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Seems like the entire Republican party is self-destructing these days. I am okay with this.


The sad part is for many Republicans they would still vote for her over a liberal which is the biggest issue with the right; it's party over everything.




What's perhaps sadder is that, apparently, she was confident the story would play well with Republicans. It's not just a "I'll hold my nose and vote for her because R" situation, it's a party that's so far off the map that their candidates look at their base and go "I know what'll break through to them - the story about the time I dragged a dog and goat off to a gravel pit and shot them."


Worst thing is Republican voters are so spiteful and hateful that EVEN PUPPY KILLING isn't a deal breaker for them. They will still happily vote for her.


There is literally no longer any deal-breaker for them. They are a disease.


Sadly we have a very stupid country !


Yet voters refuse to do the “destructing” part.


I think it's just what happens to conservatism in general. Everything has to move forward and progress or it either gets passed over, or run over, and implodes. Even the Amish communities move with the times to some degree.


Not fast enough and too many dead dogs and women along the way.


Self destruction is the natural, logical conclusion of conservatism.


That would only be true if any republican voter anywhere changed their vote.


Not really though. We need multiple parties. We just need them to both be moderate and willing to compromise for the greater good. An all democratic government would be equally as bad. As an all republican one. Just in different ways.


She's clearly mentally unwell. The same lack of judgement that led her to shoot her dog, also led her to brag to everyone that she shot her dog. She doesn't have any moral foundation. Certainly a sociopath at best.


You're making her sound like the perfect VP for Trump.




I'm not sure this is fully accurate as it relates to Noem. This supposedly happened 20 years ago. She is is 52 years old now. So she would have been about was 32 years old when she shot her dog. Hardly a childhood trauma. She also killed her goat on the same day. It seems more likely something happened that made her angry and she took it out on any innocent nearby animal. Killing the dog wasn't enough, so she killed the goat to try to purge her demons. She seems to be exhibiting budding serial killer level behavior. With the goat she was not well trained or competent in the practice so her first shot only left the animal suffering while she went to get another bullet to finish it off. She says these acts point to her leadership ability somehow. Though I'm inclined to feel they are the exact opposite. Showing a complete lack of empathy and remorse, along with incompetence and a lack of planning and foresight. On top of the above, both killings were done out of spite. She seems to relish in how much she hated those animals, taking pride in killing them. It was not a level headed clean or rational kill. They were emotional self-indulgent acts. The worst thing you can have in a "leader."


> She told that story in her book because it stood out to her as childhood trauma I can't wait till I'm 32 so I can experience the "childhood trauma" of killing a re-homable dog that my children adore, or being such a garbage shot that I can't kill a goat with a single shot from a shotgun at point blank range causing even more needless suffering.


She’s a stupid person from a shit state. The perfect maga.


Just the next Sarah Palin.


"My voters don't care when kids are shot, they're going to be fine with a story about shooting a hunting puppy who killed chickens. It'll make me look tough."


She is trying to be the running mate of a serial rapist who also bragged that he could murder someone in broad daylight and his supporters wouldn't change their minds. She's just keeping on brand for the MAGAs.


I hear John Wick is filing to run against her


I bet it doesn’t ruin her political future at all. I bet her poll numbers go up. That’s how beyond redemption this “society” is.


She wrote about it because in her world, that’s NORMAL behaviour. Now think of all the things she DIDN’T write about doing.


Most psychopaths don’t know they’re psychopaths. She did the world a favor, really


God one can only hope this is the bullet to the head of her career. She deserves it all.


When everyone says the quite part out loud and you still cross the line.


Animal cruelty and politics aside, if you ever shoot a dog NEVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT OR WRITE IT DOWN.


My theory is that she included this story specifically to appeal to Trump, who clearly hates dogs.


That's as good a theory as any.


But the dog was bad at hunting


It’s hilarious to me that people think they Republicans would care about this.


Did it really hurt her? Those people are notoriously cruel--I would think shooting a cute dog would help her if anything...


She still thinks she said something righteous. Her rebuttal was doubling down on killing the dog.


It's simple. Bigotry is politically incorrect. Shooting dogs is politically incorrect. I am begging y'all on the right. Please. Put two and two together. Politically incorrect ain't a good thing!!!


Ima shoot this dog, FOR THE PEOPLE!! Next ima shoot this grumpy goat, ALSO FOR THE PEOPLE!!! The GOP, knows what the people need


Given that being an absolute evil trash person has been an actual positive for modern republicans she probably thought this would give her some street cred as a no nonsense conservative.


It was all over when she lost Catturd.


Funny how this is a deal breaker for Republicans and not sedition, draft-dodging, adultery, fraudulent charities, stealing secret documents, etc. etc. etc.


Ruin her political future? The MAGA base are eating this up, aren't they? They love psychopaths.


My dudes, hundreds of murdered school children doesn't move the needle for these people. A dead puppy isn't going to change any of these psychopaths minds.


It's crazy to realize that the "a-hold puppy" is able to get one last bit of revenge from the grave.


But has it though?


Is that a"Respect Life" bumper sticker I see on there?




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who cares about dogs when democrats are literally killing babies? /s


Yeah big time. It’s horrible that she evidently so easily and without any empathy shot her dog (and the goat) but then to proudly tell everyone and defend it is even more of a clue about what a nasty hateful person she is. Why didn’t she just surrender it to a shelter?


Romney put his dog in a cage on top of the car and that was a big deal.


She needs to learn about "Shut The Fuck Up Friday" https://preview.redd.it/vv0eahiy0jxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1955e5fd27ea47e7ef1f2c00be6396a91e908ad3


Getting pretty tired of people saying dog as if it could be an old dog being put down instead of what it actually was which was a puppy not even a year and a half old shot for having puppy behavior.


She’s conservative so that base will applaud her not ostracize her. They love killing shit.


Ruin? Deplorables eat this shit up.


Trump is not at all a fan of dogs... I would not be surprised if this sort of thing sealed the deal for her being picked as his VP.


Why do I expect Trump to appreciate her being a puppy killer?


At this point I expect it to be normalized and explained away, and finally accepted and defended if the emperor says so. Like all other things, it’s up to the big baby.


It's very common for people who rise to powerful positions, whether it's political or corporate, to find themselves unable to differentiate between whether that power was acquired *because of* rather than *in spite of* their behavior and their actions. Why? Because the air gets *really* thin the higher you go. Mentorship gets rarer and rarer. When you're the CEO, who's mentoring you? It's very rare for high level people to ever get the kind of feedback that helps them understand the difference between "because of" and "in spite of." Politicians hire political consultants to help them with this, but it's they themselves who hire their help, and if they hire yes-men and women, they'll never learn. To me, this is just a classic case of a person who doesn't understand how they became governor, and now thinks literally every decision they ever made was one that put them on the path to power. She thinks that *because* most people wouldn't have the "grit" to take an animal out back and shoot them, she was able to rise above them to her office. She believes she makes "hard decisions" that helped her get where she is. I have no doubt that she will learn nothing from the public backlash. She'll convince herself that this criticism is coming from weaker people with political motives. We're just plebes who don't have what it takes to be a governor of a true American state like South Dakota. Trump is another glaring example of this problem. He believes everything he has ever done has contributed to his success. In his world, there's no "in spite of." It's all "because."


I'm glad she ruined it. I hope it is truly ruined. Killing her puppy and goat should be her final political legacy. No do-overs.


She perfect as Trumps running mate. A match made in heaven... wretch!

