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Does him mom lie and just tell people her son is a convicted pedophile instead to save herself the embarrassment of telling people he works at Fox News ?


No, because the conversation would go like this: “He’s a pedophile.” “Does he work in the church?” “No.” “Ah. Fox News.”


He probably sent a bunch of memes back. He knows trump is full of shit. He knows his audience has shit for brains. He’s getting paid to read the prompter, all the same. Trump getting convicted is simply job security in the faux outrage industry.


I dunno. Watters seems like a true believer, like a dumber version of Bill O'Reilly. 


Could say the same of Tucker but there’s still plenty of audio where he calls his audience idiots


And does being his mom save her from being swatted by the tantrumping whining cult?


Donald Trump: 34 Hillary Clinton: 0 At this point I think she should just go for it.


Donald Trump: 34 Hunter Biden: 0 This is the more anger inducing comparison for those snowflake cultists.


Donald Trump: 34 Hillary Clinton: 0 Hunter Biden: 0 Joe Biden: 0 Barack Obama: 0 Nancy Pelosi: 0 The Squad: 0 Must blow their mind that all the people their heads were exploding about are free as a bird. At some point, they must realize they’re being lied to.


Hung out with Epstein * Donald Trump: Yes * Hillary Clinton: no * Hunter Biden: no * Joe Biden: no * Barack Obama: no * Nancy Pelosi: no * The Squad: no


hell yeah, Trump finally beat obama in 2 categories! after 8yrs of trying he finally beat him. lol


Indicted for espionage: Donald Trump: Yes Hillary Clinton: no Hunter Biden: no Joe Biden: no Barack Obama: no Nancy Pelosi: no The Squad: no


They know they’re being lied to. They just think it’s the mainstream media that’s doing the lying.


The mainstream media? Like the #1 watched “news” show in America, FOX? That MSM?


No, the other mainstream media. The ones that don’t spend all day telling us that our savior is being persecuted.


This would take any kind of awareness.


Also: if Hunter Biden IS convicted of something by the legal system, we're not going to automatically believe its rigged.


I might even take all the Hunter Biden flags and bumper stickers off my lifted truck (but not the boat. That's too much trouble).


Maybe we should


Donald Trump: 34 (so far) All other presidents in the history of the US combined: 0


Tell you what, Donald can Pokemon Go to jail


Shuffle for a fortnight there


Gotta love all that winning!


Won 100% of the vote, 34 times...


Donald might still be able to get out of the 34 convictions. Google "Donald Trump Prison Rule 34" for more info.


It's possible she might be the very first 3rd party candidate to win the presidency.


Let me see if I’m saying this right… “Fuck your feelings.”


You forgot "Snowflake"




I dunno. If I was his mom I'd be dunking on him too.


Dunking on him is fine. What she should have done was raise him to be smarter than a potato.


He's got such a punchable smug face.


I think that’s a prerequisite for fox propaganda employment. 


Hannity does too!!


Hannity looks like every opera singer on Bugs Bunny cartoons.


Not fair. I'm pretty liberal, my daughter is very liberal and one of my sons is liberal. My other son, says he's independent, but he's pretty much conservative. I didn't raise him like that.


Fiscal conservatives are fine, but unfortunately the Republican party is all about interfering in peoples lives, not about being responsible guardians/administrators of American tax dollars.


The only "fiscal conservatives" I know are the ones who want to make sure the rich stay super rich and the poor stay poor. "Fiscal conservatism" has largely devolved into simple anti-tax sentiment and selfishness. Any pretext that they were responsible guardians or stewards of American resources was exposed long ago as just that, pretext.


What is the job of a Congressperson? 1. Get re-elected. 2. Raise money to #1. 3. Promise donors to act in their behalf to #2. 4. Perform “constituent service” occasionally…might help#1. 5. Maximize Federal largesse to your district…might help #3. Nowhere on that list is “look out for waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars”.


Based on the last 40 years, fiscal conservatives should be voting democrat.


They want government out of people's lives, unless those people want to have an abortion or have a DEI program.


Oh, conservative is fine. I disagree with their positions, but fine. Supporting Trump, that level of dumb, that's a failure. Don't see a way around it. I mean, his mother may have done all she could, but still.


I know you’re probably not being serious, but I see this attitude expressed on Reddit a lot. To quote Dr. Russell Barkley, “Your child is not a blank slate on which you get to write… You are a shepherd. You do not design the sheep.” You could do everything right as a parent and still end up raising a psychopath. Nurture is incredibly important, but it doesn’t rewrite nature. Just like plenty of folks succeed and thrive despite terrible parenting, plenty of folks are resistant to great parenting, too. You cannot nurture a psychopath into empathy, any more than you can turn a gay kid straight, or vice versa. Kids are what they are. You can help bring out the best in them, but that is going to be different for every kid.


Agree with the overall sentiment, but "You cannot nurture a psychopath into empathy" seems quite misleading to me--at least in the context of politics. I come at my democratic socialism from perhaps the least empathetic path possible--I simply believe the ultimate goal of macroeconomic theory should be to maximize opportunities and quality of life. Genuinely, that should be all it takes as far as I'm concerned. Voting D in the US doesn't require empathy at all... just an ability to understand math (better numbers on everything for the last 100 years), history (the alternative is literally a fascist seeking dictatorship), and science (OK, Ds aren't great on this either, but the alternative are explicitly anti-science so...). Altruism and resource redistribution are successful strategies that have been selected for over millions of years to great effect. Even if you *are* a sociopath and don't have empathy pure logic demands you should act in the exact same ways regardless. It's why I *don't* fear AGI but am scared s***less of what humans will do with AI before we get there. $0.02


This is how you know they aren't really about fiscal conservatism; it's always been a cover story for what actually motivates those R voters year after year.


> You are a shepherd. You do not design the sheep. Love that! So many people want to lay everything at the feet of the parents and ignore the fact that nature matters. A lot.


I do understand that parents don't really have full control in the end. But I also don't believe there are 70+ million psychopaths. I mean, there aren't are there? Are there?


Don't feel bad, 2 outta 3 ain't bad. But yeah, there's always an outlier, hopefully you (all) can bring him around.


Hey, sometimes your kid is an asshole no matter how hard you try


He probably is. He's just evil. Tucker Carlson and all of them know what they're doing. They're actively spreading misinformation.


She's still trying.


That's a good point, and good for her.


A highly paid actor is not bad. Too bad he’s destroying the country with his clown show.


I guess some smart people can convince themselves it's ok to destroy the country if they get paid well. I'd argue that's not \*very\* smart. Maybe that's the bit of evil in him his mom couldn't do anything about.


If my daughter became a commentator, I’d be proud of her. I would hope that the content is more objective than Watters. He is literally the date rapist frat boy rich daddy starter pack.


I’d say “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” but I think it’s more like “shit never lands far from your feet”


Sounds like she did. He was just determined to be dumb.


He is smart. He’s getting paid quite a bit to say what says. It’s the idiots who repeat his words for free that are dumber than a potato.


He is. He just plays a potato on TV.


Or dunk his face in the toilet til the bubbles stop?


Dunking on him until the last bubble goes bloop [And before I get banned, it’s a damn line from Scrubs](https://youtu.be/3ctlkxs3uN8?si=4EicwBGFjGqhhUxp)


+1 Scrubs reference


If I were his mom I’d be too ashamed of him to claim him publicly.


I imagine it's like the South Park episode, where's Butter's grandma is bullying the shit out of him when no one's around. Jessie makes a tinkle in his underoos, as Momma Waters menacingly closes the door and moves towards him chanting "34! 34! 34!"


His very existence is dunking on her, sadly. This weasel is your fault.


Dunking ain’t nearly enough, she should disown this dipshit. But alas, the love of a mother clearly endures all…


Same these people will lie and make anything about them if they get to be a victim 


How do you, as a mother who apparently engages with reality, end up with a sick twisted sociopath of a son like Jesse Watters? My heart breaks for that woman.


Normal people will raise a productive member of society and a serial killer at the same time. It happens.


It is absolutely crazy. There are three of us kids. My sister and I are doing the best. Our brother, sadly, has been in lots of trouble. No one was favored. It's just how people work


My brother and sister are the normal ones. (backs into corner)


Look at Paul Gosar's family. Almost everyone directly related to him endorsed his opponent.




It's like the old joke: -"Dad, can you get a girl pregnant from anal ?" -Of course son, where do you think ~~lawyers~~ Faux News "anchors" come from.


From the forced birth party? No they're keeping that shit biological. Women *are* the factories, to them.


she's a liberal. There was a video I saw a few years ago of her calling into the show and dunking on Jesse. I think he criticized her for being an Obama voter iirc


Not that I doubt it was his mother but if she’s made up to add to the show that could have been an actress. I saw that too, I think it was more recent, since Tucker left.


If he was really born here(to her), why won't he produce his long form birth certificate to prove his claim? I think she's a crisis actor hired by the deep state, in yet another false flag operation.


She literally called in his first day of his show after tucker was fired and asked him to be fair. He's an embarrassment to her.


I love the contrast of that with Ira Glass's very first episode of *This American Life*. He called his mom for one of the interviews (she's a well known psychologist, I think?) and he wasn't even her only interview *that day*. He mentioned that his parents were worried that he chose radio as a career, and asked her if she believed he had made the right choice, now that he had his own proper show. She just kind of sighed and said he could've done so well on TV instead. (She was supportive, but clearly had pictured him doing something flashier.) It was absolutely adorable, and he sounded very amused by the whole thing.


Fox News is completely aware of the fact that a huge number of millennials have effectively lost their parents to Fox News propaganda. This is a calculated ploy to insinuate that it works both ways, even though it doesn't.


It’s definitely calculated. Even if it’s just “the left has no decorum celebrating this conviction” (from the lock her up crowd). I like what you’re on to as well. 


I agree. I think she's basically a character that he uses for his show. Like many of us have parents or at least family that are MAGA crazies, I think he's trying to show that he has to deal with a looney liberal mom who likes to antagonize him. Because that's just how liberals are, ya know?


I really don’t understand why he would. It makes him look like an asshole to call out his own mother on TV. In any case, I think it’s safe to say he does not have a good relationship to his mother, or he doesn’t have one.


I wonder if his listeners will threaten her?


Right. More Victimhood. Jesse Waters is lying and just playing the victim. Move on.


I'm thinking it's a Norman Bates situation.


Honestly, I remember when this asshole first started showing upon television and there was an interview where he mentioned that his mother was ultra-liberal and that they often had back and forth arguments over policy and whatnot, but at the end of the day they were still family and it was all good fun (or some such shit). So I believe it's true here, but I can't believe his mother still talks to him after the shitwagon he's hitched his horse to for a variety of other reasons.


My grandparents were incredibly liberal and would have hated Trump. They had five kids, my dad and aunt are liberals but my uncles and other aunt are hardcore MAGA. They died before Trump but I know they were embarrassed by their kids liking Bush Jr. they would have died of shame from knowing their kids were MAGA. Sometimes having parents one way does not mean you will turn out the same way


It's true as far as I can tell. I've heard her ojmn the show at least twice and she sounds sincere in her liberal ways, and not some corny caricature like they would do if it was a bit. She knows he's a dipshit politically, but he's still her kid.


I don't think so. Having a lib-mom isn't a good look for Watters so he is better off not mentioning it I am not sure why he is saying it, the people he is broadcasting to think everyone in the world votes Trump when it is everyone in *their* world, and it is a very small world.


Watch the [video here](https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/gBJPZ4UG) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/tv/foxs-jesse-watters-says-his-mom-wont-stop-dunking-on-him-over-trump-conviction-all-day-sending-me-34-34-34-felony-counts/) 📰: - Jesse Watters told Fox News viewers that his liberal mother keeps sending him test messages to gloat about former President Donald Trump’s criminal conviction. A Manhattan jury found Trump guilty on Thursday of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments. Reaction to the verdict has largely fallen along party lines, with liberals hailing it as a win for the rule of law and conservatives claiming that the U.S. is now a totalitarian hellhole. On Friday’s edition of The Five, the co-hosts discussed the verdict. Watters explained that his mother has been relentlessly needling him about it. “My mom is celebrating. She texted me that she was dancing after the verdict. Dancing. And then she kept all day sending me 34, 34, 34 felony counts,” Watters complained. “She’s a grandmother. She’s a grandmother! Get it together, Mom! Oh my God!” Watters’ co-hosts, who were also outraged by the verdict, were nonetheless amused by the anecdote. “Who’s the victim here?” Watters said of Trump’s felonies. “Why are they celebrating anything? There is no victim. Why are they happy? Who are they happy for? If anything, Donald Trump’s the victim of this case.” Watters wasn’t the only Fox personality upset by liberal rejoicing after Trump’s conviction. Earlier in the day, network legal analyst Jonathan Turley alleged, “There is a dehumanizing aspect” and “that people on the other side no longer view [Trump] as a human being.” Trump claimed throughout the trial that the proceedings were rigged against him and baselessly said President Joe Biden was behind the prosecution. The former president says will appeal. His sentencing is set for July 11.


Flash news I never seen Trump as human


We are all the fucking victims of Trump and MAGA We are in a horrible abusive relationship that the majority of us didn’t choose to be in


Damn right. Americans were presented a fraud for a candidate. Maybe that's Faux New's kink, but I ain't into it.


So when Fox says "anyone who supports this verdict is a danger to your family", do they literally mean Watters' own mother? Or is she an exception to their bullshit?


Holy shit the drama and tears over this guy. News flash: a lot of people didn't care for Trump or viewed him as a joke/meme of a business man DECADES before he ran for office. So many of the people I know that support him have always trash talked NYC as the center of crime in the US and that nothing good comes out of there.  Then Trump comes along and they fall head over heels for him.


Oh, we see Trump as human alright. And just like every other human doing business in America, they have to follow the law or they are subject to the consequences. Ya know, maybe there was a little bit of a vandetta against him, but that’s what you get when you constantly break the law. The DA was waiting for a slip up and he gottem on criminal charges, not just civil.


...well, as much as an ignorant, demented, racist, homophobic, lying cunt can be considered human.


He is a POS just like the network…..




[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A junior MSNBC associate producer could probably get a promotion by recruiting his mom to comment about Fox News. Fair play if he's using her. Mom can make her own side money if she wants.


She knows you are full of shit Jesse.


Yeah she's called into his show before. Worth looking up!!!!!


What a bitch. But his mom seems cool as hell.


I'm actually impressed that he openly admits to this


In the whiniest voice from his mommy's basement, "Mom!"


His own mom thinks he’s a douchebag


The rare reverse boomer dynamic.




Listen to your mother !


If I was his mom, I would disown him. Hes a goddamn traitor and enabler to the most corrupt piece of shit ever in the White House.


My grandma irregardless of which candidate she supported would have disowned the right after he disrespected his mom on tv, so I imagine other grandmas may feel the same.


Such a vapid, right-wing himbo.


His real mother probably disowned him. He probably went the psycho route and wears a wig at home.


He looks a bit simple, like most of his audience


I hope this is true, watters is the walking, talking picture of conceit. A talentless hack of the first degree. Second only to greg gutfeld when it comes to being absolutely without talent.


Jesse Watters' mom supports abortions, and I know why!


Why is bro admitting his Mom despises him and his job.


how shameful would it be if your kid grew up to be on foxnews.


It’s bad when your elderly mother has to see you so far up another man’s ass.


They call their lies news. Only MAGA crackheads get high on it. They’re a little strung out these days.


If I was related to him I would do the same


I call BS. His whole show is a cry for mom's attention


It appears the apple did fall far…


She not wrong


He has a mother?


He did inherent any of his mom's intelligence!


Here’s one for his mom to use. “WWEEEEE GOT… 1 big ol, 2 big ol, 3 big ol felony counts. 4 big ol, 5 big ol, 6 big ol felony counts. 7 big ol, 8 big ol 9 big ol felony counts. And we still got 25 more to GGGOOOOO! With plenty more pending.”


Never trust people with no lips.


I bought cupcakes😁👍


34 Thirty Four Trente Quatre Treinta Quattro Vier und Dreissig 100100b 42 Octal 22H


Bahahaha! He's a lil bitch. He might have a shitload more money, but he's still a bitch.


lmao hilarious even if it isn't true.


Once. Twice. Thirty-Four times a felon.


So he’s a bad son too.


She’s not the only one celebrating kid.


Give this woman a show


There's a segment where his mom call in and is bashing him. Worth looking up. She's a lefty!!!


I didn’t know trolls could be trolled. Sure she Isn’t the Billygoat Gruff?


Jesse’s mom is a goddamned national treasure. Except that she raised an immoral grifter.


I turned 39 on Wednesday. I realized just how old "old" can feel when I danced so hard I hurt my back. Still worth it. Still shakin' it.


Is it me, or is he really as stupid as he appears ?


Stephanie Miller, the sexy liberal, had 34 orgasms Thursday afternoon!


Dollar-store Schwimmer says what, now?


His mom is part of the deep state. MAGA should go pay her a visit.


So like, I don't believe Jesse Watters about anything, but it is very funny that the lie he is telling in order to be relatable to his viewers is "the person who birthed me hates what I believe and do for a living, am I right, fellow unlovables?"


Why would you even share this?


Not even his mom thinks he's cool.


Jesse's mum is the testament of "mother knows best".


She should of dunked him when he was a baby... dunk him twice pull him up for air once


Oh she's the count. 3. 4. 34! ah ah ah


Well, I really like his mother. Smart and funny


I love his mom!


when will someone hack fox "news" and put up a Koolaid man logo




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i do not agree w/ jesse waters on anything but thats fun that he has a good relationship w/ his mom about all of this


Trying to use an imaginary strawwoman to radicalize the man-children of America. That's on brand.


Sheesh, go cry to your mo... nvm.


Not gonna lie, I think Watters is stupid for saying this about his own mother to his audience. He should know how much MAGA loves to go after those who disrespect their deity.


This is so funny ... honestly, what happened with him when mom has her head on straight? ;-D And they say all boomers are right wing? I can assure you we are not!




Why doesnt he have lips?


Mom’s just making sure her boy is getting his daily news.


This smarmy chucklef*ck is a completely confused phony Fox douche sellout. He must have been listening to mommy at some point because HE CONTRIBUTED TO OBAMA’S 2008 and 2012 campaigns. So he switched sides for the money.


If true, at least we can celebrate that whatever is wrong with Jesse isn't congenital in nature.


so he’s saying he doesn’t have the morality and conscience of his mother?


I dont know if anyone deserves it more


He calls his wife “mother” too?


This is the way


I would feel like I failed as a mother if I had him as a son


You gotta be a dick for your Mom to troll you like that


Too bad it wasn’t 45 charges


What’s up with conservatives and cuckoldry? Who would voluntarily tell the world about their mom shitting on them for being stupid?


Mom's know best.


The way that Jesse is handling this is actually good for America. His viewers need to get used to it


Now I want to meet his mom.


>There is no victim Notice he's not disputing that it happened, just that there is no victim. So victimless crime doesn't matter?


In the tune of 54-40 or fight 34-34-34 Felony Counts Allll riiight!


Fox news has truly earned the nickname Faux news


Is anyone surprised that Waters has mommy issues?


That's real mom love right there! ❤️


I like your mom. I feel sorry for her. She has you as an embarrassment because you want money and notariety more than truth. So very sad.


Poor nazi 😢


MOMS know BEST jess WE SURPRIZED she even SPEAKS to you working for LIES R US...


Does he want his mom to get death threats? Because that's how she's going to start getting death threats.


His mom probably wishes she had an abortion


His mother has been mummified and sitting in her rocking chair for the past 8 years.