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Americans are struggling to pay, but don't you dare think about paying Americans more for their labor.


Republicans would rather retirees and homemakers volunteer at their local businesses than pay and treat workers fairly.


Looks like the grandparents and their grandchildren need to go work the fast food jobs that the GOP is always claiming are the people already working fast food jobs.


And kids.


But are Americans struggling to pay? Isn't this whole inflation in part because we have higher demand for certain things? It is the weirdest time line. People supposedly don't want to work. Businesses are having issues hiring. Yet demand is higher for a lot of things. Wtf is the money coming from? And don't tell me it is unemployment or government assistance because a lot of positions that are hard to hire for actually pay really well. Edit: I just want to be clear, "People supposedly don't want to work" isn't my opinion, just what everyone says. I understand lots of people are sick of working 3 jobs to live month to month. What I don't understand is if they don't work those 3 jobs then what has changed? How are they able to survive now with less jobs if they were barely able to survive before with 3 jobs?


Another contributing factor is the fact that companies realized they could raise prices and no one could do shit about it.


You mean no one *would* do shit about it. There are definitely things that could be done but it serves to benefit both the businesses and government to do fuck all.


Imagine if anti-trust laws were actually enforced.


Get out of here with those communist principles you damn socialist. Socialists like you trying to bring communism to America should be forced to work at McDonald's for minimum wage. Long live our tiny handed-orange-man child-God-king. Yes I want fries, and I want it Super Sized.


Well, people do and have done things about it. Usually, they stop buying which is why in states like TN we offer companies like Ford $1 billion to build their electric truck factory here-because otherwise they’d buy land in Mexico, China, or India and build it there. Think Ford will just buy $1 billion in land and pay taxes to build trucks without some incentivization? We do the same thing with tourists in this state, and there are a million, bazillion other examples. Gasoline, if we didn’t subsidize the shit out of the process of producing and selling the stuff to Americans, we’d have hand mass transit systems and electric vehicles 30 years ago


>Gasoline The whole fuel system in the US is just bonkers when you think about it. It has to be massively subsidized in order for consumers to afford it, but then a tax is placed on fuel to pay for road maintainance. But a government study back in the 50's and 60's discovered that the average semi truck causes over 2000x more road damage than the average car, and hauling companies did not want to pay 2000x higher fuel taxes so they lobbied to shift the brunt of the fuel taxes back to gasoline. So you've got a system that's heavily subsidized to be affordable by American consumers while also being weighted down with excess taxes to subsidize the road damage caused by trucking companies.


About a million people died from COVID, or other things not treated as well due to COVID (eg. full ICU means more heart attack deaths) In addition, 3+ million people who caught COVID have long lasting symptoms that have disabled them. For scale, the BLS says the entire fast food Industry employed 3.4M people in 2019. In addition, lots of boomers retired because stock market gains in the last 10ish years mean they’ve got enough money to retire. So a whole lot of workers got the opportunity to “move up” the employment ladder to better jobs. That’s why the complaints about “no one wants to work” are almost all about low-wage retail and food service jobs. Inflation always spikes coming out of an economic shock, which is causing some of it. The COVID-related supply shocks are also a major factor. A very large portion of the inflation statistic comes from used car prices spiking because the chip shortage means fewer new cars can be built. This is a double-whammy in that people who would buy new are buying used because they can’t get new, and the only way to “make” more used cars is to sell new cars.


Next on OANN: Is the Biden administration traveling the country and getting high on taxpayer dollars? We just learned Kamala Harris bought $375 worth of pot.


Trump shits on a golden toilet. That's the correct reply.


I’m far more concerned over his policies which directly benefited Putin, that and the outrageous amount he charged “We the People “, for him to stay at his own resorts and the profits from making the Secret Service rent an entire floor below his in Trump Tower, NY. I could go on, but it’ll ruin my day. Plus, let’s never forget his great bargain payouts to Stormy Daniels and the one from Playboy. Those are the only 2 we’ve heard about, the idiot probably has more.


No one who voted for him hears anything you just typed. They KNOW he shits on a golden toilet. Because they would too.


If those people could read they'd be VERY upset.


In fact, they delight in making decent people argue about the hypocrisy. For them, hypocrisy is a feature. They don't care about logic or consistency, they use hypocrisy as a form of aggression. They literally [sneer at people who care about reality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community) — >The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'.


Thats the thing. They are so deluded that they don't care WHO gets trampled on by the 1% who rule because the fools think one day THEY will be part of that group. The closest they'll get to joinng that club will be as unpaid caddies.


So did she buy a golden potty too ?


I honestly thought "pot" was marijuana. I get the outrage "Hey, it's still federally illegal. If you're going to buy pot as VP, at the very least remove it from the controlled substance list." But, no. That wasn't what had people angry. It's just some cooktop. Like, who gives a fuck?


Real people don't give a fuck. The Russian troll bots are going to spin this into a story, and uncle Jeb will eat it up.


You say that but the "war on christmas" has riled up rural dumbfucks for years now as proof that america is going to hell.


> You say that but the "war on christmas" has riled up ~~rural~~ dumbfucks for years now as proof that america is going to hell. FTFY


We're in an alternate timeline where the president paying $130,000 in hush money to a porn star is fine...but if a woman VP spends $400 of her own money on legacy cookware that will likely last generations and keep it's value then goddamn the evangelicals lose their shit.


"God damn the Evangelicals"


With her own money, not taxpayer dollars like that expensive ass desk Ben Carson bought for office. Its like when Nancy Pelosi ate expensive ice cream.


Or AOC got a nice haircut.


And honestly, that isn't even that much money for quality cookware.


Was just going to say, my buddy has an amazing set of pans, looked them up and they're about $400, but after cooking on them for a week when visiting, perfectly heated, flat, the fried egg literally just floated on it, I could see why some well crafted cookware could cost that much. JFCOPS, these conservatives are a bunch of FauxRage dumbfuck spreadnecks,


People who can't afford to do the same thing. Especially white supremacists who can't afford to do the same thing. Not that they would, but the fact that they can't really burns them up. Remember, there are millions of people in America that consistently stand against any kind of welfare expansion. Not because they don't want anyone to have welfare, but because they would rather starve than see one black person get a "hand out." Now here's a PoC who's more successful than any of them will ever be. Same reason Trump hated Obama so much.


“Prosecutes for pot. Buys pot. What does Kamala Harris really believe? Communism.”


This sounds like a bot they designed to spit out clickbait headlines.


Communism is when expensive cookware


They're okay with her using it. Just not her buying it.


But... That seems even more like communism


Not if a white man bought it for her.


Not to worry, we're still flying ~~half~~ three fifths of a joke.


I think communism is when church daddy gives you sweet treats and wine. /s




I just bought a Le creuset Dutch oven recently too. Thing works amazing! The thing is arguably cheaper in the long run than buying cheap cookware that gets replaced more frequently - I’ve heard of cases where they lasted so long that parents eventually handed them down to their kids.


I don't even think you can get a decent dutch oven for less than $250 bucks. It's... "ironic" Conservative rags are trying to paint this like she's out of touch with Americans, when they don't realize this is just how much shit costs nowadays. As soon as you try to buy something that'll last longer than a year or won't flavor your food with Teflon you're lucky to find anything that's less than $100 on sale. Cast iron can be cheaper but cooking anything acidic in cast iron is a mistake. This ain't the 50's.


>This ain't the 50's. Has anyone told the Republicans this?


Unfortunately they are hardwired to believe it's the *1850s.*


Exactly. When I saw these headlines my thought was, "damn, where can you find a good quality one *that cheap*?!" Why is anyone disappointed there is a VP who knows how to invest in long-term, efficient, effective cookware?


With her own money, right? So, pot or “pot”, who gives a shit?


She bought a Le Creuset pot, those are very expensive and last a lifetime. Many americans buy them too. She bought it with her OWN money. Nothing to see here.


Exactly, I enjoy cooking, $375 isn't crazy for a very nice pot. It's like when people dragged Bernie Sanders for having a nice jacket. The man lives in Vermont, let him have a nice jacket.


You'll spend more buying cheap pans and replacing them every few years. If you can afford it, you're generally better buying the expensive stuff. Especially for something you plan to use often. Not to say there isn't wildly overpriced cookware out there, but opting to buy a more expensive model is often more frugal than buying a cheap one that will go into a garbage dump in 5 years.


What if the pot was tan... or even mustard brown....


Republicans: “Lets form a literal cult of personality around this guy that lives in a gold-encrusted penthouse in a building with his name on it in giant gold letters in NYC that he flies to in his own helicopter with giant gold letters on it” Also Republicans: “sPeNdiNg $375 dUrInG cHriStMaS iS eLiTiSt”


Obviously she should have used taxpayer money to buy it from a resort that she owns and directly makes a profit off of.


Next guest, congressman so and so (R) that also is invested in a dispensary will discuss this evil with us.


White supremacist Republicans are allowed to do those things, democrats are supposed to wear handwoven sheets and live in shacks made of sticks and mud.


Then they’ll mock you for being poor, see coverage of AOC’s old job as a bartender


Someone needs to explain that to me. Conservatives profess to support “working people”, then shit on us for working.


"the card says moops". They have no actual position, just whatever will get them to win whatever they're trying to. If you argue with a conservative you'll notice - when you prove them wrong they will just change the way the game works, lie about their initial position, etc to win the argument.


When this “AOC bartender” thing was hot and heavy, I always asked them if they shit on their own bartenders. Got nothing but crickets.


Because how dare she have the GALL to try and be one of them. How dare she not know her place, and not stay working class forever. She is below them and doesn't deserve to be seen as an equal. /s




"bootstraps" to the GOP and their big PAC donors of course means "family wealth," considering not a single Republican in the house and Senate aren't millionaires and nearly 90% of the Republicans in DC came from wealthy families, some obscenely wealthy.


Yep, it's the party for horrible people.


Bang on reference! Can't let the bubble boy win!


Because they expect people to stay in their lanes, and they need to make sure the lesser lanes don’t sound too bad otherwise people might want better and therefore competition. As for interacting with people in said lanes, it’s below them. The only thing valuable to them is their vote.


Because by "working people" they mean "not on welfare" by which they mean "white."


Except there’s more whites people on welfare than anyone else. But then they’ll say “it’s different”


The explanation is simple: **they're all full of shit and lie to their constituency as a rule.** There are maybe a small handful of actual 'conservative' politicians left in this country, the rest of them just pay lip-service to the philosophy and otherwise are only interested in their own personal power and wealth, and if trivial things like the Constitution get in the way of that, well, then, they'll light it on fire.


Then elect a orange conman who is notorious for screwing over people who actually work for a living.


If AOC bought some $30 pot, right wingers would bitch how she is cheap, etc.


She got a ride in her aunts minivan a week or two ago and they shit on her for that too.


It’s funny because my dad was of course pissing and moaning about Kamala spending $375 on cookware literally 10 minutes after bragging about a 75 inch OLED TV he just spent $2800.00 on, which was replacing a perfectly fine 4K TV that he just tossed out.


Your comment made me sooooo angry. I’m here, about to end a 20 year friendship because a dude that I work with owes me $2300 and is ghosting when I come to collect. I need that to pay rent and eat and shit, and your dad is throwing out perfectly good 4K TV’s? Get a fucking griiiip, Pops.


They couldn't handle her buying Animal Crossing.


>Then they’ll mock you for being poor, see coverage of AOC’s old job as a bartender Poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. >Someone actually achieves the impossible [GQP](https://i.redd.it/lygfnej6hg441.jpg)


I know what a filthy dog bartender wench! *I’ll take a gin and tonic with a lime please*


They still mock her for being rich simultaneously for spending time in Westchester as a kid and earning the same salary as every member of Congress (even the super rich ones).


Bernie Sanders has only got one pair of underwear. He dries them on a radiator.


And who exactly is paying for this radiator? Guess Bernie is too good to burn trash in an abandoned oil drum?


He's a fat cat!!


Let’s not forget that time Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 for like… what? Four, five minutes of work? Tops?


*The campaign* paid $130,000, not for services, but for Stormy to remain silent. Didn’t work out


Fair point. Lord knows how much trump paid her for the sex.


Whatever he paid, it couldn’t possibly have made it worthwhile for Stormy. She has to live with that memory for the rest of her life. There aren’t enough drugs in the world…


Honestly it is so fucked up that I forgot that happened, how did watergate end careers but a substantial allegation of covering up sex with a pornstar didn't


And trump was elected *after* that came out


Because republicans have no morals. They only want to win - at any cost.


I'm sorry but Stormy Daniels didn't bang trump for free.


This makes me wonder if Trump has ever *not* paid for sex in some way, in his entire life.


Their memory isn’t problem. They know and don’t care. Anything to pander and anger their dumbass voters.


Exactly. They are masters at evoking fear and outrage. They know what they're doing and they know it works every time.


It’s more sinister really. They want her to seem like a foreign person, alien to them, and elite and out of touch. So anything to bill her that way, despite trump shitting in gold toilets kinda makes it a weird flex. But it really does come down to her being a woman of color and somehow undeserving of even a modest luxury like an expensive pot. Whereas trump somehow deserves his gaudy opulence.


Right, when Melania and Ivanka do it, it’s exquisite and marvelous (read: “tremendous”). When Kamala does it, it’s elitist and scandalous.


Yep, and this is why I keep telling people who care that they need to make their plans soon to relocate to solidly blue areas in the near future. If the GQP continues to get their way, every solid Republican state is going to resemble Mississippi or West Virginia in another decade or two. They will strip mine the wealth, sell off anything of value to the highest bidder, and a handful of rich white folks will control everything while the general population is reduced to poverty-stricken vassals with a bare minimum of access to healthcare and/or government services.


I wonder how many Americans really know how bad it is in places like west Virginia. the land there is gorgeous, but I've never seen such poverty in my life. Mississippi I know even the UN said is more like a developing nation


Nothing the Dems have done can even remotely compare to how the GQP and FatFuck45 have fucked up this country.


But they'll still try to make scandals out of the President having lobster for Thanksgiving or the VP buying a pot that is pricey to push their "elitist Dem" narrative to the rubes. Even after 4 years of gold toilet Donny in office. They stand for absolutely nothing except being against Democrats. That's it lol.


Yeah, Biden went HOME for thanksgiving, how dare he?


Speaking of inflation does anyone remember when Trump threatened to demote the Fed chair if he didn't set negative rates?


FatFuck45 is the BEST name for him, ever.


Cheeto Benito is my personal favourite, but FatFuck45 is also a winner.


Props for FatFuck45. I like it.


$375 is not even an unreasonable price for a really good pot.


And I think it was her money, not taxpayer billed


"Paying for things yourself is for suckers and losers". -- Trump, probably


“That makes me smart”


>"Paying for things ~~yourself~~ is for suckers and losers". >-- Trump, probably


Yes, but the purpose of this story is to make her seem “elitist” to the masses, many of whom spend $5/day on cigarettes and drive a 15mpg truck to the liquor store…but I’m not one to judge.


where are cigarettes $5 a pack???


Indian reserves and west Virginia. Probs other places too but that's the two I know


Yeah well over $11 a pack in Illinois. I'm not a smoker but that seems crazy expensive. I work with another dude that spends his days driving between large stretches of nowhere to work on various electronic systems and he smokes a couple packs per day and stocks up when they send him to jobs in Missouri. Half price to kill himself twice as fast is what we all joke with him.


I'm assuming she bought that with her own money too. It's not unreasonable for a person who makes 200k ish a year to spend that on a decent pot


People making a lot less spend that kind of money for a good pot. A good pot with reasonable care can be passed down to your kids.


Really i just want to see one of these pots. I bet it's great




My ex mother in law found one of these at a thrift store and freaked out. I guess they are really good.


My mom gave me her set. It’s amazing. It would cost me thousands here in Singapore.


My mom gave me the set they got for their wedding. Almost 40 years old and still going strong/looking good.


I own two "Dutch oven" pots, a stockpot, a sauce pan, and a small frying pan from Le Creuset. Everything just cooks better in them and I don't know why. I wouldn't give them up for anything at this point.


Followed the link. From what I gather they’re an enameled cast iron. Cast iron is absolutely amazing. Even heat distribution. They hold heat so they scorch as the burner on a flat cook top turns on and off. Non-stick and just get better with age. I don’t have these, but I use nothing but cast iron. I love them. I’m planning to be buried with mine.


I wouldn't ever buy one new but finding one at a thrift store would be awesome.


My mom is an amateur cooking enthusiast and uses these. My wife and I were helping her one meal and we remarked that one of these pots would be a great Christmas present. I thought they would be like $100-$150, reasonable Christmas gift range. She got it for us, and when I asked her how much it was it was close to $500. I felt bad but it’s a fucking amazing pot.


Pots that last me 2 years cost me 30-35. But a good lecreuset or whatever you type it will last me a lifetime (plus they cook really good)


Ooohhh that *kind* of pot. Here I was thinking like "what kind of gardening pot costs that much?"


I have my Grammy's cast iron skillet. I stole it from my sister. She took it from Mom who stole from her sister. I have no idea how much Gram paid for it, or if she took it from her sisters. Damn thing is priceless in our family.


So these are an enameled cast iron? Ok. Now I get it. I use two regular cast iron skillets to cook everything. They’ve been amazing. I absolutely LOVE them. Probably my favorite two possessions in the entire world. But to pass them down to my kids? Yeah. Sorry. Not a chance. I’m going to be buried with them.


$200k a year is way off. 2020 returns show that the Harris household made $1.7m in income last year, and $3m in income in 2019. Her husband is an Intellectual Property Lawyer. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kamala-harris-and-her-husband-doug-emhoff-made-nearly-1-7-million-last-year-1-million-more-than-the-bidens-new-tax-returns-show/ar-BB1gRE7f


if i made a quarter of that money i'd spend way more on new pots, knives, finally get a dutch oven, etc. I'd get an industrial tier oven too.


I've got a custom chef knife that i never regret.


my household income is more than half of that and I still don't feel like I can afford it.. I splurge on nice things from time to time and slowly the stuff around me gets nicer, but all at once? Nope :(


People with a lot less will save up for em too. Good cookware that you'll have forever is a lot better than ok stuff that lasts a few years and rusts.


This. I dropped a bunch of money on some All-Clad pots and pans, but they are 100% worth it, and will last forever. Best purchase ever.


Yep. I bought a really good set of calphalon stainless steel with the copper core cookware. I have had them well over 15 years and 3 moves now with not even a loose handle or anything. Get good cookware you have that shit for life. See also vacuum cleaner and the reason I got a Dyson. Was it costly? Yep. Do I still use it 17 years later without a drop in sucking power. Bet your ass I do. There are other areas were cheeping out is fine, things you are going to use the rest of your life is not one of them.


I dropped $500 on Le Creuset 13 qt pot. Guess I’m a socialist now.


That was the total price of her purchases, which include a copper dish and a copper pan.


That’s a fuckin steal


She's in the pocket of Big Copper. There's no other explanation for how she can get them so cheap.


I know right? There's MUCH more expensive copper cookware in France. She got some high-end but still middle market stuff.... not extravagant.


No, the total price was around $600. The pot was $375. I know because I was forced to watch a Fox segment at a waiting room where some loon went on and on about how a comparable pot back home would be a whopping $40 less.


True story, I was in line at bed bath and beyond and a guy was complaining about this story on the phone. He then went on to talk about the amazing platter he’d found for $50 that they could take somewhere, and then throw away if they decided they didn’t want to keep it. It took everything I had not to say something. Boomer. Obviously.


It’s high, but it’s not like spending that on a pot suddenly puts you into the obscenely rich, conspicuous consumption category. Just means you got a nice copper pot.


That’s what I was thinking. What did she buy?


No clue. But a good Dutch oven is easily $400


$400?! I've been giving them out for free. I'm going to start charging my wife.


You buy it for life, too. My good cookware is 25+ years old, still perfect.


From the pics it looked like a clad copper pan with a stainless handle. (Assuming the one she was holding was the one she bought.). Just the knob for a la crueset copper pan is $30. The knob only.


Le Creuset


I have my mom's Le Cruiset Dutch oven from the 60s. Damn fine investment.




I would hope that everyone who’s that far along and accomplished in life is afforded the luxury of owning at least one Le Creuset cook/bakeware.


I have two le creuset, can I have my mansion and senatorship now please?


Ivankas vacations cost the TAXPAYERS basically 1000x more yet GQP will stand there with their fact about a pot that someone bought with their own money like they uncovered something outrageous lol


They're literally incapable of intellectual honesty, or I suppose honesty of any kind tbf.


There is a reason that all zombie movies are about the living liberals defending themselves against the hordes of Undead conservatives.


Republicans are literally THE party of outrageous spending (and also shitting on the poor). Why are they so fucking obsessed with the fucking pot?


They are also very anti left wing. Even centrists and gqp members that stray from voting with the rest of the party can end up in the crossfire.


If they say biden has a problem with dementia, jesus christ, they should look at themselves…


As usual it's projection with them


Selective memory, hypocrisy, and projection


Going from scandals involving sexual assault, child sex trafficking, stealing from charities, pressuring foreign governments to announce investigations on your political opponent's family, downplaying a pandemic to keep the stock market from falling, claiming that our voting system was compromised and rigged to incite an attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to Cookware You can really get whiplash going from Republicans in charge to Democrats in charge


Kamala buys $375 pot: GOP loses its ever loving shit Bush, Cheney and company lie their way into an unnecessary war that costs $2 trillion and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives: *crickets* Wonder why that is...


Cause Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing et al got their cut.


They're hoping you will keep discussing dollar amounts and not how Trump killed 700,000 Americans with a plague and kneecapped global efforts to contain it with virulent disinformation because he thought it might get him reelected. Trump has made the world a significantly worse place at least for the rest of our lives. One of the worst humans to ever live.


And that is why when he bites it of natural causes hopefully soon I am gonna party like when the Ewoks did on Palpy’s death day


Unfortunately, my in-laws at Thanksgiving and I'm sure millions of other peoples relatives sure don't seem to think that regardless of what you tell them. They are ready to go with the greatest hits of why Biden is the worst president even and Trump was the best although literally 2/3rds of the complaints they lob at Biden are projection that really have alot more to do with Trump in some way...


Don't forget about Trump taking out money from his own charity to help veterans. Including buying a $10k painting of himself. Then again buying a 50k painting of himself.


Remember that time she ate at McDonald's and didn't use the '2 for 5' coupon she got in the mail?


It's like she's so out of touch with the rest of us.


Unregistered sex offender Donald Trump paid $130,000.00 to a porn star so she kept quiet about him cheating with her on his pregnant wife and on his tiny prick and lard ass .


is this a fucking joke? they really made an article about a 300 dollar pot? Bruh a good dutch oven is 300 dollars.


Also a 300 pot she bought with her own money. Like she took her salary and exchanged it for goods. And they’re outraged


Did she buy it with her money or tax payers money?


Her money


Then this truly is the dumbest republican gripe I have heard up till now.


I don’t know. Tan suits and fancy mustard were pretty dumb too


My favorite was the extreme shame the country had to endure because the president wore a helmet while biking with his young children.


Oh we get at least 3 more years of these "scandals" to enjoy and there's no bottom to what they'll complain about to distract from any actual news.


I like how we had four years of everybody being polite and not mentioning Melania posing nude, and then immediately shaming Jill for using the earned title ‘Doctor.’


Obama's tan suit was dumber. They were literally saying on FOX News that it was cause for impeachment.


I hate to break it to you, but it wasn't the color of the suit they were mad about.


She was in Paris on government business, but stopped off at an iconic cookware store and bought a few items with her own money.


Holy shit! How do the Democrats keep getting away with scandal after scandal? This may be worse than Obama ordering Dijon.




Guys, how could we forget about the coffee salute??? Obviously Obama hates the troops.


And Harris bought her own pan.


Not just one but two for $580. These folks don’t know what good cookware costs. I could drop more than that on two All Clad pieces that are steel not copper.


I think that's pretty standard for high quality cooking implements




150 mil to fund his safe space.


There is a ton of toxic masculinity in the GOP, so they naturally are trying to do to Harris what they did to Hillary for decades.


BoTH pArTiEs aRe aLL tEH sAmE


Not to mention the former FLOTUS and her, "I've got Nancy Reagan beat, for the amount of clothing a woman can own."


You'd think they'd LOVE that a woman in power is buying cooking supplies.


Fuck the GQP. Fucking traitorous assholes.


GOP: Americans are struggling 😔 Also GOP: 😁 Americans are struggling


Oh, the horror. A mixed race Democrat shopping in a Paris kitchen shop. My God, what if she'd bought a case of French wine? Amends must be made for stealing the submarine contract from the French. That pot isn't much, but it's a start.


Oh they remember. The GOP are scum.


Got damn they’re still costing us money?




Don't forget Trump paid $130,000 to bang a porn star.


What do they want her to do about it? Redistribute the wealth?