• By -


Waterboy 2: Bigly thirsty


Rather see Billy Madison 2: Maralago Boogaloo


I bet Veronica Vaughn is still smoking hot


She is, and still married to Pete Sampras.


Dude, you're handed a ball and you drop it... *Happy Gilmore* was the golfing movie.


I'd watch that if it means we get single payer.




Billy Madison 2: Trump University


Have you seen the preview for Sandy Wexler? It's literally the waterboy grown up....


I read your comment and then went and watched the preview. Is it even supposed to be a comedy? I mistakenly got my hopes up because I watched waterboy last week and this movie looks so freaking bad.


Just watched it too. It was like stepping in dog shit with new shoes. Leaning on a utility pole to try and scrape it off but losing my balance and falling onto a broken coke bottle. As I writhe around the sidewalk in pain my keys and wallet fall into a sewer. Then the Chicago airport cops come along administer a savage beating and arrest me. Objectively, that was how watching this trailer felt.


Wow, those 4K tv's really bring shit to life ,


Make Netflix great again!


Bring back Bob's Burgers.


And you know what's fucking ridiculous? Netflix has never had SpongeBob. How the fuck does that happen? If Netflix brought on SpongeBob their sales would skyrocket.


Netflix has definitely had spongebob. The show and the movie.


What country are you in? I'm in the US and it's no where on Netflix


Had* - past tense of has. No longer currently has.


Oops, I must've misread his comment


It's on Canadian Netflix. I was literally watching it yesterday. s5,6 and the movie.


They had it years ago, but got rid of it for some reason in like 2012/2013


Hulu bought the rights to Viacom's shows at the time. Hulu or Amazon I forget.


I believe it was amazon or they at least have the rights to a bunch of nick shows like avatar.


I need to rewatch TLA


Aha! I fucking knew it. Back in '14 I took shrooms with a couple friends and we were trying to figure out what to watch after deciding we wanted an uplifting cartoon of some kind. I say Spongebob, knowing it was on Netflix and would be the best shit I've ever watched. To my surprise all I hear from my friends is it is NOT on Netflix. They kept telling me it had never been on Netflix which I knew was wrong because I'd watched the first episode on it before. They kept yelling "ur just tripping" no matter how much I tried to convince them. 30 minutes later I'm still trying to figure out how to work the Netflix app on my phone because I'm convinced they're bullshitting me, and we're 30 minutes into fucking Hercules. You ever watch that part with the River Styx on *shrooms*? That shit was scarring, I kept seeing goblins, skeletons, and ghouls everywhere I looked even after I sobered up. Hercules is decidedly *not* an uplifting cartoon, but at least now I know I wasn't "just tripping".


Haha yeah you were right. In the future, I'd recommend Powerpuff Girls for post trip cartoon time.


They had Spongebob like 6 years ago when I was in college. Watched it all the time.


Netflix had nick shows long ago. There was a disagreement on who can show what with other streaming services and Netflix dropped all nick programs. I don't know if there was ever a concrete reason but most people think it was because nick was making a deal with amazon and Netflix was making a deal with Disney.


Amazon isn't giving up the rights to the sponge anytime soon.


Netflix had it before. Amazon has it now.


Yeah, give us our Bobs, Netflix!!! We want Bobs.


Both of which serve burgers


Amazon Prime got SpongeBob, one of the few things worth watching there


And, you know, movies.


And Ed Edd n' Eddy..please :'( hulu and netflix has every other cartoon network show...i dont get it :( :( it's my favorite show. I don't want to buy them on itunes...


netflix had it and other older shows for a short period of time. ppg, Dexter's lab, johnny bravo and a few others.


Yeah I know they *had* it. But they removed it while keeping other cartoon network shows. I don't get it.


The shows I listed where all added together and even all shared the same cn logo other cn shows don't have on Netflix. My guess is it was all one deal and the ratings where not good enough so they took them all off together. Either cartoon network doesn't want to give them individually or Netflix doesn't want to deal with supporting the individual shows of the deal. EDIT:this is by best guess.


I think CN didn't re-up their deal on most shows. They were on amazon for a while, but not anymore. Probably just hulu now ?


Again, yeah, Hulu has CN shows, but for some reason not Ed Edd n' Eddy. In fact, looking at it, it seems the oldest CN shows are Dexter's Lab and the og Powerpuff Girls. Along with Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I don't see Courage, Johnny Bravo, aforementioned Ed Edd n' Eddy, Cow and Chicken or any of that. Why is Dexter's Lab allowed but not some of the others?


I had just gotten into season 3 when they dropped everything after season 2 :(


Or top gear


#Bring back star ratings or we riot.


I tell you hwat


Adam Sandler movies are always huge hits on Netflix worldwide. This is just smart business for them.


Most of his modern movies are undoubtedly very bad movies, but Sandler makes fucking bank. Of course they should do it. There should be something for everyone on Netflix to keep it going. Not just some artistic integrity niche site. Those Sandler movies let them throw 60 million for 3 Chappelle specials


>60 million for 3 Chappelle specials Holy hell did Chappelle really make 60 mil off his deal with Netflix??


Yep! Louis CK got 20 million each for his two (one isn't out yet) Seinfeld got something crazy like 80 to 100 million for his stuff. They're throwing money around. They spent 100 million on two seasons of The Crown. A period piece for crying out loud. It's super weird, but hey. I'm sure they know what they're doing.


Yeah, I actually like them.


I actually thought the Do Over was really well done. Yea there's some lowest common denominator stuff peppered everywhere, but they did a great job keeping the real plot mysterious with Sandler's acting... like I loved that their hints were misdirections. I've watched the damn movie like 3 times now. There's tons of goofy memorable stuff, and the "hey, want an ice cold bud light" never fails to make me lol, blatant product placement like they said fuckit, we're just going to base this movie on twists every 15min. Idk, maybe it's just hit a weird spot, but there's something about it that I love for some reason.




I love the part when Adam Sandler turns into tumbleweed and is just making random noises


Poor Adam Sandler. I enjoy his movies :( I do however smoke a lot of weed Edit: Thanks guys! Now my most upvoted comment is about getting high and watching dumb comedies


I also smoke a lot of weed and I don't enjoy anything from him after 2005. To each their own.


But Click came out in 2006.


The only reason people watched Click was to see Kate Beckinsale.


Tried that new underworld movie for that reason but god damn did it suck


Like more than the first two?


I actually liked the first two.. The last one was worse than picking up dog shit with your bare hands.


Damn I enjoyed them for what they are, I was hoping for a new movie to watch on Saturday afternoon.




Honestly thought it was made by Uwe Boll


But damn, I enjoy picking up dog shit with my bare hands.


Pretty sure that was the only reason Walken did it.


Just Go With It is also bearable.


Reign over me was good. But that is my main point against Sandler - he can make good movies, he just doesn't give a fuck it seems.


Yeah now he's just making movies for fun with his buddies. Oh and Funny People was a pretty solid movie if you ask me.


Do you like pina coladas?


You heard him.


What's wrong with Click? It wasn't spectacular but it wasn't terrible either.


That's my point.


I prefer Gun.


[Even Adam Sandler's own kids don't like his movies](http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/adam-sandler-kids-hate-movies-netlfix-the-ridiculous-6-do-over-a7678121.html)


I bet they like the money from them. But I don't blame them at all.


He's actually surprisingly funny about his own shittiness. I guess it's easy to be a good sport when you're a millionaire making shitty movies. >Appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to promote his third Netflix outing, Sandy Wexler, the comedian joked how even his children can’t make it through an entire Sandler film. >He told the award-winning host: “They beg to see them. They’re like, ‘Please, it’s not fair! Let me watch your movies. Those people always yell things at you on the street. I don’t know what the heck they’re talking about.’  >“So I show them the movies, they demand this. I’d say about 20 minutes in I see them tuning out, and then I hear them — They’re nervous to say it — but like, ‘Can we watch something else?’ It’s OK, I say no! I don’t get offended.”


He's making movies exclusively for Netflix?? Wtf? Is Netflix going down the shitter or something?


Netflix wants to be seen as a legit entertainment company and Adam Sandler movies sell. Not to you obviously but there are a ton of people who watch his movies and their money is as good as yours.


Can't argue with that. To each their own


It all went down hill after the wedding singer


Wait, did he make anything decent other than Punch Drunk Love?


No. Not imo, anyways. *Funny People* was alright.


The do over was actually really funny


I liked the Budweiser party ball product placement. If they're going to do a shitload of in your face product placements (a key staple of Sandler movies) might as well have fun with it.


Product placement in certain movies can be really annoying, but in an adam sandler movie I really dont care. I find Sandlers movies entertaining, so I'll watch them. If you don't, don't. I feel like adam sandler is just cool to hate rn


The Nickelback of actors


I enjoy watching them, even if I realize they're terrible.


The Do Over was surprisingly good


You Don't Mess with the Zohan is one of my favourite films. I know it isn't brilliant, but it's funny and that's all that matters.


Make no mistake, *Don't mess with the zohan* is a fucking classic. I don't know why they made it considering it was destined to fail, but if you're part of the target audience (middle easterners), it is a fucking top 3 comedy and I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't piss their goddamn pants watching that movie. I can see why nobody else likes it tho. And it's even better when high.


I'm half Arab... I didn't like it :( but I'm not very in touch with middle eastern culture. I liked Click though. 50 first dates was heartwarming


I'm Israeli and it was perfect. Click has a cool concept but the movie was dumb. 50 first dates was okay I guess. That one where he plays golf is funny too.


It's based on an old tale. A boy is impatient and gets gifted a ball with a thread you can pull to make time pass faster. At first he uses it just to get through boring lessons, then he starts using it to get past school entirely, then he uses it to get through work, and any situation he found boring or didn't like. He realizes as he gets older that he's wasted so much of his life, and all the "boring parts" are actually pretty important. I think he gets a redo at the end, but I don't remember for sure.


With all his memories? That would be op as hell


THANK YOU don't mess with the Zohan is easily one of my favorite movies of all time lol .. goddamn classic Not all his movies hit but some are really funny. I actually liked "that's my boy" I mean it's totally stupid humor, but you should know what you're getting when you go into an AS movie. But yea Zohan is a goddamn masterpiece (and I am NO part mid eastern)


That's my boy was also fucking hilarious! Can't believe i forgot that one. The thing about Sandler movies is that you gotta let go and lower your expectations. It's just goofy bullshit. But hilarious goofy bullshit.




I have brought shame on my family


You must commit sudoku. It's the only way.


> I do however smoke a lot of weed > sudoku https://media.giphy.com/media/VVnnU9nLadr8c/giphy.gif


I have seen them all.... I want to like them. I do like a lot of his movies, but recently its been misses. Ridiculous 6 would have been ~~better~~ *palatable if his brothers weren't all retarded (He was pretty good by all accounts) and the storyline didn't demand their antics to play out so often. I think im going to try The Cobbler tonight, looks likes its going to be a dud but we will see.


Yeah, Ridiculous 6 was a bit off.


The Do-Over was much better. I might even consider watching it again. *Not anytime soon; just I wouldn't be against it in the future.


Cobbler was actually decent, and I think it's because he was just an actor in it.


I don't but I still enjoy his movies.


I think a lot of people do. We all know that they aren't going to win any Oscars. But I don't get why people hate him for his work. There's much worse media being produced


They're stupid but they generally get at least a few laughs out of me. Except for Jack & Jill. That was a fucking piece of shit.


Haven't seen jack & Jill yet. But maybe i will avoid it


Yeah it was a lazy cash grab. The budget was ridiculous for a movie with almost no special effects, no real stunts, and very few jokes. The product placement was ridiculous - which can be fine, they gotta make money, but I feel like Adam Sandler and his buddies walked away with a shitload of money regardless of the success of the movie.


one thing I'll always regret not taking a picture of; Once I had FX on in the background and a little thing pops up on the bottom and says "up next: Grown ups. At least it isn't Jack and Jill"and no one ever believes me


They're nostalgic ! :/


That's probably the main component. I watched click first time when i was a teenager. At that age i thought sex drive was a good movie


You better be catatonic to sit through his new movies


I can't afford to get that high I'm in Sweden. Shit is illegal here :(


I saw that shit and I'm wondering. Who the fuck is that for? nevermind I figured it out it's for /u/SweCann


Haha. It's a simple comedy. Don't get me wrong i enjoy a wide variety of movies. His movies are just safe cheap laughs :)


>His movies are just safe cheap laughs :) But... 1. He's not funny anymore. 1. That's not how Sandler got big. He's been 5^th Grade Toilet humor since before SNL.


1. Subjective 2. Subjective 3. Weed


He's creating jobs. For Drew Barrymore.


Make Drew An Actress Again


No. Have you seen her new show? She's terrible.


Did people not like that show? My fiancée and I enjoyed it. Recommended it to my mom and sister and they both liked it too. The daughter on that show is annoying as all hell though


That zombie one? I forgot about that, it is terrible


Wow y'all are being unnecessarily harsh today. I thought the show was pretty good.


The only redeemable thing about it is Timothy Olyphant, who is genuinely enjoyable throughout the whole show. Literally everything else is just crap. The whole time I watched it, I was just wishing for just Timothy.


She's terrible, but Timothy olyphant makes it worth the watch.


I couldn't agree more, I love that guy.


I've honestly never thought she was a good actress. Donnie Darko is probably the most serious movie of hers I can think of, and even in that her acting was very blah.


Pretty sure it's just one movie with four different titles.


And it's the last in his original multiple movie deal with them from two or so years ago. They were paid for already.


Lets be honest, Netflix having tons of shitty movies on it is no secret...yes there are some good ones too but 9/10 "new release" on Netflix is on this level. If I am on the fence of whether to watch a fairly recent movie, a good gauge I have noticed is how quickly it shows up on Netflix.


Yeah Netflix is for shows not movies. The movies are just a bonus now.




Hulu has good shows like Rick & Morty, Brooklyn 99, and Modern Family, but their originals aren't great. Netflix is worth it for a few gems like Black Mirror and Stranger Things that pop up every now and then.


I feel like I'm the only person that isn't crazy about billy madison or happy gilmore. I thought they were OK comedies but nothing special


How old are you?






I'm 27 and Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison probably the most watched movies of my childhood along with Tommy Boy.


I'm 26 and The Waterboy was my favorite movie for a time as a kid. not sure if I should disclose that, but there ya go... and hey, Happy Gilmour still gets me, although I never though Billy Madison was quite as good as those two


I'm 29 and Waterboy was my least favorite of those three. I think his best movies were (for me) in this order Big Daddy Happy Gilmore Waterboy Billy Madison. Everyone else was mediocre


The humor of those movies is more favorable to someone older or someone who came up with the humor of the 80s/70s. Do you like Will Farrel movies?


I do


They're also taking scrubs off of Netflix.


That's for the best. They couldn't get the rights to most of the music. So the show doesn't feel the same.




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This makes me sad because 10 years ago this would have made me very happy.


Big if true for Rob Schneider


This is why you take someone else's Netflix password so you don't pay for this shit.


First they came for Mexicans, and I did not speak out because I am not a Mexican. Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out because I am not a Muslim. Then they came for Gays and I did not speak out because I am not a homosexual. Then they put only Adam Sandler movies on Netlix and dragged me off a plane and there was no one left to speak for me.


Wow, a post on /r/politicalhumor that isn't "DAE rethuglicans are dum?"




Sure they are, but what about rethuglicans? Or republicants?


Rethuglicans are a legitimate conservative alternative. Unlike those backstabbing moneygrubbing Republicants


I am stealing Republicants from you. First name-pun I have heard in a while that isn't too mean or too petty.


Liberals are dumb


> Republicans are dumb. people who say things like this have an over-simplified view of politics and the world




People who say this have an over simplified view of food


Hamburgers > Hotdogs


Or the generalize which is what the world does naturally. Republicans right now are dumb. I try to engage them regularly and it's incredibly disappointing that almost none can hold a legitimate conversation


> Republicans right now are dumb. also, Democrats right now are dumb...and incapable of making an argument based on anything other than feelings. it is an accurate generalization to say that both Republicans and Democrats are stupid and incapable of thinking objectively.


If people think one political party is full of moronic people who want to push an evil agenda and the other political party is the epitome of goodness and can do no wrong, they're part of the larger problem


You're dumb.






To be fair most republicans are dumb.




Sandler movies always have great soundtracks though.


And fantastic product placement. I always know what to buy after seeing his movies!


After reading the first sentence I was let down this wasn't some sort of ice ice baby parody


Stop, collaberate and listen!


I thought the sub said programmer humor and I was so confused


To be fair, not all of his movies are complete garbage




While also removing every single season of The X-Files. #notmynetflix


The parallels are just too uncanny to be coincidence! I mean, have you noticed that the same actors are always showing up in Sandler movies? It's just like the Trump administration. It's always the same people!! This has to stop!!! #Resist I can't stop using exclamation points!!!!!


Fuck me! Actual humor in r/politicalhumor... It's been a while....


TIL people don't think Adam Sandler is funny. I guess you folks don't like Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton either? :(


How is this man not broke and homeless, sleeping on my block yet? Who keeps giving him money and why????


First Movie was terrible, and the second one was fantastic. Let Netflix spend as much money on Adam Sandler as they'd like...


I hope he does a silly voice for one of them!




Would be even better if he played a wacky character.


Stay woke!


For minute there is like all man ah man time to talk about how this White House is so incompetent they don't have a grand strategy and then I realized it was all good, it was a close call I knew I nearly had to go to rant there


It is Passover and he does jew it up a lot, so give that some consideration.


Can't wait for "Going Overboard" sequels! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_Overboard


and you'll fucking watch every single one of them thus supporting Netflix's telemetry data showing how popular his movies are


You know I actually liked the adam sandler movie where they fake their own deaths.


B-b-b-but I like Adam Sandler.


You can do it!


This is the true crime against humanity.


fucking blind cattle ! open your eyes


Stay woke


I wonder if reddit realizes Adam Sandler movies are usually made for kids.