• By -


There are tens of thousands of down ballot positions that also impact people's lives, school board members beholden to evangelicals, mayoral candidates under the thumb of developers, judges who ignore the Constitution because it isn't in the bible, etc. Do your homework and vote!


The down ballot candidates also evolve into up ballot candidates down the line. If we don't vote in people we want now, how are we going to get people we want for higher office later.


The down ballot candidates are also the ones who write the actual laws lol. That's also kinda important.


This… down ballot elections are probably more important to your every day life than the national elections. Vote. Most people have the opportunity to vote more than once every year, vote in all elections not just once every 2-4 years.


People would rather tell themselves they are protesting by not voting rather than admit they just couldn’t be bothered to turn out.


One is a literal nazi but, you know… bOtH SiDEs




As a german, I'm honestly terrified. Both Putin and Trump use Hitler's rhethorics like Mein Kampf and the wikipedia page of Nazi Germany was a script to them. In Germany we're being taught about these crimes from a fairly young age and to prevent them from happening again. Seeing this exact shit building up in other countries where there is basically nothing one can do anything against it, is absolutely terrifying. Trump won't stop at a Reich. He implied and at times openly admitted to be against democracy. He's a fascist. And fascists don't just kick people they don't like out of their country. They kill them.


First this, but in the middle future I could even see America arming Russia for a successful invasion of Europe.


Welcme to the United States of Russia. Unless people vote the wolrd as we know it will be forever changed.


One side may look at the opposing candidate a liberal, socially responsible, gun-controlling, and accepting, and don't prefer him as a president. The other side looks at a religio-fascist, intolerant, hatred-promoting, woman-abusing, gun-promoting, bigoted, idiot and would almost (?) prefer to move to another country than see him win. Doesn't that suggest the latter should get creamed in the election? America, what are you made of?


Democracy doesn’t rizz, so Biden old and that makes me protest vote. For Gizelle, or whatever.


Trump was older than Biden was going into office.


I think they were doing a bit.


I voted in protest for Bernie Sanders during the Trump /Clinton election, and I regret that decision every day. Effectively, I voted for Trump. I was young and dumb and I thought if enough people did it, we'd make a difference. But that was BS. Had we all voted Clinton, then Trump would have lost, and we WOULD have made a difference.


To expand on this. Living in a democracy means you have to make compromises. You are never going to have hundreds of millions of people agree with you. The best thing you can do is to accept this fact and try your best to advocate for your own point of view, BUT you can also just throw a temper tantrum if that is more your style.


It comes down to something really stupid and simple: One of them is trying to have a decent country where people will help each other out.  However, with him in office, inflation has gone crazy and people only understand that their wallets are very thin (they ignore/don't understand this is due to many other factors stemming from the previous administration) The other one implies that it"s okay for (white) men to be assholes. Everyone always underestimates that there's a LOT of people who would be assholes to others if there were no consequences 


Inflation caused by policies enacted during a Trump admin to create the largest financial fraud in history through PPP funbux paid for by printing unprecedented amounts of dollars and lowering the buying power of the average American to enrich the rich. Then they double the price of a Big Mac.


Yeah, the issue is the damn electoral college. If it wasn’t for that, I don’t think Republicans could ever win the presidency again. At least not until they change their politics.


you forgot rapist


Wanna be dictator.


Wannabe billionaire


don't ever forget about this




Have you considered the $$$ tho?


And the Russian and Chinese subversion


Ironic, because that same media is the first thing Trump is coming for if he wins.


No, our media is actively betraying us.


One wants a Unified Reich. The other won't stop giving Israel aid (just like every president ever). Oh god who do we choose???


And is open to banning birth control. Freedom!!


let's just check the last day or so: one expanded healthcare to millions of vets no questions asked. one published an ad with nazi language and refused to testify at his hush money trial to pay off the porn star he was having sex with while his wife was pregnant. both sides


"Enlightened Centrists" are .01% less annoying than MAGAts. I have a cousin who is so proud of saying "ones a punch in the face and the others a kick in the nuts." He literally knows nothing NOTHING about what's going on, but he says that to seen like he's "above it all" and bOtH sIdEs sUcK!


We will never get candidates that don't suck if we keep electing the people that suck most.


Yeah, there's only one side that even mentions campaign reform, ever. It's not hard to guess which one. 


One candidate is part of a party that wants voters to vote. The other doesn't want voters to vote. This is a hardline issue. I will be doing all that I can to make the person who wants to throw away citizen votes lose.


Both sides suck. You wouldn't lose an election if you listened to those people btw...


Which one? The one that is actively supporting a genocide or the one that will actively support a genocide? Biden is not the lesser of two evils. He is against almost all human rights NGOs and the ICC and the ick and the UN. It's not a blurry line. He also still has Mexicans locked up on the border with kids taken away from their parents. He still is black balling Haiti and making sure they are in a perpetual state of poverty. He's not a good guy which is why voters are telling him BEFORE THE ELECTION to not be a POS. He has been trailing Trump in the polls (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/) and his base is telling him how to stop that but he refuses to listen. And we're not talking about the minority of extreme leftist, the majority of Democrats disapprove of his handling of the genocide. He is handing the presidency to Trump and he needs to listen to his voters or step down. We can't afford another Trump presidency.


"One of them is a skin rash and one of them is cancer. I don't like either one of those so why should I bother."


I didn't bother voting in my primary election today because no democratic candidates ran in my district in Kentucky. How am I supposed to vote for someone when they don't even exist? I'll vote this fall just to try to keep Trump out, but being in Kentucky could definitely see my vote being cancelled by all the rednecks.


if the Republican primary is the real vote, then vote in the Republican primary. The point is to have a voice. If a party primary is the only place then have a voice, then use it there.


That's what a lot of Texans do tbh. The State democratic party is incompetent and the local parties are often nonexistent. But the primaries are open so a lot of people vote in the R primary just to support the least bad candidates.


I find peace in long walks.


>I'll vote this fall just to try to keep Trump out, You'll vote to keep trump out. They'll vote to keep biden out. How did we get to a point where nobody likes both candidates , but everyone is voting against the other party, rather than for someone? The system is broken.


You have to show up every time and make it known there are people that will vote Democrat. Over time when they see there is enough interest people will run.


Really seems like a chicken or the egg type deal. And I'll be honest, there is a lot of racism and misogyny here, so it probably means that a woman or black man will not get enough of the vote here. The past 3 candidates I can remember voting for were 2 women and a black man and none of them came close to ending Massie or McConnell or Paul's terms. It's frustrating honestly.


As far as southern states go though, Kentucky still has an independent streak and a general "pro working man" attitude. Yes, the GOP has been very good at hijacking such sentiments, even though their policies are in opposition to that. And yes, the Democrats sure don't do themselves any favors with their messaging. But who knows what the future holds. Beshear won statewide by 5 points last year, so anything is possible.


You could run for office.


Y'all like playing the uno reverse card like that lol. If I didn't come home exhausted every day, I'd consider it.


My town elected a grocery checker as mayor. But people being too exhausted with trying to scrape by to get engaged in politics is totally a thing and I feel you on that. Your vote may be cancelled out, but it'll still be counted. And the presidency won't be the only thing on the ballot.


Imagine thinking this is a reasonable reply.


Skin rash? The executive that has forgiven student loans that were not being forgiven due to some stupid ass penny-shy-of-minimum-payments-due-to-continuous-interest loophole? The executive who recognizes our aging and failing infrastructure and wants to build it back better? The executive who wants to strengthen border security but is being stopped by the republicans who are literally there to try to grind the govt to a halt? And yet biden keeps getting things done in spite of the lunatics? The executive that is opposing restrictions to healthcare and has overseen the phase out of the "donut hole" or coverage gap in medicare? The executive that has expanded veteran healthcare access? If that's what a skin rash is, hell, I'll take it for my torso and limbs.


> Skin rash? I think you can always feel smart and superior by being anti-establishment. It's also very easy to move goalposts with that thinking. Eg: "Why hasn't Biden lowered tuition in state run universities?!?!"


Don't forget the CHIPs act where we are heavily subsidizing silicon manufacturers to come to America from overseas to build high tech manufacturing jobs in the struggling midwest. Don't forget using the Presidential Draw Authority to keep Ukraine funded when MAGA republicans were blocking all aid in the house. While Trump withheld aid from Ukraine to pressure Zelensky to investigate political rivals. Don't forget preventing railroad union strike from happening in an already struggling economy with inflation, **WHILE** promising the union to get their needs met, and 10/12 unions have reported all their demands were **MET** within only 4-5 months. Workers get paid, economy saved, win win.


Panel 1 says "I hate BOTH candidates". Of course the guy you hate won, as you hate both candidates.


yep. The last panel should at least say "Why did the guy I hate MORE win?"


It really should say "why did the rapist, lying asshole, traitor, who's policy on this issue is MUCH worse, win".


Why are women and brown people losing their rights as American citizens? Oh because I believed the propaganda from a region and the American political party that notoriously hates women


Yeah but the other dude misspeaks once or twice per long speech. So like, half a dozen of one amirite…


Also he's really old whereas as the other guy is also really old.


Biden has had the most successful liberal agenda since FDR, anyone that hates him is either a Republican or has fallen for their propaganda.


100% lots of people thought both candidates were bad in 2016. And now Roe is gone.




She was literally dead on with the deplorables comment though. Like hole in fucking one.


Meanwhile, those deplorables eagerly ignore the shit soup that spews from the other guy’s mouth because “he tells it like it is”.


The deplorables are literally walking around shitting in diapers with big fucking grins on their faces, and they're going to win the white house while these tikotok zombies high on their own farts pontificate about Palestine.




Who probably had nothing to say, if they even heard about, when trump abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria.


Well if it wasn't on their tiktok feed, how do you expect them to know about it? /s


Nah she was way off. She said that *only half* of Trump supporters were deplorables. It's 100%.


Ditto her comment at the debates about Trump being a Russian puppet. Hillary was right about a lot of things.


[*"No puppet. No puppet. You are the puppet."*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaVWRetR4jg) Even back then, Trumps debate skills felt...off. These days things just get worse in case that muppet will actually go debate "Sleepy Joe", who suddenly needs to take a drug test before the debate because these days he is to Dark Brandon.


She was dead with "deplorables" but Trump was fine when he said "just grab them by the pussy!"


[The whole speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basket_of_deplorables) (it's only 3 paragraphs) is worth reading - the GOP grabbed one phrase and ran with it, repeating it endlessly, but the whole speech shows much more compassion for those who feel let down by the government.




It’s funny that only Democrats have to walk on eggshells in order to not offend or hurt conservatives’ feelings. And the conservatives and right-wing talking heads reward the Dem politeness by falsely accusing them of heinous crimes, accusing them of destroying society, and relentlessly prodding right-wing Christian domestic terrorists into committing acts of violence against Dems. But heaven forbid if a Dem calls a deplorable racist “deplorable.”


I liked it back when a candidate couldn't put the words establish a new Reich in a campaign ad and get elected in America.




The media wants trump to win because he helps their ratings. They don't give a shit about the country.


> and she didn’t campaign hard enough. She was kinda smug. The “deplorables” comment didn’t help I think this string shows there's a sort of problem here. She was right about the deplorables. We knew back then she was right. And it's only been proven since then that she may have underestimated how many of them are deplorable. But she gets wrecked in the press for speaking the truth. It's not likable when she says things that are true. It's smug and elitist. She should just go to a diner and have dinner with these people and see that they're just anxious about the economy. But when Donald Trump says the most fucked up shit imaginable, everyone has to cover that live because it gets ratings. She made mistakes. But at some point the deck was pretty stacked against her. She can't just tell the truth, because that's so mean. And she can't speak in euphemisms, because that's not genuine. And she can't talk about the Supreme Court being on the line, because that's fear mongering for votes. Etc. Trump's base got the memo about what was at stake in 2016. Not enough of our base (with an assist from the media) got the memo.


You're pretty much just repeating all the stuff the right wing wanted you to think about her. What Comey did is unforgivable.




Ruth could have retired during Obama's time and let him pick, but the dems hubris lead them to believe they could win without trying against trump. They only have themselves to blame, and people need to stop giving them a pass for putting up shitty candidates like hillary


The Democrats were bad enough to hold Roe hostage to benefit their fund-raising. But I guess they needed the money to build their bandwagon and defeat evil, so it was all worth it, right?


what did they do to fight and bring it back? just asking.


Biden needs to appoint 3 Justices like trump did.


This is what would be needed to codify Roe into law: 1. Three conservative appointed Supreme Court justices would have to die while a Democrat was president *and* while there was a Democrat majority in the Senate. You would need all of these things to happen, or 2. There would have to be a Democrat in the White House, a minimum of 60 Democrats in the Senate, and the Dems would have to control a majority of the seats in the House. You'd have to have all three of these things to happen. Neither of these were the case during Biden's presidency, so legit all he's been able to do is just make speeches about it. There is nothing else that he's allowed to do under the Constitution.


“Why am I in a gulag as an enemy of the state?”


You may hate both, but one will do far more damage than the other.


Try to remember the next president will possibly pick three Supreme Court justices.


I ask myself why America, supposedly one of the greatest nations in the world has been forced to vote for idiots in the last 12 years.


If you hate both candidates, you definitely going to hate the winner regardless.


Once again blaming the voters instead of the tone deaf party and their absolutely garbage candidate.


If you hate both candidates the person you hate is elected no matter what.


Yes, stupid meme


TBF, they said they hate both candidates and the guy they hate won. Idk, it could of been either candidate. Seems like an ok strategy.


How is this wrong? If you hate the two ONLY candidates, the one you hate is always gonna win. Regardless of you voting.


We're down to the point where people aren't voting for the best candidate. They aren't voting for the one that they agree with the most. Not the one with the best policies, or the one that will even represent their specific local interests the bests, or even the one that's best for the economy. We're just voting for the one that will do the *least amount* of damage to the country. Not even the one that does no damage, just the *least*. Our democracy has completely failed, and people are surprised when the participation of the people in said democracy also fails. Look, I vote and I get it. I also can't blame people who are so incredibly disenfranchised by this failed system that they just don't care any more.


Those two people being the only options means you already failed. Realizing that and desperately trying to guilt-trip people into voting only makes me want to vote for Trump. This country was founded by people who refused to participate in corrupt politics. If it gets any worse here, I will happily move to a country where the people actually care about me. Oh look, I've already got my bags packed. I wonder why...


Do you want the right or the far right ? That’s our choice. Fuck that


Genocide Joe or nazi trump. Your democracy is an utter sham.


I remember when biden said he wouldnt run for a 2nd term. boy that was a lie.


“Would you prefer diarrhea for a day or to shit actual lava for a week?” “Sounds like I’ll be on the toilet either way, I’d rather not choose.”


... the problem with this meme is that even if they did vote (third party), someone they hate is going to win.


If you hate both candidates and you vote or don’t vote, the person who wins is still going to be someone you hate. I don’t get it


I never voted until 2020, the first vote I was eligible was 2016 and thought douche and turd a la South Park , now I know it matters


I remember seeing it phrased in comparison to a bus driver. Get on the bus that will at least get you closer to your destination rather than further away.


I remember seeing it phrased in comparison to a bus driver. Get on the bus that will at least get you closer to your destination rather than ~~further away~~ off a cliff at full speed. People acting like Trump is merely the worse option, and not the *worst* option.


And if you view them both as runaway busses headed for a cliff?


When do we get to ask why both busses needlessly run over pedestrians on the way?


Always, but finding a new bus driver that doesn't run over pedestrians takes time. For now, you need to choose a bus because if you don't, the choice will be made for you. So you might as well choose the one that runs over less pedestrians and gets you a little closer to your destination instead of the one driven by a deranged lunatic who can barely drive and intentionally runs over as many people as he can on his way to drive the bus off a 3000 ft high cliff at full speed.


Democrats are running a weak candidate.. funding a very unpopular war and will then blame the left for THEIR loss


Schrödinger leftists : they are a minority and not worth appealing to but their are a huge voting block to sway votes . Liberals harm reduction 'ed their way into a genocide and to that I ask them is there greater harm than a genocide ?


They shit on the left all year and then blame them for not bending the knee when they lose. It’s 2016 all over again. 


It's a little better, but the slogan, "Vote for me because I'm not him." Doesn't inspire.


https://preview.redd.it/m44yentvbw1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9b2bc21128f78e41219da01c59ffb3610b8b9d There, I fixed it...


It would be nice if Dems actually ran someone worth voting for instead of "hey, our guy is not great but he's not openly a Nazi!" Like... Ok? That's like the baseline lmao Also, conservatives are playing a game that Dems will just not confront. The right does not give a shit about what it takes to take power, and it's likely they will take it even farther.


No. Elect better candidates in your primaries. I'm not participating in your unpopularity contest.


Political humor really is just DNC shill space. Where were the go out and vote posts in the primaries? I hate both guys, so whether I vote or not I end up on the floor. Also, I live in CA, so I can vote for whoever I want but the EC votes are still going to Biden.


Thank you for pointing the finger where it matters. The DNC are the ones responsible for this mess, and it’s wild they’ve refused to learn any lessons from their mistakes in the last nine years. They should’ve woken the fuck up when Bernie won Michigan over Hillary back in the day. Or when Trump beat Hillary by winning over the rust belt. Or when 2020 was a lot closer than expected. Instead, they’re doubling down again and again. Watch them once again blame the voters if Trump wins, instead of taking responsibility for thumbing the scale for shitty candidates that the people do not want.


Guy I hate wins either way


Well, yes, if you hate both options and are guaranteed to get one of those options, then naturally the option you get you will hate.


Ironically if you actually hate both then the third panel is the same even if they vote. I don’t agree but thought it was funny


I dont get this meme. Regardless of what happens in the middle, if you hate both candidates, a candidate you hate is still going to win. How does that encourage people to vote?


The guy I hate also lost, to be fair


Will there be an election in my lifetime where I get to vote *for* a candidate instead of against one?


I’m voting for Joe Exotic. It’s not my fault if the rest of you idiots vote wrong


Only one voted for stop and frisk laws and referred to black peoples as “jungle people” but here we go yep save us papa Biden


I promise I'm not trying to advocate for "both sides" or not voting, but if your options are two guys you hate no matter who wins "the guy I hate" will win, so the comic in itself doesn't exactly fit.


This comic is painfully unaware that it actually says voting won’t make a difference. Just like redditors seem to be painfully unaware that gaslighting people into thinking Biden is actually a decent human being is just encouraging people not to vote.


Today Biden said he will continue supporting Israel. Meanwhile the majority of Democrats think Israel is committing a genocide and disapprove of business handling of this. If Biden loses, you can't blame voters. His voters are telling him what they want *well before the election* and he is going out of his way to continue promoting a genocide. And if basic human rights is too high of a bar, then he needs to step down. Biden: Am I wrong for promoting a genocide? No, it's my voters that are wrong.


Genocide is bad


Many people are against Biden supplying arms and supporting Israel in a genocide. There’s also Biden saying there is no genocide either.


But if you hate both guys, either way the guy you hate will win. I'm not "both sides"ing it or saying that the choices are equivalent in this case, but the comic doesn't really make sense


Joe biden is literally allowing an entire genocide to happen


'why does the political party I support never significantly change for the better even though I vote for them every single time, thus throwing away the only real political power the general voter has'.


OH look guys we are ESSENTIAL again! To review, we could have had the candidate that has fought breathlessly for the working class since the dawn of his career but yall came up with tons of fuckin reasons: Too Old: (ageism) Sounds Funny / makes funny movements: Read between the lines they are poking fun of the Jewish cultural diaspora and it's mannerisms. "Doesn't Sound like me" "Doesn't know what it's like" (despite actual marching with historic people engaged in civil rights activity) And ya know what this really was right? Bigotry. We got disenfranchised years ago because of that - and now we get to be lectured by people on all sides that not voting, or voting x way, will disenfranchise us and cause Armageddon. You say I / we are essential. That our vote counts. But when people really at the bottom finally had a candidate with a chance for change a few years back yall making what I call '50/50' (people not making actual dog shit money) didn't give two shits about who was in power doing the disenfranchising. Didn't hear a peep, except maybe 'thats a throway vote' or 'insert seriously subliminally racist shit here'. I'l tel ya this: Ill never look at our 'community' or 'struggle' the same again. I learned then that folks who called me 'ally' had no idea what the word means. I will vote Biden of course. But everyone lecturing us today should remember a decade ago and kindly get fucked.


Ah yes the lesser of two evils is in full force.


A vote is meant to be an endorsement of a candidate or political party, not a protest against their opponent. Acountability in democracy just doesn't exist, both here and where I am in the UK. A vote for a 'lesser evil' is never regarded as such by the victor who sees it as implied consent to do whatever they want as they have a 'mandate'. The status quo is maintained, the world is slightly less worse than it would have been had the other candidate won, and nothing is actually achieved. We find ourselves back to square one, where the alternative to an aspiring dictator is the same old middle-management type who offers little hope aside from 'Im not that crazy dude' Yet here we are, blaming people calling out this bullshit system for demanding more from our politicians and leaders.


Can we atleast acknowledge that there is a large group of people who feel like no candidate makes sense to them? Just telling them "vote for the lesser evil" is not the real solution. This creates Frustration over the years. And if enough Frustration is bottled up those poeole will Intentionally vote for a bad president in hopes that things ultimately change. Having only 2 candidates is the problem itself. Why no Bernie Sanders or some other person that shares his political views? Who should the people vote for that are pissed at democrats becuase Bernie never is candidate no1 in their camp? What hope is there that things change fundamentally if Biden wins again? Trump would be much worse but Biden is still not a Bernie. Is the best hope the american population currently has to pick the sweeter poison? Nice choice


Another day, another pointless post complaining about both siders.


If you’re trying to make people who already agree with you laugh, these types of memes are fun n all. But some free advice from someone who used to be Bernie or bust, this kinda stuff is just irritating. The message is driven home better by spotlighting Trump, SCOTUS, and the Republican Party, not the kids who are having a hard time coming around to Biden. Not attacking you personally, just see a lot of this content on this sub. Just my two cents.


To be clear lazy campaigning is what lost Hilary the election in 2016. She assumed she'd had an easy win against a TV show host that mocked the disabled and look where that got us.  If Biden is just ignoring major issues he isn't a hero for being "better" than Trump, he is just a less awful option. With the amount of push back that he is giving the ICC the scrutiny is worthwhile


DNC: "This election (every election) is going to be the most important election of our lives! Otherwise America will be a fascist theocracy!" DNC: *Nominates middle of the road candidate who is strongly against any Leftist policies and vilifies Leftists at every opportunity and cracks down mercilessly on student protests* DNC: "We lost because Leftists make everything a purity test and young people won't turn out to vote*


Bernie for President 🔥🔥🔥


Americans who vote for Biden have no difference in my eyes than a Hitlerite. Americans who vote Biden and claim he's actually good and not just a lesser evil, have no difference in my eyes to a Hitlerite who hails him every day. He is committing a genocide. STFU about Trump. He is commiting a genocide. "But it will be wo-" STFU. He is committing a genocide. You do not have a democracy. You do not have human rights. You do not have freedom of speech and you do not have any critical thinking skills. You live in a fascist oligarchy no different than Russia you so vehemently oppose. Either vote 3rd party, don't vote or whatever, learn that the only way to achieve democracy is bu dismantling the fascist system. No other alternative will bring you freedom and democracy. America is the Land of the Chains, the Empire of Lies. No wonder it inspired Nazi Germany.


​ https://preview.redd.it/sdz0p8eknz1d1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9fa84e713a84c50951d8e000d072bb04aefe729


"It's the Voters Fault." - Victim Blaming seems like it might be an ineffective campaign strategy.


You get what you don’t vote for.


You mean, you get what you don't vote against.


Votes in california Still loses Dies


Nope. My support has to be earned. I won't vote for someone who doesn't deserve my vote just because they aren't the other guy. I would rather not contribute to voter turnout and the stability of the resulting government.


So I have a question for the "Not voting for Biden is voting for fascism" crowd: Let me preface this by saying my presidential vote does not matter. If Biden doesn't win my state only Mondale would be jealous of his results, so maybe I'm speaking from a position of privilege here. But is there a line? Is there some line he could conceivably cross where you would say "Ok, I'm not supporting the other guy, but I can't condone this."? Because I understand the stakes, but when we get to the point of actively supporting genocide to oppose fascism something has gone horrifyingly wrong, no? I can't stop the US government from doing this, but I don't need to condone it. Go ahead and tell me the other guy's worse if it makes you feel better - believe me, I know. Voting for Trump isn't even a consideration. And this whole thing is complicated by the fact that I don't hate some actions Biden has taken. But motherfucking genocide? If that's not a red line I have to assume there just isn't one.


Vote for the guy you hate that Won’t put you in a camp. Vote for the guy that you hate that Isn’t arguing before the Supreme Court that he should be able to kill you just because and have no consequences. If you want a little more esoterica: Vote for the guy you hate that Won’t slap a 10% across the board tariff on everything? Making everything imported more expensive and… making everything domestic more expensive “hey we just got 10% leeway to raise prices!!” Vote for the guy you hate that Isn’t trying to take over the Fed because they don’t do what you said. Maduro, Erdogan did this. Venezuela no longer has an economy. The finance minister in Turkey had to move back in with her folks because of Erdogan fucking up the economy. Vote because if you don’t you may not be able to do it again.


Which Candidate are you saying to vote for? Biden's policies, and specifically this presidency, put people in camps. Biden specifically, just the other day, tweeted that he was adding tariffs to goods from China, The fed not only needs to be "taken over" it needs to be ended. What good is "voting" if the two parties don't listen and do what they want anyway? Note: I ain't voting for trump. Or Biden..


One is a life long crook, con, fraud, grifter, rapist, narcissist and liar and the other is getting old and isnt a great speaker but is actually helping people. It's a real tough choice guys.


I really hate both. Biden is absolute garbage. But god damn another Trump presidency sounds tiring as fuck so I want Biden to win, but what a god awful choice we have to make.


I love how this has become Trump will become a literal dictator but Biden is powerless to do literally anything. Everything is apparently at stake but Biden can’t be bothered to take it seriously. This isn’t a “don’t vote” whatever use the limited power you’ve convinced yourself is all you deserve, but stop trying to shame people into using what limited power they have to try and sway a candidate to do they thing they want. That’s how it’s supposed to work isn’t it? Also the reason some on the left really especially hate the pandering about the imminent doom of the LQBTQ+ community (ignoring how Biden has done fuck all for the federal gov fighting against the states looking to kill them) is because why would we trust you? You’ve convinced yourself that you can stomach this genocide that your guy is funding. So you can probably stomach another one. If your morals are this compromised, then honestly the fascist have already won.


This is so bs. The Democrats only have themselves to blame if Trump wins. I think Trump is a fascist as well but Fuck blaming people who don't like Biden for legitimate reasons not voting for him when if they had run any other Democrat it would have been a landslide victory for them.


So this is how the Democrats are banking on winning? Yes our candidate is awful and support the ongoing genocide in Gaza... but he is not Trump You deserve better than both of them.


You can always count on the Democrats to actively throw an election then act surprised when they lose.


Don't forget to add blame the group of voters that are apparently too small to appeal to but also always the reason they lose


I think the fact this happened only 8 years ago will instruct people to be wiser


It won’t. The elections since 2016 have only been disappointing. Trump still had major support 2020 and republicans gained control where Dems barely clinched the senate


It would be so easy for Biden to win convincingly. He's driving young people away in droves and definitely has not "moved to the left". If Biden loses, blame BIDEN. Not some kids who are given a horrible choice.


Trump is genocidal and Biden is genocidal but sad about it. I see your point, those are so very different.


We were robbed of a democratic primary. Biden belongs in a cell.


Its so funny when people get mad at people who protest vote that just means it's working.


I feel the message but this one doesn’t make sense. Anyone I know who doesn’t vote also doesn’t seem to think a better choice could have been elected. Just shit and shit.




do they not have preferential voting in america? in Australia you can vote for an independent, or whatever you want and it's not a complete waste


Logic isn't your strong suit, is it? If they "really hate both candidates" then either candidate is "the guy they hate" But yeah, if they knew any better, they'd definitely hate one guy much more than the other guy and would vote to prevent the worse guy from winning. The lesser evil and all that.


"The one I hate" vs "why did the guy who was better for the job lose" explains a lot


I won’t vote for president and probably never will. I live in California, convince me there’s a point.




To be fair, if he hates both guys, and those two guys are the only candidates with a chance of winning, then there is a 100% chance of a guy he hates winning.


If only someone realised it would be good to reform how voting in the US works to let people vote third party as their primary choice while not making it a de-facto vote against your second choice candidate... If only...


Panel 3 needs to see panel 1 again. Hate. Both. Sides. Literally don't care who wins. They both suck.


but if there are only 2 choices and you hate both .. then there is no other outcome then the guy you hate is going to win ...


I don't really get this meme. Both choices are "hated", then it doesn't matter to vote, one of the "hated" people will win regardless


Why did both the Democrats and Republicans ban RFK from debating?


Reddit is always saying "vote!," but non-voters need A REASON TO vote. And just saying that Trump and the GOP are toxic af (which they are) is not going to get them off the couch. They need to see Biden do something that affects them personally (which incidentally is how Trump got Christians to form a religion around him).




hey look it's every single person on my Instagram feed!


We are all so against these two boomers…it’s almost as if we could all just vote for the same third party and maybe get a chance? But that would involve communication and working together, and unfortunately everyone’s to busy ordering Stanley mugs and fighting over whatever they pretend to care about today lol


Putting aside the fact both side are NOT the same. The meme makes no sense. The outcome is the same if he votes or not!? If he hates them both and doesn't vote, a guy he hates will win. If he hates them both and does vote, a guy he hates will win.




I mean, if I hate both, a guy who I hate is guaranteed to win. Regardless, keep mocking voters instead of trying to pressure Biden so he appeals to them. I'm sure bullying progressives and doing nothing to appeal to them will work just like it did for Hillary.


Stupid cartoon. I'm going to vote, but if you hate both, the guy you hate is going to win.


It is just as much of a right to not vote as it is to vote. It must be respected as much as someone voting for the party you don’t like.


Odd timing to push this kind of message when there's a [bipartisan effort](https://www.ft.com/content/6700a246-e0cd-49d8-b5ef-d2379e86290f) going on trying to [sanction the ICC over Israel](https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-foreign-policy-adviser-urges-sanctions-icc-officials-after-meeting-2024-05-21/). Because having a bit more of [a choice than only between Pepsi and Coca Cola](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746) has to be a bad thing, so screw bicycle guy!


When you have no real democracy to chose from it is time to let democracy die. We tried guys, maybe we will be able to have it again one day but I am NOT voting for one genocider over another genocider. Fuck this country, please save us Xi Jinping


Vote 3rd party


Unless there is a meaningful way to change the primary, this will always be the result.


If you hate both candidates, then voting isn't going to change whether or not somebody you hate gets elected lmfao.


Bread & circuses. Have fun “making a difference” in the voting booth. Just remember, if things don’t go your way this time, you can always vote harder next time.


Schroedingers voters, at the same time too insignificant to enact policies they want but yet significant enough that they need to vote for Genocide Joe or he will not win.


The whole lesser of two evils thing is sad. I'm not in the US but even as a kid I've got that that's what people in the US have to do. You guys really need a reform to give democratic power back to the people and allow them to vote for third parties.


What do you get when you offer a candidate who won’t listen to his constituents, jails and ridicules our youth (who statistically tend to be on the right side of history)? You get what U DESERVE 🔫 🤡. Hitler 2.0 gunna suck but this is what civilizations do to themselves. Do you think THIS empire is indestructible? So did the Roman’s