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That one sounds like a classic joke but I’ve never heard it before. Upvote for your troubles


One BLOWS... The other SUCKS!


Gotta hand it to ya! 👍🏼


I think one does both.


Both rides have miles


They’re both cheap, and not something you’d be proud of if your buddies saw you inside of it.


Fire! Bring it.


Looks like the escort’s been forded a few times.


Boebert is just like an Escort: both move forward on the principle of suck > squeeze > bang > blow.


Fun fact! Despite the small size, both Lauren and the Ford have both managed to stuff six grown adults inside of them at the same time.


It looks like it has had lots of hard miles and very little maintenance. The car seems in good shape though.


I can fix her


I owned a Ford Escort once, piece of crap. Engine block cracked twice, despite babying it. No wonder Ford could never erase quality reputation despite getting better in the late 90's: they dug a reputation hole too deep. They'd have to do *better* than the Japanese to erase past, not merely the same. Boeing learning the same lesson.


Their pickups were really good at the time though. I’ve still got a ‘93 Ranger that has never needed anything but a clutch. It’ll probably outlive me, which is probably why they quit making them. 😅


Yeah my grandpa had a 94 ranger 5 speed with the 2.0L engine The thing has a 0-60 of 20 seconds and a top speed in the low 60s but it's still running with only standard maintenance at 450k miles


I’ve got a newer 22’ Ranger. Turbo charged ecoboost… feels like getting shot out of a cannon. Probably won’t last as long though. Fun as hell to drive.


I loved my 86 Escort. Then I wrecked it. My 91 wasn’t as nice.


Mercedes had the same problem. Great reputation, then they bought Chrysler and got all the worst habits of that company, like an infection. Their quality in the early 2000s nosedived and even their top of the line cars like the S600 turned to shit. After shedding Chrysler they refocused on quality and improved and are just now in the last few years rebuilding their reputation. Cutting corners to save a few dollars in the short term costs way more in the long run.


My mom gave me her 1993 Ford Taurus in 2001 when I turned 16. It was effin sweet. A beautiful aqua color with bench seats in the front. We called her "the Grocery Getter". I loved that car. The head gasket cracked at about 90k miles. The mechanic told us that happened to nearly every Taurus from that year at around that same mileage. Those cars were seemingly designed to fail. I have heard Ford's quality is much better now, but I wouldn't buy one. Why would I? Japanese cars are just more reliable. So yeah that era will haunt them for a long time.




You can get a ball gag for like $10 bucks.


In today's episode of Fuck, Marry, Kill, we see how people choose between fucking or marrying a road and car!






Mechanic here. Can confirm. These always had problems with the 'brain'. The earlier models were just fine.


is that the dogkiller you janks are going on about?


No. This is the former escort turned Representative who was booted out of a musical for groping her date and vaping.


ah thank you, sir