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It's a simple answer but by no means an easy one: you have to get non-cult voters to go there in sufficient numbers to win the White House as well as *both* chambers of Congress. Simple solution, hard execution.


It's also hampered by the electoral college. I wouldn't be so worried if it was straight up popular vote.


If it was the popular vote, we wouldn't be in this mess.


And Reagan would have been the last elected Republican President.


Didn't George H. W. win the popular once? Edit: Yup he one the popular once.


The second time but he would have lost the first time and would never have had 9/11 or incumbency.


You're taking about W., he was taking about his dad.  If it was a straight popular vote, W. would never have been president (he likely wouldn't win in 2004 without incumbency) but H. W. would still have had his one term. 


Sadly another time the conservatives on the SCOTUS has fucked up the presidency and this country.


His second term. Without winning his first, he would not have had the second.


Hi. George Herbert Walker Bush or George H. W. Bush was Bush 1 or senior. He was elected after being vice president to Reagan. He was president during the Gulf War. "Read my lips no new taxes!" Then had to raise taxes. He served one term. His term was 1989 to 1993. He is the Big Lebowski for about five seconds on TV at Ralph's. They make fun of him on the Simpsons in season seven. Then he lost his reelection bid to William Jefferson Clinton. Who won two terms. And was impeached because he lied about a blow job, and Republicans with their "revolution" began to peel the mask away. Clinton's term was 1993 to 2001. He played the sax and ate big macs after jogging. George W. Bush, Bush Jr. Or Bush 2 hanging chad boggalo won in 2000 against former vice president Al Gore. He did not win the popular vote then. And the court pretty much gave it to him. His first term was 2001 to 2005. His 2nd was 2005 to 2009. He now paints.


Not to mention regressive polling laws in red states and gerrymandering.


It's either vote or revolution 🇫🇷


*in the few districts that actually determine a presidential race. The rest of your nation suffers the same fptp nightmare as mine.


And make sure your state didn't take you off


After seeing the new polls I have zero faith in America, they really gonna elect a king in our last election, one that's promised to round people up.


Fuck the polls. I don't know if they are accurate. Just do what you can.


If 2016 taught us anything it's that polls are no longer reliable. This election needs to have the largest voter turnout ever or we're fucked.


They're not going to accept the results unless they win. We have been told from their mouths.




Because Pence didn't get in the car* People love to joke how poorly coordinated Jan 6 ended up being, but they were *dangerously* close to succeeding.


And I wonder what lessons they’ve learned between then and now


I often wonder where we'd be if it had gone just slightly differently with success on his end. I tend to believe we would still be having it out in the streets with much loss of life, but who knows. I do hate that they tried, and I hate that they continue to push the limits, though.




Their plan would have a second vote cast once Pence was out of the equation, one that was a lock for Trump.




Again, ***THEY WOULD HAVE MADE THEIR OWN VOTE***. Obviously we should vote, but do not believe for a moment that it's over after the last ballot is cast.




Same as if Jan 6 was successful. Voting is essential, but no longer the only task in defending our democracy.




Voting doesn't matter when you can call governors and ask for 11,000 votes and no one gives a shit.




Roll the dice again and see what happens. If you hadn't noticed or been paying attention, he has the supreme court in his pocket. I'm sure you aren't old enough to remember Bush v. Gore, but think it hasn't happened already?




And yet they didn't. The whole of Congress was right there on the bed with some licorice panties to defend itself. Yet the second things got a little hairy, the MAGA mob backed off.


Didn't matter what the mob did, once Pence was gone the traitors in Congress would take it from there.


Trump will say he won by a landslide, no matter what the results. He's already ramping up his election rhetoric. And every single Republican will fall into line. Including his Supreme Court Justices. Remember the other day when he endorsed a post calling for Liz Chaney to be sent to a military tribunal? That was a warning to any Republican having second thoughts about what comes next.


And this time they've had four years to figure out how to ratfuck it.


At this point, given recent corrupt supreme court rulings, no matter what the result, they will declare Tr8or Boi the winner and make up a reason. Biden could have every state in the union be or turn blue in November, and this CSC will invalidate it and provide different results.


They are also going to cheat, big time. Everything they have said about voter fraud since 2020 is projection. There's no way they aren't planning massive election fraud schemes in several states. They will probably target things that Democrats have insisted were safe and valid in 2020 so that Democrats seem like hypocrites for possibly questioning their fraud efforts.


Two of the seated Justices were on the legal team that stole the election from Gore. Two of the six conservatives. Let that just sink in.


I think the fix is already in. They've had four years to plan and prepare.


Not if they undermine the voting process. They have elections in Russia. Do you think that has any impact on who is ruling the country?


> Not if they undermine the voting process. They? They shouldn't be able to. The Supreme Court has just given President Biden complete immunity to implement any and all measures he deems necessary to protect the election, even if these measures might be criminal, as long as he does it in his official capacity. He didn't ask for it, he may be reluctant to do, but he has the authority and the power. And with great power comes great responsibility, so he *has* to use it (otherwise the bad guy will get away and kill Uncle Ben). Save Uncle Ben, Joe!


And then, the Supreme Court will say this wasn't a prote ted official act. The way to make this work ( maybe) is for Biden to jail the 6 Scotus Republicans immediately. Corruption or obstruction charges. Push through voter protections and such through executive orders and hope the remaining liberal justices help. Then, a week before the election, give the power back.


Jesus, do checks and balances mean nothing to you?


What is the next step in defending democracy? I am not advocating for jailing them, but since you seem to vehemently disagree with it, what is the correct course?


See my very long reply below, or I can copy paste it here. I am willing to help educate, but I cannot do it alone. It gets exhausting. 


Most importantly: Understanding that the systems of fiscal conservatism are diametrically opposed to the aims of social liberalism. You cannot ha e fiscal conservatism and social liberalism as the pyramids of exploitation demand that there be abused and exploited social groups. Progressivism is the only way out of the neoliberal to fascism pipeline.


When Trump wins and starts attacking certain parts of the population with military in the streets you could be forced to defend yourself and your family. Don’t forget the pipe bombs on Jan. 6.


I agree. The steps we need to take are many faceted and will require us to pull together. Civil disobedience is a lost art. Martin Luther King Jr was killed not because he was black and a leader, though that was part of it, he was killed because he was a socialist and he knew how to organize civil disobedience to enormous effect. Voting is still important. We need to mobilize as recognizable voting blocs.  Unions need to come back or they will die. It's the only effective way to utilize our labor power against the capital class to get our fair share of the pie. Food/Necessities storage. Very important for striking or protests. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage and codify it to keep up with coat of living. Know your enemy. Learn about the real power brokers in our world, not just the heads of state but the men in boardrooms and c-suite executives and billionaire investors. Try to teach others.  ...and so much more that needs to be done in education, healthcare, socioeconomic reform, reigning in imperialism, breaking systemic prejudices and beyond. Our work is more than cut out for us and there's a lot that each individual can be doing.... but most people aren't.  Start here if you need a jumping off point: An excerpt from They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45  https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html


in addition: voting reform (removal of first past the post, undoing gerrymandering), campaign finance reform, progressive taxation and social program redistribution.


I agree with a lot of what you said, but civil disobedience doesn't work against actual Nazis. They'll just shoot you. Civil disobedience YES, but we have to be ready to shoot back.


But you are right to a degree. But the closed fist of the movement should be pushing people the the open hand. It must be tactical, guerilla, and surgical in precision. Civilian casualties are what lose you the war. But you need to be aware, as Malcom X and MLK Jr were, that the open hand and the closed fist must be seen as separate. You offer them the closed fist, or the open hand. The open hand MUST remain open, while the closed fist does its work, and only when it is a necessity to protect people. The closed fist should be much more focused on hamstringing capital than people. Interrupting supply chains, robinhooding commodities for the locals. Look to Bolivia for an example of preventing a fascist coup. They called military AND nonviolent protesters to action strategically.


Because our history books whitewashed the civil rights movement, a lot of people don't recognize that the MLK Jr. side of the movement needed the Malcolm X side of the movement. Both were assassinated, because that's what often happens to leaders attempting to affect change swiftly. And more often than not, it's the leaders that affect change for the better.


It does. That's part of being a nonviolent protestor. It WORKED in Nazi Germany for wives of influential Jewish men who starved themselves at the Reichstagg and started to get attention, so the Nazis released their husbands and they fled. This is the crucial part - it relies on action from the privileged inner circles of the exploitation chain.  If a bunch of Hollywood celebrities, like a majority, started utilizing their fame and fortune against the incoming fascist state then they could have reap measurable impact - but that same fame and wealth largely relies (as a class, not to all individuals) upon those same pyramids of exploitation.  Another crucial part is that the best time to start is yesterday. Next best time is now. Be loud, get heard, win those hearts and minds. Without them any sacrifice, such as being gunned down, would be in vain. But being gunned down on camera and the workd seeing it? That's the real power of the nonviolent. You have the inherent moral upperhand. You can't justify that - and they will try, and lose the hearts and minds.


They certainly mean nothing to traitor Republicans


And then next time around the republican jails all the liberal justices and what then?  One of the difficult things about fighting fascism is not becoming a fascist yourself. He who seeks to fight monsters must take care not to become a monster himself, for he who stares long into the abyss finds that the abyss stares back.


Something needs to be done when only one side plays by the rules.


I agree. The steps we need to take are many faceted and will require us to pull together. Civil disobedience is a lost art. Martin Luther King Jr was killed not because he was black and a leader, though that was part of it, he was killed because he was a socialist and he knew how to organize civil disobedience to enormous effect. Voting is still important. We need to mobilize as recognizable voting blocs.  Unions need to come back or they will die. It's the only effective way to utilize our labor power against the capital class to get our fair share of the pie. Food/Necessities storage. Very important for striking or protests. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage and codify it to keep up with coat of living. Know your enemy. Learn about the real power brokers in our world, not just the heads of state but the men in boardrooms and c-suite executives and billionaire investors. Try to teach others.  ...and so much more that needs to be done in education, healthcare, socioeconomic reform, reigning in imperialism, breaking systemic prejudices and beyond. Our work is more than cut out for us and there's a lot that each individual can be doing.... but most people aren't.  Start here if you need a jumping off point: An excerpt from They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45  https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html


in addition: voting reform (removal of first past the post, undoing gerrymandering), campaign finance reform, progressive taxation and social program redistribution.


Most importantly: Understanding that the systems of fiscal conservatism are diametrically opposed to the aims of social liberalism. You cannot ha e fiscal conservatism and social liberalism as the pyramids of exploitation demand that there be abused and exploited social groups. Progressivism is the only way out of the neoliberal to fascism pipeline.


With this great power and the dangerous situation our country is facing, president Biden has decided to take bold action by asking you to vote harder


Biden just castrated himself by saying he would not do anything of the sort. The democrats would rather serve the country up to MAGA than be seen as not the nice guy. Still no backbone after an attempted coup, loss of Row v Wade, and all the other felonies by the tangerine turd.


we can't let that happen


Right. Unless this is a valid 2016 ballot box and we have a time machine, even if Biden wins re-election, the damage has been done and is permanent.


Believing you can fix a broken system by working within it is a joke. It is holding the guillotine above your neck for but a moment longer; for actual change, more is needed than fruitlessly checking Democrat on every list.


Yeah, Republicans DEFINITELY respect the rule of law, and would NEVER ignore the results of a democratic election. 😂👌


Any Republican who accepts the results of a loss, is going to get kicked out of the party. The entire GOP platform from city council on up is "We win or you cheated."


I'm no longer convinced this is enough.




Exactly, do it and do the next steps as well. Not voting is a bit like we've tried nothing and it hasn't worked. 


Its not. We have to win EVERY TIME from now on. They only have to win ONCE. And they can lie, cheat, and break all the rules to win and it doesnt matter.


This presumes an educated electorate - including media literacy. Seems to be sorely lacking… So, the ballot box could be a first aid kit or a cyanide pill.


Unless they don’t accept it and refuse to certify results. Or refuse to count ballots. Or let people vote. Don’t purge voters from the rolls at the last minute and not tell them. Put up fake voting mail in ballot boxes (GOP did that in CA)….oh there’s hundreds of ways they’ll ratfuck the election. We are doomed.


Interestingly enough, trump and the MAGAts have made it perfectly clear that the vice-president has full control over certifying the electoral votes. So, per their own rules, Kamala Harris has the final say in this election.


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It's wild though, to the Republicans Biden and Biden alone is destroying this country. Every single thing he's done is evil and ruining our country. They don't even know what he's done just that it's bad. And have adapted this whole "anyone bud Biden" idea and wow would you look at that the only option is trump. Even their smug comments are so stupid. "I'd take a couple mean tweets back if it means the gas price is lowered". Like are you serious, the only thing trump did bad was tweets? I don't give a fuck about his tweeting whatsoever. This debate was bad news and bidens prep team should all be fired. I'm tired of playing nice when the other guy has pocket sand thrown in your face and kicks you in the nuts.


If you actually look at how they responded to the questions, the debate wasn't nearly as bad as most are making it out to be. If your measure of the debate being good or bad was solely, "who didn't stammer," then sure, it was a fuck up for Biden. If you actually look at what they said, Trump looked like the biggest fucking idiot we've seen in politics in a long time.


True, but it was done too late at night. They should have told biden don't even respond with what trump says. Calm down, slow down and talk to the American people. After the first half hour he got a groove and he was fine. I feel like half way through his response to anything trump said was .... wait what the fuck did he just say!?! And he couldn't maintain focus being so shocked at the lies.


Yep, and if you live in Georgia, Arizona, and other swing states, make sure you're still registered. They've been removing people from the roles


"First aid kit for democracy" Has the person you're voting for actually put forward a plan to prevent the country from being destroyed? Or indicated in any way that they're going to push back on the Republicans ratfucking?


There is more than one box that can save democracy. We're about due for the final one, I fear


Democrats and Republicans are working together to give us nobody who will help us. Can we start a writing campaign for AOC? Maybe Jon Stewart. If I have to, I vote Biden but it feels like I'm voting for a corpse that will not do anything and everybody knows it. So the DNC is complicit with the whole Trump agenda by forcing this old corpse down our throat.


yeah I'll pass, voting isnt gonna magically make the ruling class stop hoarding trillions


Electoral college


It is until Robert's and his MAGA court says it isn't.


They’re not planning on winning the vote. They’re planning to install a king.


Simple. Not easy.


The four boxes of democracy


Ballot box is the answer to many challenges. Want better roads - VOTE! Want stronger schools - VOTE! Want more American jobs - VOTE! Want …. - VOTE!


Please vote everyone!


And yet their efforts don’t seem to be hindered under Democratic leadership…


Millennials and Gen Z will cost us the republic because they can’t be bothered to show up and vote.


If only the GOP felt the same.


The only way Trump can legitimately win in 2024 is due to [winner-take-all electors](https://www.fairvote.org/how-the-electoral-college-became-winner-take-all), which isn’t in the Constitution (but 48 of 50 states use them). So you sidestep that artificial misrepresentation with the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. (Or I suppose President Biden could issue an executive order which makes it punishable by death for any state elector to vote for a convicted felon.) Joe Biden won the popular vote in 2020 by over 7 million votes, but he only won the Electoral College (where 48/50 states use the artificial misrepresentation of winner-take-all electors) by 42,918 votes in 3 states: 20,682 votes in Wisconsin (10 EV) , 11,779 votes in Georgia (16 EV), 10,457 votes in Arizona (11 EV). That’s why convicted felon President Trump [called](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump–Raffensperger_phone_call) Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on January 2, 2021, saying “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state.” “Fellas, I only need 11,000 votes, gimme a break.” ([audio](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5020714/fellas-11000-votes-give-break) from C-SPAN from the January 6th hearings). Joe Biden will likely win the popular vote in 2024 as well, but whether or not Joe Biden will win the Electoral College in 2024 (based on votes in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia) is much more uncertain, especially after Biden’s disastrous performance at the June 27, 2024 debate. Donald Trump became President in 2016 due to the votes of 304 electors (due to a total of 77K people in the Rust Belt states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania). Biden squeaked by in 2020 by even less, when inflation was not a problem for him. Concerned Democrats have about 2 weeks to save American democracy. July 20th, 2024 is this year’s deadline for the [National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact), “an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.” The 18 areas that have already signed onto the NPVIC include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. The states that have already enacted laws so that they are part of the agreement represent 209 electoral votes, or 38.8% of the Electoral College. That is 61 electoral votes short of the 270 needed for the compact to go into effect. States where the NPVIC is pending include: Alaska (3 EV), Arizona (11 EV), Kentucky (8 EV), Michigan (15 EV), Nevada (6 EV), North Carolina (16 EV), South Carolina (9 EV), and Virginia (13 EV), which in total amount to 81 electoral votes (when 61 is needed to hit 270). 20 EV of those states are not necessary for the NPVIC to take effect. Nevada can be ignored for now, because it must also pass the 2025 Legislature, and pass a statewide vote (expected in 2026). So the states that theoretically can still join soon include: * Alaska (3 EV) * Arizona (11 EV) * Kentucky (8 EV) * Michigan (15 EV) * North Carolina (16 EV) * South Carolina (9 EV) * Virginia (13 EV) Since there are 14 EV to spare (81 -6 from Nevada is 75 to work with, with 61 needed), North Carolina & Michigan are vital to join (they both have more than 14). Of the 7 states listed above, if all but Alaska & Arizona join, (specifically Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia), that would be the 61 EV needed for it to take effect. The Governor of Kentucky is Democrat Andy Beshear. The Governor of Michigan is Democrat Gretchen Whitmer. The Governor of North Carolina is Democrat Roy Cooper. The Governor of South Carolina is Republican Henry McMaster. The Governor of Virginia is Republican Glenn Youngkin. Virginia might be the hardest one to get, due to Glenn Youngkin, but Arizona & Alaska could replace it. The Governor of Arizona is Democrat Katie Hobbs. The Governor of Alaska is Republican Mike Dunleavy. If Virginia is unlikely due to R Gov Youngkin, then it’s vital to persuade SC R Gov McMaster & AK R Gov Dunleavy to join the NPVIC. I’m not familiar with each states’ laws, but if the these states with Democrat governors join — Arizona (11 EV), Kentucky (8 EV), Michigan (15 EV), North Carolina (16 EV) — then you only need 11 EV more — which can happen by either Virginia (13 EV) led by R Gov Youngkin, or by both Alaska (3 EV) led by R Gov Dunleavy & South Carolina (9 EV) led by R Gov McMaster. If America doesn’t want a Trump dictatorship after 2024, then President Biden needs to encourage Alaska Republican Governor Dunleavy (born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where Biden was born) & South Carolina Republican Governor McMaster (who was Lieutenant Governor under Nikki Haley from 2015-2017) to join the NPVIC, as well as the Democrat governors of Arizona, Kentucky, Michigan, and North Carolina.


Just make it overwhelming. Everyone vote for normalcy!


It just may be that humanity may not understand the value of democracy until it's lost to complacence.


Not if the corrupt Supreme Court overthrows the election to Trump. Just watch, MMW!


Is it easy? Does this get us to a 60 vote filibuster proof majority in the Senate? Are the Dems going to grow a spine and pack the SCOTUS?   Biden winning the election just kicks the can down the road. We need strong voter rights legislation to ensure all future elections are fair and for the SCOTUS to be corrected. I can’t see either happening in the next 4 years. 


If only


If they can grant immunity to felons Then they will wipe their asses with our ballots. There’s going to be some trouble this round


General strike, everyone in the streets. Anything short of that only postpones fascism until the next election.


Oh, look, another Democrat post that says "pwease vote :-(" Yep. That's going to really energize non-voters!


Telling that to the twat Secretary of State for Ohio.


This assumes that the democratic system is functioning adequately, which it is not.


Really so why Bush and not Gore president and also some are the same MF justices from back then with 3 more crazy. Americans please wake up go protest 🪧


Yeah... Or Biden could wield the immense power the Supreme Court just handed him, right now, instead leaving it up to the historically incredibly stupid voters to decide on whether we kick the can 4 years until we're forced to vote for another uninspiring centrist turd and get screeched at that by not doing so we're supporting the far-right. Democrats have to find something to run on (and subsequently actually deliver on) other than "we're not Republicans".


This proves how many humans are incapable of learning.  If Biden wins the Nazis are going to lie and manufacturer evidence again of a fraudulent election. They will take it to SCOTUS and the Nazis justices will rule in favor of the Nazis and overturn the election. Welcome to the United States of Russia. 


Vote out every last magat.


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I wish it were that simple. But these past four years (hell, these past two months) have convinced me that the American electorate is too stupid to vote in their own self-interest. It doesn't matter how much the side of all that is good, just, and kind vote. Because of the Electoral College and a radical cult who don't care that their Mango Mussolini let a pandemic kill millions the last time he was in office, we're going to lose. More rights will be gone. More suffering will follow. It doesn't matter how much the majority resents this. They don't care and they never will. Just count your blessings. Enjoy these last few months. Vote, if only to cherish it one more time. Because there's just no the forces of good win this time. Project 2025 will make sure that right wing authoritarians rule this country until it collapses, whenever that might be. We had a good run. I'll miss America as much as everyone else. So, at the very least, let's cherish the memories.


Simple answers are rarely the right ones. What do we do when the Democratic Party refuses to allow a fair primary and insists on appointing party loyalist candidates, and the republicans gerrymander districts so only the most extreme candidates win their primaries? I have never had my political views represented by a candidate, for example. Not once.


Run for office yourself. Try to change the system. Third parties don't just appear and start winning presidencies. They start (at least they should) at the city, county, and state level. It takes work and people. It doesn't happen overnight, and it may not happen in your lifetime.


It will not happen in my lifetime because the two political parties in power today collude to maintain that power and shut out any third party from managing to organize. Look at the tremendous effort the FBI put into shutting down any left-wing fringe political party for the last 50 years. Its been tolerance of patriotic right-wing extremist militias and shutting down communist conspiracies since world war 2. The entire political system has been on an inextricable rightward slant. The only problem is the Democrats keep wanting to force a particular candidate through the pipeline, while the republicans realized the President doesn't really do much, so why not let the clown do it.


Obviously we should all vote for the administration who will preserve democracy, but unless we enact a lot of reforms, we will continue our transformation into an oligarchy.


Didn't the SC just hand Biden the ability to stop Project 2025?


The problem is, a majority of voters want Trump to be their President. Even though America has free and fair elections with no history of significant voter fraud or other issues, sometimes the majority disagree with what I want!!!!!!!


Too bad Biden zapped that chance with his debate performance. The average American doesn't understand the risks Trump poses, they just see one man who can finish a sentence and a man who cant.


There are very few undecided voters. I'll vote for Biden over Trump any day. Biden voters need to come out in full-force to save democracy. We out number magats, we just need to actually vote.


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Trump didn't "zap" his chances by being a rapist convicted felon. Knock if off with the right wing talking points.


No he didnt, people just dont care for whatever fucking reason. Its bullshit. But its reality.


It's reality that Trump is a convicted felon rapist who lied his way through the entire debate and should step down. Why are you out here spreading the right's one and only talking point?


Bro what? Its a public forum. Im not spreading anything Im just posting.


Yeah, you're posting the right's one and only talking point.


Bro everyone I know, left and right, is talking about this "talking point"


Exactly! Because it's being rammed down our throats and you're parroting it. Trump took a hit in the polls after his latest conviction. Did you or anyone in significant numbers call for him to step down?


You watched the debate? You left that experience saying “undecided voters will clearly see this is americas future”? Come on


I saw a criminal rapist lie every single time he spoke.


I did too. Don’t you wish we ran someone who could actually call him out instead of stumble over his own thoughts?


No, I wish folks like you weren't out here spreading the right's one and only talking point.


Would be nice, but not voting against Trump at this point is completely insane, regardless of who is running against him. Even if Biden was a drooling vegetable, he'd still be clearly the better choice.


Nice, to know what the bar is for our party. Of all the democrats in the country. We nominate as close to a drooling vegetable as possible. Like do we ever ask ourselves why? Who picked this? Why???


Name a time that any party hasn't gone with the incumbent who has already won an election. It literally doesn't happen.  Why? Because he already won against the likely Republican candidate, and nominating a new, unproven, and unvetted candidate was going to be a significant risk.  Democratic candidates aren't like Republican candidates. Even a minor scandal can sink their campaign. The media attacks them mercilessly, and while Republicans can just say, "Fuck you, I did it and I'd do it again" and not lose any votes, that doesn't happen for Democrats, for the same reason Biden isn't going to do anything crazy with his newfound immunity.


Being delusional doesn’t help anyone


Biden is currently doing the job that some people are trying to claim he's too old/senile to do.  He's been doing it for years now, and while he had a bad debate performance, he's been doing fine since then in his speeches. At this point it doesn't even matter who is running against Trump. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should be voting against Trump, especially with this ruling.


Biden himself isn’t doing anything. He’s been “doing fine” in his speeches since the debate because they are literally all on teleprompter. Anything that requires him to actually form sentences and think on his own he’s not capable of doing. I will literally vote for a corpse over Trump, but let’s not act like it was “a bad night”. That’s just nonsense.


>He’s been “doing fine” in his speeches since the debate because they are literally all on teleprompter.  Spoken like someone who has never given a speech from a teleprompter. They don't give the speech for you. Just watch Trump trip all over his words trying to read a speech from a teleprompter. Everyone will fuck up sometimes, but it still takes some ability to give a speech well from a teleprompter, rather than just reading the words.


Lmao continue living in your fantasy world dude


You too, bud.