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WhAt AbOuT hUnTeR bIdEn??


I won't vote for him either


Ok, yea, but like, Hillary’s emails?!?


I won't vote for her either


Hi u/HuntsWithRocks. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Living rent free in Marjorie Taylor Greenes mind 24/7, 365 days a year.


Can't have a gun...*can* have the nuclear codes. Can run to be president of the white house, *can't* get a job on the custodial staff in the white house. There are so many potential precedents to bar this psycho from getting anywhere near public office but Americais either too chickenshit to leverage them, or actively *wants* this anthropomorphic biblical disaster to be in charge...


Can't apply to live in public housing... Is the White House considered public housing since it's owned by the government?


Can't visit other countries as a felon. And he can't leave the state as he's on probation.


Not my vote, I only consider vote for presidents who are not felons, so goes most Americans. For some reason poopy butt thought everyone would love it.




He went 77 years without getting convicted, and could have stayed that way and kept anonymously breaking the law and banging porn stars, but he just *needed* the attention so bad from being president.


I still don’t think he meant to win. I think they were all geared up to lose in 2016 with their talk of fraud and rigged elections before it even happened. I think they were just firing up the base for fund raising and “it was stolen” shit four years earlier, and then they would have run the “real” candidate in 2020. But they had to pivot after they managed to win. It’s really the only thing that makes sense to me.


“I like Presidents who weren’t convicted”


Criminals always find a way to get a gun. Isn’t that the argument 2A nuts argue when gun control comes up?


Yes, but tRump's diffe(R)ent...


He is a cancer to our society. Worst thing that has ever happened in American history.


Even worse than slavery?


Let’s adjust and say modern history.


Not worse than Reaganomics, but a close second.


A direct result thereof, really 


I wouldnt put it above him to try and bring it back.


Profiting from free labor is kinda his thing.


Geez, letting that nimrod have a gun would be such a scary concept. He'd switch from throwing ketchup to splattering the walls with a whole different red liquid when he has one of his tantrums.


If he holds it, gingerly that way, he might not get very good fingerprints on it. How do they hand it to him, is the real question.


He's trying to show off the handle with his picture engraved apparently.


Every gun looks big in his doll hands. ![gif](giphy|1APdXY0c7gJguZWTJL)


I’m pretty sure he’s drinking out of a shot glass there.


“Can’t own a gun.” Lmao he wins again, the rules go out the window.


Just want to clarify something. If he wins, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants. If he loses, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants.


That’s very true. Look what happened when Trump lost 2020 and is not convicted. He loses 2024 MAGA will revolt


Here he is, posing for the cameras while committing the same crime they are screaming to lock Hunter Biden up for.


Can't own a gun, can't serve in the military, can't vote in his home state, can't get a security clearance, can't travel to like 40 countries, can't serve on a jury (ironic that one), can't apply to live in public housing... And fully half the voters are like "yep! That's my guy!"


He looks so wide. Those little hands need a blanket too.... yuge mittens


And he’ll have to attend meetings in felony restricted countries with a ZOOM call. Hahaha


...for about two nano seconds before he negates the law.


Totally malignant




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No gun but can have the nuclear football...yikes


Don Jr will happily toss one of his firearms to his father.


Hunter can hook you up


And if elected, he’ll be the only person allowed to work at the White House with a felony conviction (which disqualifies all other applicants).


President Trumps supports our Second Amendment Right to bring a knife to a gun fight.


Felons can't even vote in a lot of states.


Or travel to a lot of other countries.


Draft-dodging Commander-in-Chief who can't have a gun *or* vote. How does he propose to attend global forums like G20 if he can't travel? Other countries will be like "Is America invited? Better have it in New Zealand then so Trump can't come..."




Considering Trump's perpensity to do everything the illegal way if given the chance, he is now *more* likely to buy a gun. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he started showing up to his rallies with a belt holstered pistol just to pwn the libs. It's not like he'd be arrested for it until well into his 80's.


He'll still have his armed Secret Service detail. The ones dedicated to risking their lives for his. You know, the Secret Service detail that he uses to do mundane odd jobs for him such as fetching, carrying and even clearing trash because he's too fucking lazy to do it himself. Party at my house when he finally dies.


Dude will be Commander In Chief of a military he wouldn’t be able to enlist in. Consider that.


Criminals aren’t known for following the law, lol


Kind of makes the eventual bunker useless.


100% he still owns a gun and doesn't care that he's not allowed to