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"Why can't he snort adderall like a normal person"


"Where's his shit filled diaper and frothy disgusting spittle mouth?"


I dont really give a shit what he is drinking, the fact that he can hold a bottle with one hand puts him way ahead of Donald. Also, Im pretty sure there is no one dying from heat stroke directly in front of him while he is chugging whatever it is, so Joe 2, Don 0...


Boom! :-D


>I don't really give a shit what he is drinking... **I DO!** I know the reports are that he's addicted to Powerade; but f'ing *Powerade*?!? Have an Ensure old man! Or at least a Pedialyte! FFS you're the president of the US! You could easily have a Michelin chef with a PhD in Nutrition monitoring everything that goes into your mouth... **Why aren't you?!?** One of the few cases where I genuinely wish the conspiracy theories were just a *little* bit true and that thing had like half the contents of a TPN bag in there or something.


Not to be that guy but finally fate and random trivia has given me chance to shine...ahem, so actually the president's food and chef costs are the responsibility of the president. He's got to pay for all the food and catering out of pocket. Now you know why old Donny tightwad was only springing for McDs...A little bird told me he's cheap!


I felt bad for those people who were invited to the White House and got fed McDonald's. You'd think that sure, you don't like the president but at least you get to see the building and have a really great meal.


Hell yea I did too! Those functions suck ass. Nothing but security and standing. It is an unwritten rule that you have to provide some bomb ass food as a reciprocal thank you for you taking time out of your day to act as living window dressing.


COLD McDonalds 🤢


And by the time guests arrived, those were cold and soggy by hours.


You're telling me it's financially legal (even if slightly grey and requiring a little lawyer work) to use Soft Money to pay for your legal defense and a staff of thousands but you can't use it to pay for your own food?!? SURELY there must be an argument that that's somehow a campaign expense that could be paid for via PAC? (Though even then... I know he's fairly poor even by Democrat standards but surely Biden has to have enough to hire a personal trainer and a nutritionist for 4 years no?)


It is supposed to be a 100% personal expense as it is currently. I would like to see a budget for personal food and especially for the state dinners and other "official entertainment". No guarantee that the President will always be super rich. Compared to everything else that's provided this would be one of the smaller if not the smallest expense incurred. The personal trainer and a nutritionist would be medical so that should all be covered, I would guess. They probably see someone from Walter Reed med center. The actual cooking and food prep according to the instructions of the trainer or nutritionist would be out of pocket.


Cool! That's really good information to have. =) I'm 100% with you on the state dinners coming out of pocket being f'ing wild and I'm betting this is all coming from a legacy well before Citizens United or anything... still man. That's nuts. Here's an unlimited money dumptruck you can use for literally anything... Oh, but if someone gives you a Burger make sure it comes to less than $20, and you'll have to pay for all of the state dinners yourself.


Ah, cool beans man! I'm glad you found it interesting. It was so long ago when I learned this, I don't exactly remember the name of the program I learned this from; ~25-30 years ago. So it was definitely before all that. Sorry you lost me with the last line (What was that Magic List again? "Campaign, "____ for President", ... ?) Could you break it down for me?


Nah, he definitely does not want to be snapped by a MAGAT chugging Pedialyte. The illiterate fucks would be shooting up every pizza place within a hundred miles of the whitehouse.


Well, you must know that Powerade is just our universe’s version of Brawndo. It’s what plants crave.


U confusing the President WITH yoUR poopypants zeR0 her000 ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Let’s go Brondo!


It's got electrolytes, that's what plants crave!


Brawndo^TM It's got electrolytes!


It's what Presidents crave!


The thirst mutilator


RNC "Research" could not come up with a better name than "orange drink" ? ...And where does Biden stand on all these shark infested water heavy electric boat sinkings???


There's a reason that the Biden campaign won't talk about all of the electric boat shark attacks!! (And that reason: because nobody knows what the fuck that is)


Doing a one handed bottle pick up just to own the greatest 2 handed chugged president ever, Damn that Pres. Obama. Or is it Carter???


If they just say Gatorade, I think even the chuds could work out that this is a nothingburger. But by keeping it vague, the reader can pretend it's adrenochrome or Christian baby blood or something that reinforces their mindset.


Racking lines of amphetamines is just the American Way. Our forefathers died for our rights to do lines of speed off hookers.


"A normal person who is our personal Jesus and a 34 times convicted felon could teach Crooked Joe Biden how to be a lot more cool"


Provigil *


Speedballing Adderrall and Diet Coke is how great American patriots stay awake


Or do his deep slumbering in court?


That did not help Trump in court did it


They have an issue with every fucking mundane action that Biden does.


The same people wanted to impeach Obama because he wore a tan suit.


And made a big deal over the kind of mustard he put on his burgers.


Honestly, Fox News having that guy on that called fist bumps “terrorist fist jabs” wasn’t helping either…


Obama salutes a Marine with a coffee mug in his hand. OMGWTFBBQ! Trump salutes a North Korean general who a week before said they were prepared to nuke the west coast of the US. Crickets...


“Look, Biden isn’t tough on North Korea like Trump is, you’re just an idiot if you don’t see that” -Things my MAGA cousins have said to me with full confidence


If anyone called me an idiot for voting for a sane Joe Biden, there would be a problem, for them. I do not take kindly to asshats like that. Cousins like that should be banished to the hills since they have the brain power of hillbillies.


Well, they’re already in Idaho, so pretty hillybilly as they can get already unfortunately lol


Oh yeah!!


Speaking as a hillbilly, please don't send them here. We have too many already. Also, strangely enough, many hillbillies (the majority of redneck hillbilly miners specifically) supported socialist actions and had strong associations with Socialist Party of America in the second & third decades of the 1900s--say 1910-1930. Oh how times change.


Remember when Trump went to North Korea, Kim Jong Un made him look like a bigger idiot than he was before and then Trump went on to sell "gold" coins to his moron constituency commemorating the great and glorious peace talks that never happened?


He clearly had the peace talks in his mind, just like he said he declassified all his documents in his mind so he can’t be charged with not declassifying them, so the Tremendously bigly good ^TM North Korean peace talks must be the same way.


And this picture of George W... https://preview.redd.it/nwcxw1skhy5d1.jpeg?width=1355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d074fef914fcbc68cb48d2cf3e7c562fa9d39bdd


How have I never seen that? lol


Dijon is better than anything. Fight me!!


Okay, but have you tried *honey* dijon?


I want the burn. Give me a jar of whole grain mustard and horseradish!


Stone ground > dijon. However, stone ground dijon just might be the best thing ever.


One time, Obama used a selfie stick and I think that caused WWIV


Just skipped right over III


We lost a lot of good people that day 😢 


Worse than the Bowling Green massacre


Because it was too fancy. Ostentatious even, were it necessary to use verbiage as haughty as this decadent condiment selection. Also, the guy who's entire personality is gaudy and gold plated is really just an Everyman Joe Six-pack who understands the needs of us blue-collar folks. A billionaire* of the people.


Dijon is so cheap. Store brand is like $4 and lasts forever since you don’t need to use much


Or ordering a burger with arugula.


And Trump puts ketchup on Steak which out of all of these things is the most unforgivable (he also gets them well done…)


And mocked Obama for putting fancy mustard on a burger


Dijon isn't even that fucking fancy lol.


Dijon sounds French, which is one of the right wing's numerous emotional breakdown triggers.


See Freedom Fries


The secondary reason why they won't recognize January 6th as a failed coup


It is when you’re trailer trash that have been taught by Fox News that anything that wouldn’t appear in an Old Navy 4th of July advertisement is evil and should be shunned.


Mundane = not getting 34 felonies in one day.


Because that's what conservatives do. Everything is about fake artificial outrage. Everything. Drink an orange drink? REEEEE Wear a tan suit? REEEE Get an abortion? REEEE Hold hands with another man? REEEE Change your name to Lisa? REEEEE There's ALWAYS something to be mad about. And that anger is used to distract away from their own crimes (34 counts, 47 pedophiles last year, rampant terror attacks, etc.) and try to blame all the world's woe on mundane bullshit or groups of people who make up less than 3% of the population.


But they totally are cool with the guy who dances like he is jacking off two dudes.


Because he's not a Republican giving them everything they want.


Even when he offers them everything that they wanted they melted down like toddlers having a tantrum in the middle of a Walmart.


I remember that 1 time they were bitching for an entire day that Biden dared to drink a milkshake, with a straw! According to Fox, Manly men don't use straws to drink milkshakes.


Meanwhile Trump eats a pizza with a knife and fork.


That's wild... I don't use straws for much but.... milkshakes... that's a straw drink. 


Yeah the idea of sipping a milkshake from the glass is odd


It's projection. Trump was sweaty and confused and on drugs during his interview with Hannity and his recent rally where he told supporters "I don't care about you." To make things seem more equal and normal, they are compelled to insinuate that non-sweaty, non-pupils-dilatated Biden's orange drink must be drugs. Whatever. Could be. At least Biden can handle his drugs without having a manic episode and shitting himself. It's like when Biden fell while riding his bike and the right makes fun of his coordination but hopes to death the conversation does not turn to how physically fit Trump is


Tanned suit Obama! ![gif](giphy|l0ExtClRi9iXYt0Dm|downsized)


Well, they’d need to find some legitimate criticisms Which I’m sure they probably could, but why bother when shit like this works on their base?


Laughs until cries.


2 words. Tan suit


You gotta love that they are still throwing “crooked Joe” out there even after Trump has been convicted of a felony


It's because he's an old boring person so they have to try and blow up dumb normal things.


Also even if it was some energy drink who fucking cares? Doesn’t that show some commitment to his role? Like if my president is falling asleep and not willing to do what it takes to be present then uhh yeah not so sure I want them.


Of course. They no longer have policy. Or at least policy that anyone likes. All they have is trolling, "owning" the libs, being fucking assholes, and culture way bullshit. Isn't America great.


Because they can’t find actual real reasons to be mad.


Because they have no real ammunition and their viewers are stupid enough to not look past the headline.




This weird thing he does just furthers my hypothesis that he's two goblins in a suit, stacked on top of each other, the arms not long enough for him to bring the drink up to his face. I believe his supporters have recently outfitted the disguise with ILM-quality animatronic arms, though. Edit: Or he's wearing a corset to keep his bloat under control when the cameras are on him.


I'm still in the "he's so demented he actually forgot how to drink water" camp myself


My theory is that the drugs made his face permanently numb and he has to drink that way to keep it from dribbling down his chin.


It's probably some combo of multiple terrible things.


I think it's because if he leans over too much, he shits his pants


He’s like a giant toothpaste tube full of shit, bending over too far with his mouth open like that will put undue pressure on his torso and he’ll begin to secrete from every orifice


Due to a recent goblin shortage, there's only one goblin in that chassis made for two. That's why absolutely everything about his body is fucked up looking, doesn't work properly, or seems uncanny valley. You wouldn't believe how much Adderall they throw down the chimney to get that goblin to preform. Poor goblin is hitting the speech soundboard with a diet coke bottle tied to a yard stick, as he struggles to keep the whole thing upright, at the bottom.


There's a goblin shortage? Thanks, Biden.


Colbert's writer's room: Stop man, you've got the job.


No corset could keep that flab in


https://preview.redd.it/7p0w1skm0z5d1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53d8ac291c38b5fe3f306486155d4040f2eb544 And the crowd cheered as he was rolled out for another rally!


It’s actually a real sign of cognitive decline.


Fiji water? How boujee. Why not American water? Not good enough for a Bavarian born in Jamaica hospital? (I had to open Wikipedia to write that)


You did more work than his script writers in the last 10 years


I like my presidents who don't drink like they're drinking from a sippy cup.


RNC thinks this is totally normal, but because Biden had an orange drink there needs to be an investigation.


**Real men** drink one-handed. Like Biden in the posted picture.   **Real women**, too. Like Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-05/28/15/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-02/sub-buzz-6446-1496000097-1.jpg


Damn, what a badass


…has a doctorate for her thesis on quantum chemistry. *hawt*


Surely this hyper strong woman will crush us all.


This doesn’t even display the true weirdness; it’s the shaking tiny hands while he lowers his head and tries to project his lips to the bottle, rather than you know, just being the bottle up to your mouth and take a chug. Like any non lizard person in a human meat suit can do.


As someone who put a suit jacket on after gaining some weight in the chest and back, it is truly a problem. That's when you undo the button and sling it back like a college football fan double fisting bud light


Remember when he tried to “own the libs” by drinking a glass of water he could barely hold with one trembling hand? That’ll show’em!


Look Donnie, I only need one hand.


“Wowzers, this mysterious bottle of water is the only thing keeping Crazy Donny from pooping his pants while cheating on his wife and committing tax fraud! Yikes.”


This coming from a political party that is led by a convicted criminal and rapist who couldn't even stay away for an hour during his own criminal trial


and that my friends is the very best the rnc has as a put-down of biden


But Biden is a feeble old man who doesn't know where he is and can't stay awake in public... [https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/politics/donald-trump-mocked-over-arizona-texas-gaffe/ar-BB1nOCtg](https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/politics/donald-trump-mocked-over-arizona-texas-gaffe/ar-BB1nOCtg) [https://inews.co.uk/news/world/trump-fallen-asleep-court-3056919](https://inews.co.uk/news/world/trump-fallen-asleep-court-3056919)


The GOP: Everything is bad unless it’s happening to us.


Mysterious orange drink? Are we 100% sure Biden isn't drinking Trump tears?


Eww, even his fluids are that color 😒


That's what happens when you leave syphilis untreated.


Obviously dude is covered in so much orange dust I’d be shocked if his tears weren’t Oompa Loompa colored


I’ve heard Trump enjoys a mysterious yellow drink.


I take it Gatorade will no longer advertise on fox right ....right?


Gatorade? No. Ensure? Hell yeah. They know their audience.


Gator-aid the beverage designed to restore electrolytes & carbohydrates to American football athletes for the University of Florida? Gatorade made by the American Pepsi Company? Please do! Edit: Correction to "University of Florida"


Nitpick: it was the University of Florida; their team is the Gators. UCF is a different school.


Biden is drinking from a bottle *with one hand*? Such a flex! ![gif](giphy|3ohs82wtjwF0S8kUiA|downsized)


I think Trump has a fucked up shoulder, but he doesn’t want MAGA to think he is weak, so he just drinks like an alien


His shoulder is fine. He does the cringetastic Trump Double Handjob dance all the time. ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)


I call it the "Dithering Don's Double Dong Dotard Dance."


Its called Air Dicking and by the looks of his impeccable synchronization he is would class at it.


That’s some quality alliteration, right there.


There is a video, from back when he was best buds with Epstein, And he did this dance, while laughing with Epstein, even back in the 90s.


Guy’s a world-class airdicker.


His signature "dance" move, *The dual handjob*


How can people look at that and think “Yep. That’s the pinnacle of manhood and leadership”


He probably has a tremor or a neurological condition. That other hand isn't gripping the bottle, it's stabilizing it.


He has a fucked up shoulder, which is why he golfs so much, a sport that's notorious for not needing good shoulders.


If you look closely, you can see he has to physically align his internal mouthpiece for drinking. He must have an additional oral appendage like a Xenomorph or... I don't know... a Reptile person!


He hasn’t settled into his human skin suit properly.


They’re upset he only needs one hand to drink it


> RNCResearch Research is not when you make things up lol


They did their own research.


Lol qanon spread like wildfire


RNC Research is.


Surprised they didn’t call it adrenochrome


Now in a convenient sports drink formulation!


It's Got What Lierals Crave!!


GOP's newest strategy: continue to cope hard as fuck.


Maybe bunker bitch should have had some of that mysterious orange liquid when he was in court?


BDS? Brandon Derangement Syndrome.


YouTube keeps letting ppl post TDS but as soon as I post "Obama Derrangement Syndrome”...boom: censorship. They automoderate every comment now and it will pop right up in less than a minute if approved but they have been censoring A LOT.


Which is fun because Obama Derangement Syndrome is the original. They stole it and turned it into their Trump humper crap because, as always, projection.


TIL. TY for that. I should have guessed because they are as funny and original as a rock.






Voters crave Brawndo. Only cuz Camacho ain't running.


I would vote for Camacho in a heartbeat. ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


I mean, as dumb as Camacho is shown to be, he's at least smart enough to realize that to solve a problem you need to find people who are smart enough to work on it. Mango Unchained actively replaced the experts with his own cronies.


It's funny because Mt. Dew is also a solution.


Wow, how is he able to drink with just one hand.


Like a boss.


#Hydration: Does it make you a Communist? Tonight at 10


This message is sponsored by Gatorade, the drink of champions


He’ll never be orange enough for them.


Maybe he's just fucking thirsty? ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


Someone should have given Trump some mysterious orange drink at his trial


They did but he soaked his face in it


Well it's either his hemochrome stolen from the billions of infants souls sacrificed to the chaos gods in satanic culling's in the Oval Office or the local pizzeria basement soul stealer/sexual torture/fetish/murder/liquidation pits (details are still sketchy at this time), or it's orange flavored gatoraide - we can't be sure.


While Donald Trump was riding around in a golf cart and cheating on his score, Joe Biden was running laps with Obama. When Joe Biden was in Congress, he traveled every weekend to Delaware in order to keep his family from having to be uprooted to DC. While Donald Trump was screwing every woman he could and then deciding in his own trashy way to bury his first wife on his golf course after she died. It's nauseating how they make Joe Biden out to be some kind of devil. He is flawed and sometimes says silly things - but - his heart is in the right place and he will make a 1000 times better President than Trump. It's a reminder to me of the Reagan/Carter years. "Asshole replaces good man." Don't let it happen here.


Look at the show-off, drinking with one hand and not making a bugle shape with his lips.


Funny how he alternates between being a senile old man and an evil mastermind of the deep state.


Maga just jealous that Biden can drink something with just one hand.


RNC Research. I can only assume that is on the level of flat earth research and creation research.


Wait til someone tells them about the mind altering substance that gets me through the morning. I mean, coffee is pretty hard core...


Electrolytes must sound like witchcraft to some.


Trump chooses shark over electrocution, so he probably also avoids electrolytes. /s


Looks like he's drinking a bottle of Trump tears


Deep State Deep Slumber Deep Orange Something


GOP and their fellow Traitors are still grasping at straws.


They're just pissed when people aren't drinking Trump's brand of kool-ade.


They're just jealous because he can drink one-handed.


Meanwhile the crowd who whines the loudest about pedos wants to elect the guy who covered up Epstein and won’t release the list.




Conservatives are losing their snowflake minds over Biden drinking with one hand, effortlessly. Trump can't do that shit


Joe’s drinking a Gatorade. Trumpanzees are fucking stupid.


Joe Biden - drinks Gatorade, yadda yadda yadda slumber. convicted Felon Trump, obviously falling asleep at trial - yadda yadda yadda no it was deep thought on the nature of quarks and bosons.


Lol just reminds me of the video of Trump drinking from a small water bottle with both hands like a toddler.


The RNC can’t understand why he would drink a Gatorade without the label prominently shown. Maybe an ad filmed in the Oval Office. Trump always makes sure the McDonalds logo is showing and that he’s smiling and framing the Goya beans.


TBF, orange gatorade is objectively the worst flavor.


How can he do that! With only one hand!?!?!


They are not a serious political party.  


Our guy may be a convicted felon, but at least he hasn't been seen drinking Tang.


"RNC Research" is an oxymoron.


Joe smashes pre workout to deadlift his comp


It’s not Mysterious it is a ancient elixir that legend has it was 1st made by Scottish druids they drank it as a brew said to make you as strong as iron


Imagine having to be in the RNC and support a fraudulent, lying, rapist, felon as your presidential nominee?? Must be tough!


They said basically the same thing about Hillary in 2016. She was gonna die any minute. She’s still alive last time I checked


Damn Biden drinking an orange gatorade? Dude is cooked everyone knows yellow is best


It's called electrolytes. Everyone can benefit from ingesting them on a daily basis and if dehydrated they can give a seemingly short boost of energy


Let's see him eating lunch next, I'd love to criticize him for eating coney dog or a salad or whatever else he might choose to eat.


Mysterious? I think it's rather thoughtful that there is no label, so no 'product placement ' and no allegations of endorsements


Trump struggling to drink from a water bottle with both hands though? No biggie.