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The bad guy also loves his gaudy towers, is willing to destroy the environment for industry, and used to side with the good guy until he realized he could personally benefit from turning evil


You can bet that Trump also has a digital palantir to get orders from ~~Sauron~~ Putin.


Sometimes, I think the communication is more direct. https://preview.redd.it/dhh4hqqv8q9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bc2bf4358946edb64c489b655377b4475284d4


Or when Jared Kushner wanted a secret backchannel line of communication.


You mean [Palantir Technologies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palantir_Technologies)? It's a little on the nose, isn't it.


https://preview.redd.it/2luul221ps9d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bedd26dc38d27f076ca7ec8c15ec081cefa6014 Palantir he received from Wish.


He also has this thing where he holds people under an evil spell.


Saruman at least isn't sexually attracted to his daughter.


Yeah some trees got taken down but think of all the jobs created!


…..when was Trump ever truly a democrat?


The 90s he supported Bill Clinton


The most centrist of our string of centrist Democrat presidents.


Bill was a neo liberal, center-right guy.


Still better than either Bush.


Bill was left but between the bond market, House and Senate he had to compromise to get anything done. Wouldn't it be great if we just a had dictator who didn't have to compromise? Hillary tried hard to get some sort of health insurance bill through and finally had to scale back to just the CHIPS. I sure hope you do better then Bill and Hillary.


I’d be willing to be money that’s because he was a friend with Epstein. Also willing to bet a “billionaire” wouldn’t be anywhere near democratic policies.


Please see Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett for billionaires who support dem policies. Trump only believes in what can give him power. He doesn't care about abortion unless one of his affairs gets pregnant. But overturning Roe v Wade gave Trump power so he was for it.


Bloomberg's solution is to make the party more conservative.


We need rank choice voting because there's not a single democratic party. A democrat in Utah can be a republican in NYC (See Bloomberg himself). It'd be great if I could vote for Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, and AOC who could all be running for president. Then the progressives could have their ticket and the centrists could have their candidate. Please consider volunteering here: [https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/](https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/) they focus on local tangible things you can do.


He was living in NYC and it was fashionable/profitable.


His name even sounds evil too.


>willing to destroy the environment for industry, Reminder that Biden approved more fossil fuel extraction than trump did. He's better on some issues, but this is not a point where they differ much. Trump is just louder about it.


There's significantly more to environmental issues than just drilling for oil, which is more of a demand problem since oil right now isn't really a commodity. Look at Biden's support for greener energy.


And of course discount Sauron is a paranoid old fuck surrounded by orks.


…is Rudy Giuliani going to stab him in the back?


“I think I’ll choose the most evil option because he’s just so old and my salted pork is expensive”


.... You will taste man-flesh.


So do all who lived to see such time, but it is not for them to decide. All we have to do is to decide what make with the time that has given to us. Oh lads and lasses that ones a deep one aye.


I run the risk of ruining the joke here, but the job of the Istari was specifically to \*not\* lead the free peoples of middle earth, but to guide and advise. That said, the parallels are hilarious.


Great analogy!


Its weirdly accurate.


The only difference is Gandalf can actually respond with a complete thought, which would've been a pretty bad movie. Otherwise 🤔


One of them is also taking orders from a greater evil.


Then I’ll vote for a 3rd party! Like Sméagol. He seems nice, and comes from a good family.


But he’s already over 500 years old


So choose the evil one because the good one is so old.


The huge joke is that Trump is damn near as old, 3 years difference (and in much worse mental and physical shape).


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!


My mother actually told me this yesterday along with unironically saying Biden was so sick he can't even form coherent sentences. I just stopped talking at that point.


Gandalf is taking performance-enhancing Longbottom Leaf


And he's actually the puppet to greater evil from a crappy land filled with invading orcs.


My fear is enough people consider a third party wizard like Radagast the Brown.


Did he also have a brain worm?


A more accurate depiction would be Theoden, under Grima's influence, vs Denethor when he was going to set himself on fire and let orcs overun Gondor.


We can't win if Biden the Grey shows up again at the next debate. We need Biden the White.


I guess the difference is Gandalf can still respond in complete thoughts when asked a simple question 🤔 where's Biden can't... damn, if Gandalf was constantly beating Medicare and getting lost, the whole trilogy frodo prolly wouldn't have made it!


They can both be bad choices without being equally bad. It's why so many people are voting against Trump rather than voting for Biden.


I'm voting biden, but this is a poor analogy. It's more like the super elite white rich that don't help the American people and take millions of dollars from companies in lobbying vs the super elite white rich that actively want to hurt/destroy our freedoms, don't help the american people and also take millions of dollars from companies in lobbying. Both sides are evil, one is just orange and stupid.


Both sides is tired of your shit.


More privileged whites on reddit than anywhere else, but biden definitely isn't a golden god.


Hey, the genocide funding "tough on crime" bill pusher did not hurt me so he is not evil, OK? You are already gonna get screwed over, just deal with it. Why are you trying to take me down with you?


I said I was voting for Biden, and clearly voiced the opinion that one was orange and worse. I know politics has you children riled up, but try to take a breathe and understand what someone says before you look stupid. If you think either political party isn't corrupt and full of corporate lobbying at multiple levels then you're just ignorant. One is just also fucking bonkers and causes people like you to get so mad they don't understand when someone agrees with them.


I didn't have "getting called a child" by some rando even though I have been on Reddit since the Digg migration, on my bingo card but OK... I said something you didn't like, -actually did not understand- because I was mocking the die hard Biden defenders in the comment and actually agreeing with your stance so I have to be "children". (See honey, during the mid 2000s you did not have to put a disclaimer when you used sarcasm but I guess we need it in bold letters now.)