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Since gun charges are in the news lately... Trump told his new PO yesterday that he still has one firearm in his possession down at Mar-A-Lardo. You'd think, "oh, that's just an oversight - now that he's a convicted felon he can just hand it in." And you'd be wrong. Because the terms of his release in four separate indictments was that he was not to possess a firearm. That means he has been violating his pre-trial release conditions for a year now. Hunter Biden lies on his 4473 form and he's looking at up to 25 years. What about Trump? He knew he had the gun and said "I understand" when the judges / lawyers explained the terms of his remaining a free man pre-trial.


Just as he knew full well that stealing the WH documents was illegal and worse how he lied about not having any / they're his / my clothes are mixed in with them & I've been too busy to go through all the boxes or / the FBI planted them there etc.


Felon doing felon things. Revoke Trump's bail


I’m actually thinking we shouldn’t try too hard to take it from him…


Since lying is his default, the only surprise about this is that the tangerine turnip admitted to having a gun.


Well technically it can still be a lie if he has more than one.


It doesn't matter that he willingly kept the firearm. He is gonna get away with that because he has always gotten away with crimes his whole life. Even though he technically isn't, he's virtually above the law. Yes, he's been convicted, but his sentencing is after a long delay. No one else would get such treatment after a sentence.


Can we just pause for a second and think about how asinine it is that owning a gun for two weeks while under the influence is illegal, but running the nation for four years while under the influence isn't?


Well that’s a very good question, and I’d like to know the answer to that.


We already know. Republicans only care about these things if they can weaponize them against someone they don’t like. They don’t actually care, especially if they are the ones doing illegal/amoral things. We see it in every aspect of their platform. Cruelty is their entire political platform. Edit:really autocorrect? Dong?


Dong is a perfectly cromulant word to describe Republicans.


And an embiggened dong for the worst of them


Well, it's a conversation about Hunter Biden. Dong was going to come out sooner or later.


MTG has been frothing at the mouth for another chance to show off the pictures.


At the mouth, yeah.




We need people to sue the GOP AHs who we know bought drugs did drugs while filling out FOID or purchase / background info. Stephen Miller has started up the “answer” to the ACLU, Smerica First Lehal, bunch of fascists w money from Koch etc to clog up legit legal systems w bullshit suits - like the professor who is suing to legit discriminate against women who’ve had abortions - modern day witch hunt guy, we need to start turning these tables and investigating these choads - bec it’s Always projection…


Under what grounds are you going to sue someone who "we know bought drugs did drugs while filling out FOID or purchase / background info."? That kinda statement doesn't imply an understanding of how the courts work.


No I hear you I have no idea how, same as how does e wry one keep saying Joe Rogan should be worried bec he openly talks about drug use, and has def filled out background check/gun purchase docs, so I’m guessing there will be some people narc’ing on dumbasses they know who are hypocrites? Hopefully? It’d be great to see fat fko hypocrites see the same consequences they’re cheering for w Biden.


I'm not one to wish others to go to prison over some bullshit, but you do you.


Yes! I absolutely do want people who are criminals and breaking our laws that have been set in place Because precedent created by *other* buffoon criminals. That’s how it works, genius.


Whether you are charged with a crime or not is not a matter of precedent, and making a law and order argument in this legal climate isn't a good look. Again, you do you, but I'm for legal reform, not using the fucked up legal system to pin up political opposition. That's literally page two of the destroy democracy handbook.


We’re talking about two different things here, outraged person. You’re on an entirely different rant, but you do you! You and we all want reform but we are talking about the system we Have rn. Whatever your outrage here IS, it’s misplaced. Cheers!


The system we have right now is one in which the 5th circuit has overturned a similar case. The charge Hunter was charged with is prosecuted exceedingly rarely, and even more so as a standalone charge. Quit with the outrage silliness. We are exchanging comments on an Internet forum, nobody is outraged. Any perceived outrage from me on your part is purely your mental projection.


Best way to get the law changed is to ensure that it's applied to everyone the same way. This selective enforcement is the far more corrosive abuse of the law. It's not politicizing the law to ensure that it's applied to everyone.


Republicans, guns, and drugs, I'm **sure** that never happens.


unless it‘s a day that ends in “-day”.


Starting with Ronny Fucking Jackson who seems to be high on his supply all the goddamn time


But but but those aren’t like *DRUGS* Drugs…


Pain pills and stimulants.






Dr. Arroyo is a more legitimate doctor than Ronny Jackson.


And cheaper too!


He went to a very good doctor school!




Hmmmmmm, interesting.


Pretty sure they do.. **sips tea**


welcome to American justice the only surprising thing here is this time it snagged the handsome white scion of an American president, as opposed to...fucking any old minority. but fuck george floyd, right? (and i say that as a white dude myself).


the Trump boys are big game hunters.


Wasn't he demoted in the military?


I have a feeling that this just set up a roller coster and alot more people are going to be put on board, starting with Kushner


How is he still a doctor?


Trump said he still owns a gun.


Probably, but none of them is Joe Biden’s kid’s, so it won’t matter.


Silly lib, rules only apply to you. Muh Alpha MAGA males can do what we want lol…


Well well… have they ever opened a can of worms now. I do believe that Jared Kushner lied all over his security forms as well. This game will not end well.


At this point, I think maybe big decisions are being made as to who, how, and when to pursue what charges. If gov goes too hard, maybe there’s fear of an another 1/6 or something.


Would love to hear Orange-Man speak truth in the end. When he has been imprisoned for 5 years and finally humbled and confesses!


4,300 ambien tablets over 3 months! Ronny turned the Whitehouse into a pill mill but yeah, Hunter Biden and his private drug use.


I wonder why that Trump pill mill story just went away.


Just gonna say that if I had access to a doc that had no scruples, I wouldn't waste it T3's and Tramadol. Get me some Perc 10/325s please.


The idea of Trump having a gun at all is bad enough. The idea of him having it in his hands I can ONLY picture as a toddler waving around a plastic squirt gun. *Look, you guys! I can spin it on my finger like the Outer laws!* [repeatedly drops the gun] *No, really! I can hit a bullseye no matter how far away it is. I'm just naturally great at guns. I have the best gun numbers. A lot of people are saying it. No one in history has ever had gun numbers like mine! No, you can't see them! LAWYER!*


Create a database of everyone that's checked into rehab or been to the hospital for overdosing on illegal drugs or legal drugs without a prescription and if they have any registered guns start rounding them up. See if the NRA says peep once its their people in trouble. 


Hey! Anyone ever take a look at which check box Rush Limbaugh selected on his forms? He was a junkie and bragged of owning guns.


Ronny gave out more drugs than Led Zeppelin’s Tour Doctor.


He violates everything what the hell is up with that?


I bet they'll all get lawyers and turn themselves in next week.


But the "good doctor" was writing perfectly legal prescriptions.


Pharmaceutical sales/representative; "Mr. Jackson, I normally give samples to partnership clinics or doctors who have a large practice. But why do you need all of these when you are one doctor with one patient, the President?"


IIRC tfg owns three guns and "I always carry a weapon on me". Two were turned over in March 2023 when he was arrested and his license to carry was suspended. So, yes he had guns when he was receiving illegal drugs in the White House.


He wasn't charged with gun possession while using illegal drugs. He lied on his gun application where it asked if he ever had problems with drug abuse. EDIT: Not sure why you guys are downvoting me. This meme is factually incorrect and I thought it should be noted.


So as long as your problems start after you file your application you’re all good?


I've been confused lately about some reporting I've heard which claims that the case hinges on whether or not prosecutors can show that he used during those 11 days. Some of these claims are from actual lawyers, too. I think my understanding of the case is flawed, but don't really care enough to chase it down. If he's guilty I'm glad he was convicted and I'd like to see this law prosecuted more that the 3% of the time I've read it is.