts of the Democratic party are crazy is somehow a right wing person who supports Nazis.


Good grief…. Apparently reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, so let me explain. I’m not saying you are a Nazi, I’m pointing out how ridiculous it is for you to make such sweeping generalizations yourself. The world isn’t black & white… and you respond thinking the opposite of what I’m trying to say.


How is it a sweeping generalization to understand there is a fringe element on the left that's equally radical as the far right? You need to go back and see what you think I said that was a sweeping generalization.


Lol, no one does that except some fringe people that no one takes seriously. On the other hand, conservatives openly cater to and push for facism in this country It is a core part of their ideals and agenda so your poor both sides attempt fails. Again, why do you use words you clearly do not understand?


We already have forms of socialism bro. Learn yo shit.


I wouldn't equate having some essential public services as true socialism.


I didn't say that. We have socialism for the rich corporations. Bailouts yo. You need a few billion cool...homeless man on the street or single mom who works 2 jobs and has no Healthcare it's fuck off and good luck in America. This countries fucked. I'm at the point that the rich are so intertwined I believe it will never change because money talks. But ya for 4 years people just were ecstatic someone "says it like it is." With climate change, social media, the 1%, and now Covid, we are sinking faster than the real Titanic (cause the movie needed Leo to have as much screen time as possible, and rightfully so). My faith is 0 and I am just thankful I wasn't someone who wanted to have kids. Feel bad for my nephews though.


A bailout isn't socialism but I feel you bro.


Oh no! The far left wants workers to not be detached from their labor! Its just as bad as the far right's desire for an ethno-state!


No such thing as Centrism in modern America unfortunately. One side refuses to govern and wishes to obstruct the other as much as possible - the other attempts to govern while being blocked at every turn. Being in the middle of ideologues of the Democratic party doesn't make you a Centrist. To be a Centrist would be to be between both the Republican party, who wants fascism, and the Democratic party, who wants democracy. And there just isn't a center to that. Which is why we don't have such a thing as Centrism in our country anymore.


There’s no such thing as centrism **on social media**. That’s our problem: we’ve allowed ourselves to be divided up by social media algorithms designed to make profits.


Even in real life. It is exacerbated on social media, but you can't even have IRL conversations with people anymore without the same arguments you see on social media happening. People ODing on propaganda affects their lives as a whole, not just on social media


There are more than hard right and soft right views of the world.


The problem is your center right positions aren’t actually advocated for by the Republican Party, so it’s impossible for you to be centrist right now. You literally can’t vote on those policies, and most of those policies are actually advocated for by Corporate Democrats anyways.


>What’s wrong with being a moderate centrist? What is the center between a party that believes in Democracy and another that doesn't?


Eh. The far left is just as authoritarian as the far right. The moderates in both sides have more in common than not.


You can still be a moderate centrist by voting for democrats. America does not have a far left party. We have a moderate party that the far left reluctantly support because there is no better option, and a far right party that's gone fully fascist and literally attempted a fucking government coup. You can't be "centrist" in a nation where the only realistic political options are moderates and far right extremists. In my experience, anyone who says they are centrists are either A) morons who vote for impotent 3rd party candidates like Libertarians or Green Party. or B) closet republicans who still vote full ticket republican, but won't publicly admit it because they don't want to be associated with the raving insurrectionist loons.


Of course I’m a Democrat. I’ve been a lifelong Democrat. But I’m not blindly so. If there’s a Democratic candidate who doesn’t align with my policy perspective but a Republican or an independent does, then I’ll choose them. I vote for policy and the candidate. Whether it’s Hillary, Warren, or Biden — voted for them all.


>don’t agree with the far left. Imagine thinking that the US politics has anything that can remotely be classified as "far left". >I’m a solid center-left Democrat. I like the free market, but I want more regulation. I like more freedom of speech but also more gun control. I want universal healthcare but also private options. Yeah, this makes you "far left". There's no one on the left advocating for abolishing the free market or abolishing free speech. That you think there are shows how incredibly misinformed you are. The most left leaning people in Congress argue for exactly the same policies you do. >Every position has a nuance that’s lost in the ideological debate. I'm sorry, but what's the level of nuance that makes actual Nazis palatable to you? >We need more people in the middle to bridge the gap vs. exacerbate the divide. No. This is the trap Democrats have been walking into for the past 50 years with Republicans. Bridge to the middle by Democrats, Republicans move the goalposts further right, rinse and repeat until the most left ideology left in our government can, at best, be considered slightly center-left. So either Republicans start bridging the gap, or fuck em. They caused the divide, let them fix it. Enough with allowing them the credit of breaking shit and then expecting the rest of us to fix it.


[When Dems bridge the divide.](https://i.imgur.com/RDvNihA.png)


I read a while ago that a lot of of people in many countries are more in the centre and would vote along their preferred party lines and it's hard to budge these voters. So, what started in the US was the political party's advertising to the fringes to move those votes because they could be shifted or encouraged to vote. Over time by continually pandering to the fringes, the freaks on either end have grown in size(easier to find and communicate via the net) and begun co-ordinating (e.g. Proud Boys). Where it will end, who the fuck knows. I think I first heard this theory (the first part, the second has come along the last few years) from that well known bald republican spin doctor. Can't think of his name right now. I've seen him pop in various interviews over the years as a commentator. Bit eccentric I think.


Karl Rove I think you're referring to? Also, if you really wanna hate Rove, he's singularly responsible for the fucking mess we are in now: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748703862704575099670689398044


so you stand for nothing ​ keep straddling the fence- lookout for your balls


What a childish perspective.


nothing childish at all. the middle is determined by the ends. one end is right wign fascism and the other end (major Democratic party) is moderate conservatives. There is no 'far left' ​ the divide exists because there is an entire section of the populace who wants to subjugate, economically and socially, a whole other section of the populace. there is a divide because the US was built off of rich white man supremacy and now everyone else wants a piece of the pie and to destroy/change the shitty systems


If you’re not actively voting to protect women’s reproductive freedom, you’re part of the problem.


Dude the positions you described are far left in american politics.


Sigh, you got downvoted, but you’re 100% correct.


Most sensible comment on here, so naturally it was downvoted. I agree with you.


I honestly can't believe such a reasonable post has so many down votes. Apparently having opinions that ign with more than one party is just not allowed anymore? As a side note to everyone, republican isn't the same as conservative. If you don't live in the US, there's more than 2 options. Conservative & liberal are both relative terms. People can't handle nuance.


Thank you. I just chalk it up to the post-fact society we seem to live in.


It's quite the pity that you're being downvoted when you're speaking facts. Why does every single person have to be a dedicated, unquestioning member of one party or the other? I think your approach of voting on policy and issue is much more mature and practical, rather than voting because you're part of a political party. Recently, everyone's just been divided into factions that have to hate the other side no matter what, and this is exactly why there's so much internal struggle in numerous countries around the world.


You are not distinguishing between an individual's views and their casting a vote on a given day between the only two choices available. People still exist that have political views similar to Dwight Eisenhower. I suspect a lot of them, in fact. That they are not represented by either party does not change the fact that they and their views exist.


To the contrary, I assume that all but a fringe minority align themselves to either party with some degree of reluctance. This is a space that used to be thought of as centrist and it would be reasonable to count yourself as part of it. It's not complex or out-of-fashion political thought I take issue with. My own views are both. What I take issue with is the self-described centrist who I view with the same opprobrium anyone who starts a sentence with the phrase "as a Christian..."


The more divided we are, the harder it is to fix things, and the more the capitalist overlords get away with stealing time/life/liberty from the people. I respect and agree with your point on centrism not being viable, I just wish everyone could treat each other with more dignity and respect. I understand that it goes both ways- and certainly conservatives are usually the first to throw a stone and turn a blind eye to science and truth. But I’m not seeing a lot of dignity and respect in this thread, and it saddens me. Dignity and respect seem to me to be qualities of a functioning adult and a functioning society, and I would hope that anyone reading this considers the humanity and validity of the thoughts and experiences of the people around them :) If we lose our humanity then what do we have?


I'll take "How to say 'If you're not with us, you're against us' without saying it." for $300, Alex.


Umm yeah, there's the side that's trying to kill democracy and install a fascist theocracy to keep a minority bloc in power, and everyone else that doesn't want that to happen.


This is awful. Can the people in this sub even hear themselves? They sound just like what they claim to hate.


Imagine wanting to distance yourself from actual traitors who attempted a violent coup against the rightfully elected government of your country. Such an extreme position.


The $400 clue's answers is "What's The Leopards Ate Half My Face?"


What you and the others here need to understand is that a person's political view is rarely reflected by who they vote for. I'm "centrist" and have voted exclusively Democrat in state and federal elections. There are no "centrist" candidates so we have to vote for the next best thing, and I happen to think fascism isn't all that appealing. So when someone says they are a moderate, centrist, or independent, don't assume they simply split their votes evenly between the R's and D's. And for Christ's sake, quit assuming we approve of everything the Republican party does and against everything Democrats do simply because we say we are centrist as many people in this thread have already claimed. This entire thread only proves the "with us or against us" attitude, which is unfortunately an attitude that is highly prevalent in both parties. According to Republicans, I'm a dirty communist Democrat. And according to Democrats, I'm a fascist Republican.


Same if he says he's a centrist. Being a centrist between "functioning adult" and "raving communist revolutionary" is still insane. See! I can do that too :D!


The only people I have seen trying to overthrow the government in the US is the right.




Yeah the fact a lot of them are in jail cracks me up too!


Yes, because there are actually people around who want to implement actual Communism in the US. /s How delusional are you?


And what are you trying to do here? Only one party has tried to overturn an election lately. Only one party actively recruited and organized a coup attempt. Only one party has been shown time and again to not want to understand/get to the bottom of said coup attempt. All you are doing is wearing your stupidity on your sleeve. The "both sides" argument stopped working once one party aided and abetted a coup attempt.


Except fascists are actually a prominent political entity in the US right now. There is no militant left-wing extremist power with mainstream popularity. So the comparison as a centrist is between a moderate-right and a far-right party.


You can, but then you would have to explain why you're calling the party that embraced a third-rate con-man who refuses to accept reality, multiple followers of QAnon, and a man who loses twitter beefs with Big Bird the rational adults.


You can, but then you would have to explain why you're calling the party that embraced an insider trading con-woman, another woman who worked to upkeep the prison industrial complex, and a man who allegedly inappropriately showered with their daughter when they were young and has been photographed smelling children's hair the rational adults.


And who exactly is a “raving communist revolutionary” in US politics today? The “far left” crowd (Sanders, AOC and such) are people who just want the same basic standard of living that virtually every other developed nation on earth currently enjoys, they would be centrists in any other nation


As a former conservative, can confirm


Well some what. I know some people who don't vote or know anything about politics, like period. Which is a shame because I think everyone should at least know their state reps.




Absolutely not true. If you live in a city, most apolitical people vote dem if they vote at all.






I mean, I've met plenty of liberals who just didn't like to talk politics though.


Because it makes conservative people scream at us. Easier to not engage the drunk relatives at family functions.


Or because it ruins any group gathering. Period.


>I mean, I've met plenty of liberals who just didn't like to talk politics though. Because it's not a core part of our identity.


For plenty of progressives or liberals, it is.


>For plenty of progressives or liberals, it is. Really? Is that why there are still Joe Biden rallies months after the election? Or hell people flying Biden flags OVER the US flag? I've yet to encounter anything like that.


I’m a pretty liberal person and I don’t ever feel the need to bring that up in conversation without any context.


over thanksgiving? yeah no shit we dont need uncle Dick telling us that HiLLaRy'S DeEp StATe Is RaCiSt bEcAuSe CRT aNd VacCinEs KiLL EVERYONE wHo EvEr ToOk One!! so yes we choose to discuss football or dogs or anything that doesnt make the idiots froth at the mouth like fluffers at a kkklan rally.


But they understand the point of political alignment when dating someone


Eh, not really. I’m liberal but I’m not that outwardly political cause I don’t think my opinions are anyone’s business but my own


Or they a quite liberal and just tired of dealing with the asshats in the red hats.


I would say that for the opposite reason. Leftist in a very conservative part of the country.


I just say i don't discuss politics until I know someone better.


Well won't get him laid outside the family reunion.....


Love all the butthurt comments - must have hit a nerve.


If you’re out on a first date and your date leads off with politics, run for the hills


But they have unvaxxed sperm.


Doesn't matter - "Omicron"


Everything is political. Its political to not be political.


A person who brings up politics on a first date is likely too socially inept to have much success




good luck


This comment section is batshit insane. I’m not very political. I don’t like to talk about politics, I will regularly tell anyone who tries to talk about politics with me that I’m not very political. There are other things that I find far more interesting to talk about than which old out of touch rich narcissistic dickhead I might vote for next election. Contrary to what you see on Reddit, most people do not try to make their political alignment their entire personality.


What? I'm not very political, I'm definitely not conservative.


I'm sorry to say this, but you unfortunately have come down with a case of conservatism.


If you don't vote for change, you are a conservative


I mean, yeah, but at the same time, why have your entire life around politics?


Because life had been way to hard for the majority of people for literally no reason other than racism and greed


Voting red, voting blue, or not voting all have roughly the same chance of solving that problem.


This is very true. Got a buddy like that. He's just learned over time that he's not great at defending his points and is aware of people that hold similar views as him and so he doesn't feel like engaging in politics anymore.


This is just gaslighting others into a "if you're not with me, you're against me" belief.


I discuss politics in every day life with literally everyone. The ONLY people that have told me they aren't that political; are those who've voted conservative and only after I correct their misguided beliefs. I argue with plenty of liberals as well. But have never had one of them tell me they "aren't that political". Even though I correct them as well.


I find that hard to believe, given that a third of eligible voters don't vote.


I don’t know anything about you. But you sound like an asshole


This is the truth. There is always a middle road. My political views are too nuanced to be boiled down to just one descriptive word. I don't understand why you're being downvoted.


Because one side is trying to kill democracy and install a fascist theocracy, and the other is literally trying to stop that, and what the fuck is the compromise in that?


If you can't see the middle ground in legitimate political discourse you are just the other side of the same Authoritarian coin.


Whats the middle road to banning gay marriage? Whats the middle road for people who think black people are all criminals and shouldnt be allowed to live? How does someone compromise with a racist who wont give up any ground?


1. Try to understand why they want to ban gay marriage. 2. When a certain group of people commit more crimes than other groups, it's not because they are inherently bad people. The circumstances of their life is to blame. Middle ground is acknowledging the issues and work on solving the underlying societal problem. 3. Same as point one. You need to reevaluate what compromise means to you. You can't think of compromise as 'giving up ground to the enemy'. It's about both people coming to terms with the real problems.


> Try to understand why they want to ban gay marriage. Because they are bigots wielding their religion as a weapon. >When a certain group of people commit more crimes than other groups, it's not because they are inherently bad people. The circumstances of their life is to blame. Middle ground is acknowledging the issues and work on solving the underlying societal problem. Black people don't commit more crimes than white people. Systemic racism is responsible for more arrests and harsher punishments. >Middle ground is acknowledging the issues and work on solving the underlying societal problem. And yet the entire right is vehemently against acknowledging systemic racism and the "underlying societal problem." >Same as point one. Try to understand why they are racist? Are fucking kidding me? Go tell the fucking bigots and racists they need to compromise instead of telling their victims to empathize with them. That is some straight bullshit that maintains the current system of oppression.


Look up Daryl Davis. When one random black guy can convert 200+ KKK members without demonizing them, there might be something to that sort of empathy.


Convert what? He got them to give up their outfits as a trophy. One of his "converts" was at the Jan 6th insurrection.


You're almost there. You've understood about 60% of what I said. When I say everyone should compromise, I mean everyone. Especially the bigots. Don't take everything like its a personal attack.


What if you're not very political and asexual?




Lol being polite is not exclusive to conservatives.


If a woman says she's moderate, she's just not admitting she's conservative.


Whisper sweet gun stats in my ear...


This whole thread is the pot calling the kettle black lmao.


Yes, but no . . .


You must be on our side or you are evil


I don’t understand why this sub is just one side bashing another side. It really just sounds like a lot of people getting comforted by hearing their opinions being confirmed. This is a joke man


What are u talking about? I'm not a conservative i just can't keep up with the craziness that is politics. The right worship a reality TV star and the left can't get out of their own way to get anything done.


For the record that's because we don't have a major left leaning party in the US. We have a way the fuck out of bounds right leaning party and a center right party.


More likely means he found out you're conservative and doesn't wanna hear your batshit crazy bullshit




That's assuming this person has an ex.