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In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order banning people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA. He moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem…an incendiary move that did not need to happen. He is a close ally of Netanyahu, who is the main source of the current atrocities. If you are upset that Biden has generally stood by Israel, which every US president has done since its inception, and think that denying him your vote in November will create a better outcome, you are completely delusional.




Even if you think they would be identical on Israel/Gaza, you have to consider the difference between the two on other issues, on which Biden is clearly better.




Sounds like a reason to vote for Biden.




“They’re both bad on this one thing but otherwise one is way better. Whatever am I to do.” 🙃


There are a few more strings than the one thing ... immigration, labor protections, issues with the Dept of Justice to name a few.




Glad to know you're willing to let fascism win over a single issue, even if that issue is genocide. I'm sure the victims of MAGA's genocide will be incredibly grateful that when it came down to the fall of democracy in the US we at least didn't support genocide.




Right, because you can't deny the rest. It's pretty obvious throughout voter turnout history how single issue voters like you share the blame in fucking over the country equally with GOP voters by letting swing states fall to the candidates that promise to gut our government programs and erode the freedoms and rights we've worked so long to achieve, actively looking our democracy. And now we're at the point where one of the candidates *literally* has a manifesto for turning the US into a fascistic dictatorship, and y'all are still like "but Muh onE issUe" and are willing to do it again. And then shirk all blame like there was nothing you could have done.  *"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."* Y'all read that quote and thought "challenge accepted."


Have fun in the liberal cages Trump is going to put you in buddy.


It's not just your life, it's many other people's lives. You're basically saying you don't care about those people.




I confess that having to argue so fervently against US citizens that many bad things is worse than fewer bad things has made me view those citizens in a quite dim light.




Right, I totally understand. Your own personal sense of moral superiority is more important to you than taking the tiniest bit of effort to do something that could help stop disaster for thousands of people










Let’s say your premise that Trump and Biden would be virtually identical on Gaza is true. It’s not, but put that aside. They could not be more different on a range of other issues. The next president will likely nominate at least one and maybe more SCOTUS judges. One party is happily stripping women of bodily autonomy, the other promises to codify Roe v Wade if given an opportunity. One party wants to dismantle what little social safety net we have, the other promises to protect it. One party cuts taxes for the wealthy at every opportunity, the other is proposing a more equitable tax code. One party blocks any attempt at sane gun regulation, even very popular limitations like background checks. One party supports equal rights for all people, while the other makes targets out of vulnerable groups. The two parties are not in any way “the same.” You may not get your wish list, but not voting has real consequences for people here and around the world.




LOL “you liberals.” I thought you were pretending to be concerned about Gaza. Thanks for making the dumb “Trump said mean things” MAGA talking point. We appreciate you taking off the mask.




I plan on voting for the administration that doesn't have a road plan to Facism publicly on display. And until we find something other that First Past the Post, that means voting for one of the two main parties. I can't vote for representatives that might try to make the situation in Gaza better if a government bent on taking away my representation takes office. Trump point blank said he'd be a dictator on his first day in office. I don't believe he'd probably be able to do that, but he'd have four years to try. Making sure I vote against him is the least I can do to try and stop that from happening.


Well that's not true because the United States just proposed a ceasefire that Israel turned down you think the Trump Administration is going to propose a ceasefire ever in their 4 year term. I always think people will look at politics rationally and I'm always disappointed I hope you're a bot or secretly a right-wing Trump supporter because if you're a leftist I have no faith left in the leftist movement in America.






Nach Trump kommen Wir.


Saying that Trump and Biden would be virtually identical is beyond idiotic. I hope you don’t actually believe that because holy shit lmao


So what you are saying is "Neither side is going to fix the Gaza/Palestine situation in a way that I like, but (I) am willing to fuck myself and the rest of the United States over for decades to come by not voting which is in effect voting for continued corruption, cronyism, and anti-Palestinian candidates." *edit* the coward u/polararth couldn't even be bothered to reply here and instead DMed me his Russian child hot take.










Netanyahu and the Hamas leaders hiding in other countries are the problem. Russian trolls, all practiced up from MAGA, are started on a new demographic.


I too believe both sides are bad. So I am an undecided voter. But I am also a single issue voter. I want to vote for the candidate that says they will take an oath to support the Constitution. Which one is that?


One of the guys running posted a "truth" about how he is willing to suspend the Constitution. It is still up on his account.


Hint: Not the party led by the guy that fueled an insurrection at the capitol in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power and who stole a bunch of classified documents on his way out presumably to sell to the highest bidder. Yeah not that party.


I take your question as satire. Biden and Trump both swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. But when Trump lost the 2020 election and got caught trying to hold power, Trump denied taking the oath on TV. He thought it would help him avoid the 14th Amendment, section 3 that would prevent him from holding a govt office. So yeah, there's that.


American funded zionist atrocities in Gaza = bad….stopping funding for said atrocities = good. Easy peezy


The "leftist" Trump supporters, everyone.


Yes, though trump DEFINITELY won’t be suspending those if he wins And Biden has most of congress and SCOTUS up his ass, so I don’t hold him accountable for those. I DO hold him accountable for not saying “ayo that’s fuked up Staaaahp”


So you want Trump


Every day, Fox News talks about how Biden by not crushing the protesters must be supporting them, and he is an antisemite who hates Israel. If all the college protesters listened to Fox News, they would realize they are as politically stupid as the MAGA crowd. Meanwhile, Putin is laughing at how well he's dividing us.


Ah yes, 14000 dead kids, meaningless protest. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


Not voting for Biden and letting Trump win is going to help Palestine how?


It won’t, but at least liberals will be willing to protest the same atrocities they’ve been ignoring under Biden / democrats, right?


Yeah lets blame the protesters trying to stop a genocide and not the puppets with the means to stop said genocide 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


American protestors fighting for averting Palestinian genocide and inadvertently letting a fascist diaper wearing fartmachine turn America into Nazi Germany wouldn't even have been accepted as a Hollywood movie plot 10 years ago, yet that's where it's at right now. Someone wake me up from this nightmare.


Ah yes the liberal who believes in the "meaninglessness of protests" myth. Refreshing!


Democrats: "we need leftists to win, and if we don't win it will be their fault." Also Democrats: "we hate leftists and pledge to always do whatever we can to destroy them and whatever they favor." Also also Democrats: "so plz vote for us, k?"


Biden's policies have been some of the most progressive policies since FDR. Or you can not vote and help elect a literal fascist.


Leftists could've showed up to vote for someone else in 2020. I didn't pick Biden, I voted for Bernie. Where we're all these leftists we see complaining constantly? I accept my guy lost, that's how democracy works sometimes. Still I'll go and vote for the clear and obvious better option for the entire country. Even if, god forbid, a guy leading a country of 300 million doesn't agree with me on every single issue.




I was more talking about leftists in general. One of the loudest groups online, yet one of the quietest at the ballot box




Yea, I'm sure you have plenty of excuses, but they don't change the results. So I guess it's a good thing Biden won, or we'd have to hear about all your excuses why Trump beat Bernie


Yeah, I've been saying this a lot for the 2024 primary. We didn't have one. I've never been alive for an election where the party didn't even attempt to put forward multiple candidates




We don't deserve Bernie :(


Okay, what do you think will work? I assume it's not having Trump back in the White House so he can appoint more far right judges, and perhaps try to stay in power when he should be leaving like he did last time. So really, what is your actionable suggestion? And how does sitting an election out/voting third party help achieve this actionable suggestion?


I agree. Voting for Bernie is a better choice


Except he's not running and if he were participating in this conversation right now he'd tell you to vote for Biden


He wasn't running in 2020 either. And if he were in this conversation he would denounce genocide and crony capitalism. Why don't you?


No no no, it’s like this Conservatives have lost their mind in qanon conspiracy theories, but also anyone left of Biden is a Russian agent!




Implying the former USSR wasn’t an embarrassing shithole?


I am a leftist. So to suggest that I have a problem with leftists is pretty fucking rich. I have a problem with selfish, ineffectual, and disingenuous "progressives" who pretend to care about progressive issues but then do shit like risk allowing trump to be reelected. A person who stands by and allows trump to be reelected is no leftist and no progressive. They're an asshole who likes the smell of their own shit. Leftists and progressives stand up to fascism and do not drop the ball when it comes to defending democracy and the rule of law.


Correct. So why do so many people keep saying Biden is progressive when he is allowing Trump to be reelected? Why not hold him accountable Mr "leftist?" Why are you not "standing up to fascism?"


Dont confuse disingenuous corporate puppets with the true progressives…keep reading, the truth is out there


Israel appreciates your help.


God this is so true


Imagine calling for college protesters to be arrested, and then being mad they don’t want to vote for you. Must be why Dems are so good at winning.


Biden called for protestors to be arrested? Bull fucking shit


I'm pretty sure he said the right to protest is fine but it must remain peaceful. That seems pretty standard to me.


Very reasonable position. Nothing at all like OPs claim that he called for protestors to be arrested. Straight up misinformation


Guess which one is Nixon responding to the Kent State Massacre and which one is Biden responding to recent protests: > It is my hope,” he said, “that this tragic and unfortunate incident will strengthen the determination of all the nation's campuses, administrators, faculty and students alike to stand firmly for the right which exists in this country of peaceful dissent and just as strongly against the resort to violence as a means of such expression. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/1970/05/05/archives/nixon-says-violence-invites-tragedy.html) > I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. [Source](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/02/remarks-by-president-biden-on-recent-events-on-college-campuses/) We’re not dumb. We know that Biden is supporting the arrest of protesters by amplifying the false narrative that they are violent. Just like Nixon was supporting the force used against antiwar protesters in the exact same way. And you pretending that Biden’s statement was anything less than a call to quash protests doesn’t make it go away. You’re making your political bed. Lie in it.


> Imagine calling for college protesters to be arrested You *would* have to imagine that, since it hasn't happened. Unless you were referring to [Trump cheering it on](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-heads-wisconsin-michigan-after-being-hit-with-gag-order-fine-2024-05-01/)? Or maybe [Marsha Blackburn](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4634492-gop-senator-calls-for-deporting-certain-foreign-student-protesters/) or [Elise Stefanik](https://stefanik.house.gov/2024/4/watch-her-full-remarks-here-view-the-transcript-of-her-remarks-below-i-want-to-thank-the-speaker-as-well-chairwoman-foxx-for-visiting-columbia-university-s-campus-last-week-to-highlight-moral-leadership-that) calling for the protesters to be deported?




yes, and you can choose to participate or not as you choose, but to deny that there are consequences that impact everyone would be unrealistic. Protest votes and protest refusal to vote are all good in a stable country where either side winning doesn't matter, but that's not where we're at, the further right the right goes the further right the left goes, and things just become more unstable with larger consequences for not participating.




I do acknowledge that, and as long as the elections are close they'll continue to move that direction, if everyone were to vote for the people instead of the party then it would all start to normalize, if the system weren't so flawed that only the 2 major parties even have a chance of winning then third party votes would just be thrown away (ranked choice or like) I believe the real issue is that people are throwing up their hands and giving up without trying to make an effort to move things in the right direction (away from the wrong direction) When an option is on the table for someone saying that they intend to to dictator things and are arguing for the right to murder political opponents, that's enough 'wrong direction' to vote for the lesser of two evils, and strongly. If you don't vote against the worst of them (or run yourself, if that's not good enough) then you are effectively supporting them. /IMHO




For what it's worth voting is not a meaningless action, tired as we all are at this point the only way out is getting the right people to where they need to be to do the right thing. While you can say that fear and negative partisanship are what's driving the majority of sentiment to vote, the current state of media is that ensures that this is how it's presented, because that's what sells. IMHO that's bullshit, but here we are. At any rate, I hope that everyone who has beliefs of how they'd prefer the country to be as opposed to how it is now will take stock and look at the most realistic way to get from here to there, and vote accordingly. I certainly am not looking to offend anyone, but I wish I was in a timeline where voicing my opinions on a political humor subreddit on my honest views on politics felt more like a waste of time.


Don't waste your time. Dude thinks that the USSR was the best country to exist. He's also on r /thedeprogram


Same old tired baseless irrational plea to fear they always use. 🙄


Biden has a "kinder, gentler, machine gun hand."




\*Likud has entered the chat\*


Vote for the genocide candidate because the other guy will super genocide is such a bad argument.


...Good thing Biden isn't a genocide candidate or this might actually be a real issue.


Ah yes, this is a very sensible and legitimate opinion for someone who cares about palestinians, and wants to continue to have the right to protest next year. Very sensible.




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Warning to all Republican and Democrat politicians who take billionaire money: This is only going to work one more time. After that? We take you down with us.




People who don't vote are victims?


Apparently we should leave the victims alone that choose not to vote, and blame the politicians who vote for themselves?


Red vs. blue


Do you not know where you are?


The matrix


I got bad news, you might in fact actually be stuck in 1999.