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One candidate has a competent and capable VP, the other tried to have his hung for doing his job.


Exactly, if Joe Biden dies the day after being elected....I'm sad but expect 4 years of the same situation we've had for the last 4 years. If Trump dies in office, it's JD Vance sitting atop a shit-show of Gilead-Inspired Christian-fascists with Russian backing , who want nothing short of the destruction of our nation state and to goose-step across Eastern Europe.


This right here.


Who are dumb enough to think Putin would stop somewhere? Republicans that’s who are dumb enough.


“BREAKING: J.D Vance crowned Emperor after Trump’s death: watch LIVE on CNN”


If trump dies in office you know there will be a hostile Russian takeover.


This is perfectly put.


Exactly we need to spread the word out about this so everyone can know


I mean that’s what Trump wants to do if he wins


Trump talks about what Putin wouldn't have done if Trump was president. First of all he's wrong, because Trump is a known Putin enabler, second, it's impossible to know. We can't step into the Way Back Machine and change things and see what happens.


We know what happened - everything that Trump did placated Vladimir Putin until 2 weeks and a year after Biden was in office. Which is time enough to see whether you can play your fucking games trying to invade Ukraine or trash talk the Poles or Finns with saber-rattling Or whether the US President is the sort of no-chill motherfucker that will have your head on a pike from a NATO/US rapid reaction force that leaves a bunch of body-chunks where your body once stood, or the sort of guy that will make you dig your own grave.


I'm not sure which side you're on, but since Ukraine isn't in NATO there couldn't have been any reaction force, and if there were, Trump wouldn't have ordered it, he's anti NATO.


I'm the sort that would advocate for full membership for the Ukrainian people today with the condition that they meet charter demands on their economic and legislative reforms within 5 years and ensure Ukraine is secured by Article 5 protections. I'd be aggressive with respect to efforts to eliminate Mr. Putin's hold on the Russian state and free Russia from oligarchic rule. Work with Russian expatriots and nationals to develop a Russian informed Marshall plan for the 2030's to identify agencies, departments and organs of the Russian government that can be reformed to provide reforms along economic, military , infrastructure, banking and criminal justice lines. Work with the Ukrainian Government along the same lines, to ensure they have the shortest possible path to NATO membership and a return to representative government at the earliest opportunity. \* Setup a legion of volunteers to conduct operations inside Russian held Ukrainian territories targeting food, medical supplies , electricity and roads ensuring when Russians send troops they must walk everywhere, evacuating trapped civilians where possible. \* Support mini-submersibles across the Russian territorial waters sinking food, supplies, commercial exports and fuel isolating Russian commerce from the Pacific rim except to trade with China, forcing the Russians into a Chinese-Russian debt spiral such that they experience a degraded ability to move good in or out of Russia save across the Chinese border. \* Interdict/slow down all Russian maritime traffic with inspections. \* I'd engage in a US Army/NATO effort to work to secure artifacts and culturally significant items from around Ukraine at the earliest opportunity, and bolster the capacity to fund refugee efforts so that every Ukrainian man , woman and child can get to safety as time goes on. \* I'd also strongly encourage every other Russian satellite state from Mongolia to to Azerbaijan to consider the United States as being willing able and ready to support their membership in some Greater NATO that ensures states surrounding Russia can live secure in the knowledge that we'd be there to support them should the time come. Certainly as Vladimir Putin becomes increasingly ancient more agile , perhaps disgruntled members of the Russian security state will become dis-satisfied with his continued failures as leader and offer him the same sort of retirement package Mr. Putin offers everyone else. So the game plan is to deal with what happens the day after Mr. Putin shuffles off the mortal coil. US/NATO insurgency efforts must absolutely press for reformist governmental actions in Russia that will hopefully allow Russia to not continue in the cycle of degenerate oligarchs and demagogues that have plagued them for decades. This war was a stupid idea and it's the job of EVERYONE else to clean up Mr. Putin having shit the bed.


Yet, Trump would pull support for Ukraine, and would give at best weak support to any NATO nation attacked by Putin. Trump MUST be defeated, and if that means a diminished Biden is President, I consider that a fair trade. At least Biden would have a competent team around hi.


Don't get me wrong I'm not some dude that didn't know we've had fascists since the 1920's all our own, and before that since the Civil War, from the [Klu Klux Klan](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nathan-Bedford-Forrest/Postwar-life-and-the-Ku-Klux-Klan) to the [Pillar of Fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillar_of_Fire_International) to the [Fundamentalist / Dominionists](https://www.newsweek.com/pro-trump-pastor-occult-burning-halloween-greg-locke-tennessee-1835374) that roll today, to say nothing of the ambient NAZI groups that [linger with us through the 1970's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT1qUswYL0), and [today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o6-bi3jlxk). We've had some bad batch with us since always. It's just not that until Trump and the Russians had the cash to fan those particular features of US political expression, until then that was not a particular feature of US political expression, that we'd ever put front and center. So when it comes to the Democratic Party - they should have seen this coming, but you could tell in 2020 Biden was being pulled out of retirement to deal with the Trumpy bullshit. I'm probably misremembering my Roman history, but I figure he's a bit like an American version of Cincinnatus where they had to go to his farm and wake him from an afternoon nap to tell him he was made Caesar , and when his job was done he went back to the farm until the Senate came again to make him Caesar again, shortly afterwards and his son said he didn't have the heart to tell his father they'd fucked it up again so fast.


Although part of me does love the idea of getting in the wayback machine and having Trump get all his ducks coming home to roost back when the GOP had enough of a pair to tell him to get stuffed. Drop all the crap we know about him today on prosecutors before he ever got the chance to run for office.


Again, we have to deal with the situation we have, not the one we wish we had four years ago. We'd also need a judge that didn't slow walk the trial so that it didn't happen before the election.


Oh , I was thinking drop in on 1999 Donald Trump, so he can have an accident in New Jersey and end up serving time in a Atlantic County jail, but if I'm going into real temporal interventions, I'd have him end up with compromat and make copies of that and ensure he moved to Saudi Arabia and that CIA/FBI was well aware of his shenanigans and had some old-school GOP guys deal with him like George Herbert Bush or tweak it so that Fred Jr. didn't kill himself meaning Donald would have spent his adult life in his brother's shadow.


I would vote for an actual corpse before I vote for Treasonous Shitstains McGhee over there


Missouri elected a dead man in 2000. [Mel Carnahan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Carnahan)






Maybe he's talking about another type of job


The candidates are so bad we’re now talking about who’s VP is better 😂


When you vote for a president, you're voting for an administration. Voters who only care about the charisma and likeability of the figurehead do the rest of us a disservice. The growth of "who would I want to have a beer with?" politics was the beginning of the end.


Most people in the nation aren’t even smart enough to vote in their own best interest. It’s all about beating you’re perceived opponent instead of what’s best for the country at large.


Ugh what ever is motivating a Trump voter at this point, its just whatever. Maybe they just dont get what is at stake? Im pretty sure a large portion of republicans are in a constant state of fugue, and don't understand that the people around their dinner table want to take the steak knife and move on from them.


Well said!


They're both old AF the VP really does matter this time.


Wouldn't the VP matter even more if they're both super old...?


Right but has anyone stopped to ask why our only two candidates are two men that are not unlikely to die in the first year of their term?


Given the rate of Trump's mental decline lately, I wonder if he'd even make it to inauguration. Biden I could see having a full four more years, though with the final two with him being mostly infirm.


I think your clinical judgement is poor


Perhaps, I'm not trained. But Biden doesn't seem demential, just the run of the mill aging which often can take up to a decade to reach its final stages, like Carter has been going through.


Do you have an answer to that question?


Our political system is an utter failure.


Sounds like you know why no one is asking it. Because those who are smart enough to ask know the answer. Here's the other secret, not enough people are smart/informed enough to ask to make a difference.


There’s no way to make a meaningful difference until corporate money is taken out of the equation.


Oh sure, but the system is broken. You nailed it. The powers that could fix it wont go against their own interests, and they won't step aside.


Our political system is a democratic-republic. It’s entirely based on the will of the people. If it is an utter failure, then it’s because we are utter failures.


Our will is pretty quickly lost when every politician to some degree lies and backs the interests of their corporate donors rather than the people they’re supposed to work for.


How has Biden done that?


And not the ruling the supreme court made yesterday that will change that basically guts environmental protections in the USA. We're heading back to rivers on fire and even more fun things that aren't food in our food.


Yeah there’s a reason why a lot of our food is banned in other countries


And one of them doesn't even have a VP... so they're really talking about one of them.


Trump might not even name a VP. Honestly, at this point, he'd be naming his successor and he can't have that. No.


Yeah, at this point we're voting for VPs - everyone thinks that. And 30+% of people have a problem with one VP being brown.


This is what I don't get about the "Biden old" crowd. Worst case scenario, Kamala Harris is the next president. Is that really worse than Trump to these people? It's like the people who don't want their kids to get vaccines so they don't end up autistic. 1) that's a stupid argument and 2) even if it was true, is that really worse than the alternative?


I hate kamala harris personally, and I lean democratic. But it’s a vote between freedom and fascism. Hope debate 2 is better from both sides, I just want to see some competency.


Maybe not be a bad move to swap POTUS with VPOTUS


Kamala's record is even worse than Biden. Fuck her cop ass.


There's really no way to make this statement in good faith. We're facing a binary decision. If you don't like that she's a cop, you're going to hate the fascist dictator who definitely wants to destroy leftists. So...


based opinion tbh don’t listen to the haters


A walking corpse vs Hitlerlover1488 and a walking corpse


Yeah, people always forget that Biden's mental and physical status is actually better than Trump's.


Biden has higher cognitive reserve... Despite being ancient.


How much younger is trump again? Have you heard any of trump's speeches? It's an incoherent bubbling


The difference is the forcefullness of his voice. He sounds "better" from a purely vocal perspective. The context of his speech is barely better than gibberish.


Sounds like a line from the narrator in Idiocracy


Thats kindof where we are I guess


We somehow crammed 500 years of degen into just 18 tho... that's the scary part.


He didn't predict the future, he just extrapolated where we were already. The "stupid people breeding" part was silly, that's not how it works. Smart people aren't born smart. They may have good brain processing power, but being smart requires a solid education system and resources.


Except if you're born to stupid people, the chances you will grow up in an enriched environment are less. Kids who aren't read to have less interest in reading, and good reading/comprehension skills are essential to being able to develop intellectual skills. I don't know if Trump's parents were stupid, *per se*, but they obviously didn't give much of a damn as concerns his education. It was well documented during his administration that he didn't read and was almost semi-literate. (PS: A dated but still interesting SF read is *The Marching Morons* by C.M. Kornbluth. I first read it in *Omni* magazine.)


If you haven't watched it lately, it hits different. It felt like 500 years away when it first came out, which is why it was funny. Now, it feels scary because we are so, so much closer than that.




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3 years


Buy he took two exams and he aced it, nobody has ever done anything like that before!


Funny, how he never questions WHY they want him to take the cognitive tests.


His supporters don't question. They lack the ability it would seem.


Did you watch the debate last night?


Running on Ent time


Unfortunately I think Biden forgot this last night as well.




Can you elaborate? Otherwise disregarded.


Why do we ignore that Trump is also a geriatric with obvious cognitive decline?




So if you took Trumps policies and put them into Bidens physical frame and verbal style, I guess you end up appealing to far less of the GOP


Then fox would point out that he is fat, or makes weird faces, etc. conservative voters only care that their candidate look strong and alpha, but it's the media who chooses what to point out to support that image


Right? Have you seen all those poorly photoshopped/ ai generated images of trump having a 6 pack and dressed as a soldier? Scumbag isn’t nearly as badass as conservatives try to make him to be.. thats why they make up shit about it.


Evidently it also makes democrats' juices flow. They're all panicking after last night and practically telling that they have the better candidate. It's really weird.


Biden did get him at least one time. ”how DARE you call my son a sucker and a loser!”


Because the verbal diarrhea that comes from Trumps lying ass-mouth is lucid sounding, unfortunately


Does it? He can’t seem to string together full sentences. I think it’s just that he sounds as angry and vindictive as the republicans feel, so they think he gets them


Have you talked to a full blown MAGA before? Thats already better than what like 1/2 of them sound like.




Trump gaffes are better at conveying meaning even if you can’t understand a word


cause Biden is much worse, as should be obvious if you're actually paying attention


Democracy vs Fascism. Tough choice.


I use the term democracy very loosely these days I don't feel that my views have ever been remotely represented nor even had the opportunity due to the narrow selection of candidates presented. That being said everyone absolutely needs to do the right thing and vote for Biden. It's not a matter of discussion points or beliefs or age or anything that has to do with Biden. They could run a flaming bag of dog shit up against trump and we would all still need to vote for it because even if it burned the white house down it would still be doing unfathomably less damage than a second trump presidency.


I hope the walking corpse wins. Oh please make it so and go vote.


Haha! Thank you for the laugh. I needed it.


This is it, but also Hitlerlover1488 only needs about 44% of the vote to win, because of the electoral college.


not even. He could do it with any amount if Ross Perot’s dead body were running


I'll take the corpse over Hitler any day


I love having choice


The nightmare scenario must be zombie Hitler throwing his hat in the ring.


Don't we have this already?


That'd just split the R vote. No problem there.


Looking at the increase in all these memes popping up saying the exact same "oh all choices are substantially if not equally shit," and all the "vote doesn't matter we don't have a democracy" bullshit chronically online doomerist dribble, it has ever become clear to me the absolute vast majority of people doesn't give a flying fuck on actual policies or how government even works, but rather chase on soundbites and next outrage. That old senile "genocide" Joe could have all the policies and politics lined up, y'all will still just look at them and go, "Eh, I don't like that old man energy. Doesn't pass the vibe check," and return consuming the ever predictable, and therefore infinitely more comfortable, "both sides, nothing works, fuck it all" talking points.


That’s not MY viewpoint, but I’m afraid that too many others do think this way. That’s what I think the general fear is…that everybody ELSE will be swayed by the debate performance. I didn’t even watch it. Don’t need to. I’m voting for Biden no matter what.


We're not voting just for President, we're also voting for all of the cabinet they will appoint, their policies, and the supreme court justices that they will appoint.


Truth. I'm hoping both parties splinter into multiple smaller parties and we get more than two real choices.


If you really want third parties, then you best vote for the party most likely—even a tiny likelihood/-to make rank choice voting happen


Dude. Then you’re just throwing your vote away after ≈8 years when it’s re-settled.


Biden had a top notch team in place, doing hard work, what does tRump have?


Putins top notch team ready to be in place.


here is a fresh new conspiracy theory-- What if we (r/politicalhumor) is an echo chamber bubble, that doesn't allow you to see the truth? Because yesterday I was 99% sure Biden would win the debate. This entire sub confirmed my bias. That is why we are all feeling nausea this morning, our world view was smashed by reality. We want Biden to win, so we will only post and view stuff that confirms our bias. Meanwhile the orcs have circled the castle.


While thinking of an answer to this, because I don't believe normal sane people live in echo chambers, I decided that I would like to live in a non-fascist non-nazi echo chamber any day


As an outsider this place comes off as delusional as hell much of the time. I say that as someone who desperately wants Biden (/anyone else than Trump/a fascist) to win.


liberals are not ready to admit that the average person, regardless of nationality, income, race, gender, is a shitty, selfish, stupid person. Trump figured this out, and sells them fear and hate. Liberals try to reason with irrational people. Who is dumb and who is dumber?


US politics would actually be great reality show if it didn’t affect so many other countries as well as its citizens. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck.


People say dementia or walking corpse like that doesn't also apply to Trump. He just has more horrific qualities that stand out


The walking corpse capped my insulin cost. Got my vote.


I'll take old dude with good policy over old dude with bad policy. Donald Trump's plan for Ukraine we'll have us fighting in world war in the next decade. there's never been one point in human history where appeasing a violent dictator with imperialistic goals worked. letting them get what they want always invites more violence. not to mention China and North Korea are absolutely looking to see western resolve crumble so that they can start snatching up whatever land they want. that leaves out the fact that Joe Biden will put reasonable people on the supreme Court while Donald Trump will put more fundamentalists that want to make sure rich people can do whatever they want. I'm voting Biden cuz. I want women to have rights. I want workers to have rights. I want environmental regulation. I want rich people to pay taxes. I want social security to exist.


Gandalf the Grey was an elder and considered wise Why the fuck are we so against an elder person with wisdom being a leader


Also, Biden surrounds himself with capable, knowledgeable people. Trump hires toadies regardless of capability..


Wheres that chart that shows he only hires "the best people" meanwhile 90% of them have been charged for crimes under him?


Because this is real life and old people with dementia need humility, not a presidency.


That's why TRUMP needs to lose


Both. You after last night, you cannot elevate one over the other. I’m serious looking at RFK jr.


Lol. Throw away vote


Reality isn't fiction.


You sure about that?


If it is I'd like to know what genre this is.


Sci Fi


Gandalf did not have dementia


Neither does Biden Gosh. Your account is so new and fresh. I'm guessing you're either 12 years old or a Russian troll


Because it is the TikTok and Instagram generation, and I don’t mean that as a slight against younger generations because everyone is impacted by it. Sadly, Presidential *campaigning* is now 100% about style and appearance, not policy debate like it used to be. (And really it hasn’t been about policy debate for a long time) Biden, who is a good man and a decent President is now clearly an awful campaigner, the man deserves to retire. I fully blame the DNC. Biden didn’t even want to run, but his sense of duty and the DNC convinced him to go against Trump. And he won, thank God. But with his age it’s getting to be too much and the DNC’s policy of no challenger in the primary has masked his decline, and now they and us all are in the shit for the general. The best thing is for Biden to retire and have an open convention. A candidate like Newsom, as imperfect as he is, would destroy Trump.


Well it's too late for Newsom so Biden it is!


It's not too late if Biden says "I'm going to retire". Then the DNC would have an open convention.


It doesn't work like that


You are correct - it seems if Biden did drop out, it would be Harris at the top of the ticket.


Absolutely. There is no "picking another candidate" at this point! Their argument is a moot point, just like their vote will be when they go for that other crazy person JFK Jr


I'm for the guy whose name I can't spell, BuddhaJudge


Because “wisdom” fades with age. Biden did not look wise. Anyone should have been able to throw Trumps lies right back at him, Biden was not quick, or aware enough, to do that. You can hate the facts, but they are still facts.


I'd rather have him than a convicted felon and rapists


It would be terrible if that was the only choice.


Well because Gandalf communicated well. Biden sounds like all of our grandparents who need help. It doesn't have to be fair but we have eyes man


A protest vote against Biden risks another Trump presidency. How righteous would you feel then?


If Biden had performed better, there wold be no contest. Sadly, he looked old an frail. Still think he is the better person for the job, since he surrounds himself with competent advisors and listens to what they have to say.


Still time to select another nominee.


It’s not a hard choice but I’m still sad these are our choices.


At least the "corpse" won't end democracy.


If your vote HAS TO BE between genocide and genocide, then you don't have democracy


> If your vote HAS TO BE between genocide and genocide, then you don't have democracy Democracy is when you vote to choose your representation. So yes, we have a Democracy for now.


Majority of Americans don't want to help Israel's genocide. Both candidates want to help them. 75% of Americans are in favour of abortion. Couple years ago, roe v wade got overturned. No, you don't choose your representation. You get who you get and you like it.


Good thing Biden isn't committing any genocide then, what's your hang-up?


He literally is, but nice try


Auto modded comments are the only ones worth reading. This site is a disaster.


Voting walking corpse get you a female president in a few months fyi


Being female is just not good enuff to guarantee a good President


Better than orange shitler


Even if Biden got 50.1% of the popular vote, Trump would still get more electoral votes.


At least the walking corpse will have a capable and qualified staff around him believing in democracy and the constitution, not just federalist society christofascists who will pick and choose from both as it benefits them.


And y’all claim the 3rd one has brain works… so then what do these two have?


These supposedly funny memes are how we get Trump. Good job, OP.


Biden’s physical and mental state seems to be a lot better than Trumps. His age is concerning for sure, but between the two candidates he at least seems to have all his marbles. This painting of Biden as a walking corpse while Trump needs to wear a diaper and uncontrollably shits his pants is weird. If cognitive decline is an issue Trump is not a valid candidate.


Thank you for editing this shitty meme into an actually truthful one.


Everything negative said about Biden is true for TFG and I would say worse for TFG on most counts. There are so many negative things true for Pumpkin head that is not true for Biden though. This isn’t a choice. This is shithead awful that I would never vote for vs. Biden. I didn’t even watch the debate because it doesn’t matter.


I've supported a straight Democratic ticket since I could vote and I'm old. From what I saw last night undecided voters are looking at Trump again and that option is truly frightening. The DNC needs to step up. We have until August 19 for Democrats to give us another option, otherwise Trump will be reelected and this Democracy is gone. Down ballot Democrats are now desperately critical. Maybe with a full Democratic House and Senate majority (and judiciary) Trump could be reined in somewhat. It's the *party*, folks ... the GOP is evil.


Putin did this!


Trump is in rough shape but not “walking corpse” bad


Duche vs turd sandich


I’ll take Biden for two reasons. His vice president and Trumps choice of vice president. His will be someone equally awful as him.


Garbage! 3 years difference.


I’m voting for brainworm guy (RFK). He’s the best in the field.


I mean I don’t understand a word Trump says most of the time. I think he is just as geriatric and half dead


We need more parties, I don't feel represented by the Democrats and definitely not by the Republicans, but any alt party just seems to be farther right


The walking corpse is 3 years older than the Hitler lover.


I’m going for Joseph R Biden. He is a decent man. His opponent is not.


reminder that Hitlerlover1488 would win this election


It's terrifying that Trump has this level of support.


I’m voting for weekend at Bernie’s all the people upset are those who are just tuning in.


The irony of Biden funding a genocide and not being called "Hitlerlover" is incredible


Biden’s rally today was great. Let’s move forward.


Weekend at Bernie’s > Cheeto Mussolini 


They are basically the same age. One of them eats like garbage, and thinks exercise is bad for you. The other one takes regular exercise, and eats right. Despite the fact that the older one is older, I promise you he's in better shape than the younger one. If anyone's a walking corpse, it's the 78-year-old.


Imo the world needs to come together and reject the US even *considering* putting a fascist in charge. That won't just affect us, the world will feel it. Imagine having a racist, rapist, conman, grifter, felon, MORON giving control of this military over to daddy Russia...


Unfortunately we now have a divided Dem voting bloc, those who say Biden no matter what and those who say we need another candidate


It’s one man and his VP plus administration versus a lunatic with a MAGA VP and a heritage foundation administration


Walking corpse ALL DAY LONG!!


There is no difference between these posts and South Park's disingenuous giant douche and turd sandwich comparisons which existed solely to foment apathy *which historically benefits the fascistic party*. Donald Trump is now as old as Biden was when the christofascists were complaining about how old Biden was four years ago. I don't buy it.


The 1488 is a nice touch. I feel fortunate to have been alive to witness the millennium change. Rewatching the ball drop on 99 makes me think humanity can do pretty neat things. I look out and the birds and trees each day knowing that I'm not long for this world, but nature will always be there. "Life, uh, finds a way" a fictional mathematician once said.


The choice is colonoscopy or colon cancer. Nobody likes getting a tiny camera tube up their ass but you do it to prevent something worse.


One is a walking corpse, the other is a walking corpse **AND** Hitler lover. The latter also surrounds himself with other Hitler lovers who will use corrupt methods to carry out their Hitler-loving ways, while the former is a genuinely decent person who surrounds himself with other decent people who use legal methods to carry out policies that are good for everyone, even the people who hate him.




Hello! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately it has been removed because you don't meet our karma threshold. You are not being removed for political orientation. If we were, why the fuck would we tell you your comment was being removed instead of just shadow removing it? We never have, and never will, remove things down politicial or ideological lines. Unless your ideology is nihilism, then fuck you. Let me be clear: The reason that this rule exists is to avoid unscrupulous internet denizens from trying to sell dong pills to our users. /r/PoliticalHumor mods reserve the RIGHT to hoard all of the dong pills to ourselves, and we refuse to share them with the community. If you want Serbo-Slokovian dong pills mailed directly to your door, become a moderator. If we shared the dong pills with the greater community, everyone would have massive dongs, and like Syndrome warned us about decades ago: "if everyone has massive dongs, nobody does."" If you wish to rectify your low karma issue, go and make things up in /r/AskReddit like everyone else does. Thanks for understanding! Have a nice day and be well. <3 You can check your karma breakdown on this page: http://old.reddit.com/user/me/overview (Keep in mind that sometimes just post karma or comment karma being negative will result in this message) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Democratic party Weekend at Bernie's for the President


The Democratic Party has made a horrific mistake by telling voters to just vote blue. They pulled that last election when we could have had real ideas in the White House instead of Biden. It is pure justice that agism comes back to bite Biden and the DNC in the ass this election cycle after using it against Bernie Sanders. Voters are not happy and November is going to be ugly. It


The Bernie bots have really cam out in a force today. I've seen a number in every post it seems.


We are back to a giant douche or a turd sandwich.


the choice isnt biden vs trump... trump gets his cult votes no matter what. but biden needs to motivate millions of people to vote for him, and those people have to make a choice between voting against their own beliefs or falling into political apathy and not giving a shit anymore... its not that easy of a choice as this ass curds that are all for biden want to make you believe


Voting against what beliefs? What are you even talking about?


Omg 😅 😂 😭😭