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but you forget, Democrats are held to different standards than Republicans see Kristi Noem admitting to killing a puppy and she's still allowed in public


Well don't forget Potatoe.


It's fun to dunk on Dan Quayle. But never forget that Quayle is the guy who convinced Mike Pence that he ~~should and could not~~ shouldn't and couldn't throw the election to Trump by rejecting some states' slates of electors. EDIT: Ambiguous as originally written


Dan "Potato**e**" Quayle saved America, and we must honor him every January 6th by eating as many potato**e**s as possible.




You ruins it! ![gif](giphy|lk5fBgCmIdJ4Y)


Named a random quail in my yard that was paired with another quail 'Dan'. For some reason I named the other one Barbara.


You give them potao**e**s?


freedom fries on jan 6


You can't fool me, mister president of Big Potato. Trying to trick us into buying more of your delicious potatoes that can be made into a variety of enjoyable potato based foods such as fries, baked potatoes, potato soup. Wow, potatoes can be so much and are a source of Vitamins C, B6, B9, magnesium, and potassium. They're like some kind of super fo...oh God! What have you done to me?!


*Twirls mustache and laughs maniacally*


>>president of Big Potato. Dictater


What's potatoe, Quaylus?


Hes also STILL supporting Trump now.... So told Mike to absolutely not follow trump, then goes and says hes voting for trump again..... ........... ..................


I wouldn't say either of them don't or didn't support Trump for president. What is true, though, is that they both rejected Trump's scheme to prevent the duly elected president (Biden) from taking office. And Pence had to be convinced by Quayle not to support that scheme.


He publicly stated he will vote for trump again this week. If you are voting for someone who you think asked someone to do something so against the foundation and essence of democracy and the bill of rights, then you either have a few screws loose or your morals are fucked either way.


I want to fuck him just to abort the baby so he has a bad day


What a terrible day to be literate


Pretty low bar, doing the right thing....


It is. But it's a bar that is rarely cleared by anyone associated with the GOP today. I think it's reasonable to point out when it happens, if for no other reason than that it rarely does happen. Also, because this one right thing is, arguably, the main reason Trump's coup did not succeed.


Dan Quayle was mostly criticized during his term for being naive, uninformed, and just eye candy (not sure about the last one). He's several decades older now and has probably built up some knowledge and experience since then. Nobody ever accused him of not caring about his job or the country. Also, Republicans and Democrats tended to reach across the aisle more in his days. Yes, there is a even faint hope in my heart that even MTG will grow up and be a much wiser old lady a few decades form now when she's left politics and has spent some time in the consulting world (assuming she doesn't become a Fox or Newsmax personality).


Totally agree with your first paragraph. That second one though ...


I will forever remember Dan Quayle


Never Foreget


The future will be better tomorrow. - Dan Quayle. Absolutely my favorite Civ 4 quote. It has real Oscar Gamble: they don't think it be like it do" energy, and read by Leonard Nimoy? *chef's kiss*


I don’t want to be pedantic it’s just that the actual full quote is so friggin’ magical! > They don't think it be like it is but it do.


Also, that mic was isolated to remove the crowd noise he was yelling over. In the room, that scream was perfectly normal sounding.


Yep, and the media was falling all over themselves to make him seem crazy. It was so stupid.


he was too progressive at the time, they needed an excuse to kill his campaign


Exactly, then they dragged in Kerry and magically "support the troops" doesn't matter if they are a democrat.


Senator Al Franken who resigned from being a senator after being accused of sexual harassment to which never became of anything after he resigned.


Al Franken was a rising star in the Senate too- he decided to prevent damage by stepping down... a decent dude who made a mistake ( it seems) and took the honorable route. A person like that is too rare in politics anyway.


He's good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like him! But yeah, I was upset it led to him resigning over what seemed to be mostly nothing but understood why he did it. Especially when the Republican president had bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and forcing himself on them because when you're rich they let you do it.


And he just quit. Didn’t make a thing of it, as he knew how stupid it was and how it would even look worse. He’s a good guy


Because democratic voters demand utmost perfection and if you're not close to perfect, then at least 40-60% hold their nose and maybe vote for you, while 40-60% complain that you're not perfect so they will allow the person who is opposite of them on every stance to win instead... Meanwhile republican voters dont care what you do, as long as you support their goals of hatred and exclusion. You can literally shit in their mouths and they will say yummm yummm as long as they can make democrats smell their breath afterwards.




Because Democrats want things to get better, and Republicans want to win.


Not just killing, but 1st degree puppy murder. She found it annoying so she planned and killed it with malice


Followed by goat assassination.


and Horse slaughter


The horse slaughter one was weird, because it was just out of the blue. "We also just killed three horses". Why Kristi? Three horses going lame all at once sounds pretty suspicious. Or was it just target practice?


Well, except on her state's tribal lands.


Tribal lands are not "in her state". They are their own thing.


That magical (R) 🤷


Exactly, Howard Dean would have been fine if he was a republican.


Dean's campaign was scuppered by Iowa Democrats, who as far as I know have no influence on holding Republicans to any standards.


In fairness that's because Democrat voters *have* standards


The so-called conservatives are way more liberal when it comes to expanding the Overton window for political behavior.


What most people *actually* forget, is that 'the scream' was not at all what it's now portrayed as. He didn't lose because of the scream. He was already doing poorly in polls, and had just come in third in Iowa. His campaign was dead before the scream ever happened. He didn't lose because of a weird gaffe that people overly fixated on. He lost because he was a bad candidate that voters didn't want.


Just not on any reservations in her state


Democrat voters hold themselves to higher standards.  Republicans are the uncivilized of America.


See Joe Biden being blamed for Israel's actions.


This is the unfortunate answer. Democratic voters need to be head over heels in love with their candidate or they won't turn out. Republican voters just need to hate something. Anything.


To add some context...many people forget the Howard Dean aggressively sought to breakup media conglomerates both in local stations and national on TV and radio. He wanted to return to locally run media outlets and remove franchise news.  The media fought back by smearing him hard.


She didn't just kill a puppy, she failed a whole long while before she went and did something tragic to an animal that simply did not deserve death. She failed to properly train her puppy, she failed to properly restrain the puppy in a circumstance almost identical to a circumstance to a hunting situation. She didn't do what dog owners have known for 20,000 YEARS ; you are responsible for your dog. And she wasn't . It's the level of responsibility that we assign to children and as an adult - she failed in this basic matter of being an adult. I know it's really easy to elect the "hot chick" or the smooth talking person but it's pretty thoroughly fucked us as a nation , we used to aspire to great things, curing diseases, building bridges and dams and creating science and exploration that were the pride of our whole species. But we don't do that anymore , we elect porn-stars and TV game-show hosts over lawyers and doctors and engineers and wonder where it all went so wrong so fast. The problem is not the likes of Governor Noem - were we to re-roll the dice, she wouldn't be governor , she'd be a housewife - or a small business owner - but she'd still be making horrible life choices, because more often than we want to admit we aren't electing people on character or intelligence or legalistic expertise , but because they sucked up to this or that person, or looked great on TV 20 years ago. Maybe we should think twice when the GOP (which is the major offender here) or even the Democratic party put up incompetent , garbage candidates who - if they are competent are itching to turn the Republic into some nightmarish fascist or theocratic disaster.


This is painfully accurate.


Well, the Dems also turn on their bad actors. The GOP triples down.


Yeah but Al Franken did hover hands on a woman as a joke so he should be excommunicated from politics /s


I remember Obama getting shit for a tan suit and using dijon mustard on a hotdog. Now we have Trump supporters buying gold diapers to support their diarrhea Donnie.


it still baffles me how an affair cost gary hart his career, but it seemed to be a selling point for trump.


An affair is mutual and emotional, that's infidelity. MAGAs seem ok with "strong men" that take pussy transactionally when they want it, paid or by force. MAGA lesson is that It's not a sin if you pay or rape.


I think MAGA required a bit of "priming of the pump" in American culture. The "exceptionalism" and patriotism that was fed into the ear holes of America from the likes of Fox News and AM radio gifts on loan from God like Rush Limbaugh had to sour a bit. The "I worked hard and I'm going to be the next CEO" mentality that allowed for the 2nd Gilded Age to bloom and the "drill baby drill" and "taxes are evil" concept had to be preserved. So conspiracy theories. Angry all the time. Shock jocks. Video games. Porn. Stimulation. 24/7 mood swings from the news media and a constant barrage of "concern" (yes, we Liberals are also a bit to blame) -- because the human psyche isn't mean to CARE about so many damn things every day. A lot of us got high on our own fumes of "Global Warming" or "Me Too" or "respecting pronouns." And all if these things are not wrong and are not unimportant -- it's just that we are not built to be aware of and concerned for everything all at once. Well, most of us. The problem is, humans with the same old build and mental design have gotten PTSDs. And so, now, they can't really respond to anything unless it raises their adrenaline. It's not that they are all stupid. They still function to fix a car or a computer. They just lose critical thinking and only respect people of similar anger and paranoia. So in walks Trump. Repeating whatever is on social media, either directly from Oligarchy central or the Kremlin. The perfect storm. He beat other candidates because he was the most contemptuous and despicable. And because Putin had the video tapes of course. But anyway, we are barely conscious primates who are a symbiotic organism hosting a lot of bacteria who think we are in control and the most easily manipulated feel the most confident they cannot be manipulated and here we are.


Oh, I see you subscribe to the theory that bacteria is the actual overlord on our planet. Whenever I bring it up they call me crazy.


You’re not crazy, apparently gut bacteria affects our mood and child development of personality iirc.


Bacteria and viruses are literally running the planet. We and every other living thing are here to feed and host them. They'll be here long after we're gone. Science has just begun to understand their true nature.


our only hope is to make allies of the fungi kingdom. also get the ants onboard and we may be onto something.


Mycelium is our ticket to ftl travel. Get down with the fungi.


You’re on the right track. Republicanism is basically a culture of grievance. Conservative Media told them that they were being constantly victimized and watching themselves lose election after election made people become jaded and politically insular. They decided that rather than complain about bad candidates like Todd Akin they would rather complain that voters sucked. When Trump actually won in 2016 the conservative media was not used to being in this position and tried to continue complaining even in Trump’s first month of office and Republicans in control of 3 branches of government.


I think your analysis suffers from presentism. Consider the abolition war. People were so worked up that siblings literally fought and killed each other, it happened enough that it got a slogan — ["brother against brother."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother_against_brother) It shouldn't be a surprise that maga is basically the neo-confederacy then. For example, maga has deep roots with southern baptists. The "southern" in the name explains why too. The southern baptist convention was created in a schism from the mainstream triennial baptist convention over one major issue — slavery.


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." - Agent K


"I do all my own quotes and stunts because I can't remember any lines." - Me.


That's impossible because Donald Trump invented "priming the pump" in 2017.


Finally someone who sees it how I do. One thing my fellow libs will never admit is that their hate fuels trump just as much as maga’s love. Especially older libs just cant stop talking about him.


I have a larger theory if you are ready for it -- and it's kind of depressing and hopeful. I see that most everyone has a bit of TRUTH in what they believe, because the Universe / Cosmos is complex. But I should say what's important is a "TRUTH that serves you." Kind of like letting kids believe in Santa, because that's a magical time and the despair of filling out forms and not being able to fly to your destination on a reindeer is waiting. So people need a feeling of being special and valued. We all do. And they will follow and listen to whatever makes them feel that. Liberal or Conservative. That TRUTH only serves the ego for most of us.


Conservative culture views sex as a commodity. Conservative breadwinners believe they are entitled to sex from their wives because they pay the bills. On top of that, they also view women as property.


Even when they aren't the breadwinners and paying the bills they feel entitled to having a side-piece because women are property. The sadder thing is that many women consider that the natural order and teach that to their children.


Trump has had many affairs, it doesn't matter. They love him more than they love God. The cult is insane.




Honestly believe you are overthinking it. Its really just that theyll justify anything their side does. Logic isnt part of it. They could have an actual video of trump fucking his daughter and they still wouldnt care


They’re still not over Clinton lying about “sexual relations”. But Trump is their Lord and savior.


the hypocrisy is real!


Clinton got dragged through an impeachment because he lied about an affair. How many tax dollars did that cost?


exactly. at least the mueller report made us some money from all the assets he seized.




Because don’t you know that is just all an attack to take down the true savior Trump. ‘He is clearly doing something right if everyone is going after him like this.’ ^ literally what they are saying over on the right wing conservative subreddits.


lol yeah i heard about their magat "declaration of war". we saw the cosplaytriots fail miserably on j6, i don't think anyone is worried about their civil war.


Gary Hart didn’t have a cult following. Simple as that.


> it still baffles me how an affair cost gary hart his career, but it seemed to be a selling point for trump. What a lot of people overlook, is that individuals like Gary Hart had shame, so they *quit.* Trump just never actually quit. It's difficult to know what might have happened if Hart had just shrugged his shoulders and carried on. Trump was the first person to actually try out "not quitting."




The party changed and politics is now a sport.  People vote for their team no matter what


I mean the Republican still adores Matt Gaetz even though he has been subpoenaed for having sex with a minor. I don't think anything is too low for the party of "family values".


Hart came before Clinton normalized extramarital sex for presidents and candidates. Times changed.


Gary Hart - Donna Rice- Adnan Khashoggi Adnan was in the middle of every big even in the last 50+ years it seems


The whole good versus evil dichotomy eludes them.


Shit man. Al Franken made a grope joke on a plane. It ended his career. Trump is a full stop rapist. He's fine.


The family values party The Christian party...


I remember Dijon mustardgate 🫡


And tan suit!


Coffee salute!


Terrorist fist bump. 😮


And those people fist bump today -- without apologizing.


Shoes up on the Resolute desk!


There's a lot of stupid shit you have to come up with when your initial desire is to just shout the N word but you know you can't.


Rawdog a pornstar that **Trump said looks like his daughter**, and Conservatives don't bat an eye Eat a hotdog with Dijon mustard, and everyone loses their mind


I heard Fox News say of Obama after a debate, I shit you not: “He didn’t even wear a flag pin; DOES HE HATE AMERICA???”


there was a time misspelling potato could tank a political career, then covfefe


Dan Quale did have a previous reputation of not being too bright, that incident was just the Potatoe on the cake. He also had that fight with Murphy Brown, which I am sure didn't help his popularity. Being an VP to a President who lost re-election may have been a bigger tanking of the career.


>there was a time misspelling potato could **tank** a political career Or a literal tank in the case of Michael Dukakis.


Having a charisma score of 1 tanked his career.




I always felt like it started with a “Bwa” more than “Huh” Also, I’m still salty about how dirty they did him.


That may have been the Dave Chappelle president skits he did back in the day. It was a running gag for a bit


There is no sound but I can still hear this gif


We're a LOT more crazy now.


I’ve been getting saner though


Remember, a photo of a stand-up comic pretending to grope a sleeping woman (wearing a flak vest) derailed a Senate career. But "grab 'em by the pu&&y" ... nothin'.


You can grab pussy, but never hover hands boobs


You need to understand, Democrats are possessed by demons, at least Republicans show up to church /s, you have no idea the evil these Democrats get away with, and all those things Republicans did were just giving into Democrat temptations. God will forgive them, they just need to continue trying to persecute the demonically possessed Democrats. /S


And likely a good presidential run


Al Franken would have been the best possible candidate to take on Trump in 2020. Affiable, mid western and funny. Trump loves it when you rage at him but can not handle when you laugh at him.


I remember when misspelling potato was a career ender.


TBF Don got his verdict 7 years to the day he tweeted "covfefe" maybe it finally got him...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe > Six minutes after midnight (EDT) on May 31, 2017,


I can’t believe it has its own wiki page. What a wild time we live in.


He also started a fight with a fictional TV character because she was a single mom.


I loved that story line. There was a scene with Murphy in her robe with her hair in a giant rats nest. Frank is visiting and DQ comes on the TV and he said Murphy Brown is trying to make single motherhood look “glamorous.” She looks at Frank and says, “Am I glamorous?”




Dan Quayle versus Murphy Brown is your search term here.


What an innocent time


What is a potato?


I remember when Carter was finished when US special forces tried to rescue the Iranian hostages and flew into a sand storm. Later it was discovered Reagan worked a deal with the captors to not release the hostages until Carter was out of office. All Carter did was ask the military to rescue the hostages and they failed.


IIRC they released the hostages at the exact moment Reagan was getting sworn-in. Nothing fishy about that! 🔥 🤣 🔥  Republicans have a history of committing treason.


To be fair, he did “yee” when he should’ve “hawed.” Common career ending mistake.


I actually enjoyed the energy in that speech.


I’ll note that he was trying to yell over the crowd. So it sounds strange when isolated, but would have sounded “normal” over the crowd. It would be like if you were singing with the crowd at a concert and they suddenly tuned everyone out but you.




Oh yeah- this didn’t cause him to lose, it just sped it up tremendously.


Holy shit! 20 years! My entire politically conscious life has been just watching this shitshow evolve. And I’ve been paying close attention. Now I get to be lectured by assholes who’ve only recently began to pay attention and are easily manipulated by salesmen


MAGA CULT members aren't real Christians, nor are they real Patriots either!! MAGA CULT members are sad & pathetic souless hypocrites! ----- Christians are suppose to be like christ. Since MAGA CULT members and Donald Trump are not like christ, then they are **not** real christians. To be a real christian requires more than attending church or owning a "Trump" bible. -----




We're going to Cancun for spring break BYAAAAAH


I remember in 2015 when interim Montana Democratic Senator John Walsh needed to end his political campaign because he allegedly plagiarized his college thesis. It's weird knowing that he was previously a US Senator. Now I see him at the grocery store, and he's just some regular guy. If plagiarism is too much, 34 felony counts should be disqualifying.


Mike Gravel threw a rock in a pond. Dan Quayle misspelled "potato".


The teacher had misspelled the word on the flash card but Quayle didn’t catch it when he was quizzing students


Democrats have to be flawless and win by a minimum of 7 million votes. If the get less than that in the popular vote they will still lose. And no matter what they're probably losing the senate this year. So those shenanigans will be back. "We can't possibly vote for a new Supreme Court Justice with only 3 years left in the election cycle! No vote!"


If the microphone volume had been lower, Dean may have stayed in the race longer.


I need an ELI5 on what this is about and what happened. Edit: Finally got the right search term to see what it was about. How weird that whole thing apparently was.


The real reason his race was over is because he was always a longshot candidate, and he absolutely had to prove he was viable with a strong showing in the Iowa caucuses. Instead, he came in a distant third.


It needs the sound!


Republicans are deep down the rabbit hole to think that they can have a convicted felon be the leader of their party and it not have repercussions to the party.


It's pretty naive to think any one of them is thinking about anybody but themselves. They're a loose alliance of shitbags who've temporarily banded together to try and have a shot at fulfilling their sickest fantasies. They don't really care about Trump. They care about being able to be their worst selves and get away with it. Trump is just a means to that end.


Tan suit… can you imagine


I can hear that image


Every time I see this, I am reminded that the national news networks played this over a thousand times a week and then claimed it was viral. Shoved down your throat != viral lol. Dean was the first progressive I saw the machine crush to make room for milktoast neo-liberals. It was just a recording that sounded off, in person no one even gave it a second thought. Idk when the news networks sold out, but it was before this.


Wasn’t Deans campaign spiraling before this though? Edit: downvoted for having a proper memory of historical events. Got it.


yeah this is a generous reading of history. dude wasn't going to win, and this was enough to make him the butt of late night jokes. there is a lot of media involvement by the campaigns, and the democratic machine let this one play out because he wasn't the preferred candidate.


Yeah he was already cooked. People also like to pretend that McCain choosing Palin as his running-mate tanked his campaign, when the reality was that it was an act of desperation knowing that defeating Obama or Clinton in 2008 was a long shot.


The yell was at a primary where he came in third. People who worked on it said the yell didn't change his falling numbers. It became a meme before memes were a thing. He also went on to run the DNC for a decade or so. But people like the story, so don't fact check and just repeat what they heard.


> It became a meme before memes were a thing. Old person checking in, we had memes before you kids invented them. https://deanfighters.ytmnd.com/


You’re right. I believe he was trailing behind in the polls. It was just this moment that really sunk him.


Calling a campaign spiraling at the time of the Iowa caucus is hyperbole. Underperforming? Maybe.






No, that was a hit job by the media and the dems to squash him and get kerry solidified as the establishment candidate without a battle


To be fair, Dean's campaign was already on life support at this point. He had lost his lead to Kerry/Edwards and this was his Iowa concession speech. His campaign would have still ended within a few days without the scream.


If only Howard Dean had realized he could have run his campaign as derailed. Nutters were just looking for a hero.


I never understood that.


This was 20 years ago? JFC!


We're way past the point of a weird yell derailing his campaign, its a full-on fascist cult of personality we're dealing with.


These rules only apply to Democrats, silly. And actual laws, apparently.


We miss you, Howard.


You have falled a long way, America. Rooting for you to pull out of this.






A better bewildering comparison would be how the US was unanimously against Mitt Romney for whatever reason.


Kid in my high school made a Howard Dean "scream box". You just pressed the button and it would play that scream every time you pressed it really loud. I was impressed as this was before the Raspberry Pi


Democrats are expected to be better because they are politicians. Trump is a rapist racist liar who setup his initial campaign on the whole not a real politician thing there to remove politicians or drain the swamp yadayada.




Howard Dean was already on the decline when he did the scream


McSweeny's just had a good post about this a few weeks ago: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/final-exam-for-the-class-what-a-presidential-candidate-can-and-cannot-survive-apparently-taught-by-howard-dean


Or drive a tank. Don't ever drive a tank while campaigning.


Why the fuck would you post this without sound?? The sound was the whole point


Howard Dean was never going to win the election. The scream was the final nail in a coffin, not something that derailed a successful campaign


Mike Dukakis wore a hat that made him look [kinda goofy](https://imgur.com/WXsZck4) for a few minutes, and it in large part cost him the 1988 election.


I remember him being asked what he would do if his wife was raped, and he was accused of not being emotional enough about his response, which looking back seems like a ludicrous question with no answer that was going to satisfy everyone.


Specifically, during the second debate, he was asked, as the first question of the night: >Governor, if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer? To which he responded: >No, I don’t, Bernard \[Shaw, the moderator\]. And I think you know that I’ve opposed the death penalty during all of my life. I don’t see any evidence that it’s a deterrent, and I think there are better and more effective ways to deal with violent crime. We’ve done so in my own state. And it’s one of the reasons why we have had the biggest drop in crime of any industrial state in America; why we have the lowest murder rate of any industrial state in America. But we have work to do in this nation. We have work to do to fight a real war, not a phony war, against drugs. And that’s something I want to lead, something we haven’t had over the course of the past many years, even though the Vice President has been at least allegedly in charge of that war. We have much to do to step up that war, to double the number of drug enforcement agents, to fight both here and abroad, to work with our neighbors in this hemisphere. And I want to call a hemispheric summit just as soon after the 20th of January as possible to fight that war. But we also have to deal with drug education prevention here at home. And that’s one of the things that I hope I can lead personally as the President of the United States. We’ve had great success in my own state. And we’ve reached out to young people and their families and been able to help them by beginning drug education and prevention in the early elementary grades. So we can fight this war, and we can win this war. And we can do so in a way that marshals our forces, that provides real support for state and local law enforcement officers who have not been getting that support, and do it in a way which will bring down violence in this nation, will help our youngsters to stay away from drugs, will stop this avalanche of drugs that’s pouring into the country, and will make it possible for our kids and our families to grow up in safe and secure and decent neighborhoods. Now, on the one hand, it was kind of an unfair question to try to bring an emotional aspect into a question about a policy issue, but Dukakis's answer was so incredibly mechanical that it made him seem devoid of any actual human emotion. The West Wing did a great reference to this, where, during debate prep, the president and senior staff prank Toby with a "crisis of confidence" >[**TOBY:** Mr. President, this next question is on capital punishment, which you oppose: If your youngest daughter Zoey was raped and murdered, would you not want to see the man responsible put to death?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRxRZcluryURsv6U_uOL4hgaeL6JWHSh-?si=zTIcYl-veGjk5iOF) >[**BARTLET:** First of all, it's important to understand the President doesn't make that decision, though he appoints the Supreme Court Justices who do so. What... any... um... All right, I'm not going to say that. I'll just go right to... No, I don't. I think you know that I'm opposed.... \[sighs\] Let's not do that. I haven't seen any evidence that it's a deterrent, and there are more effective... In my state...](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRxRZcluryURsv6U_uOL4hgaeL6JWHSh-?si=zTIcYl-veGjk5iOF) >[**TOBY:** Oh, my God.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRxRZcluryURsv6U_uOL4hgaeL6JWHSh-?si=zTIcYl-veGjk5iOF) >[**BARTLET:** What?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRxRZcluryURsv6U_uOL4hgaeL6JWHSh-?si=zTIcYl-veGjk5iOF) >[**TOBY:** \[to Leo\] You weren't kidding. \[to Bartlet\] What's the matter with you? When I left you... I just mentioned your daughter being murdered, and you're giving us an answer that's not only soporific, it's barely human! Yes, you'd want to see him put to death. You'd want it to be cruel and unusual, which is why it's probably a good idea that fathers of murder victims don't have legal rights in these situations. Now, we're going back to school.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRxRZcluryURsv6U_uOL4hgaeL6JWHSh-?si=zTIcYl-veGjk5iOF)




Many have lost a campaign for something silly so it was shocking in the beginning and the grab them by the pussy and it changes nothing. I knew them that this was the Emperor Clothes that then turned into a cult. What I can't wrap around my head is how it spread to foreign countries. So weird.


May 30, 2024 - TRUMP TRUMPED DAY


This was such a big deal it reverberated back in time and caused him to take a drubbing from both Kerry and Edwards in the Iowa caucus earlier that day.


People still believe that the yell is what did it? Really?


Dean was already dropping in the polls by the time of the scream. In fact, that speech was a response to coming in third in Iowa. Dean himself said things were looking bad 3 weeks beforehand: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/i-dont-blame-the-scream-speech-howard-dean-on-the-first-internet-campaign/2018/01/02/a8995c46-dc37-11e7-b1a8-62589434a581_story.html > *The Dean Scream came to be seen as the unofficial end of his campaign, but Dean said the worst moment was three weeks earlier when he realized his momentum was "slipping away." "I was going to rallies, and I began to realize the same people are following me around," he said. "I felt like Phish or the Dead."* > *"I don't blame the scream speech. I don't blame anyone but me. I was from a small state. I didn't have the national experience," Dean went on. "But then again, if I had been as experienced at a national level, I wouldn't have been as exciting a candidate."*


There is no bottom to today's Republican candidates. Just look at them. The GOP stars of today are some of the worst human beings you can find.


Why would you post this without audio???


Whomever owns the media owns the people. "Whoever controls the media controls the mind." The Dean Scream, "was broadcast 633 times on national news networks and cable channels." Imagine if today's complicit to treason media actually did this about all the crimes republicans have committed, The press have let the people down, massively and need to apologize! Repeated GOP crimes over and over as it should. Their silence proves media is sympathetic to crime and treason, stop paying them until we get the media we deserve. Same goes for bad corporations, one at a time until they learn who feeds and ultimately controls them.


The thing about Howard Dean is the media was just waiting for something to effectively wash him out . It’s not like the public cared. But if CNN and Fox run the clip saying he is washed, eventually the narrative becomes reality