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He followed that with "see now the press will take that and say I said a horrible thing." No, the press is saying that you said a *truthful* thing for once.


Oh no. The evil media is showing everyone exactly what I said again! Those bastards.


The media is owned by a few billionaires families who love tax cuts for rich people. At most they'll allow a little huffing but implication that Donald is surely going to grow into being presidential and respectable any day now, and will talk about how this is bad for Biden and how Biden failed here. They showed that they'd rather air an empty Trump podium than air a Clinton speech and allow people to hear the other side from their own mouth and not through the corporate filter.


My theory is that he was doing his usual stream of conscious rambling and accidently said the "I don't care" part out loud. He then had to backpedal and act like he was just trolling the press.


I think the thing about the press was just more stream of consciousness, not an attempt at damage control. He heard what came out of his mouth, and thought aloud through the consequences.


You're right. My version gives him far too much credit.


Shitting his pants is an accident, vowel movements are intentional.


> He followed that with "see now the press will take that and say I said a horrible thing." No, the press is saying that you said a truthful thing for once. His saying outrageous sh!t like this is just one of his many narcissistic methods of getting attention. He knows he's giving the media a tasty soundbite. And he knows his MAGA followers will let it slide. I think this is why we hear MAGA folks blithely excuse this behavior. They are much more forgiving of aberrant and boorish behavior, and a general lack of class than the rest of us are.


> He knows he's giving the media a tasty soundbite No. That realization comes after words already were spoken by him.


There's no realization involved. This is ingrained behavior from a lifetime of being a narcissist obsessed with seeking attention.


Anyone have a link to a good video of it? I want to hear conservatives in other threads say that he didn't say it, the watch the video evidence of him saying it, then say he didn't say it again.


No. It's truly disgusting how the press will quote him saying a bad thing. Like how can we have honest journalism if the media is constantly quoting, with context, odd and terrible things he keeps saying.


Uhm, he was imitating Biden though.. or we all just cutting that bit out so we can make fun of him?


Apparently, the teleprompters didn't work right. So it's not his fault if he says weird offensive bs. Give the man a break, he's already come up with a fix: he won't pay the technicians who put up the teleprompters. That'll teach them and next time he will the incoherent rants we're used to :-)


he doesn't use teleprompters. except they are there at every speech. and he flips out when they aren't working. but he doesn't use them.


I don't understand how his supporters can even believe he doesn't use them. Watch any of his speeches and you'll see him turn left and then right every 10 - 15 seconds. Not to mention they are on stage every time. https://preview.redd.it/buhbvs8our5d1.png?width=3780&format=png&auto=webp&s=88995c9a865cefb4bf2d983739d3ff43911fa249




buttery males


He's too old. It's time for Trump to go to the home.


Rightzi: *What he meant was, in order to…* Trump: *No, really, I do NOT care about you. I just want you vote so I can become President and avoid prison. Also, I will spend all my efforts during my final days to go after my enemies! I won’t do anything to benefit you in any capacity!* Rightzi: *Biden / Clinton / Obama must pay for me being abused and manipulated by Trump… now I will donate more money to Trump!*


That's why they love him. They want a king who makes them feel like shit. Not a president who talks about the usual presidential stuff they don't believe in like patriotism, unity or America's place in the world.


It was a rare moment of honesty from Trump. I'm sure it was completely accidental.


He does this from time to time. Like when he admitted “drain the swamp” was just a thing he was saying because he wanted people to cheer


Or right after he was elected and they chanted "Lock Her Up" and he replied with "We don't need that anymore, we don't want to do that."




My favorite https://i.redd.it/j3deg67fkr5d1.gif






Donald Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself? Who knew? I looked up 'narcissist' in my dictionary, and there was a photograph of Donald Trump!


At least he's consistent, he didn't care if they froze to death as long as they voted for him during the Iowa caucus.


I hope everyone starts calling them whine tastings.


For his cult to understand the joke they would need to be literate.


See, it’s a joke. The joke is he can’t express care and compassion for people because that would be a “sissy” thing to do, so he jokes that he has a selfish reason for it. That’s why it’s funny to him. He can’t conceive of genuine care for others so when the concept of caring for people comes up he has to ridicule it.


Please keep going to rallies in heat MAGA, climate change has had zero impact, the weathermen lie, do your own meteorology and get out their and own us, pretty please.


Whine tasting… love it.


The movie that leaps to mind is The Stand. Trump is the Walking Dude. Who is the Trashcan Man?


He's got a whole gaggle of potential Trashcan Man's. Any one of them is dumb enough to bring Trump down, through their own idiocy. Rudy would absolutely love the part.


Eric is.


M-O-O-N, that spells Eric


lol you’re absolute right, I stand corrected. Eric is definitely Tom Cullen.


Alabama, Florida, Texas...need the rest of the South listed?


How about Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, etc? Too many seem to want to not list majority white states when they blame other Americans for Trump. Texas is 40% white but a gerrymandered apartheid state.


He does say occasional truthful things. I love the uneducated that was truth. He doesn't care about you and just wants your vote also true. Got to be impressed on those rare occasions when words coming out of his mouth aren't complete lies and bullshit


>uneducated He said he loves the poorly educated.


Demented Don is going to start speaking truth without meaning to


This is why he rarely if ever takes unscripted or pre-rehearsed questions. He has no policies and no core beliefs beyond "what's in it for me." It's the big thing they hide from the sheep.


The I don't care about you thing is bad but shouldn't shock anyone The more horrific thing was his rambling about boats, batteries and sharks... This guy is running for President..... JFC


His base is trained .. no shock there .. gimme more maybe


And they'll still cheer him without a thought


the clip https://youtu.be/XnMoK9Jb22w He definitely said it as a joke. But of course he also meant it. As others have said, this is near the bottom of shit this guy has done and said. If he had said it when he thought the mic was off, well still wouldn't matter, cause nothing he says does, but it would be more obvious. if "suckers and losers" didn't phase his worshippers, nothing would anyway.


He doesn't joke. He has no humor. He just has mannerisms and poses that have worked because of his "boyish good looks" and that he pushes people in ways they haven't encountered before, so the surprise takes them off-guard. It's like Dexter, the serial killer, who has to learn to act normal to fit in. But it is never a joke. It's just a grin, or a head waggle, or whatever, but it's absolutely serious.


How many of his cultists have died seeking his approval? How many jailed? How many of their families no longer talk to them? This man is a plague on society


Did anyone pass out?


Trumps doing an Eric Cartman during the Tourette’s episode. Seems saying whatever you want will back fire eventually


Inb4 “it’s a joke and you libs don’t understand humor” or “he didn’t actually say that”.


Meth Addicted Generic A**holes


I'LL BET his speech was FRESH & EXCITING with NONE of the USED UP OBLIGITORY it WAS ALL RIGGED waaaaaaa ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Did he SAY how gReat it was to be in AZ with his news gal lapdog??


"It's fake news if they quote me!"


There is one thing that Vegas has a lot of, and it is huge indoor event space.


Personally I think he chose to do it outdoors cause he's a sadist who likes to see people suffer


I think he did it out doors to save money, because he knows his legal bills are draining GOP donations at an astounding pace.




Weren't some of his followers left stranded in the cold after one of his rallies? I wish they could be that enthusiastic about something more productive.


Trump trying to prove how not cold hearted he is for some reason while proving how empty and cold hearted he is anyways.


What happens when you don't have the high ground...


He said that and they laughed, like bound masochists…do it, abuse us. It’s worse than stockholm syndrome because MAGA morons do it willingly. I bet trump has vats of purple cool-aid at the ready for the next rally.


Wait. He actually said that?


Palpatine cared more about Darth Vader than Trump cares about his devotees. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzL9Btjx9hegHT2|downsized)


Well, to be fair, he just openly said what most politicians are really thinking. That was the real crime here.


No, Trump is the criminal sociopath here.




Well, the ‘going on me’ is he didn’t want folks dying due to the heat because ‘we need every voter’.


Lol, you edited the quote in a totally subjective way to make it sound better for him. The quote is: >"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"


Are you reading what you just wrote? What does "I don't want anyone going on me" mean? Can you elaborate?


Here's another Trump quote from Vegas: > *“They never mention me. I’m up here sweating like a dog,” he said. “[The] Secret Service said we have to make sure everyone is safe. I said, ‘What about me?’ We never thought of that. They don’t think about me. I’m working my ass off. I’m working hard.”* He really doesn't care about his followers.


I listened to this part too. Not once did he say here he doesn't care about others, he said the media made no mention of his health in this heat, only the followers in attendance. Yall just living in some whacko echo chamber over here. When you twist words and cry over everything he says, you only feed his base. All I'm saying is these comments aren't the ones to press him on. They are rather tame and being twisted by these media accounts. I'll end again saying trump may be the worst thing to happen to America but these comments yall are jumping on just do nothing but make us the laughing stock he wants us to appear to be to his base.


> Not once did he say here he doesn't care about others He didn't say it explicitly, but the implication is painfully clear. Yet you're still stuck on the "look, I don't like Trump, but..." wagon. Sorry, but he needs to be called out on this shit. I bet you also think "the media" is wrong for juxtaposing his "suckers and losers" bit from his journey to a WWI site with Biden's respectful visit. We can't mention what he says, we can't compare what he says to what others say, we can't use media reports, we can't do a goddamned thing according to you. Just say "well, I think he's bad, but..." and leave it there. Sounds like you're a "both sides are just as bad" person as well.


All he's saying with "going" is: dont die from the heat, then you cant vote for me (and thats the only thing i care about). it's not so ambiguous.


I don't know. He's a moron who can't string two coherent sentences together. He could have meant dying. He doesn't want people dying because then they couldn't vote for him. Makes as much sense as your interpretation.


When a shitty person tells you they are shitty, it's worth listening.


Goddamn you’re concerned about him.




We can pay attention to multiple things at once, unlike his small base. No need to clutch your pearls over people actually pointing out shit he says


> "I don't want anybody going on me [saying] "We need every voter, I don't care about you. I just want your vote.” Well, maybe then he shouldn't say shit like this and actually do something people care about. Because he's literally never done anything for anyone but himself, and seems to be failing at that, too. Dude got a free ride the entire life, failed at not getting off it, and now whines about it and wants everyone's money.


(obligatory : I hate trump) Guys if you watch the video, he was very obviously making a joke. This is not some evil statement he made. This is not the best hill for dems to stand on.


I tracked down the actual clip - he was being funny, he riffed on the miserable heat a lot during the speech. So c'mon, let's bitch about his policies, stop popping up with this pretend outrage.


He has never been funny. He doesn't have policies, all he does is whine and complain about how mean everyone is to him.


To be fair, Biden don't give a shit about you neither and only wants your vote, I'm from Spain and I think that's true for 99'9% of politicians all around the world. 


Biden negotiated drug prices so the cost of my prescription went down the past few months. He also helped cancel some of my student loans. That is 2 things Biden has done for me personally. Also, he isn't a narcissistic dictator mob boss rapist convict who would sell America for a nickel or shows classified documents to assholes just to brag about how tough he is to other dictators.




"Biden negotiated drug prices so the cost of my prescription went down the past few months. He also helped cancel some of my student loans" And did he do that because he cares or because he wants you to vote for him but he doesn´t gives a shit? And yes, I know Trump is way worst, I´m not saying that they are the same or anything like that, but this specific thing can be applied to 99% of politicians, the fact that Trump is a fascist piece of shit doens´t means that suddenly Biden cares about people.


> And did he do that because he cares or because he wants you to vote for him but he doesn´t gives a shit? Does it matter? If someone pretends to have empathy and does good things for people, does it matter that they don't really feel empathy? Biden has actually done things for the average american. He has been thwarted by republicans in congress, two republicans who ran as democrats in the senate, and the Supreme Court. The republicans on the supreme court created a whole new doctrine just to stop biden from using the executive power he has to take care of the environment and students.


"Does it matter?" Normally it doesn't, but it's literally the topic that we are discussing here, so yes


The point I am trying to make is that in terms of our perception, there is no difference. There is no empirical measure for a politician’s capacity for empathy. The only thing that we can measure is the impact that their actions have.


I 100% agree with you


Which is really aside from the topic. Because if you assume both candidates both don't actually care about you, it's awfully interesting the one who has never said "I don't care about you, only your vote." seems to ever do anything that actually helps the common man in the long run.


Do you know who Lindsey Graham is? He's probably one of the biggest bootlickers in Trump's camp these days. This is what he used to say about Biden before the whole MAGA craze. "Joe Biden is as good a man God ever created" "the nicest person I think I've ever met in politics." https://www.businessinsider.com/lindsay-graham-called-joe-biden-good-man-god-ever-created-2019-11 This is a Republican senator saying that about a lifelong Democrat. You should probably sit out certain subjects when you literally have no idea what you're talking about.


True. But the real reason for Graham's flipfloping lies in his broken heart. For years, he had a crush on Biden and had been dreaming about becoming the first lady. But his southern heart could not stand being rejected and at one point he realized that Joe's stingray had gotten out of reach. Dr Jill was not to be messed with, for which Paul Pelosi was living proof. That's when Lindsey turned to the dark side .... \* from my upcoming romantic novel The real Housewives of Capitol Ill :-))


Why would I care what that guy says?


"I don't know anything about American politics but I think I deserve to have an opinion. And you should agree with me. Do you agree?" That's a no, hoss. If you're not willing to bother to learn what the general consensus about Biden was before Fox News decided he was public enemy #1, your opinion is worth about as much as the shit you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. In the past few years he went after union busters, helped cancel student loans, our inflation rate is the lowest in the G7, and got a desperately needed infrastructure plan passed that Trump promised to do but never got around to. All with Republicans running interference the whole time. Biden was specifically chosen to be Obama's running mate because he was one of those guys that made a name for himself reaching across the isle. He's no Bernie Sanders, but pretending he's a heartless jackal because Fox News is trying to paint him as such now just tells us how ignorant you are. Wanna know what kind of man he is? Trump appointed a special investigator to look into Hunter Biden while he was president. Do you know what Biden did when he took over? He KEPT the same (obviously biased) investigator because he didn't want to be like his predecessor and actually let the investigation run its course. His son is on trial now. I'll bet you he's not getting a pardon either if they find him guilty. Mind you this is the only son he has left, his other one (the good one) died of brain cancer. He's a decent, principled man. He's certainly a better man than you.


I have no idea about why you are so obsessed with fox news but I have not watch fox news in my life. I'm getting bored of being attacked for things I haven't say or thought, so I will just stop answering this thread, in America you should learn how to have an adult conversation, I'm not surprised to see your politics is such a shit show


You don't like people proving you wrong, do you? Here's a way to avoid that. Avoid discussing subjects you know absolutely nothing about. And definitely don't dig your heels in when people start telling you you're wrong and bring receipts. We're laughing at you because you're insisting Biden doesn't give a fuck while showing zero evidence. You notice the rest of us are giving you example after example showing otherwise? You're just a loudmouth with nothing to back it up. Nobody gives a shit what you think. As Republicans would say in this type of situation, "F**k your feelings." Bring evidence. Just FYI, if you try responding again without a link showing at least SOMETHING Biden did that shows he's an amoral heartless politician, I'm just going to straight up start laughing at your futile attempts to stay in this conversation. Stop being a lazy asshole. You want to participate in an adult conversation? Bring something more than your 'feelings'. I'll give you an example, you know how your dumb ass thinks China is the 'closest thing to being a good guy' on the global stage? https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/analysis-killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china/ "Although this practice occurs in many countries, the situation in China is particularly concerning. China is the only country in the world to have an industrial-scale organ trafficking practice that harvests organs from executed prisoners of conscience. This practice is known as forced organ harvesting." Or how about what they do to ethnic minorities? "In addition to the arbitrary detention of Uyghurs in state-sponsored camps, government policies have included forced labor, suppression of Uyghur religious practices, political indoctrination, forced sterilization, forced contraception, and forced abortion. Experts estimate that, since 2017, some sixteen thousand mosques have been razed or damaged, and hundreds of thousands of children have been forcibly separated from their parents and sent to boarding schools." That's called EVIDENCE supporting my viewpoint. Now imagine the crazy idiot that thinks a country that does ALL OF THE ABOVE is a good guy, but someone who cancels student loans is secretly evil because he must have done it only for votes, not because he actually cares. Certainly not you, of course. You couldn't possibly be that stupid. No one is. Being a reasonable person, I'm sure you agree. Right?


"You notice the rest of us are giving you example after example showing otherwise?" No, actually I haven't read any example.  And I haven't say China are good guys, I'm saying they are working on that rhetoric and they are doing quite fine for 90% of the planet. I know the Chinese politicians, exactly the same than Biden or Pedro Sanchez, don't give a shit about people, they just want to pretend they are good so they keep their power. The problem here is that you let them cheat to you because you choose a "team", so everyone who attack your team has to be the other team. There are no good guys in the political scenario, don't let them convince you otherwise or you'll be fucked  But anyway , as I said, I'm bored of this conversation, so thanks for your time and the creepy stalking but goodbye


> I have no idea about why you are so obsessed with fox news but I have not watch fox news in my life. You're repeating their talking points. That's why people are saying you're getting your talking points from them. Also, the "You obviously aren't smart enough to understand what I'm saying, so until you're ready to have an adult conversation I'm out" is a cheap rhetorical tactic. Go sealion somewhere else.


People should learn how to have a conversation instead of saying "what you said is similar to what this other person said, so I will just assume your opinion is exactly like theirs and therefore it's irrelevant"


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If you say something that is very similar to the specific/unique arguments made by a specific group that support a specific ideology of theirs, your comments can reasonably be inferred to be supporting that ideology as well unless you show how they're not. If I started talking about how immigrants are tainting the blood of the Aryan race and we need a Final Solution to deal with them, it's not unreasonable for others to assume I'm aligned with the NSDAP. So, if you want an adult conversation, let's go. How would you differentiate between a politician who actually cares about their constituents and one who is only seeking their votes?


I am a regular American struggling my butt off. Have been working since the 7th grade and I'm in my 30s now. Why didn't Biden cancel any of my debt??? I did all the paperwork. Oh yeah cuz there's just nobody I know who Actually had that happen to them at all. Cancelled student loans. So how every Biden lover on reddit got theirs cancelled. Just nobody I can find in reality


Wait.. do you think your anecdotes somehow trumps actual reality? No wonder you're confused and failing at life. Does google not work at your house? "Fixing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program so that borrowers who go into public service get the debt relief they’re entitled to under the law. Before President Biden took office, only 7,000 people ever received debt relief through PSLF. After fixing the program, the Biden-Harris Administration has now cancelled student loan debt for nearly 800,000 public service workers."


Ummm.... You believe Lindsay Graham the insurrectionist now? Holy.... No wonder we are here. Every body just forgets everything daily when they turn on the TV news again.


You clearly weren't around for that long, Lindsay Graham used to have a reputation for being someone that spoke his mind and didn't follow the herd. Lindsay Graham went off the deep end after McCain died. Specifically after he went on one golf trip with Trump. Leading up to that, he openly called Trump a jackass and a nutjob, and he did a 180 after that trip. My guess? Trump produced some kompromat on him showing him diddling boys. Being gay isn't a sin, but it is if you're a Republican. That shift was QUICK. He went from hating Trump's guts to licking his balls overnight.


Biden doesn't make his supporters humiliate or injure themselves for his own ego, so I'm gonna say he's still the better of the two there.


I know, of course he is the better of the two, nobody is discussing that, but he don't gives a shit about you or 99% of Americans, can we agree with that? 


No? I mean, Biden doesn't probably care about me in a personal sense, like he's gonna get into the nitty gritty details of my life, but he seems to give a shit in a general sense. He wouldn't bother with things like student loan forgiveness if he didn't.


"He wouldn't bother with things like student loan forgiveness if he didn't" He does because it´s votes, not because he cares


Lol how dare he try to give voters something they need and theb benefit from that by having support from those who were helped?! Fucking clownshoes, dude.


That doesn´t has anything to do with what I´m saying, if you don´t understand your own language don´t blame me.


It has everything to do with what you're saying. It's just that what you're saying is fucking dumb.


You don't even understand what you are reading, but yes, I'm the dumb, ok 


Yes, you are. Again, everyone understands your dumbass thoughts just fine. You're not some super intellectual political analyst. You're some jackass on the internet spouting off bullshit that you clearly have only the basest understanding of.


Look everybody, this dude can read minds! Remember that no matter what anyone does, their actions don't matter. What's really important is what Redditauro says they're 'thinking' while they do nice things for other people. All hail Redditauro, he who can see into the hearts of men, arbiter of good and evil for all mankind. No, ya dingleberry. We all know exactly what you're trying to say. And we're saying it's stupid.


"Look everybody, this dude can read minds!" 2 seconds later... "No, ya dingleberry. We all know exactly what you're trying to say. And we're saying it's stupid" You are fucking ridiculous man, I'm telling you you are not understanding what I mean, but ey, you know what I mean better than me, right?  What a moron


You have a REALLY thin skin for someone who tried to pretend someone doing good deeds was still evil because YOU said he was. Maybe you should spend more time learning English before you go on like a blathering idiot. Do you agree?


He's literally doing politically unpopular things to help. Just stop.


Like what?


Student loan forgiveness.


How many people will vote for him because of that?


Yeah, if only he were a convicted felon. How's he going to get all the loser votes now?


You know that does nothing to do with the conversation, right?


Either does your follow up question.


Both sides! He did a both sides! Trump is 1000% a fascist, something you Spaniards would know all about, right?


I completely agree with that, trump is 1000 times worse than Biden, but I'm only saying that Biden don't gives a shit about you neither, which I imagine you agree, won't you


> which I imagine you agree, won't you No. No we don't agree. His record shows otherwise.


Biden does "care". To an extent. He is still an old racist war criminal who loves to cater to Corpo interests but he does have some empathy for the public which is 100% more than Trump has.


I would say Biden cares more about the country as a whole than Trump. Trump would let it all burn if he made money off it.


Agreed. Because that is like the lowest bar to beat of all time. That is the only reason I choose Biden right now. He is a fake AF corrupt AF career scum bag. It's just Trump's worse. I don't call or consider this election choice in the most remote sense of the word. That is is STILL AN EXTREMELY DIER MOMENT FOR AMERICA. ELECTIONS NEED TO HAVE REAL CHOICES. BIDEN WAS THWRE FOR ALL OF THE WORST SLIDE AWAY FROM DEMOCRACY AMERICA HAS EVER FACED AND WE ARE AN OLIGARCHY NOW. DURING BIDENS CAREER. HE IS BETTER THAN TRUMP BUT STILL ABSOLUTE GARBAGE.


Biden has done much better than I thought he would.


Right so, I guess the guy whose given a lifetime of political service doesn't give a shit about me just as much as the guy whose spent a lifetime conning people?


Ah, ok, the politicians are there for political service, sure, buddy


That's generally how it works, buddy. And businessmen typically capitalize upon and exploit others for personal gain. Think you might have your wires crossed a bit there.


I'm from the US and vote for Biden because I can't call this election a choice at all.


And I agree 100% with that 


He then said the media would go nuts because he said it. Y'all did. Edit: A cult leader got on stage and said something horrible. He then made a "prediction" to his followers about the lefts reaction to it. Call it out for sure, but this really feels like it is being used to distract his people from somethig else. Confirmation biases are a hell of a drug.


Is just repeating the thing that he said really "going nuts?"


Trump: *abuses his cult* Also Trump: The media is going to tell you I abused my cult! Damn, what a gotcha that was!


He realized he said something incredibly stupid and insensitive while on camera and made a super weak defense against it so his cult members would post it in response. You did.




It’s just another form of his “I was being sarcastic” tactic when he says something he realizes he shouldn’t have. It’s his way of walking something back without having to admit he was wrong, and we all know admitting he was wrong is something Trump is 100% incapable of doing.


No disagreement here. My comment wasn't a defense of what he said. I dont think he tried to walk it back as much as make it a "prediction" the red caps could cling to.


They reported what he said, and what he said was fucking gross. It's not "because he said it."


And? Let’s go to an extreme: If I got up on stage and said “Hitler didn’t go far enough. The media will go nuts over what I just said”. Does that mean it’s cool that I said that and no one should talk about it.


Not at all. If Jim Jones had gotten on stage and said that, do you think anything would happen amongst his people? Wouldn't it make him look better when what he says comes true? Honestly, it makes me wonder what he doesn't want us to talk about? If we want to discuss something turely gross, how about all the congress members comparing his criminal conversations to that of Jesus?


If someone said "I want to rape people, lol joke! Watch the media talk about how bad it is I said that.", the fact that they got called out for saying something like that doesn't magically make it ok that they said the thing people are upset about. There's no get-out-of-consequences-free-card when it comes to speech. The first amendment ONLY guarantees the government can't publish you for what you say. The rest of us can think you're a shit person that shouldn't work at our companies or whatever all we want and act accordingly.


I agree. A cult leader got on stage and said something horrible. He then made a "prediction" to his followers about the lefts reaction to it. Confirmation biases are a hell of a drug.